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How easy is it to get a tourist visa to the UK for a Thai citizen? She plans to go for 2 weeks, then to Europe for 3 months and then back to UK (for 1-2 days) to get flight back to Thailand. It's much cheaper to get return flight to UK and another return flight from UK to Europe than it is to get a round trip flight from Thailand to UK to Europe to Thailand. So she'd need a multiple-entry visa. She has a 10-year visa for USA. Will that be taken into account by UK immigration? She's been to USA many times and always returned on time.

She has property but will give up he job before leaving. When is the best time to apply, and do flights need to be boooked before applying? That could be costly if her application gets rejected.

Also, how much money do they expect you to show in your bank account and for how long?


if she can demonstrate that she complies with visa requirements I would think she has a good chance of being issued with a visa. Finances and reason to return are the main stumbling blocks.

This will apply both for the UK visa and the Shengen visa required for European travel. She will need to demonstrate adequate finances to cover the likely costs involved plus convince the ECO (UK) and the embassy for the Shengen visa.

Property helps but it can be an uphill struggle to satisfy the visa issuing staff that the applicant is going to return! The requirements for UK and Shengen visas are not that different but she will need both visas.

There is a good 'pinned' summary for visas at the top of the visa & migration section.

Do not buy tickets before visas under any circumstances and don't try to load money into a bank account. The ECO's are very experienced at looking for this!

Look at the visa post and ask questions as required! Not easy but not impossible.


They do ask if you've had a visa issued for certain other countries eg USA, Canada, Australia etc.. Not the Schengen countries though. So I think the trips to the US will work in her favour.

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if she can demonstrate that she complies with visa requirements I would think she has a good chance of being issued with a visa. Finances and reason to return are the main stumbling blocks.

This will apply both for the UK visa and the Shengen visa required for European travel. She will need to demonstrate adequate finances to cover the likely costs involved plus convince the ECO (UK) and the embassy for the Shengen visa.

Property helps but it can be an uphill struggle to satisfy the visa issuing staff that the applicant is going to return! The requirements for UK and Shengen visas are not that different but she will need both visas.

There is a good 'pinned' summary for visas at the top of the visa & migration section.

Do not buy tickets before visas under any circumstances and don't try to load money into a bank account. The ECO's are very experienced at looking for this!

Look at the visa post and ask questions as required! Not easy but not impossible.

So what's the best way of proving you has enough money. I am planning to pay her expenses, but though it would be helpful if I put some money into her account. What's the best option here?

Also, if I'm paying her expenses while we're away I think that we'll need to prove that we are gf/bf. I can't really see any way of proving this. I'm sure we have some photos of us together but probably not many. Documenting a relationship isn't something that I've ever had to do so just never crossed my mind to do it. Seems to me that the only people that would document a relationship are people that don't have a real relationship.

I don'r see how we can prove she will come back. The real thing in her favor is that she's been to the US quite a few times and always come back to Thailand, so why should she stay in UK.

We're not going to a Schengen country, so I think that part will be easier.


The applicant need to show the ability to fund the trip. if you are planning to pay for the trip you will need to demonstrate that you are able to pay so include bank statement, income information etc. Provide a full letter of explanation.

I can assure you that you do need to document your relationship if you are going to finance the trip! Photos, emails, phone records, the lot. A few photos may well not be enough. Get used to the idea that you take a few photos for you and a few more for the UKBA!

Without demonstrating good reasons to return there will be little chance of a visit visa. There are certain things the Entry Clearance Officer will be expecting the applicant to demonstrate before a visa will be issued and the onus is totally on the applicant to satisfy him or her.

Check the pinned post I suggested and provide as much information as possible. A US visa and complying with it will help but not enough on its own.

If you are going to Europe you will enter the Schengen area so will need a Schengen visa (Ireland, Romania and Bulgaria excepted).

Regular payments to her account may be beneficial if they can be fully accounted for but large amounts without explanation will be treated with suspicion!

