David48 Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 LOS losing FACE on the world stage once again. Nope ... got it all wrong. The Thai only care if THEY think they have lose face ... not if any other country thinks it has. Everyone is taking this way to seriously.
newsweird Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 I guess to put it in perspective one would need to open a shop next door to one idolizing Nazis with a shop that depicts artwork idolizing the victorious Burmese. Would the point hit home?
Popular Post bendix Posted February 27, 2012 Popular Post Posted February 27, 2012 As a Jew that part of my family were murdered by the Nazi bustards I can tell you that the whole thing is ridicules and those T-shirts should offend the Neo Nazis not the Jews or others who suffered from the Nazis .Anyway there are new Hitlers in the world that should be dealt with . Hear-Hear! Thanks for adding your qualified sanity Bang on. How anyone can be offended by this sort of thing is just beyond belief. These images are doing two things: they are ridiculing the nazi image and poking fun at corporate propaganda by bastardising Ronald McDonald. The responses on here indicate how far political correctness has gone, but on the other hand it's given the forum's malcontents a chance to point out how uneducated Thais are, so I suppose they're happy. 5
blows Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 I was in the Korat shopping centre and one small shop was selling swastika flags along side the British Flag ( union Jack ) i said to my girlfriend about it and she just said it's just a picture on a flag, I told her to look at youtube about what happen she did'nt bother as thats in the past and is not important and you can't eat it or sell it. That's what it comes down to,as one member said " Thai ignorance of history is just stunning" If you drive down to Hua Hin from Bangkok you wil see a big gold dome with a big red Swastika on the dome, maybe an old Asia symbol but it still brings the memories back to most farang one way or another. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Swastika_Society
Thai at Heart Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 The educational system is seriously lacking in history outside of Thailand to name one area of education. My kids study Thai history, but nothing more as far as I can see. Is it any wonder why Thailand is xenophobic. I am of Jewish ancestory, and if I ever see one of these mentioned things, I will have a hard time controlling myself. I have 3 children in a bilingual school in Chiang Mai, and the owner started giving Christian lessons to the children without parental consent, and I have issues with this. Is it so uncommon in Thailand that people do not show respect for other people's religions and cultures, after all this is a Buddahist country. I bet most Christians if asked what religion was Christ would say that Jesus was a Christian, but anyone who knows history would know he was a Jew. Where is the tolerence i keep hearing about? Hmmmm. The English commited attrocities against the Irish for centuries, including the quaint practice of pitchcapping, but you don't hear the vast majority of Irish swearing that if they see a Union Jack they'll have a hard time controlling themselves. Within the lifetime of people still living, the Japanese commited awful things against the Chinese, but you don't hear the Chinese wobbling on about it now. It's life- bad things happen- move on. If attrocities really mattered that much, why is the world's media blind, deaf and dumb about the DRC? PS, if any person didn't know that Jesus was a Jew, they wouldn't be a Christian any more than I am a Buddhist just because I think some Buddhist beliefs are pretty good. The IRA was active until only a few years ago, and take an older Chinese aside and ask him privately what he thinks of the Japs. Which is why I specifically state "the VAST MAJORITY". Many Irish live in the UK, and are quite capable of controlling themselves while there. You could also ask an older Australian what they think of the Japs, but they don't go around attacking Japanese tourists in the street. My experience in China, from business associates, young or old, there was very little forgiveness towards the Japs. The Chinese government plays on this to get a good old Nationalistic furvor going when required. My only experience of the Irish situation was a bunch of friends of my father, who despite being the most wonderfully good fun Irish blokes, were as successful businessmen in Ireland, very actively donating to the IRA. Made for a very interesting afternoon when during a Wales v Ireland post match dinner, a couple of hooray Henry's from London blurted out something, that got a very quick and quite serious reaction from the Irish.
atyclb Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 oh well , everything is good enough to make money in this country .... unfortunately I am sure so many thais dont have any idea of what happend during the war and what Hitler did to the people , not only the jews but , gypsies , homosexual, communist etc ..... ignorance is the key and lack in education another one. Ignorance, apathy, dis-education. Even relevant Asian knowledge/ history is sorrowful as reflected by the dismal turnout of locals to see the movie about their neighbor Myanmar nobel laureate.
