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Oh yer, "fishing trip" that's a new one!!!

Most guys tell the wife they're off on a "golfing" trip when they head off to Sin City!!!

Last time I went down there I told my wife I was going to buy a motorbike.

She told me to enjoy myself.

I did, I bought a motorbike but not the one I went to buy.

Believe it or not We/H/M are going fishing. The lads and H/M go every year. If you care to look back in this section you will see that I posted about same then.

Last time it was in Pattaya bay this time it's a private fishing lake with evidently big stuff "Fish" well so I'm led to believe.

Gave up Golf to hot here so cant use that excuse. I always tell Mrs H/M the truth whether she believes me is another thing.

Anyway that's what I shall be doing day time.

Night time I suppose I shall just have to wander about on my own. Oh plus giving out the odd signed snap of myself.

One thing I wont be doing is buying a M/C, I only do Limos now as befits us royalty.

You mob have a few days to sort out the bunting, I shall be going down the bypass about 9.30/10am. Sorry won't have time to stop and sign autographs, so you lot will just have to settle for the royal wave.




There is to be a new "regional English School" in the Metropolis that knows no bounds and world hub of noodles ( except on pizzas). The school is to cater for Thais who wish to go on advanced English course and should provide a real challenge to applicants, the moto of the new school is "Teach tha sen Tyke"

A high class education centre, way above what the local "universities" can offer it will even have a typlical Yorkshire Street in it so that locals can participate in learning Yorkshire in local shops, there will even be a pub called the "White Rose", a pit and a cricket pitch. Famous Yorkshire folk are, as I speak being booked for seminars ( at a high cost to students ), famous celebrates rummoured to be on their way are Michael Porkinson, Sir Geoff Baycott, Capt Pickart from Star Trek ( cant remember his real name), Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Clarkston and Brian Clough ( through a video link). More news as it is gathered!

Forgot to mention the other day but anyone visiting Immigration, Pizza Stand also does a good range of western style breakfast so you make up what you want, eggs, bacon, sausage, beans etc. worth a visit after your 90 day bit, makes the visit all the more worth while.

starting to get jolly hot in the days again now as winter seems a forlorn memory and now that the New Year has gone and we look forward to the Chinese New Year, Feb 15, locals are scratching their heads and other places trying to come up with even more versions of the world famous noodles, on my wishlist is egg and bacon and half a turkey with stuffing and parsnips, yummy!


There is to be a new "regional English School" in the Metropolis that knows no bounds and world hub of noodles ( except on pizzas). The school is to cater for Thais who wish to go on advanced English course and should provide a real challenge to applicants, the moto of the new school is "Teach tha sen Tyke"

A high class education centre, way above what the local "universities" can offer it will even have a typlical Yorkshire Street in it so that locals can participate in learning Yorkshire in local shops, there will even be a pub called the "White Rose", a pit and a cricket pitch. Famous Yorkshire folk are, as I speak being booked for seminars ( at a high cost to students ), famous celebrates rummoured to be on their way are Michael Porkinson, Sir Geoff Baycott, Capt Pickart from Star Trek ( cant remember his real name), Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Clarkston and Brian Clough ( through a video link). More news as it is gathered!

Forgot to mention the other day but anyone visiting Immigration, Pizza Stand also does a good range of western style breakfast so you make up what you want, eggs, bacon, sausage, beans etc. worth a visit after your 90 day bit, makes the visit all the more worth while.

starting to get jolly hot in the days again now as winter seems a forlorn memory and now that the New Year has gone and we look forward to the Chinese New Year, Feb 15, locals are scratching their heads and other places trying to come up with even more versions of the world famous noodles, on my wishlist is egg and bacon and half a turkey with stuffing and parsnips, yummy!

Winter a forlorn memory we still have January and Feb: to go before the heat sets in

Has been great here well it would be No smoke burning and the likes so far.

Had some rain this morning so Mrs H/M told me she got a trite wet taking Miss H/M to school.

All seems to be over now at 8.30am back to Blue again.

So you have a new English School open there sounds just the thing.

A little thought maybe you can send the info to some peeps that post on this section at least some of us might then have a clue what they are talking about.

Patts Monday the hotel has been booked so I have been informed only hope it's up to my standard.

Hope you mob have started on the Bunting gave you my times in a previous post.




