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Just curious: what does it indicate about somebody when they speak of themselves in the third person? Jingthing is asking ...

Alter Ego Syndrome?

theblether is led to understand that MAJIC was so ugly when he was born that the midwife slapped his mother.

theblether can understand why MAJIC is so bitter about life. whistling.gif

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This could maybe get into the Thai calendar as an official Blether Day. Remembered for eternity when a foreigner brought to the attention of the masses that it is in fact a privlege and not an insult to be called a Farang. That will have a few posters re-thinking!

Way to go Blether!!

some might re-think, most of them will froth around their mouths with frustration laugh.png

theblether is in total agreement with Chrisinth and Naam,

theblether observes that too many people forget to pack that most essential of attributes when they come to Thailand..........an open mind mellow.png

Or for at least one poster from a cold damp place an empty mind.


<deleted>. They double price dark skinned foreigners as well. Asian ones, not so much.

i suggest you take a ride in a Chiang Mai songteaw sometime. Many drivers double-charge hill tribes, Bangkok Thais and anyone else that does not know the real price.


<deleted>. They double price dark skinned foreigners as well. Asian ones, not so much.

i suggest you take a ride in a Chiang Mai songteaw sometime. Sone drivers double-charge hill tribes, Bangkok Thais and anyone else that does not know the real price.

theblether can confirm the words of the very wise and urbane U.G.

theblether observes that if their is one thing that many Thais note more than the colour of skin.......it's the colour of money thumbsup.gif


Jangot considers that theblether has totally lost his mind.

In the event it is found and returned, one fears that the space in the cranium will probably have been taken by congealed porridge.

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This could maybe get into the Thai calendar as an official Blether Day. Remembered for eternity when a foreigner brought to the attention of the masses that it is in fact a privlege and not an insult to be called a Farang. That will have a few posters re-thinking!

Way to go Blether!!

some might re-think, most of them will froth around their mouths with frustration laugh.png

theblether is in total agreement with Chrisinth and Naam,

theblether observes that too many people forget to pack that most essential of attributes when they come to Thailand..........an open mind mellow.png

Or for at least one poster from a cold damp place an empty mind.

theblether has searched the Thaivisa forums for interesting, humorous and witty posts made by Harrry...............unfortunately this was the system error received.

"The Server is unable to find and humorous, witty or interesting content by Harrry, the Server goes on a downer every time Harrry logs on"

I think the server is telling you to get a life and straighten your face Harrry saai.gif


Just curious: what does it indicate about somebody when they speak of themselves in the third person? Jingthing is asking ...

Alter Ego Syndrome?

theblether is led to understand that MAJIC was so ugly when he was born that the midwife slapped his mother.

theblether can understand why MAJIC is so bitter about life. whistling.gif

Flattery will get you nowhere,I turned into Hansum man in Thailand rolleyes.gif

  • Like 1

Just curious: what does it indicate about somebody when they speak of themselves in the third person? Jingthing is asking ...

Alter Ego Syndrome?

theblether is led to understand that MAJIC was so ugly when he was born that the midwife slapped his mother.

theblether can understand why MAJIC is so bitter about life. whistling.gif

Flattery will get you nowhere,I turned into Hansum man in Thailand rolleyes.gif

To be fair my girlfriend did say you were the best she ever had..............several times.


Unfortunately..............true crying.gif

theblether couldn't pull a bird in a pet shop.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif double !

to all the blethern ... I run out of 'like this' quota for the day ... great work everyone ... thumbsup.gif


If you want proof of that watch Thai TV, every second commercial is for skin whitening cream. Thai ladies spend half their lives either buying it or applying it. If you have ever sat in the company of Thai ladies when one of our pale skinned beautiful girls walks past you will find them imitating meerkat behaviour. Silence descends ( except from me, I keep blethering, it-s what I do ) and the Thai ladies eyes follow said beauty down the street with a mix of admiration and jealousy.

Apologies in advance for the serious suggestion ... call me a bethering idiot but ...

I have a Thai friend, head of the HR dept., business degree etc., born of Chinese decent, both parents, but definitely born and thinks and feels Thai, not hi-so and not a hi-so aspirant, but middle class.

She has milky white skin that the Surin rice farmer would skin her alive for ... and she doesn't like it!!!

We were chewing the fat haggis about men and Farang bf's.

