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Thoughts On Falang Going A Little Overboard On The "Thai-Ness"?


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Like the ones with the big buddha necklaces or the Thai Sak Yant tattoos on their backs? You get people like that in most countries, they call it going native. They crave respect when they go on this forum, but I don't look down on them, maybe they work in professions where they have never had any respect and feel they will get it by showing how knowledgable they are of all things Thai. Maybe they really do want to be Thai?

Kind of like the guys from UK who move to the states and within a short time are walking around with a stetson a huge belt buckle and a plastic Texas accent. Maybe an extreme view but just my take.

Never forget where you come from, homeland I mean.

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I saw a couple of Farang once on the BTS in Bangkok speaking Thai to each other and I thought that was a bit odd, however I was introduced to an old german guy the other night and he didn't speak english and I certainly can't speak german so we ended up talking in Thai, that was out of necessity though, not for show.

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They are pathetic, put simply. Even my Thai friends laugh at them and think they are w*nkers. Me, i just feel embarrassed for them.

Invariably these types haven't lived here that long either.

Edited by carmine
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But does this 'gone native' actually exist?

So there are those on the forum that are relaxed about most things in Thailand and accept things the way they are, do not feel the need to nitpick and grumble

There are those who attempt, and those who suceed in learning the language

There are those who find flipflops more comfortable than shoes

So what is this Thaier than Thai? does it exist on a grand scale, or is it just an over exagerated concept in the minds of a few looking for yet something else to criticise?

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"most of the long term folks have a really good understanding of Thai culture, and the mindset. These people generally don't make much ado about their knowledge and understanding."

Thats because we'll never be Thais, we'll never 100 % understand all that is the culture, and due to being foreigners we will never really be able to integrate completely into the fabric of their society.

I believe the dawning of this realization to be a large reason why Expats tend to head back home.

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But does this 'gone native' actually exist?

So there are those on the forum that are relaxed about most things in Thailand and accept things the way they are, do not feel the need to nitpick and grumble

There are those who attempt, and those who suceed in learning the language

There are those who find flipflops more comfortable than shoes

So what is this Thaier than Thai? does it exist on a grand scale, or is it just an over exagerated concept in the minds of a few looking for yet something else to criticise?

Its the gap year student types that got hyped up on Thailand after watching The Beach. Been here a few months, then want to become buddhists, refer to LOS as their spiritual home, look down on anyone eating western food, wai children and blert on endlessly about giving something back to the "people".

Ok I see where you are coming from........but If it makes them happy....why not leave them to get on with it?

I can see why some westerners prefer a less intensive lifestyle having visited Thailand, I have never felt more than the occasional need to eat out at burger places or pizza places in europe, certainly not in Thailand, I enjoy Thai home cooking, I return the Wai of my mother in law........

Maybe I am guilty........if so from the side of a Thaier than Thai person.......the way I behave feels perfectly normal

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But does this 'gone native' actually exist?

So there are those on the forum that are relaxed about most things in Thailand and accept things the way they are, do not feel the need to nitpick and grumble

There are those who attempt, and those who suceed in learning the language

There are those who find flipflops more comfortable than shoes

So what is this Thaier than Thai? does it exist on a grand scale, or is it just an over exagerated concept in the minds of a few looking for yet something else to criticise?

Its the gap year student types that got hyped up on Thailand after watching The Beach. Been here a few months, then want to become buddhists, refer to LOS as their spiritual home, look down on anyone eating western food, wai children and blert on endlessly about giving something back to the "people".

Ok I see where you are coming from........but If it makes them happy....why not leave them to get on with it?

I can see why some westerners prefer a less intensive lifestyle having visited Thailand, I have never felt more than the occasional need to eat out at burger places or pizza places in europe, certainly not in Thailand, I enjoy Thai home cooking, I return the Wai of my mother in law........

Maybe I am guilty........if so from the side of a Thaier than Thai person.......the way I behave feels perfectly normal

I agree to just letting them get on with it. Funny thing is these types tend to be far less tolerant towards other foreigners and the tolerance here is one of the aspects i most like about Thailand

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Nice post, OP! I especially like this part-

'I picture these people wearing traditional Thai clothing everyday, and walking around wai'ing lamp posts.'

Well, if it makes them happy- so be it! I would certainly prefer these pseudo-Thai than those shirtless and loud expats anytime.

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But does this 'gone native' actually exist?

So there are those on the forum that are relaxed about most things in Thailand and accept things the way they are, do not feel the need to nitpick and grumble

There are those who attempt, and those who suceed in learning the language

There are those who find flipflops more comfortable than shoes

So what is this Thaier than Thai? does it exist on a grand scale, or is it just an over exagerated concept in the minds of a few looking for yet something else to criticise?

Its the gap year student types that got hyped up on Thailand after watching The Beach. Been here a few months, then want to become buddhists, refer to LOS as their spiritual home, look down on anyone eating western food, wai children and blert on endlessly about giving something back to the "people".

