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Tank and pump in and working on a raised concrete base with the wiring run in conduit. If anyone wants to know the standard man/woman/dog power needed for such a job is 2 workers, 5 onlookers who will offer all manner of useless suggestions and generally get in the way plus 2 dogs that will assist blocking the workers if the onlookers haven't already succeeded in doing so.

A bit of drama when we turned on the pump. We had good pressure upstairs but almost nothing downstairs. Had to convince the helpers that buggerising around with the pump and looking inside the tank for answers was not the solution-turned out to be a bit of plastic in the downstairs tap.

A couple of minor leaks into and out of the pump but should be fixable by tomorrow.

I am also considering suggesting a revision to the electrical standards. I witnessed that it is perfectly permissible to pull out a live powerpoint, plug a drill into it and then proceed to drill deep into the powerpoint recess without electrocuting the driller, at least not today.

Ate at Mike's last night-a steak plus vegetables washed down by couple of high strength German beers. Very nice indeed.



I know what you mean about helper's they seem to come out of the woodwork and not one of them has a clue about anything.

Well done you. The leak's into and out of the pump will more than likely need some more white PTFE tape round the thread.

Keep and eye on the flexi hose's in the bathroom's as they tend to go on the blink if they are a bit old. Good idea to turn off the power when your out and at night time just in case you have a leak usually not a problem once it has settled in.

You might find that other tap's block if they get some blue bit's in them. Sorry I forgot to tell you before you turn the pump on for the first time disconnect the flexi pipe from the furthest take off and then let the water go though it into the toilet or bucket till it clear's it self then reconnect and you'll be all go.

Bill when I'm back will show you another place to get steak, sorry to round the house's to direct. They don't sell German beer though, also not a pretty as Mike's but one good point you don't have to put up with a Kraut Boss.

Hope to meet up soon. I will be in Mike's sharpish on my return for my 15% of your bill, a recommendation back hander from Mike.


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Thanks Fred, I'll take you up on the offer to visit the other place.

I'm also sure Mike will appreciate you dropping around to relieve him of some of his burdensome profits, although I can't say he mentioned it.

BTW if you find yourself short of a few hunting hounds there are 3 half grown ones around here that you could have. They look just like the dogs in the fox hunting posters. Need a bit of training mind you but I'm sure you have someone that could do that for you.



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Thanks Fred, I'll take you up on the offer to visit the other place.

I'm also sure Mike will appreciate you dropping around to relieve him of some of his burdensome profits, although I can't say he mentioned it.

BTW if you find yourself short of a few hunting hounds there are 3 half grown ones around here that you could have. They look just like the dogs in the fox hunting posters. Need a bit of training mind you but I'm sure you have someone that could do that for you.



Have quite enough Hound's thank you.

More pet's thanks for the offer but no, have a talking bird that doesn't like me and bite's, fish, and Pepsi the dog, + two female's don't you think I suffer enough.

Even with the crap weather here I some time's think I'm better off in Blighty, 10c max today heating on and I'm still bloody cold. Got some hot cross bun's to look forward to later, yes their out now bit early for Easter but for the last 7+ week's have had mince pies it's the norm I suppose.

Three week's two day's and a few hour's till my flight back but I'm not counting, next time your in Mike's if you wouldn't mind asking him to put my back hander in the bank so I can get a bit of interest would be obliged. Funny thing about Mike is that when you ask him for cash he only seems to speak German. Must try that when Mr's H/M asks for monies.

Hope you've sorted your leak's and enjoying your hot shower up stair's.



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Sounds like you will have to return on a cargo plane with the sort of fare you have been stuffing yourself withgiggle.gif . West Ham are going great guns, sometimes they even score a goalcoffee1.gif East Ends finest erm I think not no matter how many times you listen from Bow Bells.

Here in N/S life is very refined and relaxed and today a tad cooler with a cloud cover, no not smog before you ask. The by pass is in very poor condition, no doubt caused by people from up country trying to escape the joys of Kippers, indeed following their erstwhile de fact leader currently in exile in Blighty.

Not long to Loy Krathong now and expect another monster market to be setting up this weekend or soon after, as I have to visit the country's number one Immigration Office next week so will up date on the market position.

The good people of N/S will all be hoping for the same wind as last year when all the beacons shot off in the Kippers direction.

