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I'll stand corrected, sing sing, because you obviously know far more about this topic than I do. And, I really mean that. I'll take your word for it. I don't believe everything I'm told, but I don't call people liars either unless I know for certain. However, having witnessed first hand the variety of scams being played everywhere I tend to believe that if there is a sucker then there will be somebody willing to exploit him or her.

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I'll stand corrected, sing sing, because you obviously know far more about this topic than I do. And, I really mean that. I'll take your word for it. I don't believe everything I'm told, but I don't call people liars either unless I know for certain. However, having witnessed first hand the variety of scams being played everywhere I tend to believe that if there is a sucker then there will be somebody willing to exploit him or her.

You handled his patronising tone a dam_n sight better than I would have.

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I'm only repeating what I was told and have no cause to call them liars. I try to stay away from Islamic countries because of their archaic laws. I don't like any system that treats women and children as second class citizens and I don't have the ability to discern the good ones from the bad. From what I was told the business proposition was an involved cerimony where you converted to Islam and could then marry a young girl for a short time period. Considering the scams I've seen in places like the Philippines it would not surprise me in the least. If there is a buyer then there will always be people who are willing to sell anything for price.

Here in northern Thailand I've spent time with a few muslims without any issues, and i've enjoyed their company, but I don't get into the politics or their laws. There seems to be many levels within the Islamic religion and I'm not really interested in any religion, anywhere. From my experience there has been more harm than good caused by every religion in the world.

You seem to mean this seriously, so be assured that this 'married for an hour' is not only not done but also illegal. Some clown here tried to divorce his wife with an sms, writing three times 'I Divorce You'. The Sharia court told him in no uncertain terms that this was not on and when his wife consented formally he had to give her hat is customary - pretty much half of what he had (sound familiar?)

When Mrs Sling and I were on our honeymoon on Samoa - stayed at Coconuts Beach Club and Resort (look it up, quite excellent) - we were chastised or holding hands and kissing by the locals . . . they frown upon things like that, even from honeymooners . . . partially because of their strict cultural norms and part because of their fervent religious beliefs. Well, it turns out that this is exactly what they do; get married, hop into the bushes/jungle, have a root and then get divorced.

Oh, Samoans are Christians.

It is a shame that you think just because something is written it is also followed. You're a Christian, I presume, whether practicing or not is irrelevant. Have you read the bible?

Don't believe everything you hear from some drunks on a beachside binge - that's even worse than Wiki . . . and definitely don't compare Malaysia to the PIs.

I must confess I had also heard of this getting married for a couple of hours of conjugal - admittedly it was bloke said down the pub on a 4 day weekend football tour of drunkeness 10 years ago - if I recall correctly he was talking about Saudi

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I'll stand corrected, sing sing, because you obviously know far more about this topic than I do. And, I really mean that. I'll take your word for it. I don't believe everything I'm told, but I don't call people liars either unless I know for certain. However, having witnessed first hand the variety of scams being played everywhere I tend to believe that if there is a sucker then there will be somebody willing to exploit him or her.

You handled his patronising tone a dam_n sight better than I would have.

I'll stand corrected, sing sing, because you obviously know far more about this topic than I do. And, I really mean that. I'll take your word for it. I don't believe everything I'm told, but I don't call people liars either unless I know for certain. However, having witnessed first hand the variety of scams being played everywhere I tend to believe that if there is a sucker then there will be somebody willing to exploit him or her.

You handled his patronising tone a dam_n sight better than I would have.

You're right. I thought he was taking the piss, so I responded in kind - mistakenly - ad was then joined by this Berkshire guy, who was definitely a bit aggro.

My apologies, IanForbes, for my curt and condescending response to you

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the whole situation is laughable ,one of my friends is 65,spends his days playing pool ,eating pizza and drinking beers , and his wife is 28

but at least hes honest about it and he can have a laugh when the topic comes up ,he knows she with him because he "take care " and if he ever stopped being her income she would dust off her mini skirt and find a replacement .........

So what's your point? You disapprove of your friend's arrangement, even though he understands and accepts the dynamics of his relationship.

