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Late-Year Teenagers & Those In Their 20'S : What Are They Doing?

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Thread title.. "Late-Year Teenagers & Those In Their 20'S : What Are They Doing"

Renting Jetskis is one answer.

All along the discussion has been about young adults, how they develop personalities and grow up.. Or what thread is this ??

No, renting jetski's is not an answer because he grew up in Holland. At least according to you he did. And the question was about 50/50 kids growing up in Thailand.

And the fact that this thread is about teenagers has no relevance at all on your statement that for developing personalities and growing up the teen years are important. Because you think it suits you now. Very opportunistic but no relevance.

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And the fact that this thread is about teenagers has no relevance at all on your statement that for developing personalities and growing up the teen years are important. Because you think it suits you now. Very opportunistic but no relevance.

Well thats what I have been talking about all along in this thread..

What kids do here as they become young adults, as they leave the family nest, how to have positive influences around them as they become young adults, what opportunities exist for social equals, and how they can hang out, grow up, learn positive skills etc.

Tho I have to admit.. Jimmy has learnt at least how to haggle, read people, etc.. Not perhaps in the way I meant but still..


Cycled up to Thai Muang a couple of months ago and for most of the route there wasn't another vehicle in sight. Would recommend it to anyone.

That's just it people who moan on forums will be very unlikely to partake in such things. 'NKM' admits to not knowing about or ever having seen the BIS. Yet I remember clearly driving down that road past the school on my very first 3 week holiday in Phuket over 12 years ago. So I had explored more of phuket on my first holiday than 'NKM' has in the however many years he's been living here! Yet he's an authority on how bad the island is. How does that work exactly?

If you really want to tell yourself that you make these posts solely to help other people enjoy their holiday then that's fine. Whatever get's you through the day. I suspect the truth is very different. Why would you need to mention such things in so many threads? Do you believe when people Google 'Holiday in Thailand' your posts are at the top of the pile? The things you point out have been pointed out by thousands of people across thousands of media outlets, thousands of times before, do you really think you are making the slightest difference to anybodies understanding of these topics? If you do then I would repeat, 'What ever gets you through the day'. You are kidding yourself if you truly believe that you are both increasing people's knowledge, and that's honestly why you make the posts in the first place.

Your posts are almost identical to the ones 'LivinLOS' used to make, and the good Samaritan excuse is word for word the same way he used to justify it. The thing is we all knew why 'LivinLOS' used to make those posts and it was revealed when he decided to move away. Living in Phuket wasn't for him any more so he vented his frustrations until he eventually moved. I have a huge suspicion that you will do the same some day. The reason you make the posts you do is straight forward. Quite simply, I don't think you like Phuket as much as other people do, and that's all there is to it.

In this and the other thread, you started off by saying that the education was sub standard. You then quickly conceded that the education was fine after you discovered the International schools. You then moved on to their being no jobs or prospects on the island for adults. I agreed with you and explained that I don't think it's a problem because studying/working in Europe I consider to be perfectly normal for someone of dual nationality. So you then moved on to the family unit being separated, to which I explained I would be more than happy to move back to the UK to support my kids when the time came. So I've pretty much answered every post you made with a logical common sense response. So where do you go from there? I'll tell you where you went, right back to the 'there's no jobs or prospects in Phuket' argument, right back where you started. You then repeat this exact same thing several more times before finally moving on to jet skis and drunk driving Farang. And then you have the nerve to say that it's me going around in circles!!

A thread about expat teenagers has been turned in to a thread about Jet ski scams by someone who doesn't even have any kids. (Not young 50/50 ones anyway) but apparently it's all O.K because it's important the word get's out there to save people's holidays. coffee1.gif Perhaps you should wear a cape while you are typing. tongue.png

P.S I know 'NKM' will want to reply to this post as is his nature and I guess is his right. Just to let the mods know I won't be continuing this line of discussion any further. I want this thread to stay open so anyone who actually has kids and has anything to share may do so in the future.

Yes, it is my right to reply, and I will.

