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2 Foreigners Nabbed In Joint Thai-US Police Drug Raid In Bangkok


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The l.....o......n.......g arm of the DEA. It was a small drug bust but it shows the DEA goes after small and big fish worldwide, especially in those countries like Thailand which are key drug sources/trans-shipment points into the U.S.

Please - it's more a case of the d..e..e..p pockets of the DEA - more money is spent on this bloated political institution than is spent on drugs themselves.

Here's an idea; scrap the ridiculous war on drugs, legalise everything and instead use the money to buy the drugs and control the distribution. Petty drug-related crime will practically disappear if substances people want (and obtain anyway) are easliy available (just like alcohol) and provide medical care to the minority who can't handle them.

You will still have some change left and your prisons won't be crammed full of victims of organised crime...

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No-one seems all that keen to run with that one. ;-)

The l.....o......n.......g arm of the DEA. It was a small drug bust but it shows the DEA goes after small and big fish worldwide, especially in those countries like Thailand which are key drug sources/trans-shipment points into the U.S.

Please - it's more a case of the d..e..e..p pockets of the DEA - more money is spent on this bloated political institution than is spent on drugs themselves.

Here's an idea; scrap the ridiculous war on drugs, legalise everything and instead use the money to buy the drugs and control the distribution. Petty drug-related crime will practically disappear if substances people want (and obtain anyway) are easliy available (just like alcohol) and provide medical care to the minority who can't handle them.

You will still have some change left and your prisons won't be crammed full of victims of organised crime...

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Just out of interest; both of the guys are Nigerians. The one with the Guinea passport just used it for more easier access to travel as Nigeria image is already criminalized but he is not smart enough as he is using a Nigerian Name for a Guinea passport. Uwadiegwu is an ibo-east Nigerian name.

I do not have a problem with people doing drugs. but i do have a problem with those involving others e.g dragging the name of innocent other African country whom most people know they do not do drug into the mud by using their passport.

Yes am a Nigerian but this is just not right. If you must do drug, do it alone, enjoy the benefit and suffering alone unfortunately everybody have to pay for this scumbags including those who do not do drugs.

I am glad someone is speaking for the innocent Nigerians or Africans suffering for the sins of these scum bags. IMHO these guys were ratted by the girl being treated as a witness, I guess she was dumped by one of these girls...they should learn not to mess with Thai girls.

I would like to comment to this but i don't quite get your point. Can you speak in more simpler terms? am no native speaker you know.
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wow, five whole kilos of marijuana!!!!

The DEA have outdone themselves this time, I wonder how much time and money was spent on this bust?

Why aren't they getting the ya bah that's coming in from Burma????

To hard methinks.

Easier gig hanging around Bankok.

Probably the DEA Guys had to fit this minor raid in between tee times at local golf courses. Much nicer to be a golfing DEA Agent in Thailand, than being shot at, along the Texas Border. It's a holiday assignment!


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You telling me? Well countries on the list as of today, Nigeria- a couple of them. Busted for pot, Norway- one of them killed and ate half of his ex gf, the rest he kept for'i don't know what'.Britain- one was convicted for paying for kids to defile. Lastly Iranians, well you know all about that, ice and bombs.

Yet another reason why Thailand needs to overhaul it's visa system.

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I think its really great how the DEA can go to pretty much any country they dam_n well please and get involved in operations there. It makes me feel so safe that Uncle Sam is looking out for my best interests like that. And of course that is their only motivation right, not to pepetuate some futile 'war on dugs' (thanks President Nixon for coining that term), keep funding a bloated and corrupt bureaucracy and use it as an excuse to conduct a variety of invasive intelligence gathering that has nothing to do with any kind of 'drugs'.

Having said that, if these lowlife dealers with no other reason for being here are taken off the street, great, but the disconnect between the resources expended to do so in these kinds of operations and the results obtained is ridiculous. Why are DEA even involved? Oh right, maybe some state court authorised it and as we all know US courts have worldwide jurisdiction bah.gif

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I think its really great how the DEA can go to pretty much any country they dam_n well please and get involved in operations there. It makes me feel so safe that Uncle Sam is looking out for my best interests like that. And of course that is their only motivation right, not to pepetuate some futile 'war on dugs' (thanks President Nixon for coining that term), keep funding a bloated and corrupt bureaucracy and use it as an excuse to conduct a variety of invasive intelligence gathering that has nothing to do with any kind of 'drugs'.

Its great huh!?

The fascist US gov not destroying enough lives in the states so they gotta come over to Thailand...totally out of control, they want to run the world! Anyone here in the states who is paying attention can see what a Police State we are turning into...my god they got caught shipping guns down to Mexico and we all know they ship drugs in...disgusting!