Many of us have been there, done that and got the T-shirts so much of the advice on this forum is learned the hard way! Getting a visa is never a foregone conclusion.


I let them see pay slips, bank statements (the front page was enough, not every transaction) some photos, a print out of a list of all the emails we had sent each other but not the actual contents except one or two, and a detailed letter explaining everything.. They also borrowed my passports. I had copied everything so they could keep the copies..

Had a bit of luck actually.. Went to the office and sat in there for a while. When we got called, we were told they couldn't see us as we didn't have an appointment.. When I got home, I found I'd forgotten to include a load of the documentation.. Of course the gf saw this as more than just coincidence and was thus very confident of success, whereas I was ready to abandon the whole idea as impossible.. Luckily she was right..


If you prepare things reasonably they should (and usually do!) issue a visit visa. Most visas are approved but the unwary can come a cropper! It sounds as if you presented the type of information required!

With a UK visa safely under her belt a Schengen visa (if needed) should be pretty straight forward. You did not say what parts of Europe she intended to travel to!

It is not clear from your latest post if you have received the decision. If so well done. If not good luck with the application!


We're going to Croatia, so no Schengen visa needed. A visa to Croatia is much simpler to get.

So the real problem I have is that we don't have emails, phone records or anything like that. We live together but I rent the condo in my name and she has her own house, so no proof that we actually live together. We have loads of photos of each other but not many of us together. I can't really see how we can prove we are together, as we don't have anything to show. I suppose I'd better start keeping records, as we aren't going for another 6 months. So what should I keep as proof? My phone is pay as you go, so no records of phone calls or texts. I believe they want this proof but it just seems so stupid. Anyone can phone and text each other constantly, but that doesn't mean you're together as a couple.

I have a good mind to go to the USA instead. I feel like we're not wanted in UK, so why give them our money?

They just make life difficult for people who are honest.


If you live together they do seem to show a degree of sense. It is something they could check on if they so wished. Try to get a utility bill or two in her name (water, electricity etc). Any letters to her at the address will support her residence. If she is in the 'house book' this will help.

Letters from the Dentist/Doctor etc. If you can demonstrate you are living together and intend to return to Thailand a visit visa should be pretty straight forward.

Reason to return will include your employment/her employment (if applicable).


I think bob russel just about covered things,i got the visitor visa the 2nd time.basically the 1st time we were badly advised by a friend of hers said she would need quite a bit of money in her account so she debited her account with 2000 pound which wasnt neccasary because i was funding her trip anyway also she didnt give enough reason for her returning back to thailand.

The second time we went into alot more detail about the relationship,got a letter from her employers to say she was coming back and explained why someone had put the money in her account.I dont think emails and phone calls would be that important if you are living together but my advice would be if you are really want her to get the visa then start taking pics together in differant places if you can,if you are near her family take some pics of you all together and get her to get a letter from her employers saying she has permission to travel and is coming back,go into as much detail as you can about the relationship,show the visa officer you mean business.

My g/f didnt have a house and hadnt been to the us before so your g/f has extra things that have got to work in her favour but is the house good enough reason for her to return,in their eyes i dont know but i would say if you can get a letter from her employers saying she is coming back you wont have a problem.

Also tell your g/f to go on ladyinter if shes not already on it, the girls seem to stick together more on there and give some good advice rather than laughing at each other.


The advice to have gf letters sent here is a good one so we'll get that arranged. But she is giving up her job and I'm giving up the condo when we go away because there is no point paying rent for 3 months if we're not here. Also, I can't see any employer letting her go away for 3 months. When we return we will live at her house for a few days/weeks and then get a new condo to rent. So it's all straightforward to me but may look a little suspicious to UK immigration. Anyway, we'll put everything to together and apply. If she gets refused we'll just go to USA instead.

I know someone might suggest keeping the condo, but I would rather not go to the UK than have to pay 3 months rent for doing so.