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Sounds like you will have to return on a cargo plane with the sort of fare you have been stuffing yourself with:giggle: . West Ham are going great guns, sometimes they even score a goal:coffee1: East Ends finest erm I think not no matter how many times you listen from Bow Bells.

Here in N/S life is very refined and relaxed and today a tad cooler with a cloud cover, no not smog before you ask. The by pass is in very poor condition, no doubt caused by people from up country trying to escape the joys of Kippers, indeed following their erstwhile de fact leader currently in exile in Blighty.

Not long to Loy Krathong now and expect another monster market to be setting up this weekend or soon after, as I have to visit the country's number one Immigration Office next week so will up date on the market position.

The good people of N/S will all be hoping for the same wind as last year when all the beacons shot off in the Kippers direction.

W/Ham did score 3 goals the other month but since then nothing.

Re the food H/M has consumed not stopped but due to the cold not put on any weight thank Buddha. Have had heart burn on a few occasions though, cant wait to get back for some rice and chilli. Have had Indian curries a few time's and they have seemed very bland compared to Mrs H/M stuff.

Talking of food in a few day's will be ordering my meal for the flight back with EVA Air they change their menu every month so at present don't know what will be on offer. Update as and when, wonder if I can get eel's and mash ??? or as Mrs call's them Sunake fish.

Yes will miss Loy/k this year one of the highlight's of Thailand last year was very good along the Ping dancing festival usual huge market but the food served leaves a lot to be desired always give it a miss and pop into have a steak in one of the many English style restaurant's we have in K.P.P. there's a thing N/S seems to be lacking in those some what What.

So the N/S By-pass is as usual crappy H/M will give his remark's when he has used it in a few week's time, that's if I'm awake normally asleep in the limo on my return to Shangri La. But anything even 6' hole's has got to be better than having to reroute via the main town.


Today off to the doctor's to sort out tablet's for Mum, who is picking up by the day thank Buddha then for some shopping all this to be carried out in the delightful weather were having here could even reach double figures today joy of joys. Their thinking of opening the ski run's in Scotland this weekend give's you some idea on how it's going.




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There used to be a TV member who had a bookshop in NS. I think it was near Srisawan hospital, does anyone know of it?

I'm in need of novels or autobiographies.

PS I went to Big C for the first time for ages and noticed the bar has gone!!!


No it's not been there for a while, pity. And the teacher lad whose misses was running it is working elsewhere apparently.

Big C no bar now? Funny it was only mentioned to me the other week that the regular crew there was somewhat diminished. Not been there for some time myself, nothing in the new Big C even the M K does not appear to be licensed.

Speaking of cheers it is just about time to go over the road for a few Saturday night pints.


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The road by the riverside from the Bangkok Road Bridge west is now marked out ready for Loy/K in a weeks time and it looks like a biggy almost the whole way to the market, best bring a packed lunch.

When Alan Whicker covered the spectacle he said he had seen nothing like it ( although its not clear if he was referring to the world or Nakhon Sawan!).

Be there or be square, see what happens when you run off Fred!

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The road by the riverside from the Bangkok Road Bridge west is now marked out ready for Loy/K in a weeks time and it looks like a biggy almost the whole way to the market, best bring a packed lunch.

When Alan Whicker covered the spectacle he said he had seen nothing like it ( although its not clear if he was referring to the world or Nakhon Sawan!).

Be there or be square, see what happens when you run off Fred!

First one I've missed for year's very big in Shangri La as well, have done two in Pattaya in the past first one was very good stall's all along beach road two year's later nothing in fact very poor.

No I don't go to Pat's that often but had to visit friend's, Yet more upper class holidaying there. Must admit they only came once said it was to down market. The sort of place that encourages the lower class's from place's like N/S.

And what's all this Fred business Sir or his lordship at least, H/M does like a title.

Update on Blighty.

Temp: hovering around 8c daytime no rain today.

My Roast four rib of Beef lunch with all the trimming's was Delish.

But have to say that I know where Id sooner be no not N/S, Shangri La.

Mrs H/M I think prefers me being away get's to sleep in the Chateau and not the horse box.

Less than three week's left before the flight back on Eva Air Have booked my meal on same sorry cant tell all that I've ordered but I think it's some sort of Duck dish the nearest thing to eel's and mash on the menu, the sauce has slipped my mind due to there being to much available but no doubt it will be fantastic washed down with vintage Champ's, that's before H/M doze's orf in the fully lie flat bed. Only hope that the trolley dolly's don't disturb by trying to get along side like they did on the trip over.