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It seems to me that the DEA would be better off controlling the drugs coming into the U.S.A. from Mexico. I hardly think Thailand is a priority. The priority is the drugs coming in from MEXICO and so far the DEA needs to change their focus and concentrate on south of the boder down Mexico way.

Let the Thais deal with these problems

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Just to let you know what I know.....maybe I should restate that...because I don't know anything..

That place was called Beaches and most likely changed names and owners or investors because of the state that it was in. Remember they arrested the Manager out there. The actual owner would honor the deposits because he said he didn't take them...the manager did. This all ended up in court..I don't know the specifics but I do know the manager is in Jail and will be for a long time

Anyway, there is a Russian who bought 200 rai at Silver Lakes. My guess is that he decided that Beaches was a better place and is now throwing his money there. However, don't sell Silver lakes short because they are building a Venice Theme park up there. Bangsaray will explode in the next couple of years and the property prices will go up in that area. In addition to that the casino that someone mentioned is supposed to happen at Baan Ampur not Bangsaray, " The Ambassador". It was recently approved and the person I know that is directly involved in making it happen is pushing aggressively and those behind. Based on the movement in that area I believe it is going to happen this time.

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WOW! Africans in Bangkok selling drugs?

Surely they can't be talking about the same African guys who openly ask people walking by if they want to buy drugs.

Nah, that's too easy, how's the dea boy's going to explain a over the top expense account if they just nab those guys off the street?

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It seems to me that the DEA would be better off controlling the drugs coming into the U.S.A. from Mexico. I hardly think Thailand is a priority. The priority is the drugs coming in from MEXICO and so far the DEA needs to change their focus and concentrate on south of the boder down Mexico way.

Let the Thais deal with these problems

They can't seem to be able to stop the drugs coming up from Mexico, so what the hey, let's go mess around in someone else's back yard. Maybe the DEA has a quota on busts like traffic cops, you don't make your quota, you get a reprimand in your personel file.

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Back up and slow down. Humans are intelligent creatures who for the most part can make appropriate choices by themselves, we do not need big government to monitor and dictate our health.

Drugs are illegal, but people still do them, so obviously the act of making them illegal does not by itself remedy the problem.

Drug abuse is a medical issue, not a police issue. Thinking that the police will cure the ills from substance abuse is far fetched. Ice and all forms of speed are a nasty drug no doubt. I am promoting it by any means, but I am not convinced that the war on drug has done any good at all, in fact, i think it has brought way more harm than good.

You cannot really make people do anything, and we cannot monitor every free human to the point where any authority can control drugs. It is much better to give people education and health services so they can make healthy choices for themselves.

If not, then we should also make butter illegal. Way more people die from heart disease than drug overdoses.

And please don't start in about crime and drugs. The crime comes from the illegality. Make drugs legal and crime goes away. Make drugs legal and drug abusers can seek help. Educate people about the dangers, and people take care of themselves as good as any institution can.

Illegal drugs are illega!.So many yanks whining over the arrest!? Dont you get it? Smoke your pot at homeland instead of crying over the Thaipolice doing their job. Thais dont like junkies,no matter colors. Bon voyagecowboy.gif

The definition of a "junkie" is different to a "pot user", I think....jap.gif

If that's some feeble atempt to say these guys are harmless pot users think again. They were also flogging Crystal Meths one of the worst drugs around. The UK regard it as their number one drug problem.

These scumbags care nothing about human life and care not a jot of some 10 year old kid ends up with their goods in their hands as long as they make money.

I read a thread yesterday about child molester who most of us regard as the scum of the earth.....put these SOB's in the same cell because they are every bit as bad Them and others like them are responsible for ruining millions of peoples lives and most certainly many deaths.

No one shoulkd try and dress it up by saying they are pot smokers because smoking pot (and who hasn't) doest automaticaaly excuse you for peddling hard drugs

Sorry, your suggestion is laughable and overly naive.

Numerous countries have already tried to legalize certain drugs in addition to decriminalize drug related activities and consumption, including Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain et cetera.

Obviously, some success have been claimed but the number of drug related crimes increased, there has been increase in addicted population. yet many of them turned to the black market and remain unemployed, and the list of negative effects goes on.

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Its about dam_n time the Thai police is finally cracking down on these scumbags. Not only do they sell drugs in their own countries, they travel to Thailand to corrupt even more people.

I share your enthusiasm about drug dealers being arrested. It makes me feel even better when they catch ringleaders and not small fish. However I have to disagree with your idea about someone coming to Thailand and corrupting someone. I am certain the corrupt were here when they arrived and will be here when they depart. I don't think any of these foreigners introduce drugs into Thai society. In that regard, you're pointing fingers at the wrong people.

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Its about dam_n time the Thai police is finally cracking down on these scumbags. Not only do they sell drugs in their own countries, they travel to Thailand to corrupt even more people.