Ok I see where you are coming from........but If it makes them happy....why not leave them to get on with it?

I can see why some westerners prefer a less intensive lifestyle having visited Thailand, I have never felt more than the occasional need to eat out at burger places or pizza places in europe, certainly not in Thailand, I enjoy Thai home cooking, I return the Wai of my mother in law........

Maybe I am guilty........if so from the side of a Thaier than Thai person.......the way I behave feels perfectly normal

I agree to just letting them get on with it. Funny thing is these types tend to be far less tolerant towards other foreigners and the tolerance here is one of the aspects i most like about Thailand

Well perhaps just as some foreigners see them as (to quote a post above) "pathetic"..........their tolerance for certain types of foreign visitors is limited too

Do they have the right to feel this way.......I guess that is the crux of the "Thaier than Thai" discussion

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Yes I like to play cards, drink sangsom, smoke wacky baccy, sleep around and generally lounge about staring into space all day long.

But I'll never apologise for any of this.

Well, not quite what I am talking about.

Do you have an example? I don't really look at posts and think this guy is a farang trying to prove his Thainess

Hmmm....I could point to specific posts, but I really don't want to call anyone out. Check the news section regarding foreign ownership of Thai land......

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Yes I like to play cards, drink sangsom, smoke wacky baccy, sleep around and generally lounge about staring into space all day long.

But I'll never apologise for any of this.

Well, not quite what I am talking about.

All I'm getting at is Thainess or not is just a reflection of someone's own personality..not where they necessarily originate or choose to live.

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Yes I like to play cards, drink sangsom, smoke wacky baccy, sleep around and generally lounge about staring into space all day long.

But I'll never apologise for any of this.

Sounds like you got that off to an art there Smokie.

Does that help for your residence permit? biggrin.png

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All I'm getting at is Thainess or not is just a reflection of someone's own personality..not where they necessarily originate or choose to live.

hmmm....I'm not talking about leading a relaxed, Thai lifestyle, or wearing flip flops...more along the lines of falangs suggesting the mass arrest and deportation of other falangs.

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All I'm getting at is Thainess or not is just a reflection of someone's own personality..not where they necessarily originate or choose to live.

hmmm....I'm not talking about leading a relaxed, Thai lifestyle, or wearing flip flops...more along the lines of falangs suggesting the mass arrest and deportation of other falangs.

Hmm I wonder do the majority of Thai people want most farangs to be kicked out?

Not sure that is Thainess as such in these people...perhaps more a sense of being superior...or simply that they are not very sociable.

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Yes I like to play cards, drink sangsom, smoke wacky baccy, sleep around and generally lounge about staring into space all day long.

But I'll never apologise for any of this.

Sounds like you got that off to an art there Smokie.

Does that help for your residence permit? biggrin.png

You don't understand...this persona has no need for visas and such like...being the free spirit that I am....

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i dont live in thailand only visit, only a pup on most things thai.

a while ago my father in law went on a trip with old comrades of his to their old stomping grounds in the far north east, he came back with three amulets on string, from the wat at nakon panom (spelling), i have never worn others, but he gave them to me. he wanted me to wear them when we drive on long trips around thailand.

he is highly superstitious obviously.

last year he talked to me about getting a tattoo on my back, supposed to protect me from evil,from a temple down near chanthaburi where he had his done.

that i wont do, i have survived this long without tattoos.

those on the hippy trail, or the farang gone native tatts, their decision, no matter how silly they look.

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All I'm getting at is Thainess or not is just a reflection of someone's own personality..not where they necessarily originate or choose to live.

hmmm....I'm not talking about leading a relaxed, Thai lifestyle, or wearing flip flops...more along the lines of falangs suggesting the mass arrest and deportation of other falangs.

Hmm I wonder do the majority of Thai people want most farangs to be kicked out?

Not sure that is Thainess as such in these people...perhaps more a sense of being superior...or simply that they are not very sociable.

Or perhaps it's "projection".

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All I'm getting at is Thainess or not is just a reflection of someone's own personality..not where they necessarily originate or choose to live.

hmmm....I'm not talking about leading a relaxed, Thai lifestyle, or wearing flip flops...more along the lines of falangs suggesting the mass arrest and deportation of other falangs.

Hmm I wonder do the majority of Thai people want most farangs to be kicked out?

Not sure that is Thainess as such in these people...perhaps more a sense of being superior...or simply that they are not very sociable.

Or perhaps it's "projection".

Haha yes...plenty lose their sense of perspective after a while. I think it stems mostly from having nothing better to do!

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Cracking thread!!

You should see some of these bufoons offload their "Thainess" routines if, like me, you happen to look like a tourist.

This week in A Nana Gogo bar some fool came stomping in, waied all the dancers, and staff then began barking (low class) pidgin atonal Thai at them.

I think he was about to say something about me to the dollies however the fact that myself and my pal were roaring with laughter at him seemed to put him off and he departed swiftly.

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