Of course I have seen the BIS, many times, but that's as far as it goes. I've never stepped foot inside the grounds and I've never entered the building. For the tenth time, I don't have young kids on the island. Why would I go to the BIS? I have no need to gather any information about it. I asked you, directly, if you knew how big the class sizes were, you never replied. You're the one with kids and it sounds like you are the one who knows nothing about the place, when you really should.

You very well may know Phuket better than me, but I bet I know South East Asia better than you. You are probably one of those who came to Phuket, loved it, moved here, but have nowhere else to compare it to and can't handle it when someone points out the negatives of the place because you don't know that those negatives don't exist elsewhere in Thailand, and in South East Asia. You have gained knowledge of them or adapted to them, and now think they no longer exist - guess what - they are still there, and many are falling victim to them, everyday.

Why are my posts of any less value than yours? You asked what members think crime and violence will be like in 10 years time. When you get replies that it will increase and get worse here, you brand the member as a "moaner" or "Phukiet basher." If you can't handle anything negative being posted about Phuket, I suggest you just stick to asking questions like, "Where to buy marmite on Phuket?" You obviously had concerns about the projected level of violence here, why do you now forget about those concerns and critisize those who say your concerns are justified? "How does that work?" :)

This website has thousands of members and guests. It's widely read. It is a major source of information about Thailand and Phuket for many. Many times it is on the front page of Google searches. I'm sure threads on here have informed people on everything from where they can buy marmite to why they shouldn't rent a jet-ski here. Are you telling me you have never, ever, learnt one thing from reading forums on this website? I have, and I'm sure many others have as well. So, it's defininately saved people some grief here and possibly even saved lives. But, that's right, you have got YOUR workarounds, and are experienced living here, so nothing negative really impacts you here, so why should you bother about warning others?

I don't know why LivinLOS left Phuket. I am single, do not have a business here, have no interest in property here, have never sent money to Issan for a sick buffalo, have not been scammed by a farang and I'm financially comfortable. What possible agenda could I have? I like it here, probably not as much as you, but I still like it here. Unlike you, but like LivinLOS, I see the day in the future where I probably will not continue to like living here and then I will leave as well. So what? If they built a heavy industial factory across the road from your house and there were trucks and machinery noise 24/7 you would move house, wouldn't you? So, like LivinLOS says, when the island is just about all concreted over, when the public land has had a false title made for it and built on, when drugs, crime and violence increases to a point it becomes not safe here etc etc - I'll move. Why is it so hard for you to listen to others when they state that they see the island going in this direction? Maybe you are the one with an agenda, "talking the place up" all of the time.

You state you will no longer post on this thread, that's your choice, but I can't see the point in you posting in the first place if you can't handle anything negative being said about Phuket. There are many people who have come here and been screwed over in business, or by a bar girl - they are now disgruntled with Thailand and Thai people, to the point of being racist against them. There are many who have moved here, have an attractive girlfriend who is half their age, a nice house near the beach and Phuket is heaven for them. Then, there are many in between. Why can't you listen to the posts from this whole range of members. Learn from them all. Why listen to only the positive posts and brand the negative posts as coming from "moaners?"

There was a thread recently about renting motorbikes on the island and not getting scammed for the scratch that was always there. I elaborated and stated things like, "You may have no travel insurance if not licenced to ride in your home country etc etc." Is this "Phuket bashing?" Is it being "negative" about Phuket? Or, is it informing someone of the risks involved with hiring a motorbike here that extends past getting scammed for a scratch that has always been there? I was once again critisized in that thread as well. Anyway, I believe my posts are not breaching forum rules, so I will continue to post, however, that doesn't mean you have to read them. :) :)


Your posts are almost identical to the ones 'LivinLOS' used to make, and the good Samaritan excuse is word for word the same way he used to justify it. The thing is we all knew why 'LivinLOS' used to make those posts and it was revealed when he decided to move away. Living in Phuket wasn't for him any more so he vented his frustrations until he eventually moved. I have a huge suspicion that you will do the same some day. The reason you make the posts you do is straight forward. Quite simply, I don't think you like Phuket as much as other people do, and that's all there is to it.

