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One Thousand Red Villages Open In Isaan: Thailand


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Redshirt leaders harassing a teacher who tries to teach his student to think by asking them to write whether they agreed or disagreed with the government awarding compensation to red shirts. This shows how the fugitive leader and his red mob are running the country and parallels can be drawn to both Hitler's Jungvolk and the Khmer Rouge brain-washing tactics.

And such degrading, contemptuous, self-righteous, conceited elitist coupists, who are so pumped with their political self-importance to the exclusion of political space for their opposites speak of reconciliation?

Without giving even a moments thought to the responsibilities and accountability of their people at R'song, and they speak of reconciliation?

Running to judges at every turn with coup intentions speak of reconciliation?

Running interference at every step against reforming their coup constitution speak of reconciliation?

Besmirching, denigrating and disparaging their political opposites who are simply trying to fortify themselves politically, with these Red Shirt Villages, and in the same breath talk about reconciliation?

"Reconciliation" to them, is code for electoral losers pressuring the Govt. not to do too much, kow-tow to their agenda and deny their electoral mandate.

Fohget about reconciliation.

Elections will maintain the correct order of things.

Elections without the rule of law is a hollow fraud of a democracy, it is the ritual of a democracy with none of the substance. Its a barren vision you have if this is the best you can imagine for thailand.

Elections are the only way. At least there is a chance.

Coups pre-empt rule of law from the very get-go.

With elections one has the opportunity to turf the scoundrels in a time-certain way, via the ballot box.

Coups can only be replaced by the gun and bullet routine, as Thailand found out.

I'll take elections, gross faults and all thank you.

As an aside, I note the very callous and flippant way coups and R'song are dealt with, casually dismissing all those who were killed and maimed, as if the negotiation path was not an option. Abhi's mafia offer certainly took that approach.

I don't need to tell you of all the instances I saw up close and personal, the killing-maiming after-effects.

I suppose that is why I am sensitive to the human suffering coupists and their armed aggressors perpetrated, to defend their non-electoral power grab.

A power grab that was exposed for what it was, last election.

There has always been elections and wasn't a coup for years either, you have got nothing but some cheap chinese ipad knock-offs for your sacrifices, its a perfect analogy for the kind of democracy you have fought for too.

Bait and switch every step of the way and you still havn't twigged.

I think Thaksin could sodomise Jatuporn and Amsterdam onstage in front of a red shirt rally, while throwing money at them as they all laugh and hold up signs saying 'down with the amart', 'amend section 112', 'its the real thing' and 'im loving it' and you guys still won't get whats its all about.

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Like the Khumer Rouge, if you don't fall inline they will shoot you? Do I dare say it: this is fascism?

You forgot to say that prior to shooting you, they will eat your babies and forcibly cancel your spouse's account on Thai Visa. Despicable.


Thanks for the laugh.

You may laugh, but red violence knows no bounds. The latest unbelievable and wholly unsubstantiated rumor is that there's a red splinter cell operating in Mukdahan that is training dogs to deliver ordinance to targets. They are apparently copying a little-known IRA tactic employed on the British mainland in the mid 90's.

Surely it can't get any lower than this......?

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This thread has brought out some of the best of TVF hyperbole.

Many appear to be "moved" by all these red shirt villages.

Once you've washed out your shorts, come back to your keyboards and carry on...

What's that old saying?.....'If you have nothing worth saying then don't bother saying anything'!

Actually, my mother always taught me, "nothing nice to say"... wink.png

But you prompt me to abort the short-hand method, so here is a short list of some of the hyperbolic hysteria in the first couple of pages...

terrorist, hitler, communist, facist, khmer rouge, feudalism, dictator, SS, brainwashing, red military, idiots, sheep, civil war, red thugs, napalm, bribes, intimidation, uneducated, wall them in, storm & burn, anti-monarchy commies, maoist...

OK, we're missing some of the usual slurs, red buffalo, kwai, lazy-unemployed-paid-to-protest-scum, etc... but really, the thread embodies some of the worse qualities of TVF in a single place.

So let's you and I agree that 99% of this thread did not need to be "said"...

The voice of the OVERLORD gives advertising. Posters, follow him, close your mouth and your keyboard, forget to look honestly for what is what (even if your statement doesn't fit 100%). In the maoist roadmap the intellectuals have their place too. At TVForum they have a place - Democracy.

Edited by lungmi
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It's make your mind up time. Either Thaksin, the PTP, Red Shirt leaders et all are part of the moneyed elite or are they all communists. As they say in Thailand, Up to you? How about "pinko liberals"?

