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Facebook Partly The Cause Of Unwanted Thai Teen Pregnancies: NESDB


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People who are in positions of responsibility should be more imaginative and avoid lapsing into obsolete speech.

Do you mean they should stop talking s**t????

If you have a preference for blunt speech yes, but blunt speech does not go down well in these latitudes

Yes you must call a spade a shovel here.

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easy to blame Facebook or any other new communication devices ... maybe a lack of educational system specialy sex education can help ignorant teenagers.

Facebook is responsible for more instances of bullying in the Western world than the actual physical bullying encountered at school. It has produced relationship breakups and caused more family arguments due to its addictive and available services.

If FB took more responsibility for its users actions and collaberated on a professional basis with agrieved victims, maybe it would not receive such bad press.

Yes I hate FB and will have nothing to do with it until it cleans up its act.

Maybe I should form my own "Anti-Facebook" but will have to give it a different name.

It isn't FB's fault if your partner is cheating.

Indeed, Facebook is not responsible for it's users personal choices off of FB.

If they make bad choices, they likely would do so in real life if FB didn't exist.

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Hey, maybe they are just preparing the ground for cancelling delivery of those cheap notebooks promised for the schoolies. Kids are not going to get them now as it would lead to more teenage pregnancies. Logical ... although idiotic.

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The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. The NESDB said that the figure shows that a number of mothers decided to have abortion.

Woot! shock1.gif

54.1% died? Really?? What % represent abortions? What % other causes? unsure.png

That would rate childbirth in Thailand as dangerous as the UK in the Dark Ages. Not really. In fact that figure is so far wrong as to indicate that the species cannot survive.

One could only hope...
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Sorry, I haven't waded through all 7 pages. The reason for teen pregnancies is that parents out here do not take ANY responsibility for ensuring that their children receive proper, responsible sex education, including discussing all of the possible contraceptive methods. A Thai Mother would never take her daughter for any form of contraception around the 16-18 yr mark, as the philosophy is that "thai girls don't have sex until they are married'!! Oh Really!!

The school system is failing these teenagers but 95% of the failure and responsibility is down to piss poor parenting, plain and simple.

Noooo..... Didn't you even read the Title Page?... Its Facebook... Facebook causes teenagers to get pregnant. Facebook, not poor parenting, not poor education... its FACEBOOK. IF facebook did not exist these girls would not be getting pregnant, OR, we'd have to blame other technological mediums... But what if that were removed.. AH... I've got it..... BLAME conversation, flowers, chocolates... Yes, thats it.. Talking makes teenage girls pregnant !clap2.gif

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...this is so unbelievably stupid, that I hardly can swallow my anger!

How many "teenagers" in remote villages in Isaan do even have internet or a computer at home?

The only "thing" to blame" are clowns like this guy, having no idea how the world has evolved since Ayuthaya was the capital of Siam and that it is high time for Thailand, to join the rest of the world in the 21st century!

...or...have more football- clubs....

ohmy.png they have a football club ??

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I must say, this headline tops all the nonsense I ever read. The only thing I am missing is the recommendation for a jerk.gif -proof firewall running on Windows 95/98/Millennium/2000/XP/Vista/7.

Actually, I find it sad that it's not the stupidest thing I've ever read coming out of the government. Global rise in sea level can't affect Thailand because we are too far from icebergs comes to mind. Running boat propellers to speed up a river comes close.

Any others ?

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Snap poll.

Will Thailand ever run our of excuses?

Thailand is the hub of excuses. We need a social media crackdown before things really get out of control.

Of course it's the fault of Facebook and has nothing to do with the fact that Thai society is more or less built around accepted prostitution, the exploitation of women, and total lack of any personal responsibility whatsoever. Then throw drugs, booze, and generally poorly educated people into the mix and you have a teen pregnancy boom on your hands.

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...this is so unbelievably stupid, that I hardly can swallow my anger!

How many "teenagers" in remote villages in Isaan do even have internet or a computer at home?

The only "thing" to blame" are clowns like this guy, having no idea how the world has evolved since Ayuthaya was the capital of Siam and that it is high time for Thailand, to join the rest of the world in the 21st century!

...or...have more football- clubs....

+1 except what every village needs is a cricket pitch. That'll take their mind off all those goings on.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Actually its Hi5 and this thing called CAMFROG that they are crazy over! No age limits and the CAMFROG thing has a lot of sexual content. Also my students were laughing the other day when one of them got a "sex-message" from AIS! It was an advert to download sexual pictures from another website. Totally innapropriate but when I told a Thai teacher they just laughed.