You make it sound like someone has an agenda, when they see the island spiraling into ever increasing crime, traffic, development, corruption and over population ?? The sensible thing to do when you have your head out of the sand, and feel the increasing unfriendliness of the locals, the increased common practice of rips offs, and general decline.. Is to leave. Why make a time and money investment in a place thats in decline.

If someone wants to put their head in the sand, pretend that every hillside on the west cost isnt slowly being over taken by white box homes and vested interests making land grabs from the highest political families to the lowest recent non Phuketian arrival demanding protection money to park your car or bike on the public street ?? well thats up to you. Me, I recognized it, made the choice to look for pastures greener, and found them. I didnt want to sit in a place that was turning ugly pretending it was all great. I had many great years there, a wonderful marriage to a Phuket girl, a superb villa and for a while quality of life. But those upsides gradually got undermined by crime, rip offs, non stop pestering to separate you from your money, scam artists and fake monks knocking on your door once every couple of weeks, and a general vibe of constantly being on the defensive, can I park my car in that space without someone knifing the tyres, can I fill up on gas without the pump jockey starting the refill at 200b, did I just get my change, did they stuff 2 bills into my drink pot, etc etc etc.. The psychic weight of all that guarding against predatory action adds up. No wonder so many of the more well off will themselves into an ivory tower.

If you post facts as they happened (no one believed when my buddies had an attempted gunpoint robbery on the Surin Rd and shot at, but soon went quiet when the bet was put up huh ?) the 'its all good' crowd claim your merely running the place down, even when its factual information. When you go to pastures greener, your accused of having an agenda. Try attacking the message not the messenger, after all I am not the member whose already been banned from here and cant stay away !!

A thread about expat teenagers has been turned in to a thread about Jet ski scams by someone who doesn't even have any kids. (Not young 50/50 ones anyway) but apparently it's all O.K because it's important the word get's out there to save people's holidays. coffee1.gif Perhaps you should wear a cape while you are typing. tongue.png

But they are relevant as that is the society your talking about them growing into.. And you know what ? I just thought of a expat raised kid example for you !!!

Good old Jetski Jimmy !! The predatory thug at every Jetski scam.. Jimmys mum was with a Dutch guy if memory serves.. Jimmy spent a whole bunch of his youth growing up in Holland.

So we finally found one !!! We have your example of how an expat raised late teen early 20s turns out. biggrin.png Good old JJ.

A good post. Of course, many believe "predatory action" doesn't exist here. :) :)


Your posts are almost identical to the ones 'LivinLOS' used to make, and the good Samaritan excuse is word for word the same way he used to justify it. The thing is we all knew why 'LivinLOS' used to make those posts and it was revealed when he decided to move away. Living in Phuket wasn't for him any more so he vented his frustrations until he eventually moved. I have a huge suspicion that you will do the same some day. The reason you make the posts you do is straight forward. Quite simply, I don't think you like Phuket as much as other people do, and that's all there is to it.

You make it sound like someone has an agenda, when they see the island spiraling into ever increasing crime, traffic, development, corruption and over population ?? The sensible thing to do when you have your head out of the sand, and feel the increasing unfriendliness of the locals, the increased common practice of rips offs, and general decline.. Is to leave. Why make a time and money investment in a place thats in decline.

If someone wants to put their head in the sand, pretend that every hillside on the west cost isnt slowly being over taken by white box homes and vested interests making land grabs from the highest political families to the lowest recent non Phuketian arrival demanding protection money to park your car or bike on the public street ?? well thats up to you. Me, I recognized it, made the choice to look for pastures greener, and found them. I didnt want to sit in a place that was turning ugly pretending it was all great. I had many great years there, a wonderful marriage to a Phuket girl, a superb villa and for a while quality of life. But those upsides gradually got undermined by crime, rip offs, non stop pestering to separate you from your money, scam artists and fake monks knocking on your door once every couple of weeks, and a general vibe of constantly being on the defensive, can I park my car in that space without someone knifing the tyres, can I fill up on gas without the pump jockey starting the refill at 200b, did I just get my change, did they stuff 2 bills into my drink pot, etc etc etc.. The psychic weight of all that guarding against predatory action adds up. No wonder so many of the more well off will themselves into an ivory tower.