Her words, and I paraphrase ... "Farang, he no like me because I white skin ... only they want brown skin" crying.gif true story .. 100%

It's the old story of ... you always want what you don't have! Hell, I know when I don't have a beer, that's when I want one the most drunk.gif

Dear blether ... the 3rd person stuff ... confine it to this thread ... offtopic2.gif ... apart from that ... blether on I say cowboy.gif



This could maybe get into the Thai calendar as an official Blether Day. Remembered for eternity when a foreigner brought to the attention of the masses that it is in fact a privlege and not an insult to be called a Farang. That will have a few posters re-thinking!

Way to go Blether!!

some might re-think, most of them will froth around their mouths with frustration laugh.png

+1 ... I ran out of 'like this' for today!


however theblether is also aware that..........

the best way to defeat a tyrant is to laugh at him

Another blethering good post. It's a brilliant insight.

I have used that bit of philosophy many times when dealing with bullies.

When they make fun of you to be nasty then just agree with them and take it to another higher level so everyone laughs. Then, everyone will enjoy the laugh and it takes the power away from the bully. Pretty soon you will be the center of attention and the bully is left there with a frown on his face and wondering what just happened.

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I wasn;t sure whether to blether blithely in this thread or the sick one http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/537727-sick-to-be-called-farang/page__view__findpost__p__5124595, but I looked and this was less blemished by bottulic bile, so, given this is the thread of constructive and erudite comment....

I get fed up being called "hansum man", as if there was nothing more to me than my rugged good looks.

Why do they never cry out

"Hey - you wit sens humah!"

"Sen'tiv man la - Chahmingman"

or even

"Big wallet la!"

I can understand with a big manly belly like mine, showing years of investment with the breweries of the world, and virile pattern baldness, I do look a bit god-like - well, maybe like Buddha, anyway... but still, there's more to me than just superficial physical charm, but no-one seems to notice here



I have black skin and am tired of hearing people shout "Dam! Dam!" when I go out in public.

I am also tired of people who ask where I am from and then call me a liar when I say I'm English. Or they tell me, "no, your mum is not english or your dad is not english, right?"

<Snip!> idiots. So in the words of Kenny. south_park_cartman_screw_you_guys_Ask_a_Dannyl-s276x270-114676-475.jpg128011579_4dff55c248.jpg?w=495&h=371

Than maybe you should live in a country where the majority has your color or all people are blind.

For me it is complete right that if I look different I get silly questions where I come from. It is boring but it is complete normal that if someone looks different that people want to know why.


I have black skin and am tired of hearing people shout "Dam! Dam!" when I go out in public.

I am also tired of people who ask where I am from and then call me a liar when I say I'm English. Or they tell me, "no, your mum is not english or your dad is not english, right?"

<Snip!> idiots. So in the words of Kenny. south_park_cartman_screw_you_guys_Ask_a_Dannyl-s276x270-114676-475.jpg128011579_4dff55c248.jpg?w=495&h=371

Than maybe you should live in a country where the majority has your color or all people are blind.

For me it is complete right that if I look different I get silly questions where I come from. It is boring but it is complete normal that if someone looks different that people want to know why.

The problem we go back to, is it's not what is said that causes offence, bit the manner in which it is said...........

Maybe it's timely to say just now that if people spoke to each other in bars the way some people speak to each other on this forum there would be mass riots on an hourly basis.

Loz is English, he probably wouldn't mind someone asking him what his heritage was, but he's English. I could see why the indication that he was anything other than English would rile him. I was at a boxing match last night, I was served by a lovely ( apparently ) Asian lady who spoke perfect English. I was intrigued by her as I couldn't place her country of origin so to speak, so I asked her, what's your heritage. She brightened up and here was here reply, unabridged, and in full.........

" Chinese, Japanese, Filipino and Spanish, I'm English, I've got a Scottish boyfriend from Greenock, we live in Paisley and we're going to have little confused brown Scottish babies."

Perfect answer biggrin.png

" Chinese, Japanese, Filipino and Spanish, I'm English, I've got a Scottish boyfriend from Greenock, we live in Paisley and we're going to have little confused brown Scottish babies."

A blethering good reply from a lady with a sense of houmour.

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And what about that blethering big, round, white belly hanging over the belt like a blethering blimp? Oh, you so hansum!

For decency sake I won't post pictures.

I think you look quite smashing in pink! :) :


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I have black skin and am tired of hearing people shout "Dam! Dam!" when I go out in public.

Where the hell do you go out!!! i've had that maybe 3 times in 12 years, 2 times that was playing football and they were cheering me to score!! the other time was some nasty little oiks in a Thai market who were more incensed about the fact I was with a Thai girl than being black.

