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Do You Ever Ride Without A Helmet


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Must agree kwaks, so just to clear the air as smedley has insinuated before in this thread l know nothing about bikes.

As a kid l was a lathe operator at Amalgamated Motor Cycles turning out parts for Norton, AJS and Matchless bikes. Later to become Norton Villiers.

In my latter years l used my ''skills'' to assisting in the restoration of vintage bikes destroyed in the fire at The British Motor Cycle Museum.

Also helped with input into restoration work on privately owned Brough Supieriors and also a 1920's J.A.P. powered land speed record holder bike that alas was sold on before completion for big bucks,

SO BACK OFF smedley as you don't know who you are talking too. Sorry all smile.png

back off or what lol, you going to slap me with your pension book, you where obviously brought up with old style bikes and have little or no experience with a modern machine of any type, there is nothing wrong with that but don't let on you know all about all....you clearly don't and may I add neither do I, I only talk about my own experiences, if you like antique cars and bikes bully for you and that is up too you, you attacked me because I don't like the old style stuff and would regard a Harley to be of that ilk, primitive at best, I like the modern technology of bikes and cars and pretty much anything else, I do have respect for the old stuff - it all had to start somewhere and there are some very interesting people around for whom I have the utmost respect and often love a long bar chat about the olden days maybe before I was even born, but don't come on here and criticise others for their opinions it works both ways, if I give an opinion on something I always try to reason out why - there is absolutly nothing wrong with that.

As for people who ride Harleys not wearing helmets - it is pretty hard to understand, maybe they think they are never in danger or maybe the influence of biking history in the US (no Helmet laws for years) has evolved this type of no Helmet mentality for people on big noisy cruisers, the movie "easy rider" comes to mind, hard to know really, but as presented on an earlier post it would be foolish to think that people on big cruisers don't have accidents, on a protest ride against the Helmet laws where one rider was killed is rather ironic, I have also heard of a few here around Pattaya over the years but most accidents here involve Thais and the odd foolish young falang on a rented sportbike, would any of them have been saved by a Helmet - don't know but over the years I can certaintly say that a Hemet has saved many lives in accidents that I have been attending some nothing would have saved them, hard to put a figure on it but I'd guess that wearing a Helmet will reduce your chance of serious injury or death by about 30%, figures for racing would obviously be much much higher

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Did it ever occur to you that some people don't buy a bike just because of how fast it goes?

Perhaps they just like the look and prestige it brings, or perhaps they like the sound. Just because you don't like it doesn't make them wrong. We all have different tastes in this world, you have yours and others have theirs. Some guys like slim girls and others like fat girls. I could go on.

As far as helmets for Harley riders goes, I'd be willing to bet that less helmetless Harley/cruiser riders die from accidents than superbike riders die while wearing their super expensive helmets.

so you are comparing a machine with a human female ?????

I buy a car or motorbike based on how it performs as a machine and how fit it is for purpose, I cannot think of one good design feature about a Harley except it's ability to make noise and annoy people, honestly I really don't understand the mentality, if you like the look of it fair enough your choice but looks are not what cars/mortorbikes are about as it happens, it's a whole package built for purpose, I'm not going to say Harleys are ugly as that would be just my opinion but they are definately noisy and I can't think of much else to say about them excepy maybe very expensive, why they don't wear helmets is beyond me, and most of the people riding superbikes that are killed here are not wearing helmets to speak of and most likely have no experience of riding a large powerful bike, but in saying all that each to their own and I have friends that own Harleys and I ride with them sometimes.