There is to be a new "regional English School" in the Metropolis that knows no bounds and world hub of noodles ( except on pizzas). The school is to cater for Thais who wish to go on advanced English course and should provide a real challenge to applicants, the moto of the new school is "Teach tha sen Tyke"

A high class education centre, way above what the local "universities" can offer it will even have a typlical Yorkshire Street in it so that locals can participate in learning Yorkshire in local shops, there will even be a pub called the "White Rose", a pit and a cricket pitch. Famous Yorkshire folk are, as I speak being booked for seminars ( at a high cost to students ), famous celebrates rummoured to be on their way are Michael Porkinson, Sir Geoff Baycott, Capt Pickart from Star Trek ( cant remember his real name), Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Clarkston and Brian Clough ( through a video link). More news as it is gathered!

Forgot to mention the other day but anyone visiting Immigration, Pizza Stand also does a good range of western style breakfast so you make up what you want, eggs, bacon, sausage, beans etc. worth a visit after your 90 day bit, makes the visit all the more worth while.

starting to get jolly hot in the days again now as winter seems a forlorn memory and now that the New Year has gone and we look forward to the Chinese New Year, Feb 15, locals are scratching their heads and other places trying to come up with even more versions of the world famous noodles, on my wishlist is egg and bacon and half a turkey with stuffing and parsnips, yummy!

Winter a forlorn memory we still have January and Feb: to go before the heat sets in

Has been great here well it would be No smoke burning and the likes so far.

Had some rain this morning so Mrs H/M told me she got a trite wet taking Miss H/M to school.

All seems to be over now at 8.30am back to Blue again.

So you have a new English School open there sounds just the thing.

A little thought maybe you can send the info to some peeps that post on this section at least some of us might then have a clue what they are talking about.

Patts Monday the hotel has been booked so I have been informed only hope it's up to my standard.

Hope you mob have started on the Bunting gave you my times in a previous post.



Hey Fred,instead of going off to sin city get yer sen enrolled, maybe you will learn to speak proper like I does!!!

Also maybe they have a student bar where you can enjoy some real Yorkshire ale instead of that foreign stuff that you sup up there!!!


There is to be a new "regional English School" in the Metropolis that knows no bounds and world hub of noodles ( except on pizzas). The school is to cater for Thais who wish to go on advanced English course and should provide a real challenge to applicants, the moto of the new school is "Teach tha sen Tyke"

A high class education centre, way above what the local "universities" can offer it will even have a typlical Yorkshire Street in it so that locals can participate in learning Yorkshire in local shops, there will even be a pub called the "White Rose", a pit and a cricket pitch. Famous Yorkshire folk are, as I speak being booked for seminars ( at a high cost to students ), famous celebrates rummoured to be on their way are Michael Porkinson, Sir Geoff Baycott, Capt Pickart from Star Trek ( cant remember his real name), Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Clarkston and Brian Clough ( through a video link). More news as it is gathered!

Forgot to mention the other day but anyone visiting Immigration, Pizza Stand also does a good range of western style breakfast so you make up what you want, eggs, bacon, sausage, beans etc. worth a visit after your 90 day bit, makes the visit all the more worth while.

starting to get jolly hot in the days again now as winter seems a forlorn memory and now that the New Year has gone and we look forward to the Chinese New Year, Feb 15, locals are scratching their heads and other places trying to come up with even more versions of the world famous noodles, on my wishlist is egg and bacon and half a turkey with stuffing and parsnips, yummy!

Winter a forlorn memory we still have January and Feb: to go before the heat sets in

Has been great here well it would be No smoke burning and the likes so far.

Had some rain this morning so Mrs H/M told me she got a trite wet taking Miss H/M to school.

All seems to be over now at 8.30am back to Blue again.

So you have a new English School open there sounds just the thing.

A little thought maybe you can send the info to some peeps that post on this section at least some of us might then have a clue what they are talking about.

Patts Monday the hotel has been booked so I have been informed only hope it's up to my standard.

Hope you mob have started on the Bunting gave you my times in a previous post.



Hey Fred,instead of going off to sin city get yer sen enrolled, maybe you will learn to speak proper like I does!!!

Also maybe they have a student bar where you can enjoy some real Yorkshire ale instead of that foreign stuff that you sup up there!!!

I'm starting at the top of Blighty and going down, one of the chap's who's going is a Scott's man.

Have got a book on how to speak same, so far not a lot of Joy.

Must admit though that a pint or two of good bitter wouldn't go a miss.

Only hope that he doesn't ware the full regalia, or we could be in trouble if someone tries to bar fine him.

Question shouldn't you be out with the rest of the Mob fixing my bunting???




