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Thai Funerals And Noise


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A bit akin to moving to America and complaining about the noisy fireworks on the 4th of July.

not really since thats once a year

Once a year or a thousand times a year, the point is it is the way things are done and a foreigner has no place trying to change it. It will change when enough locals decide to change it -- not before.

I went back and re-read his post, and he didn't seem to be asking for comments on how to change things, other than to ask if similar funeral parties occurred in big cities and towns; presumably he is thinking of moving to BKK for the peace and quiet.


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A bit akin to moving to America and complaining about the noisy fireworks on the 4th of July.

not really since thats once a year

Maybe a bit like moving to England and complaining about football hooligans pissing in your garden and throwing bricks through your window.

though as I have posted elsewhere, the English seem to have made good progress in controlling football hooliganism, because they see it as an aspect of their culture that they would like to change...


So well said,brillant.

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Thais are infatuated with uniforms and noise ( not music- although they contest this).

Last sunday at 6am they started full blast awaiting the arrival of the Baht bus full of monks for a ritual house blessing. Not my idea of peaceful opening to the day!

Still I threw open the windows and doors, turned up the hifi and let the have QUEEN full blast, I think they liked "Radio Gaga" but cant be sure.

The racket from the oppostion seemed to end early, abandoned due to bad light perhaps.

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I do not place myself up as a spoke person for rural Thai's, and do not place any credit-ability on non-locals that seem to want to do that, it is that particular reason that I left the west and came to Thailand, as many people in the west feel they have more rights than any other resident, and continually complain of other resident activities or actions.

They may have a leg to stand on legally in their home countries, but those actions are out of line in a country they are a guest in and are here as long as they obey the laws of Thailand.

I for one an grateful for the opportunity to live in this great country.

There are hundreds of countries that do not have a noise problem and I do not understand why anyone would choose to live in a village, town or anywhere that they are so stressed by the noise,

I know that I for one would not live in a situation I was not comfortable with and would leave to find a place that better met my needs, and I would not let the door hit me on the butt on my way out.

I am not leaving because I am very comfortable living in Thailand and Wang Muang.


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I do not place myself up as a spoke person for rural Thai's, and do not place any credit-ability on non-locals that seem to want to do that, it is that particular reason that I left the west and came to Thailand, as many people in the west feel they have more rights than any other resident, and continually complain of other resident activities or actions.

They may have a leg to stand on legally in their home countries, but those actions are out of line in a country they are a guest in and are here as long as they obey the laws of Thailand.

I for one an grateful for the opportunity to live in this great country.

There are hundreds of countries that do not have a noise problem and I do not understand why anyone would choose to live in a village, town or anywhere that they are so stressed by the noise,

I know that I for one would not live in a situation I was not comfortable with and would leave to find a place that better met my needs, and I would not let the door hit me on the butt on my way out.

I am not leaving because I am very comfortable living in Thailand and Wang Muang.


I doubt that he bought his house during a funeral.

He probably chose to live in a pleasantly quiet village, unaware of the mortal plague that was to decimate his neighbours, and of the subsequent imminent interminable ear-splitting cacophony. At least he has lent a sympathetic ear to his neighbours, who, like him, do not feel able to 'take up arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them'.

I doubt it would bother you in any case, since you seem able to turn a deaf ear to the concerns of others


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I do not place myself up as a spoke person for rural Thai's, and do not place any credit-ability on non-locals that seem to want to do that,

But you do place yourself up above what exactly?

You claim to have been here for seven years, during that time have you had any interaction with any of the locals directly or has it all been through your wife.... I'm going for the latter, all the information you have is filtered to your taste, your perception of Thais comes through a deceptive source adapted just for you.

I wish you all the luck in the world, I hope you don't need it.

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None of this kind of carry on where I live. Huge parties with live music are finished by 11 PM. Blokes having a bit of a pissup keep the noise down too when it gets late and others have work in the morning. Is it a regional thing as opposed to a blanket Thai issue?

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I do not understand why farangs always want to change the Thai way of doing things, When they moved into the country or village of their own free will. If they do not like the level of noise or anything else about the local community they are always free to move, out of the village ,out of the country

Nowhere in my original post did I ask about how to change things. Certainly, I would like to see some Thai people learn to be more considerate of their neighbours, but I realise it would be futile, as a Farang to try to change them.

Is this the Thai way of doing things though? I'm not so sure that it is. It's obvious from some of the replies that not everyone suffers from this excessive noise.

When I moved to this village, 5 years ago, there was the occasional party, but nowhere near as loud as most of them are nowadays. The most annoying thing about them then was listening to some drunk trying to sing Karaoke but sounding like a cat being castrated with no anaethestic :)

Still get that, but at a much louder volume.