Ridiculous, tell me, why does Joe Leno, you know, the USA multimillionaire TV host, ride a vintage Brough Superior SS100, not sure of year but it's around 80 years old, and a V-twin 1000cc J.A.P. powered ? Engine solid mounted to frame, virtually no suspension. coffee1.gif

he classes himself as a collector - up to him he has the money, some people collect stamps

oh and I'd be very surprised if his vintage bike is is daily commute lol, I believe he collects cars also

Transam - you are one of the forum lerchers that comes here everyday and argues with everyone, you are like a little brat that has nothing else to do, go and do something instead of coming here blabbing with everyone - buy a harley lol just go do something

I don't like harleys up to me - that is my opinion and choice, I cannot think of one reason why I would buy one and I don't buy motorbikes for looks alone even if I liked the look and the noise a harley for me is not it, there is nothing wrong with what I said - it is my opinion and my choice as is Jay Leno's

A modern Harley for me looks like something from the 40's and rides just the same, it's like modeling a new ferrari based on a model T ford, it's just not for me


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In the accidents i've had, the helmet didn't do squat.

In one accident where i nearly punched my eye out, a full helmet could have been of use,

but the fragments of the visar might have completed the job too.

I have found another very helpful use of the helmet though, the sun flat out boil my head if i dont use the helmet, but i would still be too lazy to put it on (if temporarily healed up from sun burn) in most cases unless police enforced it

Edited by poanoi
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Its not just helmets its seatbelts too ! I dont know how they do it. I cant drive without seatbelt I shit myself. Helmets are good one saved my head when I skidded down the road for about 50 meters on my head, with out the helmet mince meat would of been me! My Thai wife came off a bike doing 100 kph without a helmet ! She flew through the air like a bird and landed in a rice paddy, got up and walked away with a bruised hip!

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In the accidents i've had, the helmet didn't do squat.

In one accident where i nearly punched my eye out, a full helmet could have been of use,

but the fragments of the visar might have completed the job too.

I have found another very helpful use of the helmet though, the sun flat out boil my head if i dont use the helmet, but i would still be too lazy to put it on (if temporarily healed up from sun burn) in most cases unless police enforced it

So you are implying that because of your personal experience, it isn't worth wearing a helmet. What about the millions of others who have accidents - should they follow your example?

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In the accidents i've had, the helmet didn't do squat.

In one accident where i nearly punched my eye out, a full helmet could have been of use,

but the fragments of the visar might have completed the job too.

I have found another very helpful use of the helmet though, the sun flat out boil my head if i dont use the helmet, but i would still be too lazy to put it on (if temporarily healed up from sun burn) in most cases unless police enforced it

So you are implying that because of your personal experience, it isn't worth wearing a helmet. What about the millions of others who have accidents - should they follow your example?

Au contraire ! use helmet of burn your head off here in Thailand jap.gif
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Its not just helmets its seatbelts too ! I dont know how they do it. I cant drive without seatbelt I shit myself. Helmets are good one saved my head when I skidded down the road for about 50 meters on my head, with out the helmet mince meat would of been me! My Thai wife came off a bike doing 100 kph without a helmet ! She flew through the air like a bird and landed in a rice paddy, got up and walked away with a bruised hip!

How do you wear a seat belt on a bike?? licklips.gif Joking, I can't drive a car without the seatbelt on, just feels bad

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If a young thai man is driving fast and dangerous without helmet, he sure can drive faster and more dangerous with helmet. It seem you already have a clue about thai behaviour. But your interpretation is wrong smile.png

Yes I have a clue about risk taking behaviour, I dealt with it professionally for several decades and have both knowledge and experience of risk taking individuals. And I saw the consequences both in hospitals and in morgues.

So let's help you to understand: Where there is strict enforcement of wearing helmets ( of decent quality!!), the number of motorbike fatalities falls. End of story. All your excuses and justifications are really no more than Kii Wua.

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you know, what I observe constantly on forums is you have two groups of people

those that post on topic have good input - contribute and give reasons for their thoughts - which is fine

and those that give no thoughts or opinions constantly criticise others with insults and just attack anyone that they disagrree with... they are either very old and don't understand they are doing it or are just sad people that feel a very missguided need to disagree with everyone, eventually they will end up a jumper which is quite sad really...look out below - oh and make sure you are wearing a helmet incase you land on your head

Edited by smedly
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you know, what I observe constantly on forums is you have two groups of people

those that post on topic have good input - contribute and give reasons for their thoughts - which is fine

and those that give no thoughts or opinions constantly criticise others with insults and just attack anyone that they disagrree with... they are either very old and don't understand they are doing it or are just sad people that feel a very missguided need to disagree with everyone, eventually they will end up a jumper which is quite sad really...look out below - oh and make sure you are wearing a helmet incase you land on your head

I suspect there are more than two groups, I think you are at least in a group of your own, fitting into neither group you have described.