I put it down to them trying to improve their upper class English, but could have been just my good look's or status.




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You are right Nakhon Sawan and Shangri la are indeed the same place and certainly not Kippers! Only refined Gentry can live in Tokland ( the Beverly Hills of Nakhon Sawan- if you missed it before). We were thinking of starting a bridge club, but you use the by-pass ( as per regulation 101- "all people from the north of N/S must on no account drive through the Metropolis, please take the by-pass and refrain from opening the windows after breaking wind), the brdige clun will allow you motor over the bridge at 60 kph rahter than the statutory 40kph, do you have bridge club in the sticks?

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You are right Nakhon Sawan and Shangri la are indeed the same place and certainly not Kippers! Only refined Gentry can live in Tokland ( the Beverly Hills of Nakhon Sawan- if you missed it before). We were thinking of starting a bridge club, but you use the by-pass ( as per regulation 101- "all people from the north of N/S must on no account drive through the Metropolis, please take the by-pass and refrain from opening the windows after breaking wind), the brdige clun will allow you motor over the bridge at 60 kph rahter than the statutory 40kph, do you have bridge club in the sticks?

Come to think of it NO but we do have many non Thai restaurant's one selling Leo at less than 60bt a large one a lot less for other beer's. Two don't even sell rice that's unusual in Thailand what.

None I repeat none of us upper class would ever want to enter the so called Metropolis, but must admit that once a year we have to go there due to the Visa requirement's that's out of our hand's, used to go to the one in Mai Sot now closed more's the pity, rest of the time it's the By-pass 60kph what's that H/M's Limo doesn't go into top gear till it get's to 80kph the last thing I want is to spend yet more time getting through the smog, so if you see a white Limo traveling down the soi at over 120 window's sealed of course it'll more than likely be H/M.

And while I'm at it Shangri La is K.P.PHET it's a world heritage city unlike the so called metropolis it only has a smoky railway station. I wont go down the bus station, or the traffic route, now I hear that the only bar in Big C has closed other than the very good visa peep's to recommend it.





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I've used the bypass 4 times in the last 3 weeks and it doesn't improve with repetition. Mind you the Kippers to Nakkers stretch is in similar condition for a good part and, although there is some ad hoc resurfacing going on the road seems to deteriorate about the same rate.

BTW do people generally drive on their overseas license or have they found it worthwhile to get a Thai license?

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I've used the bypass 4 times in the last 3 weeks and it doesn't improve with repetition. Mind you the Kippers to Nakkers stretch is in similar condition for a good part and, although there is some ad hoc resurfacing going on the road seems to deteriorate about the same rate.

BTW do people generally drive on their overseas license or have they found it worthwhile to get a Thai license?

I have Thai driving licence's 2 one for car and one for M/C. I think you'll find an English one is not good enough you need and international driving permit/licence to be covered. If you have a bump in your car the first thing the insurance Co: will ask for is a copy of your licence.

Better to be on the safe side, not a problem to get a Thai one if you have a yellow book not having one of those you will have to get you local village head man to confirm where you live easy ask the G/L to sort him out you both have to go to the Amper and they will type out a form and you take that to the licence place with all the other bit's needed passport etc copy's bundle's as usual and it should be strait forward. N/B it's all done for free but a tip help's out some what.

You can go to the licence place located near TOT phone peep's, and ask them what you will need but take the G/L as no bugger speaks English I think the form is in English as well as Thai.

If you can wait a while approx. 3 week's I/Mrs H/M can help you sort it out of course My time is quite pricey Mrs H/M free ask Bill about my tea price's so start saving up.

You get one that last for one year to start with and then change that to a five year one after that. You will more than likely not have to take a test as they issue them using your English one but you will have to look at a video presentation last 1 hour all in Thai I fell asleep and didn't see it but it's obligatory to sit there regardless.


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Ref the driving licence. I have a Thai one and my GB one, the International one you can get although valid for a year is in practice only valid for driving for 3 months so beware. The Thai one will bring certain unannounced benefits well it does for me like getting into dual priced locations at the Thai price and is good ID for Thais as well. If you do go for the Thai Driving licence dont forget to show them the UK one all the time, it excludes you from a lot of the test proceedure.

Retirement Visa.