5 years ago I never saw a mobile movie theatre here. This is a new thing. The noise from this is at a different level and with lots of gunfire and explosions is extremely annoying. The most recent one finished at 03:30 AM.

My Missus can sleep through noise better than I can, but she doesn't sleep that well. She agrees that the noise is annoying and that the party host is "Mai greng jai", but she will not complain.

I moved to Thailand to build a better life for myself and that I did.

If you respect others, you in turn will be respected by them.

You must live on a different planet Thailand to me, but then respect is not automatically returned in any country. Respect has to be earned.

I do not place myself up as a spoke person for rural Thai's, and do not place any credit-ability on non-locals that seem to want to do that,.......

It seems to me that is exactly what you are doing here

......it is that particular reason that I left the west and came to Thailand, as many people in the west feel they have more rights than any other resident, and continually complain of other resident activities or actions.

They may have a leg to stand on legally in their home countries, but those actions are out of line in a country they are a guest in and are here as long as they obey the laws of Thailand.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that there are laws in Thailand re noise pollution. There has been reference to noise pollution in a recent Phuket article. Also if there are no laws, why would the police in Bangkok control noise after 11PM as referenced by another poster here. If there are laws, then they have been made by Thais, not foreigners. Why would they make these laws if excessive loud noise didn't annoy Thai people?

Kikoman, it may be that the parties in your village are not as loud as some are here. When I am forced to shout in my own home in order to be heard, I will not just smile blissfully because it is the "Thai way"




Incidently, there has been another death, but a bit further away and I have not heard any noise from them. Either not all rural Thais believe that you have to have a very loud party, or my hearing has been totally destroyed.

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Thais are infatuated with uniforms and noise ( not music- although they contest this).

Last sunday at 6am they started full blast awaiting the arrival of the Baht bus full of monks for a ritual house blessing. Not my idea of peaceful opening to the day!

Still I threw open the windows and doors, turned up the hifi and let the have QUEEN full blast, I think they liked "Radio Gaga" but cant be sure.

The racket from the oppostion seemed to end early, abandoned due to bad light perhaps.

Though Queen might be the musical option I feel that Napalm Death is where you should be heading... enjoy!

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I can not believe that I have pissed in so many posters Wheaties, by simply stating what my expierence is about village life, I have purposely not interacted with other farangs because , I am tired of hearing all their complaints about their life in Thailand, I see it every where I go a a bunch of old men sitting around a table drinking their lives away complaining about a country they choose to live in.

They get very irate when another poster does not agreed with their vision of life in Thailand and its friendly people. I have lived in Thailand for 11 years, One year in Pattaya, 3 years in Sattahip and 7 years in Wang Muang, I have a few farang friends that I have met via some forums that I have interacted with concerning some of our shared interest, baking bread, making cheese, ham and bacon etc. but most I have stayed away from and have no wish to enter into any kind of a relationship with because of their negativity/ and their poor me story's about their suffering by living in Thailand.

I am the only Farang in my village and I love it that way, I have two brothers that came to Thailand after I did , one lives in the north and one that passed away in Phuket, I have a village full of Thai friends and need no outsiders to validate my existence, I take part in all village/Wat activities activities , I have been called on to hand out certificates at the village schools, etc.

One can tell when a posted has no answer to a post when they turn to personal attacks, that have no bearing on the issue at hand, I will not respond to any such attacks in the future and may respond when a valid question/point is posted on this thread, others I will put on my ignore list.


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I do not understand why farangs always want to change the Thai way of doing things, When they moved into the country or village of their own free will. If they do not like the level of noise or anything else about the local community they are always free to move, out of the village ,out of the country.

Before I moved into my village 7 years ago, I visited my in-laws quite often and knew what I was moving into, when I finally moved to the village for good. It was the best choice I could have made, I do not have a problem with the noise level, my neighbors, or the Thai way of living or greedy in-laws.I have the best neighbors that are always helpful and sharing.

I did have some problems at first with the touching of village Thais males, ( I coming from a very macho environment) but did not make a big deal out of it and I soon became used to it.

I moved to Thailand to build a better life for myself and that I did.

If you respect others, you in turn will be respected by them.

It makes ones golden years more pleasant, You can not change those things that annoy you.

But you are in complete control of your moods, and how you choose to respond to those annoying circumstances!

Good Luck/great living


I asked the noisy neighbours if they would like to leave, maybe come and live with you, unfortunately they could not hear me.

I am thinking of buying a fog horn, if you cant beat em join em!!!!

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There seems to be a new "Tradition" of a mobile movie theatre

That is scarcely a new "tradition.