There is to be a new "regional English School" in the Metropolis that knows no bounds and world hub of noodles ( except on pizzas). The school is to cater for Thais who wish to go on advanced English course and should provide a real challenge to applicants, the moto of the new school is "Teach tha sen Tyke"

A high class education centre, way above what the local "universities" can offer it will even have a typlical Yorkshire Street in it so that locals can participate in learning Yorkshire in local shops, there will even be a pub called the "White Rose", a pit and a cricket pitch. Famous Yorkshire folk are, as I speak being booked for seminars ( at a high cost to students ), famous celebrates rummoured to be on their way are Michael Porkinson, Sir Geoff Baycott, Capt Pickart from Star Trek ( cant remember his real name), Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Clarkston and Brian Clough ( through a video link). More news as it is gathered!

Forgot to mention the other day but anyone visiting Immigration, Pizza Stand also does a good range of western style breakfast so you make up what you want, eggs, bacon, sausage, beans etc. worth a visit after your 90 day bit, makes the visit all the more worth while.

starting to get jolly hot in the days again now as winter seems a forlorn memory and now that the New Year has gone and we look forward to the Chinese New Year, Feb 15, locals are scratching their heads and other places trying to come up with even more versions of the world famous noodles, on my wishlist is egg and bacon and half a turkey with stuffing and parsnips, yummy!

Winter a forlorn memory we still have January and Feb: to go before the heat sets in

Has been great here well it would be No smoke burning and the likes so far.

Had some rain this morning so Mrs H/M told me she got a trite wet taking Miss H/M to school.

All seems to be over now at 8.30am back to Blue again.

So you have a new English School open there sounds just the thing.

A little thought maybe you can send the info to some peeps that post on this section at least some of us might then have a clue what they are talking about.

Patts Monday the hotel has been booked so I have been informed only hope it's up to my standard.

Hope you mob have started on the Bunting gave you my times in a previous post.



Hey Fred,instead of going off to sin city get yer sen enrolled, maybe you will learn to speak proper like I does!!!

Also maybe they have a student bar where you can enjoy some real Yorkshire ale instead of that foreign stuff that you sup up there!!!

I'm starting at the top of Blighty and going down, one of the chap's who's going is a Scott's man.

Have got a book on how to speak same, so far not a lot of Joy.

Must admit though that a pint or two of good bitter wouldn't go a miss.

Only hope that he doesn't ware the full regalia, or we could be in trouble if someone tries to bar fine him.

Question shouldn't you be out with the rest of the Mob fixing my bunting???



Sorry my man, but as I have said before we only put bunting out for proper royals not self-proclaimed hunt masters!

If it was Mrs H/M that was travelling through our fine city then that might be different, her being a proper royal. So sorry but I am staying put!!!


Sorry my Man. Dash pore show if you ask H/M.

I would like to remind you that a marriage to Royalty automatically make one royal.

Take the Queen her husband is now a duke, and Williams wife has become a Duchess.

So by marriage H/M is the Thai equivalent of Duke. What ever it's royalty.

One is getting a trite peed orf with all this insubordination.

Just get the stuff out. And stop faffing about.




I once had a dog named Duke, and he wasn't married to any royalty! He also loved to roam where the ladies were but iI don't think that he thought that it was fishing trip! But, maybe it was, fishing for the four legged variety! So you're going to fish in a stocked pond/lake. Why don't you go to Mackro and drop your line in the tank that has live Talapia? Not catch and release, catch, pay and eat!

I looked up "bunting" in the Merriam Webster dictionary:

Definition of BUNTING

: any of various stout-billed passerine birds (families Cardinalidae and Emberizidae) of which some are grouped with the cardinal and some with the New World sparrows —

What's the big deal of having someone hang up dead birds when you travel by? It sounds like a weird fetish and could be considered inhumane, but to each his own.

Have a adventure and watch out for the lake monster, or maybe the "walking street monster"

  • Like 1

I used to lust after Daisy Duke in the Dukes of Hazzard. Much tastier than most of the stock in Pattaya.

The ONLY way to go fishing is a piece of string, a brick, some matches and a stick of dynamite.


1 Tie the dynamite to the brick with the string, making sure that the fuse is long enough.

2 Light said fuse with a match

3 Throw the brick in the water and smartly retreat to a safe distance

4 After the explosion and the cold shower, collect the fish.

Easy peasy.

If you want to go hi tech then use a Honda generator but remember to shut it down BEFORE you go in the water to catch the fish.

Tip. Honda generators are heavy and bulky.


Sorry my Man. Dash pore show if you ask H/M.

I would like to remind you that a marriage to Royalty automatically make one royal.