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I think Thailand is actually 4 countries, the North, the South, Pattani and Bangkok. Thailand is an artificial country just like India was under the British, eventually it violently fell apart into present day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, I can see Thailand doing the same.

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I think Thailand is actually 4 countries, the North, the South, Pattani and Bangkok. Thailand is an artificial country just like India was under the British, eventually it violently fell apart into present day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, I can see Thailand doing the same.

If you're taking "the far south" out of "the south", then I don't see that "the south" would be separate from Bangkok.

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It's make your mind up time. Either Thaksin, the PTP, Red Shirt leaders et all are part of the moneyed elite or are they all communists. As they say in Thailand, Up to you? How about "pinko liberals"?

I think most Thais and I would vote for neither and opt for a non corrupt middle ground.

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I think Thailand is actually 4 countries, the North, the South, Pattani and Bangkok. Thailand is an artificial country just like India was under the British, eventually it violently fell apart into present day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, I can see Thailand doing the same.

'eventually it violently fell apart into present day India'

Is it not interesting that it is always the practitioners of one particular ideology that demands another separate country from other countries? Are they trying to get a voting majority in the UN? Or is it that they can't get along with any non practitioners, even though it truly appears they also cannot even get along with each other.

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Like the Khumer Rouge, if you don't fall inline they will shoot you? Do I dare say it: this is fascism?

You forgot to say that prior to shooting you, they will eat your babies and forcibly cancel your spouse's account on Thai Visa. Despicable.


Thanks for the laugh.

You may laugh, but red violence knows no bounds. The latest unbelievable and wholly unsubstantiated rumor is that there's a red splinter cell operating in Mukdahan that is training dogs to deliver ordinance to targets. They are apparently copying a little-known IRA tactic employed on the British mainland in the mid 90's.

Surely it can't get any lower than this......?

I doubt the red shirts will blow up dogs, the red shirts eat their dogs.

Edited by blows
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I think Thailand is actually 4 countries, the North, the South, Pattani and Bangkok. Thailand is an artificial country just like India was under the British, eventually it violently fell apart into present day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, I can see Thailand doing the same.

If you're taking "the far south" out of "the south", then I don't see that "the south" would be separate from Bangkok.

Well I have noticed that many families in my village (in suburban Bangkok), speak and behave differently from others, when I query this I'm told "they are from down South". I can only judge by what I observe.

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I think Thailand is actually 4 countries, the North, the South, Pattani and Bangkok. Thailand is an artificial country just like India was under the British, eventually it violently fell apart into present day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, I can see Thailand doing the same.

'eventually it violently fell apart into present day India'

Is it not interesting that it is always the practitioners of one particular ideology that demands another separate country from other countries? Are they trying to get a voting majority in the UN? Or is it that they can't get along with any non practitioners, even though it truly appears they also cannot even get along with each other.

I prefer to say "sad" rather than interesting.

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Perhaps, once there is enough Red Villages on board, they can all secede from The Kingdom and form a breakaway state, 'The People's Village of Issan'?

And the southern provinces can do likewise, resulting in a totally fragmented Thai society and a failed state.

Is it not happening already????

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Well, what all this means is that in the next 5 years, this could cause a shed load more grief in Thailand than anything the Iranians could conjure up! The scene is set for a split of the country. Which part would Bangkok be in? North or South? Red or Yellow? Maybe President Thaksin will simply abandon the South to Malaysia, and the Muslim effort to control the South of Thailand.

And where about would that separation be????

Surely he would want to keep the money scamming making top tourist destination......

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Welcome back dark ages! We return to feudalism and listening to what the local lord dictates, along with his oligarchy based on BKK and Montenegro.

Actually, last years elections released us from such things.

I thought that you were a lawyer.... now I see that you are actually a comedian.coffee1.gif

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Perhaps, once there is enough Red Villages on board, they can all secede from The Kingdom and form a breakaway state, 'The People's Village of Issan'?

Yes I think you are right, annexation would be good, they obviously would not welcome non red Thais there would they.

No mention of reconcilliation here then.

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Next it will be Red Thailand! BTW, what happens if you live in a village that becomes a Red village but you aren't a red? Do you opt out of this...erm... democracy... or stay yellow, or try to mix in and turn a kind of orange, or go multicoloured or try to preserve your village life and go green. The Thai political spectrum is truly amazing.

That wont be an option. If your village becomes red you have to adapt. If they cannot force you, and they will use force, you will be treated as paria in your own village. Noone will speak to you, nothing will be available to you in the local shops, your truck/tractor/bike will be vandalised, your electricity and water cut off etc. You do not believe me? Just wait, this is just the initial stage.