Try any combination of

old/ young/, thoughtful/ miserable/ joking/happy/critical/ knowledgeable/ignorant/obsessive/amusing

And on and on

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I've always thought that if i have an accident, that it would most likey be a dog or a bike near a market at dusk.

ride safe...

This is Thailand. I have seen what hitting a dog did to my Ford Focus grill and what they call a front bumper when I was going about 120 KPH. What would happen if a dog runs in front of a motorcycle at 200 plus KPH? Instead of having all sorts of plastic junk left on the road, that would be you sliding down the highway.

A chicken tore the passenger side mirror off my friend's Vigo while he was doing under 90 KPH. I always watch carefully for dogs while riding at 70 KPH. Usually you can't see them until it's too late. You never know when the dog decides to do the doggy dart. Years ago I nearly hit an elephant while riding near Jomtien. There are NOT supposed to be elephants crossing the road at midnight but there it was. I guess it depends whether a rider is bullet proof and how lucky he feels.

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you know, what I observe constantly on forums is you have two groups of people

those that post on topic have good input - contribute and give reasons for their thoughts - which is fine

and those that give no thoughts or opinions constantly criticise others with insults and just attack anyone that they disagrree with... they are either very old and don't understand they are doing it or are just sad people that feel a very missguided need to disagree with everyone, eventually they will end up a jumper which is quite sad really...look out below - oh and make sure you are wearing a helmet incase you land on your head

I suspect there are more than two groups, I think you are at least in a group of your own, fitting into neither group you have described.

Try any combination of

old/ young/, thoughtful/ miserable/ joking/happy/critical/ knowledgeable/ignorant/obsessive/amusing

And on and on

you think :)

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you know, what I observe constantly on forums is you have two groups of people

those that post on topic have good input - contribute and give reasons for their thoughts - which is fine

and those that give no thoughts or opinions constantly criticise others with insults and just attack anyone that they disagrree with... they are either very old and don't understand they are doing it or are just sad people that feel a very missguided need to disagree with everyone, eventually they will end up a jumper which is quite sad really...look out below - oh and make sure you are wearing a helmet incase you land on your head

I suspect there are more than two groups, I think you are at least in a group of your own, fitting into neither group you have described.

Try any combination of

old/ young/, thoughtful/ miserable/ joking/happy/critical/ knowledgeable/ignorant/obsessive/amusing

And on and on

you think smile.png

I think that's the issue, I do think, not so sure about you.!

But this is boring, off topic and I forgot your motto so I'm stopping. Wearing helmets saves lives Full stop

Edited by msg362
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you know, what I observe constantly on forums is you have two groups of people

those that post on topic have good input - contribute and give reasons for their thoughts - which is fine

and those that give no thoughts or opinions constantly criticise others with insults and just attack anyone that they disagrree with... they are either very old and don't understand they are doing it or are just sad people that feel a very missguided need to disagree with everyone, eventually they will end up a jumper which is quite sad really...look out below - oh and make sure you are wearing a helmet incase you land on your head

I suspect there are more than two groups, I think you are at least in a group of your own, fitting into neither group you have described.

Try any combination of

old/ young/, thoughtful/ miserable/ joking/happy/critical/ knowledgeable/ignorant/obsessive/amusing

And on and on

you think smile.png

I think that's the issue, I do think, not so sure about you.!

But this is boring, off topic and I forgot your motto so I'm stopping. Wearing helmets saves lives Full stop

OMG you just can't help yourself can you, consider your self ignored, I cannot read your worthless nonesense any longer...unbelievable
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Some more insulting and posturing posts have been removed. I believe this topic may have about reached it's sell by date, if the trend continues, soon to be closed.