thaibeachlovers Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 As already pointed out, Stalin put Hitler distinctly in the shade with his prowess for putting millions to death, and you don't have to look very far to find other runners-up, so what's the big taboo with Hitler? I for one came here to escape the strychnined, egg-shell tip-toeing that passes for daily existence in the "mustn't offend anyone" West. grow a set & stop projecting your insecurities into what everyone knows to be one of the most polite cultures on the block. Thai culture and Thais "polite"! Sorry to disillusion you as you may not have been here long. So 'Dream on'....until you realise that, on the whole, to be polite here is mostly either utilitarian or to 'lick arse' and determined solely by status in Thai society. But I don't bitch and blame the Thai people as individuals, as many farang do, as it is ingrained in Thai culture, which hopefully can and will eventually evolve and change for the better. Back on topic....It should be to easy to teach Thai kids about Hitler by equating him with Pol Pot, and the Nazis with the Khmer Rouge....or are KR bandanas also on sale and another fashion icon for another Thai sub-culture? You might want to pick another "monster" as a bad example. Pol Pot and the KR were supported by "you know who" for years, as the Vietnamese had made the ultimate mistake of winning their war, and were thus far worse than a guy who merely tried to exterminate his own people!
NormanW Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 oh well , everything is good enough to make money in this country .... unfortunately I am sure so many thais dont have any idea of what happend during the war and what Hitler did to the people , not only the jews but , gypsies , homosexual, communist etc ..... ignorance is the key and lack in education another one. You said it 'lack of education'. It is so so critical for a society to work in many many ways.
bendix Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Spare me the hyperventilating ranting about how aghast people are that only Thais could do this. You can walk into any tshirt shop in London/New york, Sydney etc and buy t shirts with Stalin faces on them (he only killed 15 million people mind you), or che guava (sic) etc.etc Good point! I bought a teeshirt at Temple Street Night Market in Hong Kong at the weekend. It had a picture of Mao on it. Would people stop being so freakin dramatic. These images are obviously ironic. 1
soihok Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Which is why I specifically state "the VAST MAJORITY". Many Irish live in the UK, and are quite capable of controlling themselves while there. You could also ask an older Australian what they think of the Japs, but they don't go around attacking Japanese tourists in the street. They do it to Indian students instead.
OzMick Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 This is one those taboo subjects in Thailand. Either Thailand had little choice in suppoprting the Japanese or it was eyeing the main chance.... a bit like the Swiss with the Nazis. Every country has bits of history that they would rather forget. A more recent example is the Chinese invasion of northern VN while their front-line troops were freeing Cambodia of Pol Pot. Getting your bum handed to you on a plate by a relatively small group of Dad's Army reservists and border guards is not something that features in Chinese textbooks.
LucMee Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 I didn't read anything about these kids espousing nazi principles... And that leads me to believe it's a shock value fad. These kids are 70 some years removed from WWII and most Thais have little reference to it anyway. I'm also of a mind that the ability to laugh about something helps to make it less hurtful. The Thai people are among the last that I would expect to embrace any nazi like mindset. Therefore... I don't find myself offended or upset in the least. If Mikey D's wants to cry and moan... Then Hey! It's ther trademark... Them trying to put a lid on this thing will be like herding cats.
JurgenG Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 When China protests because the Japanese prime minister goes to visit the grave of WWII criminals, to make the point more clear like if the German chancellor went to pay respect to the grave of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi dignitaries, who in the west support China ? What do we know in the west about the rape of Nanjing ? Why do we expect more cultural sensibility from Asian people that we have in the west for Asian culture ? 2
BittersweetFarang Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 When I first saw the Hitler / Ronald McDonald t-shirt mashup prominently displayed on a mannequin outside a small shop at Terminal 21, it did indeed stop me in my tracks. But my initial feeling was not "outrage" or "anger", but rather "wow, this would NEVER be acceptable in any major western city", then I thought that this was also a Banksy rip-off, then I thought that this is a continuation of the somewhat amusing alterations of major brands that are pretty benign and sometimes even funny easily seen all up and down Sukhumvit Asok/Nana and elsewhere. There are t-shirt stands that sell McShit, Starfuc_ks, fuc_kin Gonuts, and just about any other major logo that can be easily morphed into an amusing or absurd parody. It is interesting that when Hitler get's thrown into the mix, that we see outrage and shame among other emotions flaring up. I don't see the same outrage for t-shirts that compared George Bush and Hitler that was somewhat popular a few years back, nor would I think a mash-up of Pol Pot and Ronald McDonald evoke the same feeling. Somehow this one hit a vein. But why? Is McDonald's some hallowed brand that should remain off limits to any parody? Are they purveyors of nutritious food that are genuinely interested in the welfare