I can say with certainty, that Tanaka has never been around UDD/Red Shirts, or Red Shirt Villages in a meaningful way.

I know these people and have roamed these Villages.

What Tanaka proclaims is so far from reality, it is unconscionable. Unless one sees through it, an outsider would actually think he has a knowledge base.

What he is stating is what he has been conditioned to accept via the Opposition.

An Opposition non-plussed by how these people they are so contemptuous of, have in fact removed them to the political sidelines. They cannot accept this reality.

So they strike out at these people, denigrating them, and denying they even have political awareness other than through association. A truly arrogant and disdainful perspective.

This is the perspective that Tanaka is channelling. Not actual exposure to the people and places he discusses.

And I say this with certainty.

I can say with certainty that I personally watched a confrontation between my wife and a red shirt as a pickup full of them they tried to mount a red flag on our fence. My wife took the flag down and threw it in the ditch across from our house. A heated argument erupted between her and one of them. When I came out of the house they took off.

To try to suggest you know all the inner workings of this group is arrogant to say the least. There will always be people in any large group that try to sway others opinion through intimidation. To try to say otherwise is completely ignorant.

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I travel to the far NE of Thailand once or twice each year to visit the g/f's family - we usually stay a week or so. while not a "Red Village" it is definitely in a red-leaning area.

Political discussion is quite normal at family gatherings, most of the older people favour the Thaksinists, some of the younger, like myself, are strongly anti-. Discussion can get quite intense without becoming overly heated.

It has been impressed on me quite strongly that expressing my views outside the family would be dangerous, not only for me but for the younger members with similar views. At times, the topic is suddenly dropped when certain visitors arrive.

I wonder how well democracy thrives in a red village.

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I think Thailand is actually 4 countries, the North, the South, Pattani and Bangkok. Thailand is an artificial country just like India was under the British, eventually it violently fell apart into present day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, I can see Thailand doing the same.

If you espoused that idea to Thais, a large number would seethe with anger at such a thought. It is taboo here.

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I travel to the far NE of Thailand once or twice each year to visit the g/f's family - we usually stay a week or so. while not a "Red Village" it is definitely in a red-leaning area.

Political discussion is quite normal at family gatherings, most of the older people favour the Thaksinists, some of the younger, like myself, are strongly anti-. Discussion can get quite intense without becoming overly heated.

It has been impressed on me quite strongly that expressing my views outside the family would be dangerous, not only for me but for the younger members with similar views. At times, the topic is suddenly dropped when certain visitors arrive.

I wonder how well democracy thrives in a red village.

I just returned from visiting family in Issan ; about half way from Kohn Kaen to Udon Thani & out in the sticks.

There are now large signs with Mr Taksin saluting the people all over the place declaring that it is a “Red Village” These are newly erected , they weren’t there 3 months ago.

Unlike OzMick it seems my girl’s mob don’t want to discuss politics with me despite my being reasonably fluent in Thai/Issan & the fact that there are enough English speakers around to help.

I asked the family what they thought of all this & all I got was shrugs & giggles so maybe as OzMick implies there are conflicting factions within the village & it’s a taboo subject. I was asked however what I thought about Mr Taksin & the red shirts & I replied that I would not comment on this issue unless they also offered some opinion. Maybe my mob are just apathetic/have no opinion/don’t care.

I suspect the local ( paid?) red shirt guys just erected the signs without any kind of consensus. A few signs do not make any difference to daily life at all & I did not see or hear of any red shirt paramilitary training camps.

Democracy is for rich people , not the sort I see in Issan.

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I think Thailand is actually 4 countries, the North, the South, Pattani and Bangkok. Thailand is an artificial country just like India was under the British, eventually it violently fell apart into present day India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, I can see Thailand doing the same.

If you espoused that idea to Thais, a large number would seethe with anger at such a thought. It is taboo here.

My FIL has red, blue and Thai flags flying. The picture of Thaksin has gone (calendar expired), but like pretty much every house in the Kingdom, images of His Majesty abound.

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I travel to the far NE of Thailand once or twice each year to visit the g/f's family - we usually stay a week or so. while not a "Red Village" it is definitely in a red-leaning area.

Political discussion is quite normal at family gatherings, most of the older people favour the Thaksinists, some of the younger, like myself, are strongly anti-. Discussion can get quite intense without becoming overly heated.

It has been impressed on me quite strongly that expressing my views outside the family would be dangerous, not only for me but for the younger members with similar views. At times, the topic is suddenly dropped when certain visitors arrive.

I wonder how well democracy thrives in a red village.

There is no room for democracy in a red village. None. Do you remember their leader saying in an interview: "Democracy is not on my agenda"?

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