Take the Queen her husband is now a duke, and Williams wife has become a Duchess.

So by marriage H/M is the Thai equivalent of Duke. What ever it's royalty.

One is getting a trite peed orf with all this insubordination.

Just get the stuff out. And stop faffing about.



Well,well,well! The duck has spoken!

Sorry my man but proper royals have royal blood running through their veins not dish water blood.

BTW, I hope you are going to use our bypass on Monday as it was built for the purpose of keeping you Kippers lot from entering and polluting our fine city with your four wheel tanks.

Enjoy yourself in sin city and be careful where you dangle your rod!!!

No need to rush back!!!

Edit: Sorry forgot to mention that I have a masters degree in insubordination!


Sorry my Man. Dash pore show if you ask H/M.

I would like to remind you that a marriage to Royalty automatically make one royal.

Take the Queen her husband is now a duke, and Williams wife has become a Duchess.

So by marriage H/M is the Thai equivalent of Duke. What ever it's royalty.

One is getting a trite peed orf with all this insubordination.

Just get the stuff out. And stop faffing about.



Well,well,well! The duck has spoken!

Sorry my man but proper royals have royal blood running through their veins not dish water blood.

BTW, I hope you are going to use our bypass on Monday as it was built for the purpose of keeping you Kippers lot from entering and polluting our fine city with your four wheel tanks.

Enjoy yourself in sin city and be careful where you dangle your rod!!!

No need to rush back!!!

Edit: Sorry forgot to mention that I have a masters degree in insubordination!

H/M see's that the lower classes have come out in full force.

Wayne. If you care to Google Bunting and scroll down you will see that there are pictures of Bunting 'flags' and very pretty they look too, that's the sort of thing that H/M requires on his trip through N/S (Well down the bypass) last thing I would want to do is put even more pollution in N/S the locals would be even more fog bound.

I don't have any fetish unless you count Hunting.

Well done you Davyboy on getting a masters degree on Insubordination. I didn't know if it would be appropriate to put in long words when replying to you midland peeps, one did think that EYE OOP was the best you could stretch to.

H/M doesn't understand what all the dangling rod's in walking street was all about.

I thought that one only went to Pattaya for shopping, having the odd pint/meal and fishing.

I must have lead a quiet life as I haven't come across anything else that one can do there.

Any tips would be gratefully received as I would hate to miss out on anything.

Sorry Bill I will be fishing the correct way as befits us upper class. Don't do explosives much to loud for the Royal ears don't you know.

The way it's done is, one of my minion's with his snorkel flounder's about in the deep end, grabbing a big one and sticking it on my hook, getting out to do all the hard work pulling it in. Then presenting H/M with the catch once it's landed on terra-firma. I shall of cause be there for the Oh look what I caught snaps.

Into Makro and fish for Talapia. Sound much to difficult for my staff, let alone the hoards of peeps floating about wanting just to Buddha forbid touch me. Or even get close for that new craze of I'm lead to believe selfie snaps. Thanks for the tip anyway but not going down that road. A trite to exhausting.

Off now have to check on Mrs H/M if you don't keep an eye out she might get the staff packing my wrong attire. Can you imagine how H/M would feel if my number one baton was left out.

Last time she almost forgot to load my hunting armchair.




The new English school is rumoured to have a karaoke suite where people can sing a long to "On Ilkley moor bar tat" or singa a long with Arthur Skargirl outside a closed pit frontage. The traditional Fish and Chips shop ( "wipe thy feet fore coming in!" ) will have a menu like, cod, haddock, plaice, chips and scraps accompanied by salt and vinegar...........strictly no chilli!

The pub will serve real ale to sup from such acclaimed brewers as Sam and John Smith, Timothy Taylor and Theakstons and no you bloody well cant any ice!

Copies of the Yorkshire Post, Evening News, Cudworth Explorer, Barnsley Advertsier, Sheffield Rag and the more up market Harrogate Country Life will be available in the entrance.

Next time I will try and find out some of the courses students might like, or should I say tremble at the encounter with a Yorkshiremanfacepalm.gif .

Had the agricultural flight over today practising for tomorrow, the Childrens Day. Some of the big children have started about tea time and will be gone by sun down byt the sound of the caterwailing. I dont know any excuse to get drunk and they have just had 6 days of it!


What or where is KPP. Also Fred where is Robinsons and Tops near Nakhon Sawan? Also Makro in NS had Lamb last week. Even Goat? Yuk wink.png

KPP is Khampaeng Phet.

