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Bit of a Chocker when a fine for ignoring the Speed Limit costs more than the Hotel.cheesy.gif

Yet another emoticons cant you ever put a post in without one ??? you might stay at cheap hotel's but I don't. Maybe an ideal time to go back to Motoring section where your needed I don't think.
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Hmmm! "Palm Garden hotel". It's about 15 years since I stayed there and it was then well past it's sell by date both the rooms and the pool/gardens. I hope that it has had a make-over since then as I am sure that Nong coming from this "heavenly city" is used to better things than what it was, although it was probably ok for a bunch of hillbillies on a fishing trip.

Let us have a report on The Boss Suites when you return Fred. and this time make it a "FULL" report please!!!

BTW Fred, how do you walk "every ware" as opposed to "everywhere"?

Enjoy your trip mate!

Like most places in Thailand, renovation and updating are not on the cards, The Palm Garden for me is convenient 5kms off the motorway, secureish and free parking, nice pool, good service, friendly and so far trustworthy staff, and a good breakfast thrown in ( no mop and bucket ) its somewhere to as a base for us and fits the bill for the price we pay. Its not the Holiday Inn, Amari, Asia, LK whatever but we dont spend our day in the hotel, suits us, everyone has different requirements.

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For those of you who come to Nakhon Sawan Immigration this might be of interest to you. Mention has been made in the past about a new Pizza Restaurant not far away from Immigration, well, last night I made the trip so here is my run down.

It has been tastefully designed and very clean, its above a 7-11 in Sawanvittee, so when you come out of the Immigration turn left down toward the Police station and left again, 200yards down the road on the other side, there is parking at the back.

They do breakfasts like you remember with hot tea and coffee.

Tonight I had a cheeselovers pizza (199bts) + pepperoni (40bts) very good and thin. You can order a pizza (120bts) and add your own toppings. Also on offer, lasagne, spag/Bol. steaks. fish and chips, sausages, beans, mashed potatoes and more. its worth a look, run by a New Yorker ( dont hold that against him- they were one of our colonies once and they have not done to badly!).

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Hmmm! "Palm Garden hotel". It's about 15 years since I stayed there and it was then well past it's sell by date both the rooms and the pool/gardens. I hope that it has had a make-over since then as I am sure that Nong coming from this "heavenly city" is used to better things than what it was, although it was probably ok for a bunch of hillbillies on a fishing trip.

Let us have a report on The Boss Suites when you return Fred. and this time make it a "FULL" report please!!!

BTW Fred, how do you walk "every ware" as opposed to "everywhere"?

Enjoy your trip mate!

Like most places in Thailand, renovation and updating are not on the cards, The Palm Garden for me is convenient 5kms off the motorway, secureish and free parking, nice pool, good service, friendly and so far trustworthy staff, and a good breakfast thrown in ( no mop and bucket ) its somewhere to as a base for us and fits the bill for the price we pay. Its not the Holiday Inn, Amari, Asia, LK whatever but we dont spend our day in the hotel, suits us, everyone has different requirements.

Fair comment Nong, only a wind up for the hillbilly from kippers to see if he would bite!!! (lol)

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For those of you who come to Nakhon Sawan Immigration this might be of interest to you. Mention has been made in the past about a new Pizza Restaurant not far away from Immigration, well, last night I made the trip so here is my run down.

It has been tastefully designed and very clean, its above a 7-11 in Sawanvittee, so when you come out of the Immigration turn left down toward the Police station and left again, 200yards down the road on the other side, there is parking at the back.

They do breakfasts like you remember with hot tea and coffee.

Tonight I had a cheeselovers pizza (199bts) + pepperoni (40bts) very good and thin. You can order a pizza (120bts) and add your own toppings. Also on offer, lasagne, spag/Bol. steaks. fish and chips, sausages, beans, mashed potatoes and more. its worth a look, run by a New Yorker ( dont hold that against him- they were one of our colonies once and they have not done to badly!).

I will be down there at the back end of April doing my90 day report.

I will also be flashing my nice shiny new passport and getting the stamps crossed over and my retirement extension changed from May to August.

I may pay them a visit for lunch and try out the fish and chips too. Pizza gets boring after a while.

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The good news up in the hills of Mae Wong is that it has rained 3 or 4 days in the last week and the government water is back for a while.