Went for mine today, nice as pie all done with in about 30 minutes, just one thing though. One my guide form of what to do and what to bring it did not mention that we should have brought the BLUE HOUSE BOOK along as well, luckily we dont live far away but if you do bring it along just in case they ask.

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Ref the driving licence. I have a Thai one and my GB one, the International one you can get although valid for a year is in practice only valid for driving for 3 months so beware. The Thai one will bring certain unannounced benefits well it does for me like getting into dual priced locations at the Thai price and is good ID for Thais as well. If you do go for the Thai Driving licence dont forget to show them the UK one all the time, it excludes you from a lot of the test proceedure.

Retirement Visa.

Went for mine today, nice as pie all done with in about 30 minutes, just one thing though. One my guide form of what to do and what to bring it did not mention that we should have brought the BLUE HOUSE BOOK along as well, luckily we dont live far away but if you do bring it along just in case they ask.

Have you got a yellow book Dave ??? I have always used that in the past never had a problem. But when I go to N/S EEEEEEEK soon, will take the Blue one just in case. I always over do everything last thing H/M want's is to have to do a re-run there.

Update on Blighty.

Cold cold cold rain this morning sunny afternoon forecast for tonight down to 2c frosty start picking up to 9c sunny tomorrow. Oh how I wish I was some ware else.




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I've used the bypass 4 times in the last 3 weeks and it doesn't improve with repetition. Mind you the Kippers to Nakkers stretch is in similar condition for a good part and, although there is some ad hoc resurfacing going on the road seems to deteriorate about the same rate.

BTW do people generally drive on their overseas license or have they found it worthwhile to get a Thai license?

I have Thai driving licence's 2 one for car and one for M/C. I think you'll find an English one is not good enough you need and international driving permit/licence to be covered. If you have a bump in your car the first thing the insurance Co: will ask for is a copy of your licence.

Better to be on the safe side, not a problem to get a Thai one if you have a yellow book not having one of those you will have to get you local village head man to confirm where you live easy ask the G/L to sort him out you both have to go to the Amper and they will type out a form and you take that to the licence place with all the other bit's needed passport etc copy's bundle's as usual and it should be strait forward. N/B it's all done for free but a tip help's out some what.

You can go to the licence place located near TOT phone peep's, and ask them what you will need but take the G/L as no bugger speaks English I think the form is in English as well as Thai.

If you can wait a while approx. 3 week's I/Mrs H/M can help you sort it out of course My time is quite pricey Mrs H/M free ask Bill about my tea price's so start saving up.

You get one that last for one year to start with and then change that to a five year one after that. You will more than likely not have to take a test as they issue them using your English one but you will have to look at a video presentation last 1 hour all in Thai I fell asleep and didn't see it but it's obligatory to sit there regardless.


When I did my 5 year licence at KPP they were very helpful and several spoke English too. Be aware that if you wnat a bike licence as well you will need 2 copies of all the paperwork and also a medical certificate. The doctors is at the roundabout on the bus station road at the left corner as you get there. I didn't understand where it was and 'er indoors couldn't explain so the lady who was dealing with me shut her computer down and drove me there and back in her car. The paper cost 30 baht and all the doctor did was sign her name and the DLT lady filled in the details for me. Lovely helpful people, at least to me. Perhaps it is because I am a nice guy, handsum too and not psuedo royalty as King Fred. Are you any relation to King Freddie of Buganda?

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I've used the bypass 4 times in the last 3 weeks and it doesn't improve with repetition. Mind you the Kippers to Nakkers stretch is in similar condition for a good part and, although there is some ad hoc resurfacing going on the road seems to deteriorate about the same rate.

BTW do people generally drive on their overseas license or have they found it worthwhile to get a Thai license?

I have Thai driving licence's 2 one for car and one for M/C. I think you'll find an English one is not good enough you need and international driving permit/licence to be covered. If you have a bump in your car the first thing the insurance Co: will ask for is a copy of your licence.

Better to be on the safe side, not a problem to get a Thai one if you have a yellow book not having one of those you will have to get you local village head man to confirm where you live easy ask the G/L to sort him out you both have to go to the Amper and they will type out a form and you take that to the licence place with all the other bit's needed passport etc copy's bundle's as usual and it should be strait forward. N/B it's all done for free but a tip help's out some what.

You can go to the licence place located near TOT phone peep's, and ask them what you will need but take the G/L as no bugger speaks English I think the form is in English as well as Thai.