I think Fred was talking about Phitanulok where there is a Robinsons and Tops is the supermarket within Robinsons which itself is in the Central shopping mall if I remember correctly.

I will be down in NS (Nakhon Sawan) next month and probably buy the lamb then.

Goat is nice curried Ghurka style with lots of Ghurka rum. Next day it is advisable not to get too far from a toilet. Stock it with something to read and some cold drinks as you may be there for a while and many times.

Had goat for the first time only last month. Cooked overnight in a low set oven with herbs, spices and rice. It was very nice although I do think lamb has a slight edge over it.

Fresh too. It walked to the truck and fought its way in. Came from Kamphaeng Phet of all places.

Even so, our sphincters weren't hot to trot the next day, so it was worth the effort.


There is a goat farm somewhere close to Khampaeng Phet and live goats were about 3,000 baht. I have his card but it is all in Thai.

Maybe it's the same place. Folks at the mosque in Phitsonulok told us about it as we asked about the availability of Halal foods in the area.

The goat cost us a little over 4,000 THB. although I'm not sure if we got a better or worse average of the weight as the bugger wouldn't keep still, but settled down once it was paid for and in the truck tray.

Still it was very nice when roasted after its demise, The dogs never got a look-in.


What or where is KPP. Also Fred where is Robinsons and Tops near Nakhon Sawan? Also Makro in NS had Lamb last week. Even Goat? Yuk wink.png

KPP is Khampaeng Phet.

I think Fred was talking about Phitanulok where there is a Robinsons and Tops is the supermarket within Robinsons which itself is in the Central shopping mall if I remember correctly.

I will be down in NS (Nakhon Sawan) next month and probably buy the lamb then.

Goat is nice curried Ghurka style with lots of Ghurka rum. Next day it is advisable not to get too far from a toilet. Stock it with something to read and some cold drinks as you may be there for a while and many times.

Had goat for the first time only last month. Cooked overnight in a low set oven with herbs, spices and rice. It was very nice although I do think lamb has a slight edge over it.

Fresh too. It walked to the truck and fought its way in. Came from Kamphaeng Phet of all places.

Even so, our sphincters weren't hot to trot the next day, so it was worth the effort.


There is a goat farm somewhere close to Khampaeng Phet and live goats were about 3,000 baht. I have his card but it is all in Thai.

Maybe it's the same place. Folks at the mosque in Phitsonulok told us about it as we asked about the availability of Halal foods in the area.

The goat cost us a little over 4,000 THB. although I'm not sure if we got a better or worse average of the weight as the bugger wouldn't keep still, but settled down once it was paid for and in the truck tray.

Still it was very nice when roasted after its demise, The dogs never got a look-in.


Sick. Vegan is the way me thinks after reading this :(

I think that you might have a slight problem Bim if you want to go Vegan.

H/M did have once a veggie friend (A pain in the butt) pop over for a few week's some time ago. Bloody disaster food wise.

We did try a veggie meal one night where the served asparagus wrapped in Bacon it was on their veg menu. It didn't go the waste H/M consumed same. Delish it was too.

Goat that's the way to go all served with Dave's Turkey Noodles + his yes I'm dreaming of pint's of the real stuff not forgetting Fish and chips.

There is a German place in Patts that brews it's own beer, it's on Second road not to far from Big C yes I know not bitter but a good pint all the same. They also sell the obligatory German sausage's, the only thing on a German menu evidently.

Only one day to go now looking forward to the trip in my Limo well except the bit some 114km down from K.P.Phet. Where I hit the N/S Bypass.




Hey Fred.that must have been some school that you went to which taught you that Yorkshire (gods own country) is in the Midlands!!!

Yes only one day to go before peace settles on this forum, maybe that's a better reason to put some bunting out! Now there's an idea!!!

What or where is KPP. Also Fred where is Robinsons and Tops near Nakhon Sawan? Also Makro in NS had Lamb last week. Even Goat? Yuk wink.png

KPP is Khampaeng Phet.

I think Fred was talking about Phitanulok where there is a Robinsons and Tops is the supermarket within Robinsons which itself is in the Central shopping mall if I remember correctly.

I will be down in NS (Nakhon Sawan) next month and probably buy the lamb then.

Goat is nice curried Ghurka style with lots of Ghurka rum. Next day it is advisable not to get too far from a toilet. Stock it with something to read and some cold drinks as you may be there for a while and many times.

Had goat for the first time only last month. Cooked overnight in a low set oven with herbs, spices and rice. It was very nice although I do think lamb has a slight edge over it.

