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Why So Cynical?


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The way I see it, in this age of information, people who come to live in Thailand should know what problems they can encounter, they should know they can't own land, know they have to obey Thailands visa laws, know that when they come here they are very restricted in the employment stakes. ( though many work illegally when they could work legally in their own countries and many other countries in the world, but still they stay in Thailand and complain about the lack of employment opportunities, it's unbelievable !! )

I don't know many financially secure Farangs in Thailand who are genuinely unhappy, but they have the choice of moving on if they don't like it, simple as that.

The cynical, bitter and twisted farangs are generally here because they have done all their money in and stay here cos they can't afford to go anywhere else and start again, trapped in a loveless marriage, living in a hot house in what used to be a ricefield surrounded by people who they can't communicate with and who eat strange smelly food, breeds cynicism perhaps ?

Bad preperation, poor planning, ridiculous financial management ? Don't blame Thailand, blame yourselves.

If I was as cynical about Thailand as many on ThaiVisa appear to be, I'd be gone in a heartbeat, then again, I do have a choice and CHOOSE not to. wai.gif

Farangs make the really big leap of leaving their own countries where they have rights and privilages they can never have in Thailand, why the @#@# do they do it when all they do is sit in front of a PC all day complaining about the place they chose to come to, and can leave anytime they like !!!!!

Cynical, Bitter genuinely unhappy miserable Farangs can be found all over The Kingdom, why they still remain in their own personal nightmare if they have the choice to leave, utterly amazes me.

The way I see it, in this age of information, people who come to live in Thailand should know what problems they can encounter, they should know they can't own land, know they have to obey Thailands visa laws, know that when they come here they are very restricted in the employment stakes. ( though many work illegally when they could work legally in their own countries and many other countries in the world, but still they stay in Thailand and complain about the lack of employment opportunities, it's unbelievable !! )

I don't know many financially secure Farangs in Thailand who are genuinely unhappy, but they have the choice of moving on if they don't like it, simple as that.

The cynical, bitter and twisted farangs are generally here because they have done all their money in and stay here cos they can't afford to go anywhere else and start again, trapped in a loveless marriage, living in a hot house in what used to be a ricefield surrounded by people who they can't communicate with and who eat strange smelly food, breeds cynicism perhaps ?

Bad preperation, poor planning, ridiculous financial management ? Don't blame Thailand, blame yourselves.

If I was as cynical about Thailand as many on ThaiVisa appear to be, I'd be gone in a heartbeat, then again, I do have a choice and CHOOSE not to. wai.gif

Farangs make the really big leap of leaving their own countries where they have rights and privilages they can never have in Thailand, why the @#@# do they do it when all they do is sit in front of a PC all day complaining about the place they chose to come to, and can leave anytime they like !!!!!

Cynical, Bitter genuinely unhappy miserable Farangs can be found all over The Kingdom, why they still remain in their own personal nightmare if they have the choice to leave, utterly amazes me.

Right on, I could not have said it better.

Thank you for your post.


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My apologies - I have struggled to keep this in for so long, but...

The title of this thread always reminds of the zoo keeper who gets disturbed by how sad the crocodiles are

He asks - "Why such long faces?"

I'll be off now, thanks...


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I don't often come on the GF but this is fun.

laugh.png Ooer missus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bugger me.

When I first signed up to Thaivisa I was confused by "gf" but eventually worked it out.

When I started reading this I was confused at first by "GF" but eventually worked it out.

What really annoys me is I never noticed this double entendre. I'm actually from Southampton in the UK, the birthplace of Benny Hill and pride myself on my appreciation of the double entendre.

Still at least I got another one in the GF.

There are some hard and fast rules about using double entendres as the great Benny knew well.

1) Make sure, in your excitement at using a DE, that you don't start to hyperventilate. You may come over a little queer.

2) If you're nervous about using double entendres have a whisky to calm yourself. I find a stiff one inside me works wonders.

3) Always have a list of double entendres in your pocket and practise in front of your GF. Just whip it out and wave it in her face when she's least expecting it. She'll love it. Especially if it's a big one.

( Stop sniggering at the back there!!!!!)

This is going way off topic and I apologise to the OP but having a laugh stops us being cynical which I agree many are.

This and some of the following posts are really good. I'd love to show this to the gf as an example of a special type of humour but I'd have to explain it and it can get quite hard after a while.

I did point out to her that Big Ben in London is a big CLOCK and not what she called it.

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To return to the op, it seems to be generally assumed that many posters on this forum are quite old. In my experience, old people are usually quite miserable and cynical. (The 'look at those shoes', 'bloody noisy music, you can't hear the words' mentality). It could be down to age demographics.

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To return to the op, it seems to be generally assumed that many posters on this forum are quite old. In my experience, old people are usually quite miserable and cynical. (The 'look at those shoes', 'bloody noisy music, you can't hear the words' mentality). It could be down to age demographics.