On Thursday even it blew so hard that part of the roof at my wifes old shop was ripped away and a couple of tiles were broken too.

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The good news up in the hills of Mae Wong is that it has rained 3 or 4 days in the last week and the government water is back for a while.

On Thursday even it blew so hard that part of the roof at my wifes old shop was ripped away and a couple of tiles were broken too.

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I walked outside early yesterday morning before sunup and it was raining. I ran back inside, grabbed a bar of soap and a towel and by the time I got back outside it had stopped, but we have been getting trickles of water from the village supply. We've had no rain since early November! The fields are all plowed waiting for the first rain as the water collection basins and wells have dried up.

But my beast is at the docks in Long Beach waiting to be loaded on a ship that sails on Tueday!

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Hmmm! "Palm Garden hotel". It's about 15 years since I stayed there and it was then well past it's sell by date both the rooms and the pool/gardens. I hope that it has had a make-over since then as I am sure that Nong coming from this "heavenly city" is used to better things than what it was, although it was probably ok for a bunch of hillbillies on a fishing trip.

Let us have a report on The Boss Suites when you return Fred. and this time make it a "FULL" report please!!!

BTW Fred, how do you walk "every ware" as opposed to "everywhere"?

Enjoy your trip mate!

I never bite you'll be pleased to know but Mrs H/M does so beware.

Right re spelling it's quite obvious to H/M that you have never spent any time with us upper crusts otherwise you would have known we all speak B Sewell English and not your over the wrong side of the railway line lingo.

Please allow me to explain your off is orf as in gorn orf and every ware all with an emphasis on the R is your everywhere.

If your not to sure who B Sewell is you can look him up under B Sewell art critic, (try you tube clash of the art titans)

A full report on Pattaya will be winging it's way asap.


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"upper crusts"! Isn't that what bread crumbs are made from?

Sorry I forgot I had to put in an explanation for all my posts, but hope the bit below helps.

It for you colonists information came from many years ago when the upper part of the bread the best part was served to the gentry 'upper crusts or elite peeps' and the burnt bit at the bottom was served to the staff or lower crusts.

Bread crumbs come from using all the bread if you want dark crumbs or the white part if you want believe it or not white crumbs usually once it's stale. But being a bit ingenious the lower classes (the N/S mob in your case) never let anything go to waste and used all the left overs up in a form of bread pudding containing fruit and spices. I've no doubt that a recipe for same can be obtained from the internet or you could ask any of your locals.


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Crust is crust, Bread is bread! Crumbs are crumbs! It doesn't matter if you are an upper or lower crust! You mught be an "upper crust", but in the end you still end up being are a crumb! As far as asking the locals about bread pudding, พุดดิ้งขนมปัง, they wouldn't have a clue, but the spice of the day is chili! พริกพุดดิ้งขนมปัง, sounds delicious, right!

The beast in on a cruise, left San Francisco for Fuqing,China this morning.

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Crust is crust, Bread is bread! Crumbs are crumbs! It doesn't matter if you are an upper or lower crust! You mught be an "upper crust", but in the end you still end up being are a crumb! As far as asking the locals about bread pudding, พุดดิ้งขนมปัง, they wouldn't have a clue, but the spice of the day is chili! พริกพุดดิ้งขนมปัง, sounds delicious, right!

The beast in on a cruise, left San Francisco for Fuqing,China this morning.

All I can say is I tried but as usual it all fell flat.

So the beast is on it's way but via China please tell how it get's from there to Thailand, and when can we expect the new arrival to dock hope it's soon as looking forward to the beer and goodies that are supposedly being offered if we turn up to help assemble same.


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The beast first goes to Fuqing and then on to Chiwan, a container port near Hong Kong. It's then transferred to another ship and is scheduled to arrive in BKK on 27 April, taking in the sights of Singapore on the way. Has to clear customs and then trucked here. Customs clearance should be all pre-arranged so I hope there will be no delays. I'm using an International Company to due the import and clearance not a local yokel with his "sister" compnaies and itchy palms, so it should go smoother. Suspect sometime mid May. Then the fun begins! The two units, weighing 10200 kilos, are now in 117 pieces packed in a 40 foot container with no assembly instructions. I do have the manuals, some dis-assembly pictures and two other JD combines to use as reference, but not the same model.