Fresh too. It walked to the truck and fought its way in. Came from Kamphaeng Phet of all places.

Even so, our sphincters weren't hot to trot the next day, so it was worth the effort.


There is a goat farm somewhere close to Khampaeng Phet and live goats were about 3,000 baht. I have his card but it is all in Thai.

Maybe it's the same place. Folks at the mosque in Phitsonulok told us about it as we asked about the availability of Halal foods in the area.

The goat cost us a little over 4,000 THB. although I'm not sure if we got a better or worse average of the weight as the bugger wouldn't keep still, but settled down once it was paid for and in the truck tray.

Still it was very nice when roasted after its demise, The dogs never got a look-in.


Sick. Vegan is the way me thinks after reading this sad.png

Goat is only lamb dressed in a different suit, and roast lamb tastes pretty good if ever I can find a decent place to buy some.

What or where is KPP. Also Fred where is Robinsons and Tops near Nakhon Sawan? Also Makro in NS had Lamb last week. Even Goat? Yuk wink.png

KPP is Khampaeng Phet.

I think Fred was talking about Phitanulok where there is a Robinsons and Tops is the supermarket within Robinsons which itself is in the Central shopping mall if I remember correctly.

I will be down in NS (Nakhon Sawan) next month and probably buy the lamb then.

Goat is nice curried Ghurka style with lots of Ghurka rum. Next day it is advisable not to get too far from a toilet. Stock it with something to read and some cold drinks as you may be there for a while and many times.

Had goat for the first time only last month. Cooked overnight in a low set oven with herbs, spices and rice. It was very nice although I do think lamb has a slight edge over it.

Fresh too. It walked to the truck and fought its way in. Came from Kamphaeng Phet of all places.

Even so, our sphincters weren't hot to trot the next day, so it was worth the effort.


There is a goat farm somewhere close to Khampaeng Phet and live goats were about 3,000 baht. I have his card but it is all in Thai.

Maybe it's the same place. Folks at the mosque in Phitsonulok told us about it as we asked about the availability of Halal foods in the area.

The goat cost us a little over 4,000 THB. although I'm not sure if we got a better or worse average of the weight as the bugger wouldn't keep still, but settled down once it was paid for and in the truck tray.

Still it was very nice when roasted after its demise, The dogs never got a look-in.


Sick. Vegan is the way me thinks after reading this sad.png

Goat is only lamb dressed in a different suit, and roast lamb tastes pretty good if ever I can find a decent place to buy some.

Bill the big Tesco in NS just started selling in the frozen section. No nuts roasts though ;)

Hey Fred.that must have been some school that you went to which taught you that Yorkshire (gods own country) is in the Midlands!!!

Yes only one day to go before peace settles on this forum, maybe that's a better reason to put some bunting out! Now there's an idea!!!

For your information anything north of the Watford gap is passport country for us London peeps, so it's the Midlands, that runs right up to the Scottish borders.

What ever the reason for putting out the bunting is a good reason. Just hoping it's there this time.

You will all be pleased to hear that come Saturday the 20th H/M will be putting in his latest remark's on the Hub, not forgetting how the Duke's trip went.

In the mean time enjoy the quiet.



What or where is KPP. Also Fred where is Robinsons and Tops near Nakhon Sawan? Also Makro in NS had Lamb last week. Even Goat? Yuk wink.png

KPP is Khampaeng Phet.

I think Fred was talking about Phitanulok where there is a Robinsons and Tops is the supermarket within Robinsons which itself is in the Central shopping mall if I remember correctly.

I will be down in NS (Nakhon Sawan) next month and probably buy the lamb then.

Goat is nice curried Ghurka style with lots of Ghurka rum. Next day it is advisable not to get too far from a toilet. Stock it with something to read and some cold drinks as you may be there for a while and many times.

Had goat for the first time only last month. Cooked overnight in a low set oven with herbs, spices and rice. It was very nice although I do think lamb has a slight edge over it.

Fresh too. It walked to the truck and fought its way in. Came from Kamphaeng Phet of all places.

Even so, our sphincters weren't hot to trot the next day, so it was worth the effort.


There is a goat farm somewhere close to Khampaeng Phet and live goats were about 3,000 baht. I have his card but it is all in Thai.

Maybe it's the same place. Folks at the mosque in Phitsonulok told us about it as we asked about the availability of Halal foods in the area.

The goat cost us a little over 4,000 THB. although I'm not sure if we got a better or worse average of the weight as the bugger wouldn't keep still, but settled down once it was paid for and in the truck tray.

Still it was very nice when roasted after its demise, The dogs never got a look-in.