As long as he knows the ground rules and has no problem with it, why do you care, other than being fodder for you to poke fun at on an internet forum. With friends like you, who needs enemies.

no ,youve misunderstood what i said entirely

I ADMIRE him because he doesnt give a XXXX what others think (some people DO think negatively about a 35 year age gap)

hes got an ideal income (more than can spend i would guess ) ,young sexy wife and hes happy

i know people in their 30's whose wives/gfs /partners would leave if the cash ever dried up and a lower budget lifesyle would be imposed on them than the one they have become accustomed to

i think its a scientifically proven fact not many will dispute that WOMEN LIKE MONEY !

thai women or american or european women ,

its just that money to get a 25 year old in thailand

and money to get a 25 year old in london is vastly differnt

people will say women dont care about money but get real

does anyone honestly think donald trump will ever have trouble finding a GF ? and he aint exactly an oil painting ,is he ? biggrin.png

It will obviously come as a shock to you to learn that some women are less interested in money than their husbands ohmy.png !

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the whole situation is laughable ,one of my friends is 65,spends his days playing pool ,eating pizza and drinking beers , and his wife is 28

but at least hes honest about it and he can have a laugh when the topic comes up ,he knows she with him because he "take care " and if he ever stopped being her income she would dust off her mini skirt and find a replacement .........

So what's your point? You disapprove of your friend's arrangement, even though he understands and accepts the dynamics of his relationship.

As long as he knows the ground rules and has no problem with it, why do you care, other than being fodder for you to poke fun at on an internet forum. With friends like you, who needs enemies.

no ,youve misunderstood what i said entirely

I ADMIRE him because he doesnt give a XXXX what others think (some people DO think negatively about a 35 year age gap)

hes got an ideal income (more than can spend i would guess ) ,young sexy wife and hes happy

i know people in their 30's whose wives/gfs /partners would leave if the cash ever dried up and a lower budget lifesyle would be imposed on them than the one they have become accustomed to

i think its a scientifically proven fact not many will dispute that WOMEN LIKE MONEY !

thai women or american or european women ,

its just that money to get a 25 year old in thailand

and money to get a 25 year old in london is vastly differnt

people will say women dont care about money but get real

does anyone honestly think donald trump will ever have trouble finding a GF ? and he aint exactly an oil painting ,is he ? biggrin.png

It will obviously come as a shock to you to learn that some women are less interested in money than their husbands ohmy.png !

ok ,this is going to hit you like a tonne of bricks so get ready for it

two men identically equal like twin brothers

one is rich ,drives a nice cae ,lives in a big house and can afford holidays or whatever whenever he feels like it

one is broke, getting unemployment benefits ,eats pot noodles and watches tv because everything else is too expensive

who does the women choose 99% of the time ?

now tell me again that money doesnt matter to women

Edited by wana
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It probably depends on the girls that meet them - they are likely to be different as they will be moving in different social circles....

You want to believe that women everywhere are obsessed with money. Not my experience, but you have obviously experienced something different.

I would suggest though that we are going off topic, so if you wish to reply it would probably be better to send me a PM.

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It probably depends on the girls that meet them - they are likely to be different as they will be moving in different social circles....

You want to believe that women everywhere are obsessed with money. Not my experience, but you have obviously experienced something different.

I would suggest though that we are going off topic, so if you wish to reply it would probably be better to send me a PM.

i have no intention to enter a pm discussion with you :)

your ideas are laughable at best

i gave you a hypothetical situation and you avoided the issue presented

if 2 guys are EQUAL the one nearly all women will choose to build a nest with is the one whos financially stable and secure (thats comes from MONEY sherlock )

you can dance around the issue all day ,but i think my point has been clearly illustrated ..

women like security ,another word for that is money

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It probably depends on the girls that meet them - they are likely to be different as they will be moving in different social circles....

You want to believe that women everywhere are obsessed with money. Not my experience, but you have obviously experienced something different.

I would suggest though that we are going off topic, so if you wish to reply it would probably be better to send me a PM.

i have no intention to enter a pm discussion with you smile.png

your ideas are laughable at best

i gave you a hypothetical situation and you avoided the issue presented

if 2 guys are EQUAL the one nearly all women will choose to build a nest with is the one whos financially stable and secure (thats comes from MONEY sherlock )

you can dance around the issue all day ,but i think my point has been clearly illustrated ..

women like security ,another word for that is money

Read my post and you will see that I answered your hypothetical question rolleyes.gif .

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It probably depends on the girls that meet them - they are likely to be different as they will be moving in different social circles....

You want to believe that women everywhere are obsessed with money. Not my experience, but you have obviously experienced something different.

I would suggest though that we are going off topic, so if you wish to reply it would probably be better to send me a PM.

i have no intention to enter a pm discussion with you smile.png

your ideas are laughable at best

i gave you a hypothetical situation and you avoided the issue presented

if 2 guys are EQUAL the one nearly all women will choose to build a nest with is the one whos financially stable and secure (thats comes from MONEY sherlock )

you can dance around the issue all day ,but i think my point has been clearly illustrated ..

women like security ,another word for that is money

Read my post and you will see that I answered your hypothetical question rolleyes.gif .

the question was not regarding your own personal experiences

i also have met many women who were already wealthy and hence had no interest in my money

in general ,most will choose a man who is financially secure over the same guy who isnt

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It probably depends on the girls that meet them - they are likely to be different as they will be moving in different social circles....

