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Farang murdered


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As I read it, family woke up upon hearing the struggle downstairs and confronted the assailants that were ransacking the premises. Is this correct? Poor chap. I wonder if the motive was the assumption that as a freelance life insurance agent he would have had premiums on hand, i.e. had collected payments?

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There was a bit more in Khaosod and other online sources.

The victim was 72-year-old German, Bernd Biro, a former manager at Allianz Ayuthaya, a life insurance company in Thailand.

After he'd retired he married and built his 42-year old Thai wife a two-story house in Thailand's Southern province of Chumpon, where he lived with his wife and mother-in-law. Although retired, he still worked part-time selling insurance.

In the early hours of 20/02/12 the wife says 3 intruders with Isaan accents broke in (the door had been left unlocked) while she and her mother were asleep upstairs and Mr Biro was downstairs, tying up the wife and mother, and proceeded to rob the place. Before the intruders left they warned them not to inform the police or they'd come back and kill them.

When they went downstairs, they found Mr Biro had been murdered.

The police are treating the wife and mother as being possibly implicated in some way since their testimony was suspicious and at odds with evidence found at the scene eg the victim's blood had dried and rigor mortis had already set in despite the police arriving quickly at the house after being alerted. Additionally, the wife and her mother were unable to say what had been stolen, other than the victim's mobile phone, although this may be down to them still being in shock.


Edited by sbk
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As I read it, family woke up upon hearing the struggle downstairs and confronted the assailants that were ransacking the premises. Is this correct? Poor chap. I wonder if the motive was the assumption that as a freelance life insurance agent he would have had premiums on hand, i.e. had collected payments?

No doubt he had a good life insurance
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According to what my wife has just told me, after seeing a report on Thai TV channel 3 news a couple of hours ago, the guy`s wife is presently the number one suspect and the investigations are continuing.

It appears the poor man, who probably never done anyone any harm, was beaten to death.

What a terrible way to end up.

RIH to his murderers.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Yeah he probably had a very nice life insurance. I think this is a planned murder. And the door was unlocked?

If you live in a big house you must be very stupid not to have a security alarm system and solid locks .

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According to the Nationchanel website, the wife has confessed to the murder at 3 am Thai time on 21/02/12. Apparently she confessed to conspiring with her brother-in-law to murder her husband, after police separated her and her mother and found their stories didn't match.

The motive given by the wife was that she and her brother-in-law were angry that her husband didn't show her mother any respect and regularly insulted her.

The murder was carried out by the brother-in-law at 9pm on the 19th while the wife was upstairs asleep and Mr Biro was downstairs watching TV drinking beer and had fallen asleep drunk. The police were not informed of the murder until some 7 hours later at 4am the next morning (by which time rigor mortis had set in).

Police Major General Somchai Uamthanon, Chumphon Police Commander, believes the case to be a simple one, sparked by having the mother insulted. [hmm...]

The brother-in-law is still on the run.

http://breakingnews....p?newsid=553422 (18:23pm; 21/02/12).

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Topic title edited for accuracy. Number one suspect does not mean she has been tried and convicted.

Well, seeing as she has admitted to doing it I would say a trial and conviction are pretty much in the bag.

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Not much love in this marriage .

She married him only for money (walking ATM) and when that was not enough , it was a lot easier just to kill him.

You know you are in trouble when there is more than a 30 year age gap between the farang and thai....

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Topic title edited for accuracy. Number one suspect does not mean she has been tried and convicted.

Well, seeing as she has admitted to doing it I would say a trial and conviction are pretty much in the bag.

Perhaps the title can be altered after the hag has been tried and convicted . . . in a few years. Wouldn't want to have misleading headlines

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I'm sorry for the poor guy. Even if he wasn't the best son-in-law nobody deserves to die like that.

On a more positive note congratulation to the police. They were quick to realize there was something wrong in the story of the relatives and then to solve the case. And the fact that the victim was a foreigner didn't stop them to treat the case in the most professional way.

Call me an apologist if you like but I believe it's the norm in Thailand more than the exception.

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Not much love in this marriage .

She married him only for money (walking ATM) and when that was not enough , it was a lot easier just to kill him.

You know you are in trouble when there is more than a 30 year age gap between the farang and thai....

So easy to say this but in so many cases not true ,my wife is 25 years younger than me ,we have an 18 year old son and are very happy ,a friend has a wife 30 years younger than him he is now in his 80s and his wife adors him ,two others in our group have wives far ,younger than them all of us have been happily married for up to 20 years , as i have said before it only tends not to work if you go to a bar ,marry the first girl you meet and then expect to live happily ever after ,you cant generalise.

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According to the Nationchanel website, the wife has confessed to the murder at 3 am Thai time on 21/02/12. Apparently she confessed to conspiring with her brother-in-law to murder her husband, after police separated her and her mother and found their stories didn't match.

The motive given by the wife was that she and her brother-in-law were angry that her husband didn't show her mother any respect and regularly insulted her.

The murder was carried out by the brother-in-law at 9pm on the 19th while the wife was upstairs asleep and Mr Biro was downstairs watching TV drinking beer and had fallen asleep drunk. The police were not informed of the murder until some 7 hours later at 4am the next morning (by which time rigor mortis had set in).

Police Major General Somchai Uamthanon, Chumphon Police Commander, believes the case to be a simple one, sparked by having the mother insulted. [hmm...]

The brother-in-law is still on the run.

http://breakingnews....p?newsid=553422 (18:23pm; 21/02/12).

so he's a poster here. plot thickens.

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This case reminds me a little of Englishman Raymond Hind's (Hyde?) murder in Hua Hun in July 2010 by his wife and accomplices.

Hind's wife and her lover have only recently been brought to court for setting up the murder while the wife's brother, who actually carried out the murder, is still on the run.

Despite the police arresting Hind's wife and lover for murder the next day, it initially appeared the case was going nowhere until Hind's daughter arrived in Thailand to take out a personal case against the wife.


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