If you can wait a while approx. 3 week's I/Mrs H/M can help you sort it out of course My time is quite pricey Mrs H/M free ask Bill about my tea price's so start saving up.

You get one that last for one year to start with and then change that to a five year one after that. You will more than likely not have to take a test as they issue them using your English one but you will have to look at a video presentation last 1 hour all in Thai I fell asleep and didn't see it but it's obligatory to sit there regardless.


When I did my 5 year licence at KPP they were very helpful and several spoke English too. Be aware that if you wnat a bike licence as well you will need 2 copies of all the paperwork and also a medical certificate. The doctors is at the roundabout on the bus station road at the left corner as you get there. I didn't understand where it was and 'er indoors couldn't explain so the lady who was dealing with me shut her computer down and drove me there and back in her car. The paper cost 30 baht and all the doctor did was sign her name and the DLT lady filled in the details for me. Lovely helpful people, at least to me. Perhaps it is because I am a nice guy, handsum too and not psuedo royalty as King Fred. Are you any relation to King Freddie of Buganda?

Must admit I am related to royalty more on that at a later date.

Point of interest you now for the last year or so do not need a doc: certificate they have done away with that bit. You must have been lucky with them speaking English been several time's and no bugger wanted to speak English at all, depends how they feel I suppose.

Could have been that they didn't understand my upper class lingo.

N/B you can only get a licence that you have in you British one so I you haven't past the test on say a M/C in Blighty you won't get it on your Thai one IE no M/C licence you will have to take the test.

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I've used the bypass 4 times in the last 3 weeks and it doesn't improve with repetition. Mind you the Kippers to Nakkers stretch is in similar condition for a good part and, although there is some ad hoc resurfacing going on the road seems to deteriorate about the same rate.

BTW do people generally drive on their overseas license or have they found it worthwhile to get a Thai license?

I have Thai driving licence's 2 one for car and one for M/C. I think you'll find an English one is not good enough you need and international driving permit/licence to be covered. If you have a bump in your car the first thing the insurance Co: will ask for is a copy of your licence.

Better to be on the safe side, not a problem to get a Thai one if you have a yellow book not having one of those you will have to get you local village head man to confirm where you live easy ask the G/L to sort him out you both have to go to the Amper and they will type out a form and you take that to the licence place with all the other bit's needed passport etc copy's bundle's as usual and it should be strait forward. N/B it's all done for free but a tip help's out some what.

You can go to the licence place located near TOT phone peep's, and ask them what you will need but take the G/L as no bugger speaks English I think the form is in English as well as Thai.

If you can wait a while approx. 3 week's I/Mrs H/M can help you sort it out of course My time is quite pricey Mrs H/M free ask Bill about my tea price's so start saving up.

You get one that last for one year to start with and then change that to a five year one after that. You will more than likely not have to take a test as they issue them using your English one but you will have to look at a video presentation last 1 hour all in Thai I fell asleep and didn't see it but it's obligatory to sit there regardless.


When I did my 5 year licence at KPP they were very helpful and several spoke English too. Be aware that if you wnat a bike licence as well you will need 2 copies of all the paperwork and also a medical certificate. The doctors is at the roundabout on the bus station road at the left corner as you get there. I didn't understand where it was and 'er indoors couldn't explain so the lady who was dealing with me shut her computer down and drove me there and back in her car. The paper cost 30 baht and all the doctor did was sign her name and the DLT lady filled in the details for me. Lovely helpful people, at least to me. Perhaps it is because I am a nice guy, handsum too and not psuedo royalty as King Fred. Are you any relation to King Freddie of Buganda?

Must admit I am related to royalty more on that at a later date.

Point of interest you now for the last year or so do not need a doc: certificate they have done away with that bit. You must have been lucky with them speaking English been several time's and no bugger wanted to speak English at all, depends how they feel I suppose.

Could have been that they didn't understand my upper class lingo.

N/B you can only get a licence that you have in you British one so I you haven't past the test on say a M/C in Blighty you won't get it on your Thai one IE no M/C licence you will have to take the test.

I passed my motorbike test in the UK back in April or May of 1963 on a Lambretta 150cc scooter and passed the car test courtesy of BSM and their Austin A40 Farina a year or so later back in the good old days of hand signals and semaphore indicators. I believe they still had a man out in front with a red flag when you passed yours. Is that correct?