Is this the Thai way of doing things though?

I'm surprised you even have to ask this.

Given the choice of a nice quiet family send off or a huge brash display of familial wealth, which do you think the Thais would do?

Can you imagine a foreigner in your home country railing on that Santa ringing his bell was annoying and should be banned because it doens't conform to traditional Christmas customs?

I can Newly Minted Thai. In fact the reality displays your ignorance of the World to near imbecilic (trollish?) proportions.

Never mind about Christmas traditions, in the West we have had to see Christmas become "the Holidays" as not to offend Non-Christians.

Nativity plays are banned in many schools in the UK (and other countries), some places have even banned Christmas lights and public decorations and the list goes on.

We have seen Political Correctness erode our native cultures in the West to such an extent that we are seeing a surge in popularity for the political Far Right who have played this card to it's fullest.

If you really are a Thai, be thankful you can travel around a World where your cultural sensibilities will not only be respected but probably pandered to, possibly to the detriment of the indigenous culture.

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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Thais are infatuated with uniforms and noise ( not music- although they contest this).

Last sunday at 6am they started full blast awaiting the arrival of the Baht bus full of monks for a ritual house blessing. Not my idea of peaceful opening to the day!

Still I threw open the windows and doors, turned up the hifi and let the have QUEEN full blast, I think they liked "Radio Gaga" but cant be sure.

The racket from the oppostion seemed to end early, abandoned due to bad light perhaps.

Though Queen might be the musical option I feel that Napalm Death is where you should be heading... enjoy!

A man of taste...Certainly my option when the missus starts her nagging. Venom work quite well too....

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I can not believe that I have pissed in so many posters Wheaties, by simply stating what my expierence is about village life,

No, you pissed in others peoples Wheaties by claiming that your experience of village life is the only one, or at least the only one that counts. Yours is not the only village in Thailand and they are not all the same. But I suppose it is perfectly Ok to tar them all with the same brush if it's a good brush.

I also get sick and tired of listening to some westerners complain about things they have no control over and that the indigenous population don't care about, don't like the driving skills, fine, drive defensively, a dry day is seriously going to affect you, fine, stock up the day before.

However, when it is something that the locals also find unacceptable, I will add my voice, and I fail to see the problem with that.

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I have never stated that I speak for anyone except myself (re-read my posts), and was commenting on my own experience of living in my village, the only reason I moved to this particular village is that is where my wife was born and to be near her family.

The issue that I was addressing was that of farangs speaking for Thai's that did not complain because they did not want to cause waves.

I consider it Heresy, a person should address those things that personally affects them, and not claim they are speaking for the other villagers,

I live in the same Thailand as you do!

Only we look at the world differently, I focus on what is right in my village and do not dwell on what my value judgement thinks is wrong.

I look at the good, honest, friendly, hard working people I know people and have lived with for the last 7 years.

But I only speak for myself and state my own personal opinion.


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Heresy ............ jesus.

I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition...

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Which is another popular truism that is totally wrong.

The Spanish Inquisition used to serve 30 days notice so that the accused had enough time to prepare a defence.

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Once a year or a thousand times a year, the point is it is the way things are done and a foreigner has no place trying to change it. It will change when enough locals decide to change it -- not before.

The point, or one of the points, is that we have already changed it by bringing in our hi-tech noise-enhancers (which admittedly the Thai villagers in my area at least have embraced with the utmost pleasure).

We actually (by a process which I will not describe, except to say that I had nothing to do with it) own one of those awful noise-producing lorries which villagers pay baht '000s to hire. This afternoon it blew a fuse while they were practising outside my window. And did I enjoy the next two hours!

But, as ever in Thailand, whingeing is a futile occupation.... and the only approaches to excessive noise are running away from it, or trying to change it. I suggested an approach to changing it.... which nobody picked up. All too busy whingeing, I guess.

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I suggested an approach to changing it.... which nobody picked up.

I did read it and I do recall occasions reported elsewhere on TVF were it has worked.

Unfortunately the biggest noise maker in this village is the Poo Yai himself, which is why I didn't comment on it originally.

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I hope that once I'm dead people will be able to sleep easily in their beds.

Let's face it - its pretty selfish to expect such cacophanous noise when you'll be the only one able to sleep through it


Guess it bring a new meaning to the term....the noise was loud enought to wake the dead.......guess we can send this to mythbusters and prove conclusively that no level of noise can wake the dead..

No! noise can't wake the dead,but it can send the living in the same direction a bit sooner.

Edited by MAJIC
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Loong, my missus inherited some land next to the main road into our village, it's just under 2 kms outside the village. We built a small house there 15 years ago and asked for an electricity connection, which we got about 6 years ago. It's paradise, no drunks, barking dogs or noisy parties to disturb us.