You're obviously hanging round with the wrong bunch of old people. If you come out with me one night I'll admire your shoes, love the music, not worry about the words and give you a good seeing when you least expect it wai.gif

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To return to the op, it seems to be generally assumed that many posters on this forum are quite old. In my experience, old people are usually quite miserable and cynical. (The 'look at those shoes', 'bloody noisy music, you can't hear the words' mentality). It could be down to age demographics.

You can laugh, but those "other brand" shoes were really not very good. And as for the skirts that some of the young ladies wear around town - well, really, what would your grandmother say? It seems hardly worth going to Soi Cowboy...

Young people nowadays, eh? The old ones are no better, though... they've none of them got nostalgic reminiscances that can hold the attention like the old codgers of my youth. Nostalgia, its not what it used to be...


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I did point out to her that Big Ben in London is a big CLOCK and not what she called it.

Sorry to correct you but,

Big Ben is the name of the BELL inside the clock, not the name of the clock at all.

Edited by ludditeman
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Thaivisa is filled with cynical and bitter westerners, they are usually retired, and usually very lonely.

So Thaivisa provides them with a forum where they can meet other people like themselves, cynic, bitter, and lonely. So that will result in many nasty and childish comments, aimed towards fellow members, and very often thais and the thai culture.

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Thaivisa is filled with cynical and bitter westerners, they are usually retired, and usually very lonely.

So Thaivisa provides them with a forum where they can meet other people like themselves, cynic, bitter, and lonely. So that will result in many nasty and childish comments, aimed towards fellow members, and very often thais and the thai culture.


So that will result in many nasty and childish comments, aimed towards fellow members


Though I would not do that. Oh, never ever, because I am young and handsome and not cynical or grumpy or narky at all!

Where is Ken Dodd with his Tickling Stick when you need him?


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Why are we so cynical ? rolleyes.gif

We were not successful in our country of birth.

Came to Thailand hoping we would be 'successful' (or at least 'looked up to').

With our superiority complex, high nosed attitude we realise that even in Thailand we are miserable failures!

We start bashing Thailand, but still stay put! (cannot afford to get back to our homeland or any other 'perfect' country).

So we our cynical unto death!

Or, do we (the whiners) really have any other choice?

Maybe I am wrong...


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I did point out to her that Big Ben in London is a big CLOCK and not what she called it.

Sorry to correct you but,

Big Ben is the name of the BELL inside the clock, not the name of the clock at all.

Big Ben - named by a Thai then. rolleyes.gif

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I just love this SYSTEM theory. The SYSTEM is wrong so if I bypass the SYSTEM then I'm not doing anything wrong.

The benign corruption you allude to and which gets you off a traffic violation is the same system of corruption that is at the bottom of Thailand's abysmal record of People Trafficking, Wildlife Abuse, Political Murders, Business Related Murders and on a far larger front, but getting a lot less press time, the abuse of the rights of Thailand's stateless minorities and the poor.

A few hundred Baht in a Cop's back pocket is OK because it is cheap to you, and anyway hey ho you don't pay taxes here. Perhaps if you have some free time next week, take a day out to your nearest industrial area on Pay Day, you'll see these self same Cops milking factory workers as they head home with their month's pay.

Yep, your all right Jack.

can u give a description of what these "cops" do to the workers? I would really like to see if it is same/better/worse than what happends in Philippines where cops "extort" money from public transport drivers. And "manipulate" traffic lights to catch u beating a red light.

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I can't speak for others, but I ran a now-defunct forum similar to this one [on a much smaller scale of course] for 7 years and frankly it just got old, answering the same questions all the time. Especially from the newbies, and especially from the lover-boys who would get hooked in after 1 or 2 weeks of sleeping with some prostitute.

There were also numerous examples of people who would ask our advice, we would give it, and they would do exactly the opposite! It's like, why even ask in the first place then? I got jaded and cynical after 5 years of that, and for the last 2 years I was bringing down the mood of the place for newer people, kind of like what the OP is complaining about here.

Simple answer; there are a lot of veterans here and they/we don't like reading stupid or naive questions. Maybe if all threads were normal and the newer people showed just a tad more smarts, they wouldn't get ripped on; and maybe a dose of reality and cynicism is exactly what a new guy needs if he is about to do something stupid.

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i have noticed the more posts a replyee has made the greater the cynicism

I'd tend to agree with that, see my reply above.

the longer people read a forum, the more often they read the same ol' crap and the more cynical they get.

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I don't know many financially secure Farangs in Thailand who are genuinely unhappy, but they have the choice of moving on if they don't like it, simple as that.

The cynical, bitter and twisted farangs are generally here because they have done all their money in and stay here cos they can't afford to go anywhere else and start again, trapped in a loveless marriage, living in a hot house in what used to be a ricefield surrounded by people who they can't communicate with and who eat strange smelly food, breeds cynicism perhaps ?