Maybe I'll sell tickets! It will certainly be more interesting watching a cluster <deleted> of Thai farmers running around like cjickens with their heads cut off than watching one of those Thai dance shows that go on for hours. I can also invite the vendors with their carts to come sell food. Party time!

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Where you can find good massage in Nakhon Sawan? There were 2 good place near busstation but those are now full of 18yo iphone teenagers who only want give you happy oil massage. Just need someone to work on my back and shoulders.

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The beast first goes to Fuqing and then on to Chiwan, a container port near Hong Kong. It's then transferred to another ship and is scheduled to arrive in BKK on 27 April, taking in the sights of Singapore on the way. Has to clear customs and then trucked here. Customs clearance should be all pre-arranged so I hope there will be no delays. I'm using an International Company to due the import and clearance not a local yokel with his "sister" compnaies and itchy palms, so it should go smoother. Suspect sometime mid May. Then the fun begins! The two units, weighing 10200 kilos, are now in 117 pieces packed in a 40 foot container with no assembly instructions. I do have the manuals, some dis-assembly pictures and two other JD combines to use as reference, but not the same model.

Maybe I'll sell tickets! It will certainly be more interesting watching a cluster <deleted> of Thai farmers running around like cjickens with their heads cut off than watching one of those Thai dance shows that go on for hours. I can also invite the vendors with their carts to come sell food. Party time!

Oh so now we have to buy tickets and eat orf carts dam poor show if you ask me but it could be interesting watching Thai's assemble same.

I have seen them perform before and I don't hold out to much hope, best of luck anyway.

Seems that H/P need's his back sorted out may H/M suggest that several hours lugging Beast parts about might help, kill or cure so to speak.


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Sorry, I'm in the sticks! It will be a "gala" event, Thai style local delicasies ((phad Kapow(moo, ghop, nook, eel, snake), larb, noodles,fried rice chicken soup, etc.) will be cooked by the villagers who will also consume large amounts of beer, Lao Khao and Hong Thong and most likely will have music from the nearest house with karaoke. No tickets and only carts -modified motorbikes- will be the ones that hear about it and want to be part of the action. I might buy a large chunk of Brahma hump and braise it in the crockpot with carrots, onions and beer, and smash some potatos, but that as close to farang food that you will get. The closet air conditioned restaurant is 45 kilometers away and its a quite good Thai fish restaurant. It's on the way from up north so you could stop and bring take away for everybody!

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H/M like many other has been waiting for an update on what is happening at the end of the By-Pass but as usual nothing bugger all from you lot.

Well H/M has found out seems that they are building a over pass to Pitso and all route's/Rout's northish via the By-Pass so as to cut out N/S town.

What joy it'll be for you Mob to have less traffic, bit of a bummer though if you have just opened a shop there as that also means less peeps spending monies.

As requested a short update on H/M trip, all went well except I ended up in Pattaya for 7 days just in time for the music festival = yet more traffic. Did H/M go to it not on your life much to bizzy eating some nice seafood out of town.

Hotel was as stated the Boss Suites is it any good well quite honestly not the best value in town but it does have some redeeming factors 1 being that H/M get's a 25% discount, good buffet breakfast loads of Thai stuff + the usual fruit eggy bacon omelette's cooked to order via the egg station.

Very clean with lovely staff not forgetting it's location slap bang in the middle of everything.

Tip if anyone is thinking of staying there book a room overlooking the pool, they have a big bath, + a large outside balcony with tea coffee making facilities. You might get to stay in one the rooms I have used you will notice them by the picture's of hunting scenes adorned everywhere not 'Ware' just to keep some peeps happy, there will also be a signed autograph of himself at the check in, copies of same are available at a price of cause.

Information on where H/M ate can also be obtained from the reception you lot might find it a trite upmarket. But there is a Big Mac place down the road.


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H/M like many other has been waiting for an update on what is happening at the end of the By-Pass but as usual nothing bugger all from you lot.

Well H/M has found out seems that they are building a over pass to Pitso and all route's/Rout's northish via the By-Pass so as to cut out N/S town.

What joy it'll be for you Mob to have less traffic, bit of a bummer though if you have just opened a shop there as that also means less peeps spending monies.