12 years ago it seemed incredulous to Thais that I was from England and yet seeing as there was no malice in their "ignorance' i explained it in terms of National team players having to be born where (as in can I play for Thailand - no)? Then listed black players for England. Not only did they get it they went on with life educated, entertained and with a different perspective to share. For the last 3 or so years (I never really noticed when) I've never had that query.

I can appreciate it can be wearisome if experiencing this on a regular basis in this day and age, so am very interested to know where you reside and what type of people are shouting this out so regularly.


Its not an insult ,cannot understand why people take it as one.

I call them the offenderatti - people who go to great length to look for malice or slander where none was intended. Done either on purpose or out of ignorance (I refer to the "niggardly" controversy from about ten years ago).

That was some link u posted.

I used to work alongside American forces in Germany. I was disconcerted at how absurdly simplistic the public service adverts on AFN were ( American Forces Network TV ), I asked a couple of US servicemen friends and they said the adverts had to hit the lowest common denominator.

The issue you brought up is a race to the bottom, nobody wins in a race to the bottom, nobody.

Theblether notes that some people are not happy until they are unhappy.


So which are you...English, Irish, French, Dutch, German, Belgian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish.....etc...etc.......Mexican, El Salvadorian, Brazilian, Argentenian.....etc.......Armenian, Azerbajiani,......Kazakh, Russian.....etc...etc....

Quite a heritage you've got therecowboy.gif


Its not an insult ,cannot understand why people take it as one.

I call them the offenderatti - people who go to great length to look for malice or slander where none was intended. Done either on purpose or out of ignorance (I refer to the "niggardly" controversy from about ten years ago).

Interesting link...and a great quote from there:

"I used to think it would be great if we could all be colorblind. That's naïve, especially for a white person, because a white person can afford to be colorblind. They don't have to think about race every day. An African American does."

Because truly racist remarks require history, context, malicious intent, and so forth. The word "farang" is generally absent of most or all of the above. That's why I'm at a loss to see how anyone can be offended by such a term.


I love being called farang, I take it as a compliment.

Yeah, they always shout "hello hansum man" after me!! Do they call you hansum too!!?? hmmm angry.png

Call me whatever, I just don´t wanna be associated with certain rude and obnoxious white skinned people.


I live in Korat. I chose korat for its provincial profile to understand real thai people not just bangkokians. I can now report back after 6years that there are some very decent and curious people (just had a round of golf and made 3 new golfing buddies to play with later in the week) and there are some very ignorant people and I mean ignorant of the fact that nudging their friend to look at me and then laugh or say ooiieeee!! DAM MAK LUAY!! or KORT DAM LUAY is not polite or welcoming. Also there are women who when walking around a corner and seeing a black man feel the need to jump and scream and clutch their friend as though the confronting the grim reaper. These people make life here less pleasant. The fact that being black here is akin to being the owner of a taliban retail outlet housed on ground zero makes me feel a bit cheesed off quite often.

These I not bar encounters as I visit one bar about 6 times a year for about an hour to talk to a farang friend who comes into town to "mingle". Its not THAT sort of bar either. I don't go out at night maybe because I am almost forty and not into the loud music, maybe because I would rather read or watch movies or use the internet. Maybe in bangkok people are less shocked my black English people but I invite you to visit the mall in Korat and experience it for yourself. I imagine it is akin to England around the period William Garrow was making a name for himself at the Old Bailey.

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I live in Korat. I chose korat for its provincial profile to understand real thai people not just bangkokians. I can now report back after 6years that there are some very decent and curious people (just had a round of golf and made 3 new golfing buddies to play with later in the week) and there are some very ignorant people and I mean ignorant of the fact that nudging their friend to look at me and then laugh or say ooiieeee!! DAM MAK LUAY!! or KORT DAM LUAY is not polite or welcoming. Also there are women who when walking around a corner and seeing a black man feel the need to jump and scream and clutch their friend as though the confronting the grim reaper. These people make life here less pleasant. The fact that being black here is akin to being the owner of a taliban retail outlet housed on ground zero makes me feel a bit cheesed off quite often.

These I not bar encounters as I visit one bar about 6 times a year for about an hour to talk to a farang friend who comes into town to "mingle". Its not THAT sort of bar either. I don't go out at night maybe because I am almost forty and not into the loud music, maybe because I would rather read or watch movies or use the internet. Maybe in bangkok people are less shocked my black English people but I invite you to visit the mall in Korat and experience it for yourself. I imagine it is akin to England around the period William Garrow was making a name for himself at the Old Bailey.

Never been there admittedly although met many from the place, tis a shame when people feel the need to flash their own insecurity in public.

Sent from Android please excuse errors in type or judgement

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