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Exercise has little to do with losing weight...if you want to lose fat and retain your muscle eat the required amount of protein. This can be anywhere from .6 to 1.0 gram per lean body mass.

By reducing your carbs and increasing fat and protein you will lose fat NOT muscle! Probably be a good idea for some of you guys to read a book or two before you start posting!

Whatever you've been reading has been leading you astray because you clearly don't have a clue.

...Or is the problem perhaps that you've been reading too much and never put anything into practice?

If you don't exercise you'll lose muscle on a normal diet as part of the process of aging. If you don't exercise and restrict calories you'll lose it even more quickly.

Eat protein to retain muscle you say - that's absurd in the extreme. That's something that protein manufacturers would have us believe.

You don't have a clue as to how the body processes macro-nutrients.....I will say this one last thing and leave you to your bottle of Chang!

When you restrict carbs you will increase protein and dietary fat, the dietary fat and stored fat will be used to provide your energy needs , the protein will supply your muscle cells with the required nutrients. Exercise is NEVER needed to retain your existing muscles, exercise will increase your muscle structure!

Sit on your couch watch TV ...restrict carbs, increase your intake of fat and protein and the fat stored in your body will be used to keep your body going! And you will lose fat and retain muscle. Dietary fat will not be stored as fat as long as you keep your carb intake to a minimal level..that level is dependent on your individual body and how resistant you are to insulin.

When you follow a diet as described above calorie counting is unnecessary! There is never a need to be hungry, eat until you are full and then stop. When you are hungry eat again!

I am 65 years old with a six pack and it is not Chang!


Exercise has little to do with losing weight...if you want to lose fat and retain your muscle eat the required amount of protein. This can be anywhere from .6 to 1.0 gram per lean body mass.

By reducing your carbs and increasing fat and protein you will lose fat NOT muscle! Probably be a good idea for some of you guys to read a book or two before you start posting!

Whatever you've been reading has been leading you astray because you clearly don't have a clue.

...Or is the problem perhaps that you've been reading too much and never put anything into practice?

If you don't exercise you'll lose muscle on a normal diet as part of the process of aging. If you don't exercise and restrict calories you'll lose it even more quickly.

Eat protein to retain muscle you say - that's absurd in the extreme. That's something that protein manufacturers would have us believe.

You don't have a clue as to how the body processes macro-nutrients.....I will say this one last thing and leave you to your bottle of Chang!

When you restrict carbs you will increase protein and dietary fat, the dietary fat and stored fat will be used to provide your energy needs , the protein will supply your muscle cells with the required nutrients. Exercise is NEVER needed to retain your existing muscles, exercise will increase your muscle structure!

Sit on your couch watch TV ...restrict carbs, increase your intake of fat and protein and the fat stored in your body will be used to keep your body going! And you will lose fat and retain muscle. Dietary fat will not be stored as fat as long as you keep your carb intake to a minimal level..that level is dependent on your individual body and how resistant you are to insulin.

When you follow a diet as described above calorie counting is unnecessary! There is never a need to be hungry, eat until you are full and then stop. When you are hungry eat again!

I am 65 years old with a six pack and it is not Chang!

There was no need for any smart comments about drinking Chang. If you had read through the thread, you'd know I don't drink alcohol.

You should have quit after your last offering. How old are those book you suggested we should read before we post here... because seriously, you should dump them and purchase some written at least in the last few decades.

If you sit on your couch eating a calorie restricted diet, no matter what the percentages of fat, carbs and protein are, your body will end up approximating a marshmallow.

If you don't use muscle, it disappears - that's a basic fact that most people understand. If you eat zero carbs, high protein and fat - you'll still turn to marshmallow without exercise. You'll also get fat on protein and fat with zero carbs if your calorie consumption is too high. How many calories you consume are far more important than the percentages of fat, protein and carbs in the food (exception being insulin resistant people - more info covered below) when you are looking to lose bodyfat.

You also failed to mention that very low carb diets are notoriously difficult to keep up long term....