Sick. Vegan is the way me thinks after reading this sad.png

I was raised on a sheep ranch in Australia and I don't share your sentimental detachment to the realities of where my food comes from.

You couldn't be more wrong than thinking the animal was mistreated in any way, Even (especially) though it was destined for the table.

It was taken to a licensed slaughterhouse to be dispatched ready for cooking and nothing went to waste.

By comparison, having seen how more popular local livestock is transported here, my conscience is very clear.


What or where is KPP. Also Fred where is Robinsons and Tops near Nakhon Sawan? Also Makro in NS had Lamb last week. Even Goat? Yuk wink.png

KPP is Khampaeng Phet.

I think Fred was talking about Phitanulok where there is a Robinsons and Tops is the supermarket within Robinsons which itself is in the Central shopping mall if I remember correctly.

I will be down in NS (Nakhon Sawan) next month and probably buy the lamb then.

Goat is nice curried Ghurka style with lots of Ghurka rum. Next day it is advisable not to get too far from a toilet. Stock it with something to read and some cold drinks as you may be there for a while and many times.

Had goat for the first time only last month. Cooked overnight in a low set oven with herbs, spices and rice. It was very nice although I do think lamb has a slight edge over it.

Fresh too. It walked to the truck and fought its way in. Came from Kamphaeng Phet of all places.

Even so, our sphincters weren't hot to trot the next day, so it was worth the effort.


There is a goat farm somewhere close to Khampaeng Phet and live goats were about 3,000 baht. I have his card but it is all in Thai.

Maybe it's the same place. Folks at the mosque in Phitsonulok told us about it as we asked about the availability of Halal foods in the area.

The goat cost us a little over 4,000 THB. although I'm not sure if we got a better or worse average of the weight as the bugger wouldn't keep still, but settled down once it was paid for and in the truck tray.

Still it was very nice when roasted after its demise, The dogs never got a look-in.


Sick. Vegan is the way me thinks after reading this sad.png

Goat is only lamb dressed in a different suit, and roast lamb tastes pretty good if ever I can find a decent place to buy some.

Bill the big Tesco in NS just started selling in the frozen section. No nuts roasts though wink.png

I think that the taste of lamb/mutton has an edge over goat. However, I haven't found anywhere that I can buy a full sheep. but I can buy a full goat.

The traditional recipe calls for a full carcass. Nuts and all, so goat it was. The whole thing was consumed in a very short space of time and therefore categorized as a successful alternative, even though, the fact it looked horny was a dead giveaway.



I hear that the Triangle bar in Pattaya has Brains Bitter at 130 or 140 baht a pint/500 ml. Sounds worth a try when in the area.

Also hear that confu Zion bar has closed its doors. Pity, now no fish and chips, pie and chips, Indian curries, breakfasts etc., in town.

What or where is KPP. Also Fred where is Robinsons and Tops near Nakhon Sawan? Also Makro in NS had Lamb last week. Even Goat? Yuk wink.png

KPP is Khampaeng Phet.

I think Fred was talking about Phitanulok where there is a Robinsons and Tops is the supermarket within Robinsons which itself is in the Central shopping mall if I remember correctly.

I will be down in NS (Nakhon Sawan) next month and probably buy the lamb then.

Goat is nice curried Ghurka style with lots of Ghurka rum. Next day it is advisable not to get too far from a toilet. Stock it with something to read and some cold drinks as you may be there for a while and many times.

Had goat for the first time only last month. Cooked overnight in a low set oven with herbs, spices and rice. It was very nice although I do think lamb has a slight edge over it.

Fresh too. It walked to the truck and fought its way in. Came from Kamphaeng Phet of all places.

Even so, our sphincters weren't hot to trot the next day, so it was worth the effort.


There is a goat farm somewhere close to Khampaeng Phet and live goats were about 3,000 baht. I have his card but it is all in Thai.

Maybe it's the same place. Folks at the mosque in Phitsonulok told us about it as we asked about the availability of Halal foods in the area.

The goat cost us a little over 4,000 THB. although I'm not sure if we got a better or worse average of the weight as the bugger wouldn't keep still, but settled down once it was paid for and in the truck tray.

Still it was very nice when roasted after its demise, The dogs never got a look-in.


Sick. Vegan is the way me thinks after reading this sad.png

I was raised on a sheep ranch in Australia and I don't share your sentimental detachment to the realities of where my food comes from.

You couldn't be more wrong than thinking the animal was mistreated in any way, Even (especially) though it was destined for the table.