If you post facts as they happened (no one believed when my buddies had an attempted gunpoint robbery on the Surin Rd and shot at, but soon went quiet when the bet was put up huh ?) the 'its all good' crowd claim your merely running the place down, even when its factual information. When you go to pastures greener, your accused of having an agenda. Try attacking the message not the messenger, after all I am not the member whose already been banned from here and cant stay away !!

A thread about expat teenagers has been turned in to a thread about Jet ski scams by someone who doesn't even have any kids. (Not young 50/50 ones anyway) but apparently it's all O.K because it's important the word get's out there to save people's holidays. coffee1.gif Perhaps you should wear a cape while you are typing. tongue.png

But they are relevant as that is the society your talking about them growing into.. And you know what ? I just thought of a expat raised kid example for you !!!

Good old Jetski Jimmy !! The predatory thug at every Jetski scam.. Jimmys mum was with a Dutch guy if memory serves.. Jimmy spent a whole bunch of his youth growing up in Holland.

So we finally found one !!! We have your example of how an expat raised late teen early 20s turns out. biggrin.png Good old JJ.

A good post. Of course, many believe "predatory action" doesn't exist here. smile.pngsmile.png

Of course many believe it doesn't exist abroad either. Personally I wouldn't particulary want my teenage kids growing up with the crime, traffic, development, corruption and over population of the UK or US. Plus having been in High School in the 90's there was huge pressure to be in gangs and either sell or take drugs which I would want my kids to avoid.

I get the impression that the pressures put on teenagers here are less and would probably opt for a Thailand education if it was to a similar standard or better. They could then look to get a job here or abroad when they had finished their degree dependent on what they wanted to do in life.

I don't have kids though so maybe in 13 years when i have a teenager to worry about I will change my mind?


Didn't even know there was a British International School on Phuket. Just googled it and was impressed with what's on their website. If I had young kids on Phuket, I would have no problem sending them there, based on the information on their website.

Of course I have seen the BIS, many times, but that's as far as it goes.

coffee1.gif Which is it 'NKM' can't be both. How have you seen something 'many times' that you didn't know existed?

Of course many believe it doesn't exist abroad either. Personally I wouldn't particulary want my teenage kids growing up with the crime, traffic, development, corruption and over population of the UK or US.

That's what I find so amusing when people accuse you of burying your head in the sand. Here's a story from yesterday, of a 6 year old girl paralysed after being shot as she danced in her fathers shop in South London. Less than 20 miles away from my UK home!!


Would I now feel the need to help people by going on line and warning them about how dangerous South London is? Of course not. I would never live there, and I'm not stupid enough to live anywhere I have so many negative feelings about. 'NKM' admits that he will probably follow 'LivinLOS' and leave the island one day yet isn't able to make the obvious connection between someone who is so negative about a place and someone who is obviously living in the wrong place. If I had so many negative things to say about the place I lived and knew I would probably want to leave soon, I would be very disappointed with myself for choosing it as a place to live in the first place. I would consider it a very poor decision on my part.

Now back on topic. Someone who feels the need to mention JJ the jet ski scammer in about 7 consecutive posts obviously has a very week argument. JJ is an infamous scrote, who's parents were well known to some forum members and they were nothing but a bar propper and a prostitute. So if somebody has jumped on that example and run with it for umpteen posts in a row then it highlights what a week argument they have about raising teens in Phuket. I think it's safe to say that if your parents are like JJ's then you are pretty much screwed!


Sure, more power to you, I genuinely hope that the life style and location you choose is the right balance for you. I moved to a different phuket, at a different point on its development cycle. I found, for me, that my defense mechanisms for dealing with those issues, was interfering with my ability to integrate. Its part of that walling yourself into your ivory tower aspect I mentioned. I found, again for me, that living somewhere that I am treated less as a target of income, and theres more social integration between the Thais and farangs outweighs the beach and sailing. I simply prefer to live among more honest locals who try to cheat me less.