I share your enthusiasm about drug dealers being arrested. It makes me feel even better when they catch ringleaders and not small fish. However I have to disagree with your idea about someone coming to Thailand and corrupting someone. I am certain the corrupt were here when they arrived and will be here when they depart. I don't think any of these foreigners introduce drugs into Thai society. In that regard, you're pointing fingers at the wrong people.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. The only reason these guys can operate here is because of the firmly entrenched corruption. It is accepted by all levels of society as the norm - you only have to look to the politicians to see that the highest level is totally corrupted.

Police are completely ineffective as it is impossible for a 'straight' police officer to carry out his duties if his superiors are corrupt. Social standing is based on wealth and power - no matter how you achieved it.

The criminal types do not visit immigration, they don't get harrassed while they openly sell their evil wares and if there is a bust it is always the bottom feeder who gets the jail sentence. Who do you think supplies them with their stock, or at least facilitates the supply?

I despair for the youth of Thailand as there is nobody to protect them from organised crime - nobody would dare stand up to anyone in authority - instead they waai and grovel at their feet.

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Sorry, your suggestion is laughable and overly naive.

Numerous countries have already tried to legalize certain drugs in addition to decriminalize drug related activities and consumption, including Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain et cetera.

Obviously, some success have been claimed but the number of drug related crimes increased, there has been increase in addicted population. yet many of them turned to the black market and remain unemployed, and the list of negative effects goes on.

There isn't any "solution" to the problems of drug addiction themselves other than within the hearts of the individuals involved.

The issue is minimizing the impact on the rest of society. Treating it as a medical problem may seem permissive and expensive, but from a "big picture" POV is actually much more sensible, cheaper and more effective than the results we have seen from treating it as a law-enforcement problem. In fact that is what we already do for the drug with the most harmful direct effect today - alcohol, and we seem to be OK with accepting the millions of casualties from that, just as we do the effects of allowing private internal-combustion vehicles.

This is just as true for prostitution and gambling as it is for drugs - taking the "criminal" label off removes the resulting compelling profit motives and reduces the catastrophic social side effects, making it much more affordable to further alleviate the negative consequences on those harming themselves by (over) participating in those vices.

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Why are DEA even involved? Oh right, maybe some state court authorised it and as we all know US courts have worldwide jurisdiction bah.gif

DEA agents have been active worldwide for decades. They often need to work in opposition to the corrupt sectors of local law enforcement, and it is in such locations where they are most badly needed. More recently also task forces against paedophile sex tourists, not only from the US but UK/Australia/NZ etc.

Often nothing to do with US courts, just pragmatically doing what can be done with whatever local structures are functional. I'm sure extra-judicial measures are also used where justified - couldn't think of a better use for drone missiles in certain situations, the drug cartels certainly do more damage worldwide per day than terrorists have ever done in all of human history.

Face it and accept it, the US is the world police - who do you think should do it the UN? ;-)

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Africans, iranians, you would wonder why the thai immagration make it so hard for us law abiding farangs who support our thai families to get visa,s when this filth only come to sell drugs and bomb thailand and also spend very little money whilst here.

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Africans, iranians, you would wonder why the thai immagration make it so hard for us law abiding farangs who support our thai families to get visa,s when this filth only come to sell drugs and bomb thailand and also spend very little money whilst here.

wonder on what basis they apply for visas mad.gif

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Africans, iranians, you would wonder why the thai immagration make it so hard for us law abiding farangs who support our thai families to get visa,s when this filth only come to sell drugs and bomb thailand and also spend very little money whilst here.

wonder on what basis they apply for visas mad.gif

They get the special 50k ones...

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Africans, iranians, you would wonder why the thai immagration make it so hard for us law abiding farangs who support our thai families to get visa,s when this filth only come to sell drugs and bomb thailand and also spend very little money whilst here.

I do agree with your point of view. But i guess Consular section or Foreign affair all over the world do not operate that way. Everybody should be given a fair chance regardless of the passport they hold and the criminal activities labelled to the country.

But one think i have observed that i think Thai govt take lightly is to heavily scrutinize the visa applicant, although this may not totally eradicate those coming here with the sole aim to sell drugs, scam or all other vices but at least it will reduce them. It worked in Europe, USA with so many third world countries passport holders giving up travel because of visa complications.

Also i do agree with the fact that farangs who support their wives for visa to their countries may think that Thais only go to Europe, or USA. If you would make more research you would be surprised at the number of Thais across third world countries. Although what they are doing there is out of my knowledge but i bet you would be shocked to realize that a significant number of Thais are in Kenya for example.

No matter how bad it may seem generalization is pretty unacceptable. Just like it would be unacceptable for many others to label most older westerners as pedophile.

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