I've seen 6-packs on very skinny people who are very underweight. Without some decent muscle mass all over the body they're pretty meaningless. I know one guy with really decent abs who weighs about 45 kg and he's pretty sick.

You also brought up insulin resistance. This is a different subject entirely. Insulin resistance is either pre-diabetes or full type 2 diabetes. Anyone with insulin resistance has an impaired sugar metabolism and will require a low carb diet to optimize BG levels. Even an insulin resistant person who exercises a lot can handle more carbs. Surely you should know that it is universal advice from doctors that people with insulin resistance should exercise.

The bottom line is that your advice not to exercise to lose bodyfat is really bad. It's archaic and against the advice of just about every exercise physiologist on the planet.

Now please keep your promise and go away - and drink your Chang.



You dont need to exercise to retain muscle, then please tell me why they do exercise with people who are paralyzed and need to stay in bed. Else their muscle will shrivel up and disappear. If you dont use it you will loose it.

The rest nutrient ratio's are not as important as a caloric deficit during weight loss. You can eat MC D every day and still loose weight if you burn more. I am not saying its healthy because its not, but its more to show you that a caloric deficit is more important.


What day is it today.....hmmm 4 I think.

I spent an hour in MacDonalds today testing my metal...while kids had lunch....

Bananas don't juice so well.


What day is it today.....hmmm 4 I think.

I spent an hour in MacDonalds today testing my metal...while kids had lunch....

Bananas don't juice so well.

How much have you lost so far. ?


Dunno....not weighing in till the end.

It's better to weigh in as you go so you can have an idea if the program is working or not. It'll save you a lot of hardship although by the sounds of it you're not taking the program too seriously anyway.

In reality if you cannot determine if the weight you are losing is fat, water or muscle you're wasting your time.


Tell that to the 2 dudes on fat dumb and nearly dead...

Perhaps you should read my post again. I'm talking about composition of body weight i.e. how much is fat and how much is muscle.


Day 5.....one third of the way through.

Rather tired today...fell asleep in the back of the truck.....but that could have been from the cement mixing I did this morning....had to mix a whole third of a cube meself.


Day 5.....one third of the way through.

Rather tired today...fell asleep in the back of the truck.....but that could have been from the cement mixing I did this morning....had to mix a whole third of a cube meself.

Just to give us an idea of what you're trying to achieve, how fat are you? Do you have a distended abdomen? This is quite typical of older people and very difficult to get rid of on any kind of diet.


Day 5.....one third of the way through.

Rather tired today...fell asleep in the back of the truck.....but that could have been from the cement mixing I did this morning....had to mix a whole third of a cube meself.

Just to give us an idea of what you're trying to achieve, how fat are you? Do you have a distended abdomen? This is quite typical of older people and very difficult to get rid of on any kind of diet.

I am a big fat bastard and have not seen my toes for decades.....just tryin to see me toes again.....I need em to count.


Just stop eating,eat something in the afternoon,but food craving does diminish,it goes away eating in a way it becomes a chore Throw the weighing scales away,just do not think about them. Weight gradually comes off,you hit plateaus on the way down which is good,lasts a week or two,fill up at that point,then reduce food intake then down it comes again

I'm not counting calories or anything like,its just too damned hard to follow any set plan


Just stop eating,eat something in the afternoon,but food craving does diminish,it goes away eating in a way it becomes a chore Throw the weighing scales away,just do not think about them. Weight gradually comes off,you hit plateaus on the way down which is good,lasts a week or two,fill up at that point,then reduce food intake then down it comes again

I'm not counting calories or anything like,its just too damned hard to follow any set plan

For me counting calories is easy, but only because i work from home and am not that demanding about what i eat.


Buy Clenbuterol next to Tim's gogo on 2nd road, this will enhance your metabolism,

if you then take a long walk at a fast pace it will boost the burning even more.