You want to believe that women everywhere are obsessed with money. Not my experience, but you have obviously experienced something different.

I would suggest though that we are going off topic, so if you wish to reply it would probably be better to send me a PM.

i have no intention to enter a pm discussion with you smile.png

your ideas are laughable at best

i gave you a hypothetical situation and you avoided the issue presented

if 2 guys are EQUAL the one nearly all women will choose to build a nest with is the one whos financially stable and secure (thats comes from MONEY sherlock )

you can dance around the issue all day ,but i think my point has been clearly illustrated ..

women like security ,another word for that is money

Read my post and you will see that I answered your hypothetical question rolleyes.gif .

the question was not regarding your own personal experiences

i also have met many women who were already wealthy and hence had no interest in my money

in general ,most will choose a man who is financially secure over the same guy who isnt

No need for a bun fight, guys ;)

In reality there are women who want money at all costs and those who want love and understanding and care less for money. Not all are the same as each other.

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It probably depends on the girls that meet them - they are likely to be different as they will be moving in different social circles....

You want to believe that women everywhere are obsessed with money. Not my experience, but you have obviously experienced something different.

I would suggest though that we are going off topic, so if you wish to reply it would probably be better to send me a PM.

i have no intention to enter a pm discussion with you smile.png

your ideas are laughable at best

i gave you a hypothetical situation and you avoided the issue presented

if 2 guys are EQUAL the one nearly all women will choose to build a nest with is the one whos financially stable and secure (thats comes from MONEY sherlock )

you can dance around the issue all day ,but i think my point has been clearly illustrated ..

women like security ,another word for that is money

Read my post and you will see that I answered your hypothetical question rolleyes.gif .

the question was not regarding your own personal experiences

i also have met many women who were already wealthy and hence had no interest in my money

in general ,most will choose a man who is financially secure over the same guy who isnt

presented with two brothers where one has money but is mean spirited, stingy vs the other who is poor but ambitious, caring and generous of spirit would the girl still choose the money?

or if they're both exactly alike in character what has caused this imbalance in wealth? luck, misfortune, a gypsy curse?

The original question is leading and loaded towards a given answer however I know quite a few girls both here and back in yUK that have chosen looks over money, generosity over money, love over money, happiness over money etc just as I know quite a few of a different mindset that would choose any amount of humiliation and degradation as long as there is a generous monthly stipend

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Some pretty outmoded views on women here but, shit, look at the demographics of the forum we're posting on.

I think you're both right - most women do want security and, in the modern world, that means readies - pure and simple but, at the same time, there are many who really don't rate the absence of financial security as a dealbreaker . . . even in THIS country.

It's just that men think a greater percentage of women are obsessed with the security that money affords than is actually the case and, consequently, lead with their wallets when they really don't need to.

The problem is that so many farang men DO lead with their wallets, and to excess, this sets a precedent and it becomes expected of every Farang.

I am not rich at all, but I have enough for a comfortable existence for myself and my family.

I don't buy drinks or give cigarettes to anyone who asks and I don't throw money around.

The funny thing is that some of the villagers here who can't muster enough Baht to jingle in their pockets look down on me and call me farang kee nok.

My missus is happy with the lifestyle that she has with me but is under constant pressure from others who question why she is with a farang and not loaded down with gold etc.

For sure we have more money and a better life than everyone else in this village and it is enough for my lady, but it seems not enough for others whose opinions I couldn't care less for. Unfortunately for many Thais with this obsession for status and losing face, peer pressure can push them into demanding more than the farang can deliver.

Not all Thai women are mercenary but peer pressure can turn them into monsters.

the perception of millionaire farangs comes from the fact people on holiday throwing money around ,people living here are

much more frugal because they are a bit better clued in on the prices of things

a thai taxi driver who gets to keep the change from 1000 thb note from a rich farang on holiday while the fare may only be 60 thb doesnt do much to help the situation

or throwing around in bars ,treating thai baht like monopoly money all gives farang a reputation of being rich and stupid

the same farangs might have worked all year in a uk factory to save a couple of thousand pounds to blow in thailand but the thai girls dont see him waking up at 6 am and going to work in the snow 50 weeks of the year

they see this millionaire farang who can spend 50,000 on beer and sex entertainment and having a good time in thailand and they think he lives like this all year round biggrin.png

now when they finally catch a farang ,it can be a big disappointment that the champagne ,5 star hotels and fun filled first weeks cannot possibly continue on his salary or pension and a lotta guys go broke trying to maintain that image on their savings

Edited by wana
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Some women constantly choose men who physically beat them. And when they escape from that abusive relationship they choose another exactly the same.

