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Friend Busted With Marijuana On Khao San

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Goodnight? It's only 3.30pm...

I'd be interested to know how he got on. Clearly a sting, and while it's fine to admonish him for being stupid, I did plenty of stupid things when I was that age too.

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Get him to have a chat with these guys first.


Don't bother with the National Anti-corruption Commission. I know some one who called them to report a case of solicitation of a bribe by a government official, dutifully following the advice of the NACC's commercials on Thai TV. The officer listened sympathetically to the complaint and then said, "This sounds like a terrible case but I am very sorry I cannot accept your complaint because you are not a Thai national." LOL.

I don't have any experience of drug cases but I do know that, if the police quote a price to avoid charging some one with an offence that price is only valid for the time stated. it goes up very significantly after that, particularly if other police are involved and the offer may not be renewed at all, if they need another bust for their monthly quota from on high. A farang told me that his former Thai gf's teenage daughter got busted with speed pills and the mother was initially asked for 10k in the police station. She was angry with the girl and didn't want to pay to get her out. After two weeks of leaving the girl to cool her heels in the rong pak the price had gone up to 100k and couldn't be negotiated down. So the mother left her to do her year and a day minimum sentence in the reform school.

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I would get the transaction on video and post it on youtube

Only if we wants to die, riddled with bullets, in a pool or his own blood or just plain disappear...

Did you nick that from a Rutger Hauer action flick script?

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Here's the deal.

I agree with the poster that said that the buyer made the mistake and is getting off easy for 20 k (that is since he has NO power here).

If he did, then he should call that 'power'.

But obviously he does not.

He goofed.

He is lucky that he can pay.

Do it.

Have it done.

Learn and never let it happen again.

This is actually (for this person, in this situation) one of the bright sides of Thai corruption.

Ever been in a Thai jail ?

Need I say more kap ?

Agree 1.000%.......20K is not that much money in US dollars.....true, he's lucky he can pay.....

I think many people here do not realize what going to jail in Thailand might be.

He made a mistake('cause buying weed in Thailand in a bar in my opinion is a BIG mistake)....so, now, he better pay and get over it.


I just wonder......are those cops really cops???????????????

That is a realistic wonder.

But, take the chance, pay, get your passport back.

Game over !

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This a dilemma. If pay the 20k, so it through an intermediary. Then don't stick around same area because once you feed a stray, it's gonna always return for seconds. Your friend will be ripe for extortion, because once you pay, he is in their pocket. I would consider moving your 'base of operations' away from ko san road.

Don't listen to people advising to set up and video record anybody. Let someone you trust do the talking and the transaction. Don't go to any police stations and say 'err. i was the guy with the weed and am here to pay the bribe to officer dragon'.

The passport is 'dead' no matter what. Even if bribe goes through and think all is kosher, report it lost (not stolen) at some out of the way police station, get the paper and get a new one at embassy.

At this point there is not much that the cops can do. Still pay em off even if you don't get passport back, because if you avoid that, you will just have 2 <deleted> looking for you and they got long memories. Your friend should consider avoiding playing with fire since by his behavior he is a walking target and over his head, who's too inexperienced and naive.

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Go to the American Embassy and tell the whole story.

Are you for real? Walk in crying with snot bubbles blowing out and confess because honesty with embassy staff and law enforcement is always the best policy. Prisons are full of people who followed such wonderful advice.

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Go to the American Embassy and tell the whole story.

Are you for real? Walk in crying with snot bubbles blowing out and confess because honesty with embassy staff and law enforcement is always the best policy. Prisons are full of people who followed such wonderful advice.

It worked for some soldiers in Manila.

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OK, this kid is only 20 years old, but no matter. Messing around with dope in most Asian countries is very stupid. From crooked cops, bartenders, mamasans, ad nauseum, the pitfalls are numerous and should be well-known now to anyone who has paid any attention to this issue, no matter where they are from. If you don't like the "rules" of a given foreign country in terms of how they deal (pun intended) with drugs, then stay home. Best advice is to don't even think about bringing drugs into, using or buying them in Thailand and anywhere else. Just isn't worth it.

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Go to the American Embassy and tell the whole story.

Are you for real? Walk in crying with snot bubbles blowing out and confess because honesty with embassy staff and law enforcement is always the best policy. Prisons are full of people who followed such wonderful advice.

It worked for some soldiers in Manila.

A soldier is not a civilian. Soldiers in the full sense of the word are owned by the government during enlistment. Unless the kid in this story has connections, blindly walking into the embassy and hoping for the best should never be the first option, especially when not even formally arrested. Embassy staff looks after the country's interests which may not coincide with the interests of individual citizens. In my experience, a situation like this can be handled better without admitting to anything illegal or hoping that embassy staff has your interests at heart.

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Go to the American Embassy and tell the whole story.

Are you for real? Walk in crying with snot bubbles blowing out and confess because honesty with embassy staff and law enforcement is always the best policy. Prisons are full of people who followed such wonderful advice.

It worked for some soldiers in Manila.

A soldier is not a civilian. Soldiers in the full sense of the word are owned by the government during enlistment. Unless the kid in this story has connections, blindly walking into the embassy and hoping for the best should never be the first option, especially when not even formally arrested. Embassy staff looks after the country's interests which may not coincide with the interests of individual citizens. In my experience, a situation like this can be handled better without admitting to anything illegal or hoping that embassy staff has your interests at heart.

Actually I was thinking more along the lines of helping him to set up a sting operation on the bent cop, then getting him out of danger afterwards.

I'm not an American so don't know what they can or will do. Just whistling in the wind.