of mankind? No. They are, in my opinion, an incredibly successful corporate machine raking in billions of dollars in profits selling unhealthy and addictive foods marketed primarily to children. Have you seen the movie Supersize Me? And should Hitler be off limits to parody? There are countless parodies of hitler, as well there should be. Parody of a major brand is "Fair Use". Which is protected as free speech, in among other places, the US Constitution. To take the opposite side of this debate, I conclude with a defense of the illustrator who thought this mashup up: If corporations had their way, we would only eat their processed foods, work in their factories, and obey every command of the governments they try to put in power. Among those peacefully rebelling against these forces are creative illustrators, some of whom are just trying to make a buck, and others who are trying to make a statement, mashing up social icons that effectively stir things up. Attached are two images: one the infamous t-shirt, and the other Banksy's more powerful "Napalm". A mashup of 2 very well known corporate icons and a famous photo of a little girl running from a napalm attack on her village during the Vietnam war. Banksy's mash-up drives home a very hard point. Maybe it wasn't McDonald's or Disney that facilitated this little girl's pain, but would Bell Helicopter and other defense contractors be excluded of all blame? "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -Benito Mussolini 2
ThaiSold Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER! What do you think Hitler would do if he saw an Asian ladyboy walking down the street with one of these shirts on holding hands with a gay Ronald mcdonald trying to impersonate the furer! Can't anyone actually see the joke behind it? If anything it's taking the mickey out of hitler not glorifying him especially when an Asian wears it! Thai people don't even know who Hitler is/was so what's the harm, there is no malice or intent. It's just a funny shirt, I remember seeing the same thing when Osama Bin Laden was the big thing. Get over it or get out of Thailand. 1
OzMick Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 History is constantly being re written by historians and their own interpretation of the facts. Left wing PC historians refer to Julius Caesar as a tyrant who subjugated indigenous peoples.....oh really ! If you want a gov grant or ' career progressment then you have to condemn Hitler. In 50 years from now we will have a new generation of historians who may put Hitler in a far more favourable light and condemn the jew bankers for corrupting and ruining the west.Everything about history is vulnerable to the political agenda of the day. Perhaps in Iran.
michaelrayjackson Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 The irony of all this is that Hitler was a vegetarian.
HowardH Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Who cares? Bet your the kind of people that would start a war over a bad joke. Give it a rest. 1
michaelrayjackson Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 What the difference between Ronald McDonald and Adolph Hitler ? One is a ridiculous looking clown who is a few fries short of a happy meal, the other is a mascot for a food corporation.
pxlgirl Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Looks like an attempt on culture jamming. Keyword is attempt, because we don't know how good the artist was informed on the issue. Other than that, I don't think if Mr. H. would be amused to see himself in a panda costume, so I rather see the whole thing as a satire. If the young people understand it as such, that's a different story. 1
OzMick Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 The educational system is seriously lacking in history outside of Thailand to name one area of education. My kids study Thai history, but nothing more as far as I can see. Is it any wonder why Thailand is xenophobic. I am of Jewish ancestory, and if I ever see one of these mentioned things, I will have a hard time controlling myself. I have 3 children in a bilingual school in Chiang Mai, and the owner started giving Christian lessons to the children without parental consent, and I have issues with this. Is it so uncommon in Thailand that people do not show respect for other people's religions and cultures, after all this is a Buddahist country. I bet most Christians if asked what religion was Christ would say that Jesus was a Christian, but anyone who knows history would know he was a Jew. Where is the tolerence i keep hearing about? Hmmmm. The English commited attrocities against the Irish for centuries, including the quaint practice of pitchcapping, but you don't hear the vast majority of Irish swearing that if they see a Union Jack they'll have a hard time controlling themselves. Within the lifetime of people still living, the Japanese commited awful things against the Chinese, but you don't hear the Chinese wobbling on about it now. It's life- bad things happen- move on. If attrocities really mattered that much, why is the world's media blind, deaf and dumb about the DRC? PS, if any person didn't know that Jesus was a Jew, they wouldn't be a Christian any more than I am a Buddhist just because I think some Buddhist beliefs are pretty good. The IRA was active until only a few years ago, and take an older Chinese aside and ask him privately what he thinks of the Japs. Which is why I specifically state "the VAST MAJORITY". Many Irish live in the UK, and are quite capable of controlling themselves while there. You could also ask an older Australian what they think of the Japs, but they don't go around attacking Japanese tourists in the street. Agreed. My grandfather volunteered but was too old to be sent o/s and was posted to Darwin, just in time. He wouldn't buy a Japanese product if his life depended on it, and his ultimate insult of a pub or restaurant was "I wouldn't send a Jap there on Anzac Day."
