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The Killer Sergeant Somchai


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I live too far away, but someone must live closer than me who wants to see justice done?

Pudgie, they won't do f all without a positive identification, as as said, its too risky for someone to be seen taking snapshots of him.

Sit in the restaurant with cellphone pressed to your ear. Talk normally as if you're just chatting about going up to see some waterfalls. However, instead of dialling a number, turn on the camera option and start clicking away (your head turned away from him, of course). Get a few good pics and then pay your bill and leave.

Plenty of tourists go through that area every day, and plenty of them use cellphones. This guy can't possibly be on the lookout for every one of them and he can't possibly kill every farang who walks into the restaurant.

So a bit risky if you're a bad actor or sweat under pressure, but if you can hold yourself together and act like you would on any other day, you could do it without endangering yourself.

Or if you'd rather not do it yourself, just hire one of those "spy on girlfriend" private investigators to do it. I'm sure they've got inconspicuous Thai staff on hand who could get a few pics of this guy (probably in the same fashion I described) without putting themselves in harm's way.

Edited by Pudgimelon
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Hey I'm new but I understand he killed 2 tourists. Then he some how got away? How? How you know he is guilty?

And whats so hard taking pictures of him? Just do it. Whats he gonna do? He cant kill you unless your all alone and otherwise just run away. You guys are acting like a bunch of kids.

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Hey I'm new but I understand he killed 2 tourists. Then he some how got away? How? How you know he is guilty?

And whats so hard taking pictures of him? Just do it. Whats he gonna do? He cant kill you unless your all alone and otherwise just run away. You guys are acting like a bunch of kids.

Ok, you go there and take pics in this POS's cafe.

Let's see how brave you are...... :o

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He killed two tourists in public, got convicted, supposedly set to jail, but is now out walking the streets.

So yes, he might very well do the same thing again and get away with it. So nobody is being a "kid" when they worry about this guy shooting them. He's done it before and walked, so.....

Still, I think it would be relatively easy to get a picture of him. Like I said, use a camera phone, or sit at a table opposite from him and take a picture of a friend at your table with him in the background. Or (more safely), hire a private investigator to do it.

He can't be on-guard for this kind of thing all the time, and he can't go around killing people indiscriminately (we hope), so there's a good likelihood of success without him even knowing about it.

Hey I'm new but I understand he killed 2 tourists. Then he some how got away? How? How you know he is guilty?

And whats so hard taking pictures of him? Just do it. Whats he gonna do? He cant kill you unless your all alone and otherwise just run away. You guys are acting like a bunch of kids.

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Yeah...the slaying of the two back-packers a couple of years ago was, indeed, a shocking case, and having lived in Thailand now for over twelve years, I had my reservations at the time of his sentencing, that he would actually serve out that time in jail as he is, and was supposed to do so.

However, this is Thailand and Kanchanaburi being what it is - is a sort of gung-ho - "lawless" - in one sense of the word - police/army controlled place with their own way of dealing with matters that involve business and personal conflicts.

In fact, I used to go to Kanchanaburi fairly regularly at weekends, but after the killings and knowing from the local press here exactly where the incidents took place I didn't feel inclined to go there any more - and haven't subsequently.

One place I went to with my wife, which is popular with both local off-duty police and army - and where in fact, in the past there was at least one shooting between the two is Ting Gai (chicken foot) music bar and restaurant situated on the main road on your LHS as you pass through Kanchanaburi coming from BKK. It's located next to a much larger place - Apache - which is another live music venue with dancers etc - catering again to a mostly Thai clientelle.

I'll bet your bottom dollar he has frequented either or both of these places in the not too distant past and they're away from the back-packer guest house/restaurant area where the killings took place which is the road that runs from the bridge parallel to the river.

It's good that this thread is running - and bad news if it is indeed the case and he is in fact still out - bad news travels fast and I'm sure many others will learn about this in the next few weeks resulting in some exposure in the media of this situation.

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As a victim of violent crime in Koh Samui, Thailand. I'm not at all suprised by this.

I was shot recently (Mar.2005) and almost killed by a well known (by locals) mafia hit man in Koh Samui after interupting a late night party of his that was going on next to my business there. I found out from the locals after several weeks in Bangkok hospital that this guy nicknamed "Gao" has killed many people and never done any hard time. In fact he was out on bail just weeks after my shooting. He started threatening myself and girlfriend and we were able to get the Samui court to revoke bail, but this lasted only a month as his connections in Bangkok got him released on bail again. The Samui court has still not started the trial. I have since returned to the US to recover from my injuries. Just last week, "Gao" was arrested again, this time for shooting a british tourist and killing a policeman in Bar Solo in Koh Samui. He was arrested again, but all locals say he will be back out soon. Not sure how to get real justice over there. Too bad as I really loved most of the Thai people and living on the island.


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As a victim of violent crime in Koh Samui, Thailand. I'm not at all suprised by this.