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Your spot on there Bill. Still do have a man or several running now when I go out on my trip's, bit like the president of America.

Update on Blighty.

Weather still crap according to the weather peep's going to get much colder next week possibly some snow/sleet, frost a definite oh how I'm enjoying myself.

Only good bit is that I can get all the English food cheese etc I want without those stupid Thai price's.

Just over two week's now and I shall be getting away from all the crap that is on the TV top film today is Rambo that's after Allo Allo and Dad's army now there's a thought was that the mob you were in Bill ??? bet you all wish you were here.

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Any Nakhon Sawan news, as on topic? Where people drink their everyday beer now, big c looked quiet...

Sorry to say H/P that none of your mob post anymore well except Nong/Dave Exeter has gone on the missing list even the colonist has stopped, maybe his Davie crocket hat has moulted. Other than peep's putting in post about thing's closing IE Big C bar or the state of the B/pass seems there's nothing to post about.

I will be putting one in about N/S in a month or two when I have to pop into the visa office.


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Sorry to say H/P that none of your mob post anymore well except Nong/Dave Exeter has gone on the missing list even the colonist has stopped, maybe his Davie crocket hat has moulted. Other than peep's putting in post about thing's closing IE Big C bar or the state of the B/pass seems there's nothing to post about.

I will be putting one in about N/S in a month or two when I have to pop into the visa office.


Wow, it must Really be boring in Blighty or your're really worried about your "flock" deserting without you here! You've made more post since you have been gone than you had in the last six months! After eating all of that "good" food and beer, you might have to request a "double" fully reclining bed on EVA for your trip home. Are you going to bring back a case of packets of brown or gray instant gravy with you? I haven't posted much recently because ITLTUTDTTTFOWYATTS! My Davie Crocket hat is in pristine condition. I'll have to wear it at the Loi Krathong cookout at the temple this weekend as I understand the the British Empire will have a representative from Scotland there. I know that your English dictionary won't be of any help in understanding a word that he says! I most likely won't even know his name after he tells me four times.

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Sorry to say H/P that none of your mob post anymore well except Nong/Dave Exeter has gone on the missing list even the colonist has stopped, maybe his Davie crocket hat has moulted. Other than peep's putting in post about thing's closing IE Big C bar or the state of the B/pass seems there's nothing to post about.

I will be putting one in about N/S in a month or two when I have to pop into the visa office.


Wow, it must Really be boring in Blighty or your're really worried about your "flock" deserting without you here! You've made more post since you have been gone than you had in the last six months! After eating all of that "good" food and beer, you might have to request a "double" fully reclining bed on EVA for your trip home. Are you going to bring back a case of packets of brown or gray instant gravy with you? I haven't posted much recently because ITLTUTDTTTFOWYATTS! My Davie Crocket hat is in pristine condition. I'll have to wear it at the Loi Krathong cookout at the temple this weekend as I understand the the British Empire will have a representative from Scotland there. I know that your English dictionary won't be of any help in understanding a word that he says! I most likely won't even know his name after he tells me four times.

That's a hell of an anacronym you've used there sir.

What on earth does it mean?


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Sorry to say H/P that none of your mob post anymore well except Nong/Dave Exeter has gone on the missing list even the colonist has stopped, maybe his Davie crocket hat has moulted. Other than peep's putting in post about thing's closing IE Big C bar or the state of the B/pass seems there's nothing to post about.

I will be putting one in about N/S in a month or two when I have to pop into the visa office.


Wow, it must Really be boring in Blighty or your're really worried about your "flock" deserting without you here! You've made more post since you have been gone than you had in the last six months! After eating all of that "good" food and beer, you might have to request a "double" fully reclining bed on EVA for your trip home. Are you going to bring back a case of packets of brown or gray instant gravy with you? I haven't posted much recently because ITLTUTDTTTFOWYATTS! My Davie Crocket hat is in pristine condition. I'll have to wear it at the Loi Krathong cookout at the temple this weekend as I understand the the British Empire will have a representative from Scotland there. I know that your English dictionary won't be of any help in understanding a word that he says! I most likely won't even know his name after he tells me four times.

No doubt you have read some of my post. And yes peed off big time it's to cold to go out the TV is at best rubbish so the only thing left is the internet now about 1am still awake due to my aching bone's and joint's.