Some men choose women who remind them of their mother and the guy wants somebody who will take care of him.

And, Some men want to be the White Knight who saves the fair maiden in distress................. That's me, by the way.

There are no set standards that apply to everyone, but there ARE a few realistic generalities. We've gone over them add nauseum.

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Some pretty outmoded views on women here but, shit, look at the demographics of the forum we're posting on.

I think you're both right - most women do want security and, in the modern world, that means readies - pure and simple but, at the same time, there are many who really don't rate the absence of financial security as a dealbreaker . . . even in THIS country.

It's just that men think a greater percentage of women are obsessed with the security that money affords than is actually the case and, consequently, lead with their wallets when they really don't need to.

The problem is that so many farang men DO lead with their wallets, and to excess, this sets a precedent and it becomes expected of every Farang.

I am not rich at all, but I have enough for a comfortable existence for myself and my family.

I don't buy drinks or give cigarettes to anyone who asks and I don't throw money around.

The funny thing is that some of the villagers here who can't muster enough Baht to jingle in their pockets look down on me and call me farang kee nok.

My missus is happy with the lifestyle that she has with me but is under constant pressure from others who question why she is with a farang and not loaded down with gold etc.

For sure we have more money and a better life than everyone else in this village and it is enough for my lady, but it seems not enough for others whose opinions I couldn't care less for. Unfortunately for many Thais with this obsession for status and losing face, peer pressure can push them into demanding more than the farang can deliver.

Not all Thai women are mercenary but peer pressure can turn them into monsters.

Perhaps but, ultimately, the man does have a choice in the matter.

A man will know pretty early on if his woman is or s highly likely to become a conspicuous spendthrift and he can decide to have some fun with her or hand over his ATM card. That there are so many who choose to do the latter is still a source of amazement for me but there you go.

Just because the girls and/or their peers expect it doesn't, of course, mean they should get it.

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Some pretty outmoded views on women here but, shit, look at the demographics of the forum we're posting on.

I think you're both right - most women do want security and, in the modern world, that means readies - pure and simple but, at the same time, there are many who really don't rate the absence of financial security as a dealbreaker . . . even in THIS country.

It's just that men think a greater percentage of women are obsessed with the security that money affords than is actually the case and, consequently, lead with their wallets when they really don't need to.

The problem is that so many farang men DO lead with their wallets, and to excess, this sets a precedent and it becomes expected of every Farang.

I am not rich at all, but I have enough for a comfortable existence for myself and my family.

I don't buy drinks or give cigarettes to anyone who asks and I don't throw money around.

The funny thing is that some of the villagers here who can't muster enough Baht to jingle in their pockets look down on me and call me farang kee nok.

My missus is happy with the lifestyle that she has with me but is under constant pressure from others who question why she is with a farang and not loaded down with gold etc.

For sure we have more money and a better life than everyone else in this village and it is enough for my lady, but it seems not enough for others whose opinions I couldn't care less for. Unfortunately for many Thais with this obsession for status and losing face, peer pressure can push them into demanding more than the farang can deliver.

Not all Thai women are mercenary but peer pressure can turn them into monsters.

Good post and many should take it on-board cos it's true.
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If I may draw a comparison.

Well before the greatest majority of you were born and before the likes of America, Canada and Australia really got going we had a lot of social deprivation in the U.K. and in Europe.

Living conditions were hard. No contraception. Children often slept on straw mattresses and top to tail in one room. People took in boarders, did laundry and many other similar tasks to make ends meet. There was little or no education for the masses. Children worked long hours working at the mines, as chimney sweeps, in the cotton mills. Fathers also worked very long and arduous hours. All to get food on the table, to feed and clothe the children and to keep a roof over their heads. Families lived together in one house, grandparents, mother, father, children.The women of the household struggled but never sold themselves. They had pride.

Sounds familiar?

Go out into the country here and see the womenfolk doing the same - though not at / down the mines - but in the rice fields, working the sugar cane, banana fields, etc.

Many Thai people may not have a lot either but that does not mean they are going to go and sell their bodies in brothels and bars.

