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Appeal Or Re-Apply

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My wife's cousin has just been refused a family visit visa for the following reasons.

  1. No evidence proving she is a first cousin
  2. No evidence that her sponsor can adequately accomodate her.
  3. That she can meet the cost of return journey to Thailand.
  4. Money in her bank books eratic and that her claimed income does not match her employment.

The answers I can provide

  1. We will obtain my wifes mother's marriage document which will show the same maiden names.
  2. zoopla description of our property. I have sponsored 3 nieces and my wifes sister for visits and they have all stayed in the same bedroom which has been exclusively theirs during their stay. A photo of our prpoerty was included in the application
  3. A print out from the travel agent was also submitted that was for a return ticket bought in Thailand.
  4. If she had had an interview then she could have explained that money had been lent to her sister to help her sisters business and a lot of it had been converted into gold, would a photo of the gold do here?

I sent adequate proof of contact phone records photos of family gatherings and also a letter of invitation, travel itinaries, financial status etc etc

I am particularly aggreaved as she was not given an interview, that suddenly the accomodation that was adequate is not longer accepted as such and that the the ECO could not see that the travel agents itinary was for a return trip.

Should we appeal or re-submit?

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She has the right of appeal against the decision. You must exercise that right within 28 days, and pay a fee of 80 GBP or 140 GBP, depending on what type of appeal hearing you want.

Less than 1% of visa applicants are interviewed. Verbal statements at interview don't really carry much weight, especially if it is explaining where money comes from, or has gone. And, photographs of gold are pretty much useless. You can explain everything in your : grounds of appeal", but make sure that all of the refusal grounds are covered, with documentary evidence to back it up ( photographs of gold will not be good enough as evidence). If you don't have any documentary evidence to explain the refusal reasons, then your chances of winning an appeal are slim.

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The grounds for refusal don't look that unreasonable so it may be better to reapply and address these things clearly. If you feel the ECO has already had this information consider an appeal.

Take a long, hard look at the application. Just because the documentation was OK in past applications does not mean it is still OK!

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Thanks for all the comments and advice. I will reapply for the visa.

  • My wifes parents wedding certificate showing that both mothers have the same nee surname well in hand.
  • Estate agents particulars of my next-door neighbour's identical house which he has on the market at the moment , with room sizes and floorplans etc.
  • The airline resevation will be re-presented and highlighted to show the return ticket, after all what immigration officier would let someone into the UK on a oneway ticket.
  • Although we will do the best to explain the erratic money in and out of the bank, this should not have been a concern to ECO as I clearly stated that apart from the airline ticket I was fully funding her stay and that she would not have to pay for anything, all she needed was pocket money. I did the same for every member of my wife's family that have visited the UK. We already have bookings for cottages and a canal boat that sleep 4-6 persons so its not going to me anything extra. My only increases in expenses are due to food and a bit more water and leccy.

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