Also its Thai society as a whole that shows that rape and sex is ok, its all over the Drama shows and "comic books".

Most kids see one of their parents have a Gik or Meer noi. Its all around them everyday in so many ways.

Blaming Facebook is just ignorant and plain STUPID! Typical Thai in charge of soemthing they shouldn't be (which is most things).

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lack of decent sex education is to blame. a high and mighty culture ministry telling youngsters how to live is to blame. treating Thai teenagers like babies is to blame. etc.etc.etc

BINGO. Just how much DISCUSSION ( as in thought-provoking feedback, not memorization) goes on in Thai schools between teachers and students on this subject? Zilch.

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Wow. Nothing to do with morality, with the lack of good sex education, with parental supervision? Certainly young people can look to such people as MPs or the police for sterling examples of moral leadership in all areas.

or the fact that they see their fathers, uncles and neighbours heading off to the local massage parlours as often as they can, and their girlfriends work the local shopping malls looking for a few hundred baht from a farang

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Snap poll.

Will Thailand ever run our of excuses?

Thailand is the hub of excuses. We need a social media crackdown before things really get out of control.

Of course it's the fault of Facebook and has nothing to do with the fact that Thai society is more or less built around accepted prostitution, the exploitation of women, and total lack of any personal responsibility whatsoever. Then throw drugs, booze, and generally poorly educated people into the mix and you have a teen pregnancy boom on your hands.

i've just registered the domain name excusebook.co.th. should be worth $10b in a few years.

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Thailand intellectual never stop to amusing me clap2.gif

What intellectual power? When was the last time a Thai journalist won a pulitzer prize? How about a Thai scientist winning a Nobel Peace Prize? How about a Thai doctor being the top surgeon in a major hospital outside of Thailand? How about a Thai politician being prized for his diplomatic skills? How about a Thai engineer coming up with brilliant water management policy, or a Thai educator coming up with an ingenious system for learning? What about a Thai police detective cracking a major crime ring? If just does not happen here. How about a Thai worker having pride in the work that they perform? For a people that are so proud, they have a terribly small amount of pride in their work. One would expect the opposite. In order to consider yourself the best, don't you have to be able to take pride in how good a job you perform? There is a profoundly limited amount of excellence in the kingdom.

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Hopefully the owner of FB is reading this news.......so he can start suing thailand!!!

Famous for his wit and unconventional ideas the Science and Technology Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi, probably already prepares alimony suits against Mr. FaceBook. In a couple of years half of the population may have the family name Zuckerberg, causing collective mass suizides at the Ministry of Culture, which will be transformed to the Ministry of unwanted grandparents.

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...this is so unbelievably stupid, that I hardly can swallow my anger!

How many "teenagers" in remote villages in Isaan do even have internet or a computer at home?

The only "thing" to blame" are clowns like this guy, having no idea how the world has evolved since Ayuthaya was the capital of Siam and that it is high time for Thailand, to join the rest of the world in the 21st century!

...or...have more football- clubs....

ohmy.png they have a football club ??

Well...sort of!

But they also have "sort of" education...

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Part of the reason for so much teen pregnancy here, is the lax attitude of the parents towards it. If there were more severe consequences, perhaps it would not happen as much. So many women I have met (especially from Issan), just do not consider it a big deal to have a kid. I think they want to get pregnant. They romanticize having a kid to the point where they may be going out of their way to get pregnant. Also, with the families willingness to take care of their child, it is just not a big deal. I will get pregnant, have a kid, my boyfriend or husband will leave me (it is the last thing in the world he wanted!), then I will leave my kid with the folks, while I figure out a way of earning the money I cannot possibly earn in my hometown. It is this kind of mentality that contributes to teen pregnancy.

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Poor logic. If not facebook, it would be other sites. Have to pin the blame on places? Let's be real... if they are posting salacious descriptions and pics, it is the people, not the host, that are causing their own "downfall". Personally, I like to see young WOMEN (not girls) having babies. Having babies drives the core of the economy - you must build schools, feed them, take them places, health care, housing, etc.

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Poor logic. If not facebook, it would be other sites. Have to pin the blame on places? Let's be real... if they are posting salacious descriptions and pics, it is the people, not the host, that are causing their own "downfall". Personally, I like to see young WOMEN (not girls) having babies. Having babies drives the core of the economy - you must build schools, feed them, take them places, health care, housing, etc.

...and is that, what is being done?

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