I left Phuket 18 months ago, at a point when I felt predated upon perhaps as much as once a week. In that time I havent had a single argument or cross word and am struggling to think of any rip off or scams thats even been attempted. The relaxation that comes with that, the relationships I have with my Thai neighbors and people I encounter is the payoff for me. Living in a social setup where I am not viewed as someones income stream is superb for me and re-energized my views of remaining in Asia. For me, it was the best thing I have done in years. I genuinely hope your strategies to maximize your own relative upsides work for you. Mine will not be right for you, as yours may not be right for me, I wouldnt however deny you your opinion or hold it in any less weight than anyone elses.

Sorry off topic again but I think it's a valid point.

That has to be the first time I've ever seen you understand and highlight that it's a very personal opinion and it's just how you feel. thumbsup.gif

That's how you felt so you left Phuket. That's how 'NKM' feels and will undoubtedly leave one day as well. That leaves all the other people who don't have the same issues as you still living there happily. You lived on Phuket for a long time but there are a lot of people who have lived there a lot longer than that and have seen a lot more changes than you, yet are still happily living there.

It's the uncontrollable desire to share those things that are just your opinion of Phuket, disguising it as the work of a good Samaritan that is so illogical, unhealthy, and tedious. Especially when it takes every thread off topic and inevitably ends up in threads getting closed. That's when it is obvious it is nothing but an unhealthy agenda driven obsession. Ask yourself how many negative post about Phuket you have felt the need to make since you moved away? Not very many is it, yet they used to be at a rate of several per day. See what living in the right place can do for you. thumbsup.gif


That's what I find so amusing when people accuse you of burying your head in the sand. Here's a story from yesterday, of a 6 year old girl paralysed after being shot as she danced in her fathers shop in South London. Less than 20 miles away from my UK home!!


Would I now feel the need to help people by going on line and warning them about how dangerous South London is? Of course not. I would never live there, and I'm not stupid enough to live anywhere I have so many negative feelings about.

You must be out of your mind if you think I would allow my children to grow up in South london / Brixton. I am talking about choosing where to live with some assets and basic choice. Not some ghetto.

Where either of my parents live you can leave your house unlocked, your windows open.. The nearest thing to a crime is someone scratching something on the telephone box or some dust up in the streets on a saturday night.

No I am not suggesting moving to a housing estate in south London.


It's the uncontrollable desire to share those things that are just your opinion of Phuket,

And yet you seem unable to see that your perceptions are simply your opinions of Phuket.

I dont disguise my opinions as anything other then what they are, my opinions, observations, and perceptions. This is a forum, its purpose is to share information, opinions, hopefully everyone can remain civil while they do so (try not to get banned) and those opinions can be taken for what they are.

My perception, my experiences, and my feelings of Phuket have no more or less relevance simply because they lead me to leave Phuket. In fact the leaving Phuket was a result of those experiences. Just as your choice to stay are a result of your own. Or someones elses caused him to lose it and keep his lovers body in the basement..

As to taking 'every thread off topic' what thread since you became a member apart from this one (and I think its bang on topic) have I taken off topic ??


Myself and many, many other people get to live somewhere they don't feel the need to slag off constantly and where the negative aspects aren't an issue.

Many other people live somewhere they do need to slag off everyday and the negative aspects are an issue for them.

Which group of people do you think is more clever and has made better life choices? Try and answer that directly and honestly.

Of course the fact that you left is relevant. It proves you were living somewhere that wasn't right for you or making you happy. It comes down to the fact that everybody's different. Some people need negativity and need to dwell others don't. Yes it's your right to constantly point out the negative aspects of the place you are living that is somewhere you would eventually leave because it wasn't right for you, but at least be man enough to take it on the chin when people point out that it's a pretty pointless negative, way to spend your time.

Shall I tell everyone the places I've lived but didn't like? Shall I tell people what food I don't eat because I don't like the taste of it? Would you be interested to know the TV programmes I don't watch because I think they're rubbish? You wouldn't would you and it's the exact same principle. You are confusing your right to post whatever you want on a forum with it being of any benefit to the people discussing something on the thread. They aren't the same thing.

