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1 Year Thai Visa For British Citizen

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Actually you must meet the conditions for extension of stay which are more than 'a job', 'a wife', or 'being retired'. These conditions are listed in police order 777/2551 which Google will find.

As for arranging a marriage believe most of us have been able to cross that path without legal consul (for better or worse).

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My advise to you would be to look into jobs and do the visa through Hull online. If you go down the job route you will need a lot of paper work from the employer. Back in 2010 I was offered a teaching position at a school and went back home to the UK to apply for my 12 month, multi entry Non-B, just type thai consulate hull into google.

Good luck

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I have recently in the last 6 months used Siam Legal for a 1 year multi entry visa. I did this as you mentioned through their site and had absolutely no problems. They are a bit pricey but get the job done.

Once you have done the online payment they will send you an email asking for all your basic details. After you have given them the required details they will send you a bunch of forms and specify where to sign and give you the postal address of the Embassy closest to your home destination where you post these docs along with your passport to get processes. A few days later you have your Visa.

The visa type is 1 year multi entry "B" and basically they are saying in the documentation they send you that you will be doing business with them on a regular basis and require a visa. Probably another loop hole that will get shut down soon as I suspect it will get abused a lot but worked for me and still got another 6 months left before I got to think about it again.

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The visa type is 1 year multi entry "B" and basically they are saying in the documentation they send you that you will be doing business with them on a regular basis and require a visa. Probably another loop hole ......

Doing business with whom? If you're not actually doing business with anybody, it's not so much a loophole as deception, pure and simple. I don't particularly blame any individual for taking advantage, but I would have thought that if it became widely used, the Thai authorities would be justified in coming down heavily on those who purport to sponsor or arrange such visas.

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I don't know the ins and outs of it but from what I gathered looking at the paperwork they provided it was to use there legal services here in Thailand for what ever purposes. The visa itself being a "B" visa just allows you to be able to stay here and look for work etc. To physically work you need to obtain a work permit which can be done under this visa as well.

As you say though I'm sure this will not last long before someone catches onto it and shuts it down and holds someone responsible.

I'm by no means up to speed with all the visa regulations and types but this worked for me for the short term so happy with their service.

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The visa type is 1 year multi entry "B" and basically they are saying in the documentation they send you that you will be doing business with them on a regular basis and require a visa. Probably another loop hole ......

Doing business with whom? If you're not actually doing business with anybody, it's not so much a loophole as deception, pure and simple. I don't particularly blame any individual for taking advantage, but I would have thought that if it became widely used, the Thai authorities would be justified in coming down heavily on those who purport to sponsor or arrange such visas.

I have recently in the last 6 months used Siam Legal for a 1 year multi entry visa. I did this as you mentioned through their site and had absolutely no problems. They are a bit pricey but get the job done.

Once you have done the online payment they will send you an email asking for all your basic details. After you have given them the required details they will send you a bunch of forms and specify where to sign and give you the postal address of the Embassy closest to your home destination where you post these docs along with your passport to get processes. A few days later you have your Visa.

The visa type is 1 year multi entry "B" and basically they are saying in the documentation they send you that you will be doing business with them on a regular basis and require a visa. Probably another loop hole that will get shut down soon as I suspect it will get abused a lot but worked for me and still got another 6 months left before I got to think about it again.

I don't know the ins and outs of it but from what I gathered looking at the paperwork they provided it was to use there legal services here in Thailand for what ever purposes. The visa itself being a "B" visa just allows you to be able to stay here and look for work etc. To physically work you need to obtain a work permit which can be done under this visa as well.

As you say though I'm sure this will not last long before someone catches onto it and shuts it down and holds someone responsible.

I'm by no means up to speed with all the visa regulations and types but this worked for me for the short term so happy with their service.

It worked well in 2005 (for me) and still seems to be working well now!

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im interested about this as well. I used to use the 'visiting friends' option and just had a letter sent as evidence with an address in thailand.

now I'm not sure what would be best for me (28 not married or kids).

might just go for the tourist visa i guess.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is confusing..There seems to be no straight answer.

I;m moving to Thailand ..I'm 42 , no work there yet , but hope to find something .

I want to import a container of my personal pocessions.. for ths they ask for the one year visa

From reading here it looks its going to be difficult. Moving to LOS and doing visa runs to the border is fine.

But I want al my stuff over there.

Best option here seems to be the siam via scam , where they say I will work with them

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This is confusing..There seems to be no straight answer.

Yeah, well get used to that.

I'm moving to Thailand ..I'm 42 , no work there yet , but hope to find something .

I want to import a container of my personal pocessions.. for ths they ask for the one year visa

From reading here it looks its going to be difficult. Moving to LOS and doing visa runs to the border is fine.

But I want al my stuff over there.

That sounds right. And at a minimum you will pay punishing import duties on many things. See this thread:

Household Belongings To Thailand

It will likely be much cheaper to buy all new things when you get here (depending on what those things are, of course).

Edited by attrayant
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  • 9 months later...

Thought I would hijack this thread rather than start a new one.

I went for my first ever one year marriage visa today. I had every piece of paper required and multiple copies of each.

At the end of the process the woman gave me 30 days in country, I didn't have to leave until the 18th of this month but was told to come in about 2 weeks before that.

She said that they would contact my wife in due course and let us know how we got on, They might need more paperwork?????

Surely they must know if they need more paperwork today?

Asked if I had a copy of the affirmation to marry from the UK embassy, which I didn't. They took that from us when we got married and I never thought to copy it.

Just wondering if this is the norm?


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Yes it is the norm - always a 30 day or longer review period as the local office does not make the decision and more paperwork can indeed be required and that freedom to marry document is often asked for first time applicants currently as is the KR2 ledger entry of marriage that was not required until recent years (or even provided by District Office). Did you provide photos together in and outside home with a least one having house number? Chances are no further documents will be required and you will receive the normal one year extension of stay at the end of the 30 days if application has been accepted by local office.

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You got a under consideration stamp with a date to report back which is when you will get your extension of stay stamp.

This is standard procedure for extension of stay based upon marriage to a Thai (it is not a visa).

When they call they likely will be setting up a date/time for a home visit by an immigration officer.

Some immigration offices ask for the affirmation of permit to marry for first time applicants. You are lucky they let it slide or you would of been making a trip to the Amphoe where you registered your marriage to get a copy,

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Thanks for the replies lads.

Yes I did take the photographs mentioned Lopburi.

Can a copy of the affirmation be obtained from the amphoe office? That's not a problem, it's 10 minutes drive from the house.

My worry was that I might have to travel to Bangkok to get another one from the UK embassy.

The woman worked 30 minutes through her lunch tp process us, hopefully the 600bt extra I left makes up for that.

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Yes you would have to obtain from District Office as your Embassy can not say you are not married now that you are. Just a copy of the original as it adds another signature/MFA document (and more importantly a registration number) to help prove the KR2/3 were not made on someones computer.

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