But dont eat them more than two months in a row,

i only do one month in a row


As far as i know it will stop working after 2 weeks unless you take ketotifen. That is why most people use it for 2 weeks on then 2 weeks off. I stopped using it, it really makes me feel bad. Even if i supplement with taurine and magnesium i will get cramps that will stop me from training normally.


Buy Clenbuterol next to Tim's gogo on 2nd road, this will enhance your metabolism,

if you then take a long walk at a fast pace it will boost the burning even more.

But dont eat them more than two months in a row,

i only do one month in a row

No normal, healthy person (as opposed to a competition bodybuilder) should use drugs to lose bodyfat. It's pure laziness apart from the fact the results are only temporary.

You have to develop good eating and exercise habits in order to normalize your bodyfat long term.

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Day 6....

Felt like crap yesterday...very tired.

Woke up feeling crap also, but then forced myself into work and stuff doing around the house and got a lot done...feel quite good now.....but my back is killing me.

We do not own scales.....will weigh in when done on day 15.

My pants are falling down today somewhat.


Day 9.....

Feeling good.....not so bad now re smelling food and wanting it so much.

Funny thing is I am having cravings for steamed/sauted vegies....particularly broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts, carrots, peas in pods, beans and such......

No cravings for meat and junk currently at all.

See how I feel on day 15.....might go for 30.


Day whatever....

Tonight....very difficult.......kids sitting at table eating my favourite.....the aroma wafting over to my nostrils beckoning me to come and enjoy.....

Spag Bog......mmmmmmm


Tomorrow is 15 days......not sure to continue or not....shall weigh in tomorrow arvo.

Yesterdays juice was a shocker....I put a lot of vege juice in and by god that stuff is shocking...no wonder kids hate them.

Today I made a champion dose....mostly fruit, but some vege till and this time for the first time I put in 'pears' and it tasted superb....somewhat creamy and made me feel like continuing for days more.


I hope your results are good.. I am sure you lost a bit but wonder how much you weigh a week after this diet. Because you probably will get a lot of water weight back.


Shall wigh in again in a week.

But....today I had lost a tad over 7 kilo.

I was 85.5 kilo, now a little over 78.

I wanted to be and stay around 80, so I can put a little back on.

My pants are falling off...so have lost an inch or 2 around the waste and gut is significantly smaller....but not as much as hoped.

Starting to eat again, fruit, salads, fish and such.


Good results let us know how much it is in a week or so. My diet is going slower as yours that is for sure. But i see a lot of difference in my gut and my muscles. So that way i do know its working.


Yesterdays juice was a shocker....I put a lot of vege juice in and by god that stuff is shocking...no wonder kids hate them.

Mixing fruit juice and veggie juice tastes like sh*t to me, but carrot juice tastes great if the carrots are sweet and adding beet and celery juice and such still tastes nice and is very healthy.


So last night was the first night I was going to eat....I did not really feel like much...so I munched on a handful of dried sultanas, dried bananas and that was about it......no desire later to snack.

I know the stomach has shrunk and all....but hoping this might continue.


Shall wigh in again in a week.

But....today I had lost a tad over 7 kilo.

I was 85.5 kilo, now a little over 78.

I wanted to be and stay around 80, so I can put a little back on.

My pants are falling off...so have lost an inch or 2 around the waste and gut is significantly smaller....but not as much as hoped.

Starting to eat again, fruit, salads, fish and such.

Congratulations to that first result! But don't stop to early, your body needs at least 2 months on the lower weight to "really" get used to less and different food... your metabolism will adjust and then you have the chance to keep your weight where you are now!


The 2 best things about doing this has been....firstly...my tastes and hankering for food has changed somewhat....I have been wanting tuna and salmon salads...I had a tuna sandwich for dinnet just now.....but had bbq with friends for lunch. I have cravings for fish and dried fruits and vegies.

But most probably the best thing so far was my blood pressure, today had it checked and just before xmas it was 165/92....then 148/98.......today the doc said 'normal....it was 135/89.....so that was a very nice surprise and as a result of the 15 days I believe cos for the last 18 months it had always been on the rise.

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