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U.S. Senator McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria


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Senator McCain knows the horrors of war 1st hand, I find it very disturbing that him and other Republicans are calling for airstrikes. It would only plunge the region into war that would quickly escalate out of control involving other countries.

He also knows the horrors of unemployment, both of workers in his state and his own, if he does not support the military complex he loses office. If munition sales are down and private security is looking at layoffs, support for military intervention will follow.

Do you have any idea of how much he would suffer personally if he lost the right to legally inside trade and legislate in the interests of companies of which he is a shareholder?

You all talk of US actions in the framework of a democratic nation. The US is nothing of the sort. The US govt. is nothing more than an extension of the corporate PR divisions and acts accordingly. That goes equally for both parties.

In answer to one of your statements...I have no personal information as to Senator McCain's insider trading but I am certain the Democratic Party would love to get the information you possess.

Why not post the damaging information publicly on this forum so the world will have the same vast knowledge you do?

Edited by chuckd
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Why doesn’t the western media report this?

Today, Syrian news agency SANA gives a very different story on the Homs episode, reporting that “armed terrorist groups on Monday attacked citizens and law-enforcement members at several areas in Homs… the authorities were pursuing and clashing with them. Armed terrorist groups exploded two explosive devices behind the building of the Technical Services at al-Dablan Neighborhood in Homs. Terrorists also shelled with mortars several quarters in Homs, while others broke into houses in Idleb Governorates. A number of citizens escaped from an armed terrorist group to a mosque in Rastan City, where the armed terrorist group burnt the mosque, killing and injuring some of the citizens”.


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Why doesn’t the western media report this?

Today, Syrian news agency SANA gives a very different story on the Homs episode, reporting that “armed terrorist groups on Monday attacked citizens and law-enforcement members at several areas in Homs… the authorities were pursuing and clashing with them. Armed terrorist groups exploded two explosive devices behind the building of the Technical Services at al-Dablan Neighborhood in Homs. Terrorists also shelled with mortars several quarters in Homs, while others broke into houses in Idleb Governorates. A number of citizens escaped from an armed terrorist group to a mosque in Rastan City, where the armed terrorist group burnt the mosque, killing and injuring some of the citizens”.


Probably because Syrian media isn't seen as very objective or reliable

Once the face of Bashar al-Assad's evening news bulletin, Hani al-Malathi publicly resigned from Syrian state TV last week over what he calls "state-orchestrated misinformation".


Edited by Morch
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Why doesn’t the western media report this?

Today, Syrian news agency SANA gives a very different story on the Homs episode, reporting that “armed terrorist groups on Monday attacked citizens

Deja Vu Libya?

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Why doesn’t the western media report this?

Today, Syrian news agency SANA gives a very different story on the Homs episode, reporting that “armed terrorist groups on Monday attacked citizens and law-enforcement members at several areas in Homs… the authorities were pursuing and clashing with them. Armed terrorist groups exploded two explosive devices behind the building of the Technical Services at al-Dablan Neighborhood in Homs. Terrorists also shelled with mortars several quarters in Homs, while others broke into houses in Idleb Governorates. A number of citizens escaped from an armed terrorist group to a mosque in Rastan City, where the armed terrorist group burnt the mosque, killing and injuring some of the citizens”.


Probably because Syrian media isn't seen as very objective or reliable

Once the face of Bashar al-Assad's evening news bulletin, Hani al-Malathi publicly resigned from Syrian state TV last week over what he calls "state-orchestrated misinformation".


I have a difficult time believing anything in the Western media any more because there is always two sides to every story

and we only get one very biased version in the West

Syria: Game Over for Western Propaganda As Syrian Activists Caught Lying, Rebels Caught Committing Atrocities

" There was no widespread killing in Syria before the US State Department, John McCain’s International Republican Institute, and the National Endowment for Democracy trained, funded, and directed the unrest back in early 2011. Along every step of the way, instability, chaos and death in Syria has been the result of the West propping up these terrorists and perpetuating the deadly conflict as Syria’s government attempts to restore order."


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You've got to be kidding. That is pure propoganda from a very questionable source. How about some real evidence of these very suspect charges? huh.png

you are asking the impossible because no one other than independent sources

would have the guts to do so and you know that full well.

but at least Ron Paul expresses the same kind of sentiment !

Ron Paul on Syria: I think it's none of our business.


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I see the discussion is again going off-topic. If you are done commenting on the OP, then I suggest you stop posting on the thread. If you wish to discuss McCain's call for U.S. led airstrikes, feel free to continue posting.

Further off-topic comments, including about media sources, will earn posters time in the penalty box with other posters who ignored the last warning.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

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like ron paul says none of usa,s business.mccain should have a look in his own backyard and stop his troops killing kids and women while they sleep and setting them on fire which is a fact.

only thing will happen as always more kids and women will die because of airstrikes.

its the bigger picture here that most miss

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