It was taken to a licensed slaughterhouse to be dispatched ready for cooking and nothing went to waste.

By comparison, having seen how more popular local livestock is transported here, my conscience is very clear.


Jerry I think its called sentimental attachment not detachment. I didnt suggest the animal was mistreated. It seams you have taken my comment personally. Maybe that is your consience talking to you. But to use the word dispatched instead of ending a life or as some would say even murder then thats called denial in terms playing with words not unlike colateral damage or war as a theater. But hey my Karma is my Karma and yours is yours. But if I was ever sitting on a fence on the issue then you have just convinced me the right way is always compassion. Vegan it is then. Hope you dont come back as a goat in your next life. Living in Thailand you should know all about Karma.

I hear that the Triangle bar in Pattaya has Brains Bitter at 130 or 140 baht a pint/500 ml. Sounds worth a try when in the area.

Also hear that confu Zion bar has closed its doors. Pity, now no fish and chips, pie and chips, Indian curries, breakfasts etc., in town.

Thanks for the info I'll try and find Triangle Bar. At 140bt a pint sounds a bit cheap for Patts though.

Sorry to hear of the demise of ConfuZion bar, I did say the other week that you wont earn enough just opening a few hours in the evening.

Mike our local German restaurant opens from 11am till 10pm everyday, except Monday (closed)

He has always done well, always full with Thai's, and he doesn't have 1 Thai dish or even rice come to that on the menu.




The Triangle is at the bottom of Soi Chaiphun (off Soi Bukhao) difficult to miss as its, er, shaped like a triangle. Not on my usual list, but next time I am there a few pints of bitter at a decent price will go down well. The thought cheers up an alcohol free Saturday night anyway.

And on Tuesday Wet Spam play the School of Science again, but will they make Fat Same happy?


The Triangle is at the bottom of Soi Chaiphun (off Soi Bukhao) difficult to miss as its, er, shaped like a triangle. Not on my usual list, but next time I am there a few pints of bitter at a decent price will go down well. The thought cheers up an alcohol free Saturday night anyway.

And on Tuesday Wet Spam play the School of Science again, but will they make Fat Same happy?

Did look up Triangle bar been passed it several times never been in. H/M watched the video. Must say not my cup of tea either, a couple of the usual Pattaya plonkers giving it the big one. But as it's not to far from a restaurant we use I might give it a try on the way out for the night.

I see that they do a happy hour from 8am till 12pm two for one. Only hope it not the same as one we went into last time, also two for one but the price was double to start with. Full's some of the locals I suppose.

H/M will give a full report about the best seaside place to live allegedly that's of cause if you don't include Cleethorpes, on his return.

I bet Sam wasn't to happy tonight 1 up half time then they turned off ended 1/1.

Now waiting for the Spur's game to start at 12.30am Might not watch it to the end as a trite knackered.




Going past N S in the morning,can anyone tell me are the roads still bad,if so i'll add a extra hour on.

makro in sukhothai has good lamb.Fred i have been in triangle bar many times and last time i took you there

but it was empty so we didnt go in.watch out for that new nissan going past your ride fred.thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gif


Going past N S in the morning,can anyone tell me are the roads still bad,if so i'll add a extra hour on.

makro in sukhothai has good lamb.Fred i have been in triangle bar many times and last time i took you there

but it was empty so we didnt go in.watch out for that new nissan going past your ride fred.thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gif

You'll need to add two hours if your going through the town, due to the usual heavy traffic that never seems to abate, but only half hour if you use the bypass. Watch out for the bumpy road just before the first bridge.

I don't remember ever going near the place 'Triangle bar' but will have a look this time.

Going passed indeed.

I will keep a look out for your new White Nissan as you crawl along in the lorry lane.

Note to self turn the tanks wing mirror's in a downward direction.

When you have a problem you are invited to call me. I will of cause send someone to help you out.

I'm sure that I will be able to get away without one of the many Limos in the royal motor cade.




I hear that the Triangle bar in Pattaya has Brains Bitter at 130 or 140 baht a pint/500 ml. Sounds worth a try when in the area.

Also hear that confu Zion bar has closed its doors. Pity, now no fish and chips, pie and chips, Indian curries, breakfasts etc., in town.

Meant to add (ref confuZion) that it is also a pity for the staff that will lose their jobs and whoever has lost money on the venture.

Speaking of losing jobs, the Tesco in Fairyland appears to be closing. Not too surprising really as they generally have more staff than customers, same as the new Big C. Makes it almost a pleasure to go there but no good for the balance sheet.

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