If UK don't want our money then we'll spend it elsewhere. The UK immigration is a bit of a sick joke anyway. All we want to do is going on holiday. Can't see why they want to make such a simple things so difficult. Other Euro countries are more amenable, so no reason for the UK to be so strict.


As you may have gathered your post was taken seriously! This is a friendly forum where questions are all taken at face value.

I cannot see why you will have a particular problem with getting a visa if you explain the circumstances fully. The UKBA is a disgrace. It is underfunded (drained by central government of much of the generated revenue) and poorly managed IMO.

Some staff seem to be getting above their station but others do a good job. I think much of the pressure is because they have got it so wrong in the past!

Illegal immigration is rife but the response seems to be to limit legal immigration. Visitors get caught up in this as the default position appears to be that every visitor is a potential overstayer. The reality is that most visas are granted but it may be necessary to jump through a few hoops to get them issued.

I cannot see a particular reason why a visa should not be given. Schengen visa countries are not much more amenable but perhaps are a little less paranoid!


I deleted a troll post and the replies to it.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



The reason to return can be hard to prove, but we said that we would want to repeat the trip next year as well as visit other countries so wouldn't want to mess things up by overstaying. It was accepted.

I don't think they want to catch you out. They just want to know that you won't end up on the street, become a burden on the state or stay/work illegally.


The reason to return can be hard to prove, but we said that we would want to repeat the trip next year as well as visit other countries so wouldn't want to mess things up by overstaying. It was accepted.

I don't think they want to catch you out. They just want to know that you won't end up on the street, become a burden on the state or stay/work illegally.

My experience with all stages of visa applications (visit through to ILR) for my wife is that they have all been dealt with fairly but incredibly inefficiently. Delays are unacceptably long.

I don't think they want to catch people out but some tales on here suggest some are overly enthusiastic and needs a little retraining!


My previous dealings with the border agency were very negative.. When I was living in London on an Australian passport, I lost a job because they decided to interpret a rule differently. They made it as difficult as possible to contact them (an automated phone system that made you choose about 20 options then cut you off) then wouldn't even handle a complaint in a proffesional manner.

My first attempt to get a UK passport was met with a request for proof of ID which was nigh on impossible and I had to give up for a couple of years. 2nd time was lucky.

So I was pleasantly surprised when I got my gf a visitor visa without feeling they wanted me to juggle while tightrope walking before they would talk to me.


Ok, I feel a bit better now. I will do my best to gather all the info and present it in a way that makes them sure that we will return to Thailand. Thanks for all the replies. Most helpful.


I think the UKBA is a disgrace. The level of service is so far below any that would be expected in a real commercial organisation. Communication is horrendous.

I am sure many of the staff work really hard but from the outside none of this is visible to the applicant.

Having said this my wife has always received the appropriate visas after crazy waiting times.

Staff of the Border Force at Heathrow are a completely different matter. Not at all impressed with them!



Also, how much money do they expect you to show in your bank account and for how long?

Whose Bank Account are you referring to? Yours or Her Bank Account.

Three months is Europe and then a few weeks in England can be mightily expensive.

What sort of budget have you planned for that?

If you are going to support her Visa application, do you have a well paid job or rely on the Pension?

Do you live in England and have strong financial assets there?

It goes to the point of can you financially support her.

When she travels to the USA, how has she funded her trips there in the past?

What is her current job and what is the likely hood of her returning to it or a position in a similar company. This goes to need to return to Thailand after her Visa has expired.

What are your plans for her Schengen Visa, because she will be spending most of her time in Europe and not England, the country your Visa question relates to.

Not to sure what do you mean by your question of When is the best time to apply?

To really help you we need all the information to work with.

I just read a recent post which might help you ...