Here we are talking about something completely unrelated to the OP, and I'm as guilty of that as you and many others. Was it me who instigated it though or was it people talking about jet skis and JJ?


Its hardly slagging off constantly.. One thread in 18 months with some negative issues..

The place I left, was right for me, but the changing of that place meant it became less right for me.. The increased crime and attitude of the 'locals' and the way that farangs are essentially a cash cow to be milked by fair means or foul was a CHANGE.

Shall I tell everyone the places I've lived but didn't like? Shall I tell people what food I don't eat because I don't like the taste of it? Would you be interested to know the TV programmes I don't watch because I think they're rubbish? You wouldn't would you and it's the exact same principle. You are confusing your right to post whatever you want on a forum with it being of any benefit to the people discussing something on the thread. They aren't the same thing.

Nonsense.. When discussing issues about young adults in Phuket, the nature of phukets society, the options for those young adults to work and socialize, etc are totally relevant and on topic. Its like saying lets have a thread about about what new cars in the market are good or bad, but I dont want to hear any negatives. Of course negatives are of value in that they add to the overall understanding. If anything, knowing the negatives is MORE important because people often overlook the negatives when making choices they are selling to themselves and its the negatives that people fall into and have unexpected problems with.

Your desire for every thread to be about fluffy bunnies and sunshine is purely your problem.


Its hardly slagging off constantly.. One thread in 18 months with some negative issues..

That's the whole point! It only doesn't happen any more because you moved! It used to happen several times a day. That's exactly the point you don't get!

Of course you need well balanced negative input to come to accurate conclusions, but if every single input by you is negative about the very same thing (Phuket) then how can that possibly be construed as balanced? That's called broken record syndrome.

'PeterRocket' joked about how depressing it would be having a drink with 'NKM'. If I found myself in a bar with you and 'NKM' at the same time I think they would find me hanging from the rafters before the sun went down. biggrin.png

Seriously, I find you highly tedious and I'm sure you feel the same way about me, so I will take the high ground and stop entering in to pointless, off topic merry go round conversations with you and 'NKM'. I think the forum will be a better place for it. I, like many others, only live in places that make me happy. Why should I give a stuff if other people are too stupid to do the same. wink.png


Its hardly slagging off constantly.. One thread in 18 months with some negative issues..

That's the whole point! It only doesn't happen any more because you moved! It used to happen several times a day. That's exactly the point you don't get!

I of course get it.. Phuket had many negatives !!

:) !!

Of course you need well balanced negative input to come to accurate conclusions, but if every single input by you is negative about the very same thing (Phuket) then how can that possibly be construed as balanced? That's called broken record syndrome.

And all you do is pretend real issues dont exist by saying "Oh I dont go there.. I dont do that.. That wouldnt happen to me" etc.. Denial is alive and well.

Seriously, I find you highly tedious and I'm sure you feel the same way about me, so I will take the high ground and stop entering in to pointless, off topic merry go round conversations with you and 'NKM'. I think the forum will be a better place for it. I, like many others, only live in places that make me happy. Why should I give a stuff if other people are too stupid to do the same. wink.png

I couldnt give a hoot what you think.. But I would say it would help if posters remained civil.. Did you get banned last time for insulting other members ??


It's interesting to see that some people can have such different views on the same place. hopefully someone somewhere will have enjoyed this thread/arguement and been able to extract some useful information out of it.

Fortunately for me and a few others we are the ones that really enjoy life in Phuket and aren't effected by the by the things that are mentioned by some of the others. I would hate to be in the shoes of NKM or thailand with so much resentment and pessimism for the place I lived.


Didn't even know there was a British International School on Phuket. Just googled it and was impressed with what's on their website. If I had young kids on Phuket, I would have no problem sending them there, based on the information on their website.

Of course I have seen the BIS, many times, but that's as far as it goes.

coffee1.gif Which is it 'NKM' can't be both. How have you seen something 'many times' that you didn't know existed?

Of course many believe it doesn't exist abroad either. Personally I wouldn't particulary want my teenage kids growing up with the crime, traffic, development, corruption and over population of the UK or US.

