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What Right I Have Here?

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You will feel sorry when she will call the cops to kick you out of HER house.

Now they even build swimming pools on roof to give you a sens of ownership....

Farangs still live in a dream world with their visa, at least they own a piece of paper with a stamp on it "expir in 1 year"and they still think they have rights laugh.png

All they want is your cash and get rid of you!

With your continuous rant it's safe to assume you have been at the wrong end of a deal or relationship that has gone terribly wrong for you.

I also assume you don't live here in Thailand and if you do, giving your warnings I would seriously consider why.

But we are all grown up and in the main sensible people capable of making decisions that affect our own lives after all each of us who live here made that decision and we are all volunteers, another great thing about this country...we can leave anytime we want!!

For you I would suggest it's time to move on, it's your life thats on hold while you are bitter over the ways of this country.

For me I will continue to live here happy and stress free as fantasy and paranoia is not part of my make up, chill guy, life is too short to be bitter!!


Unfortunately many folk come to LOs with their eyes wide ''shut'', perhaps me too but everything in life is a gamble unless you a very boring bloke. drunk.gif

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Putting a house you funded in someone else's name is one thing -- you never owned it, did you?

But I would still like someone to provide a scenariio where a condo registered in your own name could somehow be stolen from you.

Jingthing has alluded that this is a real risk, but slinks away when asked to elaborate.

A reminder: nobody is obligated to reply to ANY post. I have chosen to suggest people be cautious about investing in Thailand and that's all. What I meant about that was there are many reasons that become more real once you have actually invested. So, be careful.
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wow this thread is like a mini compilation of whining and complaining from all the other sub forums, and it's going on right here in the visa forum.

you've got people telling others that you can have 30 30 and 30 or a lifetime lease (lulz were had) , anti this anti that, can own this but not that.

it's like a whole cornucopia of complaints and nobody has even asked a visa question. all the mods must be at a mod only TV party.

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don't needt to stay here more than 3 days to look how anti farang this country is.

rent or feel your pain,it s all you will get at the end.

Some people feel persecuted after three days, others feel warmly embraced for decades.

I think it depends largely on you, your attitude, and particularly your sense of self-entitlement.

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don't needt to stay here more than 3 days to look how anti farang this country is.

rent or feel your pain,it s all you will get at the end.

My word, we are upset. Has Pattaya pissed on your party?

Too many variables to discuss here though.

Some people come here, meet a woman, build a house and home and live happily ever after and then there's the flip side " Thais hate us all" .

Life is a lottery, you win some you lose some.

It's all about something called "ATTITUDE".

Edit spelling.

Edited by ratcatcher
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To the OP.....

Look, life is full of uncertainties. You might die tomorrow - and with your stress levels that is more likely than not.

We know the moon is not made of cheese because we landed on it. There are no giant cheese eating mice waiting to invade earth.

Chill out. Live life, not worry about it. Learn what is and what is not here and live by those rules. If you have been stung it is your own fault.

I have just got my new Non O and am happy as a lark to be coming back to Thailand for another 15 months. £125 well spent in my opinion.

I do not buy what I cannot own. I rent a house. I rent a woman. I holiday and have fun. Thailand can be a wonderful place if you play the game correctly. If they want me out what do I lose? Maybe a cheap car and a Fino. Big deal for all the fun I have here year after year on my Non O visas :)

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