Can you put it (and us) out of its misery please.

It started well but went downhill.

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People buys H-D because of it's look and the sound of the exhaust. I fell in love with the 'baby Harley - Sportster" back in the US. It's the look and feel of the bike. Definitely not the performance, for Pete's sake, its a CRUISER. If I want a sports bike, I would probably got Ninja 650.

Back to the topic of discussion, it's summer, it's hot and I wear an open face helmet, have a full face for the winter and a 'skid lid' for in city riding.

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Umm. After reading most of this replies in this thread. People are talking about super sports, Harleys, etc. I think that we are forgetting that we are in LOS, most bikers are the Dreams, KSR, Waves, etc. The small run about bikes. Personally those machines are more dangerous than bigger bikes, with them skinny tyres. Now those are the people who ride like the devil's after them, big bike riders tend to be more careful. Weird mentality, I know, but rarely I see big bike riders doing something crazy (while riding). Maybe it's because the size and power, being heavier, it forces rider to be more defensive and take corner slower. Being more powerful it forces the rider to have more care, and be patient before hitting the throttle.

I think of it like driving cars. the differences between driving a little Honda Jazz and a Toyota Fortuner. Jazz cuts in and out of traffic while fortuner is more sedate.

I'm generalizing, I know and seen crazy stuff from Fortuners or H-D driver/rider.

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I'm an experienced rider and was knocked off my Honda CBR 250 on beach rd.

It happened so quickly that I could do nothing and when I came down I had a lot of pain for the next week and have scars to prove it. My head with full faced helmet hit the road and the helmet was scratched badly. I got up and walked away so I'm still here to support my wife and baby.

Really wearing a hemut is a must as people dont realise how fragile our head is.

A friend of mine worked in the emergency ward at an Australian hospital and use to deal with it on Saturday nights. She said many people simply never left the hospital and this was not from motorcycling but simply from drunk people falling over and hitting their head on the sidewalk. If you can die falling over what hope do you have going head first into the road at 60K's an hour.

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Apart from helmets, what about gloves, jacket, riding pants, riding boots/shoes? Do you guys ride with all / some / none of the above?

All of the above.

You never ride a scooter in flip-flops and shorts to the next 7eleven? Do you use a car for this or do you walk instead?

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Apart from helmets, what about gloves, jacket, riding pants, riding boots/shoes? Do you guys ride with all / some / none of the above?

All of the above.

You never ride a scooter in flip-flops and shorts to the next 7eleven? Do you use a car for this or do you walk instead?

No 7elevens where I live and I never wear shorts and flip-flops except out in the garden. I live more than 50k from Chiang Rai and only ride my Ninja 650r for recreational purposes. I never even considered owning a motorcycle until after I moved out of Bangkok.


Edited by villagefarang
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Apart from helmets, what about gloves, jacket, riding pants, riding boots/shoes? Do you guys ride with all / some / none of the above?

All of the above.

You never ride a scooter in flip-flops and shorts to the next 7eleven? Do you use a car for this or do you walk instead?

No 7elevens where I live and I never wear shorts and flip-flops except out in the garden. I live more than 50k from Chiang Rai and only ride my Ninja 650r for recreational purposes. I never even considered owning a motorcycle until after I moved out of Bangkok.

OK, i understand. No 7eleven, sounds like real paradise :)

Its easy to prepare for longer rides, but difficult to do when riding it in daily life. Especially when living in a hot area like Bangkok. You can not put on all safety gear for a five minute ride and then put off every thing again.

I always wear a helmet. For distances more than 1 km i also always wear gloves. For longer distances (up to 30 minutes) i try to wear jean pants and shoes/boots and always fulface. For longer rides (more than 30 minutes) i try to wear my armoured jacket and knee protectors. I try to do this regardless if riding a scooter or my 250cc bike.

As i said: I "try" to protect me the best i can without having too much hassle. I live in Bangkok. Not a paradise for bikers :)

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