We can hear the loudspeakers from the village but they're not loud enough to disturb us.

If you have the chance I recommend you follow suit, wasn't it Jean Paul Sartre who said,'Hell is other people'?

Think the biggest problem is that the music providers seem to think that bass is better. That's what is most penetrating especially if it hits a point of resonance in your home.

Once lived in a 21st floor apartment about 2k from a goods train line...fricking diesel locomotives at 3am would rattle the fricking windows and could feel it even through the mattress..

.that said we live up a mountain ( noise travels up) about 2k from any other abode.....the local whatever parties within a 5k radius sometimes do the same with bass as one cannot hear the song or ...just one of the two or three of the thump thump tempos which most Thai tunes seem to use.

..when we first moved here it drove me mad ...now think my brain has done some learning, numbed by beer , I have gone deaf or ... ..not so bad.......bit like one only notices aircon noise or the fridge pump when it goes off/on maybe....'course the odd drunken @# karaoke singer at 5am is still @#$%^ annoying .

The last funeral party I went to was in a Wat..no band, movies or noise, booze that I noticed ?

Love that stewed spicy 99 % cholesterol pig!!!

Here in the sticks I find the backhoes,chainsaws, brush cutters and motorbikes somewhat more tedious........

One sound I do love in Issan is on important days in the Buddhist calendar or sometimes at funerals, monks will chant all night in the old style morlam way, recounting stories from the Buddhist canons. There's something magical about getting up at 5.00 am, watching light slowly spread across the sky and hearing the rising and falling cadences wafting across the fields.

I often sit out on the veranda watching the sun rise over the mountains across the valley listening to the monks at the local Wat below ..drums and all....nice. Then of of course a rubber cutters' motorbike or brush cutter will break the spell...lol

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Buy all the land around you.

Problem solved.

Thailand is probably the nosiest place I've ever been to and seems to be getting worse. And whoever thought it was a good idea to sell PA systems here needs a good lashing.

They're made here. It's not exactly rocket science, you know.

So are Nikon cameras but you don't see all the villagers running around with them.

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In my post I never referred to to myself as a spokesman for any one except for my opinion based on my own personal; experiences.

I have gone out of my way to say that I am only speaking from my own experience in the village. I have never heard any villagers in Wang Muang complain about the noise or seen any villager that looks physically noise stressed as you stated in your post.

As I said I only consider it hear-say when I hear falangs attempting to be a spokesman for the Thai population, (I do not consider that a statement with any validity to me) you also make up your own judgement to whether you consider my points valid or not.

To me it is immaterial what other posters think about my experience, it does not change my opinion or my understanding of the situation, as it exist in my village.

I do not have a need to try to change your opinion as, as I have discounted that already, I understand that you are stressed by your perception of the noise level in your village.

Noise effects different people in different ways, one has control over how one responds to the situation, one has control over their own moods and actions.

I do not see what else can be said between us on this subject.

I stand by my post, as you stand by yours, end of story.


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In my post I never referred to to myself as a spokesman for any one except for my opinion based on my own personal; experiences.

I have gone out of my way to say that I am only speaking from my own experience in the village. I have never heard any villagers in Wang Muang complain about the noise or seen any villager that looks physically noise stressed as you stated in your post.

As I said I only consider it hear-say when I hear falangs attempting to be a spokesman for the Thai population, (I do not consider that a statement with any validity to me) you also make up your own judgement to whether you consider my points valid or not.

To me it is immaterial what other posters think about my experience, it does not change my opinion or my understanding of the situation, as it exist in my village.

I do not have a need to try to change your opinion as, as I have discounted that already, I understand that you are stressed by your perception of the noise level in your village.

Noise effects different people in different ways, one has control over how one responds to the situation, one has control over their own moods and actions.

I do not see what else can be said between us on this subject.

I stand by my post, as you stand by yours, end of story.


I suppose we always have to have the last word.


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we brought technology to Thai who can not master it.

they have fast car,bike, sound system, and see the result. they die or finish death or blind.

this country is still too retarded to embrace evolution with respect of others.

it s why you are a foolb if you invest in Thailand.

rent and when neighbor become crazy with their yaba and music.... move.

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we brought technology to Thai who can not master it.

they have fast car,bike, sound system, and see the result. they die or finish death or blind.

this country is still too retarded to embrace evolution with respect of others.

it s why you are a foolb if you invest in Thailand.

rent and when neighbor become crazy with their yaba and music.... move.

You must be one of the most bitter miseries on this forum, and that's saying something!

Your comment is about as stupid as the farang topic you started.

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