That's what I find so amusing when people accuse you of burying your head in the sand. Here's a story from yesterday, of a 6 year old girl paralysed after being shot as she danced in her fathers shop in South London. Less than 20 miles away from my UK home!!


Would I now feel the need to help people by going on line and warning them about how dangerous South London is? Of course not. I would never live there, and I'm not stupid enough to live anywhere I have so many negative feelings about. 'NKM' admits that he will probably follow 'LivinLOS' and leave the island one day yet isn't able to make the obvious connection between someone who is so negative about a place and someone who is obviously living in the wrong place. If I had so many negative things to say about the place I lived and knew I would probably want to leave soon, I would be very disappointed with myself for choosing it as a place to live in the first place. I would consider it a very poor decision on my part.

Now back on topic. Someone who feels the need to mention JJ the jet ski scammer in about 7 consecutive posts obviously has a very week argument. JJ is an infamous scrote, who's parents were well known to some forum members and they were nothing but a bar propper and a prostitute. So if somebody has jumped on that example and run with it for umpteen posts in a row then it highlights what a week argument they have about raising teens in Phuket. I think it's safe to say that if your parents are like JJ's then you are pretty much screwed!


If you read my post after that post, you will see "I was taking the piss." Of course I knew about it, that is to say, I have seen it, but that is it. Like you said, "Are you winding us up?" Yes, I was. :) I do admit, I had never seen their website, and yes, I was impressed with it.

I'm happy living here. However, the place does have it's negatives. Unfortunately, many of those negatives are corruption based. Eg. no public transport and the tuk-tuk collusion.

HKP, DO YOU DENY THIS NEGATIVE EXISTS? The question isn't whether it effects you or not. Or, what workaround or adaptations you have made to counteract it. Does it exist???? Simple question.

Surely there must be one negative you have about living on Phuket. Nowhere on this planet is that perfect to not have one. I'm not asking you to "moan" or "Phuket bash" just state one negative you see to living on Phuket.


It's interesting to see that some people can have such different views on the same place. hopefully someone somewhere will have enjoyed this thread/arguement and been able to extract some useful information out of it.

Fortunately for me and a few others we are the ones that really enjoy life in Phuket and aren't effected by the by the things that are mentioned by some of the others. I would hate to be in the shoes of NKM or thailand with so much resentment and pessimism for the place I lived.

That's my point, you "aren't effected by the things that are mentioned by some others" - does that mean they do not exist? Does that mean other people who ARE effected by them are not allowed to post that those things DO have a negative impact on them, which envokes a negative post?

For example, the lack of proper transport issue here. I have adapted and have my workarounds, but, personally, I would love to see a baht bus system here, like in Pattaya, instead of the tuk-tuk bullsh*t we have had here for years. How much more freedom and safety would it give everyone? I enjoy life here too, would I enjoy it more with baht buses - maybe, but the corrupt stranglehold on transport here will not let it happen. Does it ruin my day, having no baht buses - no. Will I move away from Phuket because of the tuk-tuks - no. Do I dwell on it - no. But why can I post the truth - they are overpriced through collusion and allowed to exist, ripping people off, through corruption. Is that not a fact???? Now, it may be debated as to whether they are effecting tourism, or not, and many members will have an opinion on that, of which they are entitled. Having a different opinion to yours, doesn't mean people have resentment or are pessimistic.

There was a thread recently about renting motorbikes on the island and not getting scammed for the scratch that was always there. I elaborated and stated things like, "You may have no travel insurance if not licenced to ride in your home country etc etc." Is this "Phuket bashing?" Is it being "negative" about Phuket? Or, is it informing someone of the risks involved with hiring a motorbike here that extends past getting scammed for a scratch that has always been there? I was once again critisized in that thread as well. Anyway, I believe my posts are not breaching forum rules, so I will continue to post, however, that doesn't mean you have to read them. smile.pngsmile.png

Yes, you were criticised in that thread, but not because you said 'You may have no travel insurance if not licenced to ride in your home country', like you're suggesting here.

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