Bad preperation, poor planning, ridiculous financial management ? Don't blame Thailand, blame yourselves.

If I was as cynical about Thailand as many on ThaiVisa appear to be, I'd be gone in a heartbeat, then again, I do have a choice and CHOOSE not to. wai.gif

I really like and appreciate that part of banzai's post in particular..................money brings choice, nothing else, just choice. It's easy to be relaxed when you have a choice, and that is the artful state we all strive for.

We're approaching Thai New Year, it put's me in mind of what an old guy told me about New Years Eve ( Hogmanay ) parties in Scotland a long time ago............

"For every one person celebrating there are two people sick with regret"

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Thaivisa is filled with cynical and bitter westerners, they are usually retired, and usually very lonely.

So Thaivisa provides them with a forum where they can meet other people like themselves, cynic, bitter, and lonely. So that will result in many nasty and childish comments, aimed towards fellow members, and very often thais and the thai culture.

I wish I could retire. I've so many things to do....but I can never find the time.

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I don't know many financially secure Farangs in Thailand who are genuinely unhappy, but they have the choice of moving on if they don't like it, simple as that.

The cynical, bitter and twisted farangs are generally here because they have done all their money in and stay here cos they can't afford to go anywhere else and start again, trapped in a loveless marriage, living in a hot house in what used to be a ricefield surrounded by people who they can't communicate with and who eat strange smelly food, breeds cynicism perhaps ?

Bad preperation, poor planning, ridiculous financial management ? Don't blame Thailand, blame yourselves.

If I was as cynical about Thailand as many on ThaiVisa appear to be, I'd be gone in a heartbeat, then again, I do have a choice and CHOOSE not to. wai.gif

I really like and appreciate that part of banzai's post in particular..................money brings choice, nothing else, just choice. It's easy to be relaxed when you have a choice, and that is the artful state we all strive for.

We're approaching Thai New Year, it put's me in mind of what an old guy told me about New Years Eve ( Hogmanay ) parties in Scotland a long time ago............

"For every one person celebrating there are two people sick with regret"

Don't you mean greetin' wi joy?

I suppose not...maybe I'll leave my parents in peace next year.

Edited by smokie36
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I don't know many financially secure Farangs in Thailand who are genuinely unhappy, but they have the choice of moving on if they don't like it, simple as that.

The cynical, bitter and twisted farangs are generally here because they have done all their money in and stay here cos they can't afford to go anywhere else and start again, trapped in a loveless marriage, living in a hot house in what used to be a ricefield surrounded by people who they can't communicate with and who eat strange smelly food, breeds cynicism perhaps ?

Bad preperation, poor planning, ridiculous financial management ? Don't blame Thailand, blame yourselves.

If I was as cynical about Thailand as many on ThaiVisa appear to be, I'd be gone in a heartbeat, then again, I do have a choice and CHOOSE not to. wai.gif

I really like and appreciate that part of banzai's post in particular..................money brings choice, nothing else, just choice. It's easy to be relaxed when you have a choice, and that is the artful state we all strive for.

We're approaching Thai New Year, it put's me in mind of what an old guy told me about New Years Eve ( Hogmanay ) parties in Scotland a long time ago............

"For every one person celebrating there are two people sick with regret"

Don't you mean greetin' wi joy?

I suppose not...maybe I'll leave my parents in peace next year.

My parents are happy to see me arrive and delighted to see me leave. Apparently I talk too much???

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I don't know many financially secure Farangs in Thailand who are genuinely unhappy, but they have the choice of moving on if they don't like it, simple as that.

The cynical, bitter and twisted farangs are generally here because they have done all their money in and stay here cos they can't afford to go anywhere else and start again, trapped in a loveless marriage, living in a hot house in what used to be a ricefield surrounded by people who they can't communicate with and who eat strange smelly food, breeds cynicism perhaps ?

Bad preperation, poor planning, ridiculous financial management ? Don't blame Thailand, blame yourselves.

If I was as cynical about Thailand as many on ThaiVisa appear to be, I'd be gone in a heartbeat, then again, I do have a choice and CHOOSE not to. wai.gif

I really like and appreciate that part of banzai's post in particular..................money brings choice, nothing else, just choice. It's easy to be relaxed when you have a choice, and that is the artful state we all strive for.

We're approaching Thai New Year, it put's me in mind of what an old guy told me about New Years Eve ( Hogmanay ) parties in Scotland a long time ago............

"For every one person celebrating there are two people sick with regret"

Don't you mean greetin' wi joy?

I suppose not...maybe I'll leave my parents in peace next year.

My parents are happy to see me arrive and delighted to see me leave. Apparently I talk too much???

I don't say a word until the Dundee cake hits the table.

Well....they should remember how I take my tea innit?

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