Scotland next year might be leaving the empire but as their a tight lot cant see them doing so.

Best of luck with the Scot's lingo a the weekend L/Krathong I presume.

I shall be bringing back load's of stuff tea bag's for the use of Branston pickle etc.

Re my weight even after consuming load's have lost 3kg, so look even better than I did on the trip over, well except for my now long hair look more like a hippy dash pore show, might have to get some beads if it get's any longer, job for Mrs H/M on my return.

Nice to see you lot are still about how about putting some up to date post in to brighten up H/P's day he seems to have lost his drinking partners and getting a trite peed off with us young K.P.P. lad's taking all the limelight.

Hope you all have a jolly L/K first time ever I wont be there, only two week's to go and the post will diminish so will the aching bones hopefully.


Late of K.P.P

Peed off in Blighty.

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Some excitement in KPP Province out Khlong Lan way. Yesterday some 23 YO chap, obviously short of a few quid tried to hold up the local Kasikorn Bank with a gun.

Apprehended in the act by the local constabulary and now believed to be assisting with their enquiries. The obligatory photo shoot/reenactment followed so the photos and story are now in various Thai media.

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No, f/43 I didn't lost my D/B's because I hadn't one :) Just wondering what happened to that B/C and mostly why/when? I drink only C or L can in KonWan B/S when waiting bus to home. Home I have S/Som or C/Morg or F/vodka.

btw, there is still light chance to Paknampho NSRU FC get promoted to Division 1. Four matches left, home this sunday, maybe on tv too. Draw for Ang Thong - Sukhothai would be nice


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Some excitement in KPP Province out Khlong Lan way. Yesterday some 23 YO chap, obviously short of a few quid tried to hold up the local Kasikorn Bank with a gun.

Apprehended in the act by the local constabulary and now believed to be assisting with their enquiries. The obligatory photo shoot/reenactment followed so the photos and story are now in various Thai media.

I missed that and I was in town yesterday morning too. Fortunately nobody could mistake me for a 23 year old Thai man even though my picture is probably on the wall of the local cop shop after the visit bt the local gendarmes last month.

The guy must have been as dumb as a rock as the local police house is about 200 metres from the bank, there are a couple of gold shops closer with usually 1 cop around there and the big restaurant on the corner is owned by a cop and his wife.

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No, f/43 I didn't lost my D/B's because I hadn't one smile.png Just wondering what happened to that B/C and mostly why/when? I drink only C or L can in KonWan B/S when waiting bus to home. Home I have S/Som or C/Morg or F/vodka.

btw, there is still light chance to Paknampho NSRU FC get promoted to Division 1. Four matches left, home this sunday, maybe on tv too. Draw for Ang Thong - Sukhothai would be nice


Glad to hear that H/P thanks for the football up date. K.P.P football team as you know is still rubbish I shall be going later to cheer them on though as they need all the support they can get.

Don't know if I mentioned it our football supporter come's from East Germany cant speak Thai English very well and Mike our local restaurant owner who's German tells me his German is crap as well.

I went into Big C (the old one) some month's ago and found it at best very pore food was just about edible, Gone down hill big time.

Anyone know what the new Tesco is like I know where that is but not sure about the new Big C.

Have got to go to N/S in a month or two would like to pop into some ware for a look see.

Will be taking Mrs H/M and she like's to have a poke around, thank Buddha not with me.

I already know where to eat found a place round the back double's from the Visa office and hate to say it but it was very good.

I see that we K.P.P peep's have got bank robber's must be from N/S province cant possible be from our district see what happen when I'm not around to keep all in check these blighter's sneak in and cause havoc.


Blighty last night down to 0c

Edited by fredob43
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Yes, the aspiring robber seems to be a sandwich or two short of a picnic. There were police in the bank as well.

The news reported that his mother asked him where he was going as he left the house. His reply.........'To heaven'

I'd say he came close to finding out whether he met the entry criteria.

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Yes, the aspiring robber seems to be a sandwich or two short of a picnic. There were police in the bank as well.

The news reported that his mother asked him where he was going as he left the house. His reply.........'To heaven'

I'd say he came close to finding out whether he met the entry criteria.

Spoke to Mrs H/M this morning and she told me it was on the TV said that she thought he was a bit ding dong more or less the same as the picnic quote and might have been on yabba.

It'll all come out in the wash. Maybe they can deport him to N/S he'll fit in just nicely there.


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