Popular Post Tiffer Posted February 27, 2012 Popular Post Posted February 27, 2012 Look at is as a reality check for overly sensitised westerners whose lives have become dominated by excessive social engineering and political correctness that stifles public opinion. Can anyone really justify why the ethnic cleansing of 70 years ago should be any more important than the other more recent and equally horrifying atrocities that go unforgotten by the world? If society really cared, it would mobilise itself differently, would it not? It bothers me less to see a farcical Ronald McHitler than my countries flag being used as fashionable underpants!! 3
LucMee Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 My wife says she feels sorry for all the dead folks of WWII ... But that dead is dead and past is past and that most Thais today are concerned with Paw You Paw Kin. Murder and genocide is part of the human condition... No one group has a monopoly on the being hated and abused card. And that we westerners would be better off if we'd learn to let the past be the past without forgetting it's lessons... And then she said "Shut up and eat." 1
thaibeachlovers Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Look at is as a reality check for overly sensitised westerners whose lives have become dominated by excessive social engineering and political correctness that stifles public opinion. Can anyone really justify why the ethnic cleansing of 70 years ago should be any more important than the other more recent and equally horrifying atrocities that go unforgotten by the world? If society really cared, it would mobilise itself differently, would it not? It bothers me less to see a farcical Ronald McHitler than my countries flag being used as fashionable underpants!! You've nailed it- PC rules the world, and we're all the poorer for it. 1
Misterwhisper Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Here's a link to a similar story that delves into the issue a little further, explaining why Thais are so ignorant about Nazism: http://www.macaudailytimes.com.mo/features/33542-Thailand-and-the-Nazi-Swastika.html [Just noticed you'll have to download the entire issue as a pdf to get the story.]
Popular Post Alfahane Posted February 27, 2012 Popular Post Posted February 27, 2012 1. Nobody minded that much when old Soviet symbols popped up. The Soviets killed millions during WW2. 2. Hitler as Ronald McDoland? Why not. Provocative art. Bad taste? Suitable, as many thai's dont really like McDonalds. 3. Hitler hurt many more than just jews. For instance, in Poland he killed about the same amount of polish jews as non jewish Poles. It's disgusting that most of the others nationalities are usually excluded from discussions about the WW2 atrocities. So why is it always made a jewish issue that everybody tiptoes around. 4. Western coutries are far from political correct, not to mention in their international action. Living in Thailand you might expect expats to be a bit more open minded, understanding and embrace the fact that thai have other perspectives. Some (many?) of you have a semi-permanent sex slave but provocative Hitler picture is the big jaw dropper? Oh, please... 4
SPIKECM Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 As a German i feel ashamed. Sorry. Why have any guilt? The image of Hitler is ripe for caricature and this mixed with a Thai total ignorance of anything in 20th. Century history leads to this. The ruling establishment is petrified of Thais gaining some insight into European social history and they have succeeded in doing this extremely well. The Thais all seem to imagine that their political problems are somehow unique, but they are just living 100 years behind in social progression. I think most Europeans can put Hitler in the context of European social history and no one feels any young German to blame. If anyone is to blame for this it is the Thai establishment which is petrified of a change in the hegemony here. I doubt if much more than 10% of Thais would connect the word Hitler with Germany and around the same number are totally ignorant as to what he did. If you told them that he was a Jewish hero, most would believe you.
LucMee Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 As a Jew that part of my family were murdered by the Nazi bustards I can tell you that the whole thing is ridicules and those T-shirts should offend the Neo Nazis not the Jews or others who suffered from the Nazis .Anyway there are new Hitlers in the world that should be dealt with . Hear-Hear! Thanks for adding your qualified sanity Bang on. How anyone can be offended by this sort of thing is just beyond belief. These images are doing two things: they are ridiculing the nazi image and poking fun at corporate propaganda by bastardising Ronald McDonald. The responses on here indicate how far political correctness has gone, but on the other hand it's given the forum's malcontents a chance to point out how uneducated Thais are, so I suppose they're happy. I'm liking these two posts.
Lifer Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Ignorance is common here! They have no clue about right or wrong here. How many have seen some of the nastiest filth printed on the tee shirts the girls, as well as guys will wear without even understanding the wording. You will never stamp out racism in the world (let alone Thailand). You can only make a difference by educating the younger kids to understand what it means to glorify people like Hitler, and other dispickable people like him.
OzMick Posted February 27, 2012 Posted February 27, 2012 Which is why I specifically state "the VAST MAJORITY". Many Irish live in the UK, and are quite capable of controlling themselves while there. You could also ask an older Australian what they think of the Japs, but they don't go around attacking Japanese tourists in the street. They do it to Indian students instead. A nice sly dig. Pity most of it turned out to have been done by other Indian students. How's life here without any Untouchables to look down on?
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