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Lets see, he knew smoking dope was illegal in Thailand so he bought it anyway so he could smoke it.......well lets hope they throw him in the Bkk Hilton for the short time of say 10 years. That should break that school boy dope smoker from the habit. Yea that Policeman was wrong, he should throw him under the jail.

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The going rate once booked is 200,000 baht, he would be a fool if he didn't pay the 20,000. Don't negotiate, Don't act like a detective and get yourself killed over chump change. He could do life if he pissed off the wrong folk. Put the money in an envelope and do what the nice man says. Total set up but he played the game.

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Lets see, he knew smoking dope was illegal in Thailand so he bought it anyway so he could smoke it.......well lets hope they throw him in the Bkk Hilton for the short time of say 10 years. That should break that school boy dope smoker from the habit. Yea that Policeman was wrong, he should throw him under the jail.

Ridiculous...10 years....if it was your son would you have the same gung ho attitude ??

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I would get the transaction on video and post it on youtube

And just what do you think would happen if a BiB caught you video taping the payoff?

Ummm...does the dope buyer want to get off or does he want to go to the big house? That's the bottom line. He can ring the bell on the cops, but where do you think that will leave him?

Quite likely hanging from the underside of a bridge with a plastic bag over his head and hands tied behind his back, publicly dismissed as an obvious suicide.

If the B20,000 doesn't hurt **too** much, just pay it and be done.

If you don't mind being the inconvenience, call their bluff and prepare for a harsh wrist slap, you never know, they may not bother, given the risk you'll be in a better position to raise their extortion attempt with the judge.

If neither of the above are do-able for you, go with say B11,000 and a story on how difficult it was to raise. Don't have the full amount ready at hand, make it take a few more days to raise another say B3,000.

You may want to do the passport replacement as well and be ready to bolt - overland - if things start smelling really bad, but that's really raising the stakes.

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I would get the transaction on video and post it on youtube

And just what do you think would happen if a BiB caught you video taping the payoff?

Ummm...does the dope buyer want to get off or does he want to go to the big house? That's the bottom line. He can ring the bell on the cops, but where do you think that will leave him?

Quite likely hanging from the underside of a bridge with a plastic bag over his head and hands tied behind his back, publicly dismissed as an obvious suicide.

If the B20,000 doesn't hurt **too** much, just pay it and be done.

If you don't mind being the inconvenience, call their bluff and prepare for a harsh wrist slap, you never know, they may not bother, given the risk you'll be in a better position to raise their extortion attempt with the judge.

If neither of the above are do-able for you, go with say B11,000 and a story on how difficult it was to raise. Don't have the full amount ready at hand, make it take a few more days to raise another say B3,000.

You may want to do the passport replacement as well and be ready to bolt - overland - if things start smelling really bad, but that's really raising the stakes.

That's some fine advice. Having multiple options. Land crossing can even be done without a passport if need be. A few years back, one gentleman in a real hurry paid 100,000B to a Thai border cop who put him in the back trunk, and drove a kilometer into Malay.

It's always better to be outside with less money but sipping a cold brew, than sitting inside kicking yourself for not being cunning enough.

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Breaking rocks in the hot sun, i fought the law and the law won, Welcome to Big Tiger, so called because you go in,and never come out, and thats what all druggies junkies deserve, its known world wide that certain drugs are banned in certain countries, you broke the rules and you want lenincy, well, hard luck, anybody breaking the law, specially mind altering drugs deserves to have there mind altered in a thai nick,

Have a look at Thailand Yaba drugs on youtube,

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FYI my wife is a Thai lawyer and i hear about these type cases all the time. Here is a common scam for you that never hits the papers. A Thai family dresses their 12 year old daughter up as a bar girl. The girl is fined and taken home. At 6:00 am she pops off and by 8:00 her parents and the police are at the door demanding 2,000,000 baht. You pay it or you will be arrested and spend the rest of your life in jail. Your home country will press charges as well and you will lose everything you have ever worked for. Ah and the family laughs all the way to the bank until next time. Pay the 20,000 , idiot. Dont complicate the matter, think of it as the fine for stupidity and don't buy drugs in foreign countries. Please thump your friend in the nuts for me as well.

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Breaking rocks in the hot sun, i fought the law and the law won, Welcome to Big Tiger, so called because you go in,and never come out, and thats what all druggies junkies deserve, its known world wide that certain drugs are banned in certain countries, you broke the rules and you want lenincy, well, hard luck, anybody breaking the law, specially mind altering drugs deserves to have there mind altered in a thai nick,

Have a look at Thailand Yaba drugs on youtube,

Yes lickey but we're talking about a bag of dope here, not a yaba addicted crack head who has beaten up his family and robbed the local store....

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FYI my wife is a Thai lawyer and i hear about these type cases all the time. Here is a common scam for you that never hits the papers. A Thai family dresses their 12 year old daughter up as a bar girl. The girl is fined and taken home. At 6:00 am she pops off and by 8:00 her parents and the police are at the door demanding 2,000,000 baht. You pay it or you will be arrested and spend the rest of your life in jail. Your home country will press charges as well and you will lose everything you have ever worked for. Ah and the family laughs all the way to the bank until next time. Pay the 20,000 , idiot. Dont complicate the matter, think of it as the fine for stupidity and don't buy drugs in foreign countries. Please thump your friend in the nuts for me as well.

I was at a family party...looong time ago...I must have been around 21....anyway I got my eye on a girl at the bar of this joint....just 'bout to get up an' offer her a drink when my sis spots what's goin' on and whispers to me that the lass is 14.

Easy mistake to make....a long time rectified.

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