You just don't remember. I gave link with map and pictures and You even answered for my post


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On a slightly different topic...we're flying into Bangers and driving up to KPP early next week. My better half has purchased large tins of beetroot and it looks like they are destined to become part of our luggage.

As much as I like beetroot I have other, higher priority items in mind for the luggage.

If I could buy beetroot in Thailand it would avoid the usual squabble over luggage so...... does anyone know where, between Bangers and KPP you can buy tinned beetroot?

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On a slightly different topic...we're flying into Bangers and driving up to KPP early next week. My better half has purchased large tins of beetroot and it looks like they are destined to become part of our luggage.

As much as I like beetroot I have other, higher priority items in mind for the luggage.

If I could buy beetroot in Thailand it would avoid the usual squabble over luggage so...... does anyone know where, between Bangers and KPP you can buy tinned beetroot?

Makro sell them but they are raw, they only take a short time to cook then you can slice them and pickle using Thai White vinegar and water, or as I do eat within a few days.

Have a good trip Bill, hope to see you on the 9th.


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H/M like many other has been waiting for an update on what is happening at the end of the By-Pass but as usual nothing bugger all from you lot.

Well H/M has found out seems that they are building a over pass to Pitso and all route's/Rout's northish via the By-Pass so as to cut out N/S town.

What joy it'll be for you Mob to have less traffic, bit of a bummer though if you have just opened a shop there as that also means less peeps spending monies.

You just don't remember. I gave link with map and pictures and You even answered for my post


Yes I did sorry about that but the By-pass in N/S doesn't look anything like your snaps.
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I,m American and don't know why you would want to bring beet root with you! Why not just bring the beets and leave the root at home, it would save space and weight. I don't know where you can buy beet root between BKK and KKP but you can buy carrot root, potato root, radish root, garlic root, onion root and all of the other roots that you want. Why do you Brits call it beet root and don't call all of the other root veggies ******* root?

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I,m American and don't know why you would want to bring beet root with you! Why not just bring the beets and leave the root at home, it would save space and weight. I don't know where you can buy beet root between BKK and KKP but you can buy carrot root, potato root, radish root, garlic root, onion root and all of the other roots that you want. Why do you Brits call it beet root and don't call all of the other root veggies ******* root?

Sorry to say that it's you colonists that have got it wrong everywhere in the English speaking world it's known as Beetroot. Bill Chilon is Australian but saying that he's a nice chap and they say beetroot. If you ever go into Makro after the Thai spelling it's in ENGLISH Beetroot.

Reminds H/M of a discussion I had with an AM once when he had the effrontery to tell me bagels came from New York. I had to point out to him that they were fist recorded in London Brick lane in the 17 century what were you lot doing then other than bastardising the English language.

You maybe asking what H/M is doing up at this early hour well our pit bull has just woke us all up trying to get at a lizard. Must get Mrs H/M to feed him a bit more food.


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I have short term memory loss but not long term yet. If you look back a few months we had this discussion before and you said that you really didn't understand why Brits call it beetroot either. Now you are changing your "tune". Are you entering the "more than short term" memory loss stage?

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A farang bar opens in Nakhon Sawan!!!!

Called confuZion, it occupies what was previously a Japanese buffet place, on the quieter side of the lake at the "Dragon" end, more or less opposite The Walk on the other side.

Still in a soft opening phase, it offers decent pricing for an aircon bar, i.e. large beers at 80 baht, except Heineken at 95, JW Red scotch at 60 baht a measure and the Black at 80.

Decor above average to attract the better off Thai, Thai and Western food available also at reasonable prices and good gear it is too.

Not sure whether it is UK or USA owned, possibly a bit of both. Best of luck to them, so far it seems their investment will pay off.

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I have short term memory loss but not long term yet. If you look back a few months we had this discussion before and you said that you really didn't understand why Brits call it beetroot either. Now you are changing your "tune". Are you entering the "more than short term" memory loss stage?

I did say I didn't know why the Brits called it Beetroot but we do so it's Beetroot and not root or beet whatever.

So looks like you have a new bar opening Confuzion has to be owned by Americans as their all confused, well one of the one's I know is.

Talking of Colonists you mentioned the other day in your post something about Eels the fish at your end pray tell how do they cook them, we have huge one's in the market here and I only know Jellied or with parsley sauce or fileted on a skewer cooked over a barbeque, all delish but not easy to do here.


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