I was shot recently (Mar.2005) and almost killed by a well known (by locals) mafia hit man in Koh Samui after interupting a late night party of his that was going on next to my business there. I found out from the locals after several weeks in Bangkok hospital that this guy nicknamed "Gao" has killed many people and never done any hard time. In fact he was out on bail just weeks after my shooting.  He started threatening myself and girlfriend and we were able to get the Samui court to revoke bail, but this lasted only a month as his connections in Bangkok got him released on bail again. The Samui court has still not started the trial.  I have since returned to the US to recover from my injuries.  Just last week, "Gao" was arrested again, this time for shooting a british tourist and killing a policeman in Bar Solo in Koh Samui. He was arrested again, but all locals say he will be back out soon.  Not sure how to get real justice over there.  Too bad as I really loved most of the Thai people and living on the island.


The son of the female Thai Rak Thai MP from Nam Phong near Khon Kaen has killed 2 people so far. On both occassions mummy's million baht sorted it out.

I know the guy personally - you'd think he was OK BUT he has a bad temper & he carries a gun. Not a great combination.

For the cop in Samui - he sounds like a real renegade - someone will catch up with him one day for sure.

As for Somchai - is there actually any evidence that he's out ?

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Hey I'm new but I understand he killed 2 tourists. Then he some how got away? How? How you know he is guilty?

And whats so hard taking pictures of him? Just do it. Whats he gonna do? He cant kill you unless your all alone and otherwise just run away. You guys are acting like a bunch of kids.

So sayeth the guru ensconsed in far away Europe :o

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I am not asking for pictures, all I need is confirmation that he is DEFINATLEY out!!

Up to THE SUN what they do then I suppose, I dont have any direct contact with them, just an ex-employee of mine does!

If nobody can confirm that he is out then nothing will happen.

I am not doing this for money, but like everyone else here we want to see him behind bars.

Please do not question my integrity. If The Sun coughed up money for this info then the guy who Tips them off will probably get something for his trouble and why not? He has nothing to do with/never been here, but he is the ONLY one who has the contact, and if HE told them it was the case they would no doubt beleive him and get someone out here post haste to get the full story and the stink it would kick up would get him back where he belongs maybee.

If nobody else apart a guy in a bar can confirm it then nothing will happen (pretty obvious).

I'll leave it there.

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Not sure if it has already been mentioned but Somchai may well have obtained bail pending an appeal. The lodging of sufficient surety with the Court generally leads to the grant of bail with the restriction that the appellant resides at a nominated address and reports regularly to a local police station. This is the usual practice in Thailand regardless of the nature of the conviction under appeal. Perhaps an enquiry by a Thai speaker of the relevant Court office might confirm either way. Alternatively, a trip to the FCC bar might yield a result.

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Why not everyone chip in a couple of hundred baht? ((edit to remove reference to illegal activity/lopburi3))  Does he deserve it? Didn't the farang who spat in his face(allegedly) deserve it? Drinking with dodgy Thai policemen - bloody stupid!

Presumably, the 'illegal activity' is purchasing sex toys, though I am at a loss what you intend to do with it.

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I am (for my sins) a press photographer in the UK.

Believe me...no matter how careful you are...there's always the chance that a "snatch" picture (one where the subject doesn't know it's been taken)...end's up being cocked-up.

I for one wouldn't fancy the consequences in this case...

A simple blag...I'm on hols, I'm a rich farang...you're my new mate have a beer etc etc would be much easier.

If he is out, it's a cracking story and yes there's good money.

But where's the proof?

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A simple blag...I'm on hols, I'm a rich farang...you're my new mate have a beer etc etc would be much easier.

Exactly how I would do it. Keep buying the lad drinks and be his best mate. Snap the photo and be on your way - next day read headlines in:

Sun, Star, Mirror - "I drank a chang with a dbl murderer at the local when he should be in jail"

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I am (for my sins) a press photographer in the UK.

Believe me...no matter how careful you are...there's always the chance that a "snatch" picture (one where the subject doesn't know it's been taken)...end's up being cocked-up.

I for one wouldn't fancy the consequences in this case...

A simple blag...I'm on hols, I'm a rich farang...you're my new mate have a beer etc etc would be much easier.

If he is out, it's a cracking story and yes there's good money.

But where's the proof?

Do you really think this guy (Somchai) is stupid enough to allow a falang willingly take his photo? Please be realistic on this, the guy is going to on his guard, likely to be more careful of falangs having already killed two!

What will settle this once and for all is for someone living nearby to check it out see what the lay of the land is in Somchais back-yard as a tourist. Better yet ask a falang on his way there to keep his eye open, I personally believe he ain't there, even if he has been 'let out' he isn't likely to be gimping about in the same location.

The British Embassy should then be made aware as they can have the ambassador ask the big-shots on what they know is going on...

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This is very worrying. If he is 'out' there should be something done, however it would appear that IF is the operative word. Best suggestion so far is sending someone to the prison to check. I would not back someone trying to take a photo, far too risky. How would you know if any of the other customers were his friends or minders? Scary stuff.

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