These parents are the same as ours were and as ours do (if they are good parents) strive to better themselves and the lives of their children. Better their children's education so they too can go to work in a bank or for the government or similar and get reasonable wages and pensions.

I often think that people forget far too easily their roots because in the West we have made many great advances in our social structures since the mid 1800's early 1900's. Either that or they do not like to remember where they came from. Our grandparents were proud to have mined the iron ore that helped build things like the Forth Bridge in Scotland or Sydney Harbour bridge in Australia amongst other great achievements.

There is no need to denigrate all Thai women into some miasmic pool some of you only ever seem to see.

edit to capitalise Australia (don't want to offend our sousins down under) ;)

Edited by pattayadingo
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IMHO there are too many people who come here with their education, their money, their nice warm, comfy lifestyles back home who slag these Thai people off without ever seeing how many of them live. I am not a Thai apologist but I have seen the other side of Thai life to that in the cities and better off areas. Some epeople need to get out more.

I've been to rural Thailand many times. And to Pattaya as well, with open eyes as to what things cost and what these women in Pattaya are doing and how much they are making. You can live on almost nothing in rural Thailand. 6000 isn't much but you can live on it in rural Thailand, but it would NEVER be even remotely enough for your average bar girl. 10,000 a month is a decent salary, how many bar girls in Pattyaa would be willing to work an honest job 8 hours a day for 10,000? Hardly any, because that it peanuts compared to what they make whoring every night and scamming farang boyfriends. Most of them are already getting that per month from a boyfriend yet they continue to work. The idea that bar girls would just work a normal job if only given a chance is fiction. It's precisely because I know a huge number of Thais living on low salaries, many divorced with kids and with other financial problems, that I find the BS peddled by bar girls so ridiculous.

And who of all the posters here would settle for that decent salary, working hard from dawn to dusk, without trying to get more?

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Yes but it isn't just that there's something ever so red-card creepy about a 65yr old man setting up home with a 20yr old Isaan girl. I mean, what goes on in the mind of a man like that?

He knows full well that she's probably repulsed by his mutton-like body, his dentures and his wannabe-alpha male personality. He knows he's old; he knows she checks out the far better-looking but less-moneyed local lads when she thinks he's not looking; he knows that, even if he does speak the lingo, he's got <deleted> all in common with a 20yr old Isaan girl with the education and social development of a 14 yr old and yet, there he is - slipping her his chemically or hydraulically-assisted portion every night laugh.png

He doesn't feel even the slightest pang of guilt that he's effectively buying another human being. No, he'd rather strut around like some geriatric peacock pretending to his neighbours and peers that she's with him for "lub".

Maybe there are exceptions to this but I'd be more convinced of their veracity if there was no money involved.

God you're judgemental. He's getting (a reasonable facsimile of) what he wants, and she's getting what she wants? No victims either one.

And much of the time even when there are victims, it's self-inflicted from poor choices made with eyes wide open, and much of the time the fat old farang is the victim of the gold-digger cutie.

You might see it as creepy, but who are you to judge? Live and let live a bit.

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Yes but it isn't just that there's something ever so red-card creepy about a 65yr old man setting up home with a 20yr old Isaan girl. I mean, what goes on in the mind of a man like that?

He knows full well that she's probably repulsed by his mutton-like body, his dentures and his wannabe-alpha male personality. He knows he's old; he knows she checks out the far better-looking but less-moneyed local lads when she thinks he's not looking; he knows that, even if he does speak the lingo, he's got <deleted> all in common with a 20yr old Isaan girl with the education and social development of a 14 yr old and yet, there he is - slipping her his chemically or hydraulically-assisted portion every night laugh.png

He doesn't feel even the slightest pang of guilt that he's effectively buying another human being. No, he'd rather strut around like some geriatric peacock pretending to his neighbours and peers that she's with him for "lub".

Maybe there are exceptions to this but I'd be more convinced of their veracity if there was no money involved.

God you're judgemental. He's getting (a reasonable facsimile of) what he wants, and she's getting what she wants? No victims either one.

And much of the time even when there are victims, it's self-inflicted from poor choices made with eyes wide open, and much of the time the fat old farang is the victim of the gold-digger cutie.

You might see it as creepy, but who are you to judge? Live and let live a bit.

People make judgements all day, every day whether they're conscious of it or not so I'm not going to apologise for voicing an opinion.

Imagine asking your 20yr old daughter to invite her fiance along to a family dinner.

Then imagine her squeezing a corpulent 60yr old porker through the door to the dining room.

"Sorry we're late, Dad but we have a lie in on Sundays".

"Nah, you're alright luv. Live and let live an' all that".


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