Edit: added referance post


Just to put a different slant on this. My gf got a UK visa first time and although i thought i could have done a good job I got an agent. IVS on Wireless Road to do it, cost c15,000. now many people say its a rip off. Don't know where you are but I am 90 kilos from Udon thani. had to go to BKK for biometrics etc so why I got the agent is as follows. Travel and flights to BKK, decent hotel I don't scrimp, visa fees, and other costs for a falied application would have been not far short of the agents fees. May did a brill job, amended the letters for me and wrote one for gf, put a presentation pack together, gave us good advice and trained my gf how to answer the questions better. I know a lot of people knock agents, maybe i was lucky but it worked a treat for me in my situation.

I wait to be shot down by other posters but this was my personal experience and situation.



Also, how much money do they expect you to show in your bank account and for how long?

Whose Bank Account are you referring to? Yours or Her Bank Account.

Three months is Europe and then a few weeks in England can be mightily expensive.

What sort of budget have you planned for that?

If you are going to support her Visa application, do you have a well paid job or rely on the Pension?

Do you live in England and have strong financial assets there?

It goes to the point of can you financially support her.

When she travels to the USA, how has she funded her trips there in the past?

What is her current job and what is the likely hood of her returning to it or a position in a similar company. This goes to need to return to Thailand after her Visa has expired.

What are your plans for her Schengen Visa, because she will be spending most of her time in Europe and not England, the country your Visa question relates to.

Not to sure what do you mean by your question of When is the best time to apply?

To really help you we need all the information to work with.

I just read a recent post which might help you ... http://www.thaivisa....r-holiday-visa/

Edit: added referance post

I have answered some of these questions above - for example, she doesn't need a Schengen visa because we're not going to a Schengen country. We live together in Bangkok and I have enough money to support both of us for three months. Also I have already said that she is giving up her job, so no job to come back to. When she went to the USA her relatives there supported her and that was accepted by US immigration. I have a condo in Croatia that we can stay in for free, so no accommodation expenses. so our spending will be minimal. We are just going to chill for a few months, not travel around spending massive amounts of money. I'm not at all concerned about the Croatia visa which is why I haven't asked for advice about it. My only concerns are how she can convince immigration that she intends to come back to Thailand and how we can prove that we live together. We're a normal couple so haven't been keeping email, phone records, etc. I've never met anyone who's done that. To me it seems the behavior of someone who's trying to prove something that's not true. But I realise that things are different here.

Regarding how much money needs to be shown I'm asking about bother her and me. I just want a rough idea of how much they expect us to have

When is the best time to apply - i meant how many weeks before travelling should we apply for the visa. I have no idea how long an application typically takes. I know for Croatia that it can be as quick as one day. I don't think you have to be interviewed and keep endless records. They just accept that you're a tourist and will return.

Maybe the fact that we are also going to Croatia will make them see that we intend to leave the UK.

Just to put a different slant on this. My gf got a UK visa first time and although i thought i could have done a good job I got an agent. IVS on Wireless Road to do it, cost c15,000. now many people say its a rip off. Don't know where you are but I am 90 kilos from Udon thani. had to go to BKK for biometrics etc so why I got the agent is as follows. Travel and flights to BKK, decent hotel I don't scrimp, visa fees, and other costs for a falied application would have been not far short of the agents fees. May did a brill job, amended the letters for me and wrote one for gf, put a presentation pack together, gave us good advice and trained my gf how to answer the questions better. I know a lot of people knock agents, maybe i was lucky but it worked a treat for me in my situation.

I wait to be shot down by other posters but this was my personal experience and situation.

I was also thinking of using an agent the first time, as they should know their stuff and make sure everything is right. People often overlook the costs of a failed application. So I agree with you. 15,000 bagt may seem expensive but it's a tiny fraction of the whole trip.


If you have property in Croatia the UK authorities are unlikely to think your wife is going to break UK immigration laws.

A well presented visa application should do the trip. My wife had her first visit visa (years ago) refused on the grounds that we could not prove our relationship. There was no black mark in the passport and her second application went through uneventfully.

Using a good agent makes plenty of sense if your case is complicated in any way!

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