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14 Year Old Malaysian Girl Kidnapped For Prostitution Is Rescued In Bangkok


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It looks like there's a further article on this from the original OP publication. Seems she was in the hands of the bad people for give or take six weeks... Not likely good for the girl...

Curious that the articles seem to make no mention of even what nationality the kidnappers may have been. Presumably some of the victimized girls would have some idea of that based on the language being spoken, appearances or otherwise.

Wednesday March 21, 2012

Kidnapped teen too traumatised to speak


[email protected]

SHAH ALAM: The 14-year-old girl who was kidnapped and sent to Thailand is traumatised and unable to speak to the police.

Shah Alam OCPD Asst Comm Zahedi Ayob said the girl was in hospital and responding well to treatment.

“However, she cannot remember much. She only told us that she was abducted in a white van from Section 9,” he told reporters at the district police headquarters here yesterday.

The teen was found with five other girls from Myanmar at the Hua Lampong train station in Bangkok on March 11 and arrived back home on Monday.

“We hope the Thai authorities will send the Myanmar citizens here so that we can probe further. We are investigating if these teenagers were also kidnapped the same day that the girl was abducted,” ACP Zahedi said.

He refused to confirm if the teen was kidnapped by a child sex trafficking syndicate, but said the case was being investigated under Section 366 of the Penal Code for kidnapping for the purpose of prostitution.

ACP Zahedi said the Myanmar teenagers, aged between 15 and 17, were currently under the custody of UNHCR in Bangkok.

The Form Three girl was abducted on Jan 30 after her mother dropped her off at a bus stop here at around 1pm. When her daughter did not return home, the 37-year-old mother lodged a police report the following day at the Shah Alam police headquarters.

On March 12, the girl called her mother to say that she was in Thailand and had escaped from her captors.


If they don't tell you the nationality of the culprit, you can be 100% certain they are Thai. Welcome to the Kingdom. Officially, Thais do NOT commit crimes in their own country. See the media for confirmation of this...

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Anyway, well done to the girls who managed to escape from these people. They have been brave up to now and I hope/wish that they can continue to be so and give the police something to work with.

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Good news story. The parents must have been absolutely distraught with worry about thier baby, I would have been climbing the walls. A young girl rescued from the being abused by sex tourists. Can't wait for all the comments about how human trafficking is a myth and the girls go into prostitution of thier own free will.

Whatever makes you think a precurement like this must be for sex tourists? Or is it the thousands of establishments that exist in just about every city & town in the Kingdom, dedicated to serving the HUGE domestic / local market (which have absolutely nothing to do with sex tourism) aren't really there & don't exist? Sex tourism is just the small tip of a far larger iceberg, with the domestic market for locals being the vast mass below the waves!

iang, you're hitting the nail at the head ! Everywhere in Thailand are brothels where no Farang ever comes! It's part of the daily "sanuk" games for the rich Thai, and of course high placed poo yai's... And those pimps who run those places are earning BIG $$$$

But of course this is supposed to keep quiet.

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I fear for the girls future. If she is Muslim then returning home will be a catch 22 for her. Who will marry her, how will the family actually react? Sadly if she belonged to a Saudi family they would simply disown her now. Fingers crossed that her Mum and Dad put parenting before religion.

Judging by your comments, you obviously do not know much about Malaysia.

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Good work for answering their phone? Bad work for letting pimps bring her across the border in the first place.

Exactly. Kidnapped girls do t get acrOSS international borders without help.

They were Probably headed to a police owned brothel.

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This confirms that there is sex traffic. Not long ago I read an article full of denial titled "Sex-trade-not-traffic"

A lot of people actually do believe that human trafficking ard slavery are myths and do not and have not ever existed. Most reasonably intelligent people do know that it is not a myth.

Well there's two sides to this, unfortunately, and unfortunately some of the people raving the loudest against sex trade are doing the cause a misservice by projecting their own moral values onto the topic. By vastly exaggerating the problem. And by including prostitutes by choice in their war on the sex trade.

Not too long ago I read a blog post of a wide-eyed newcomer to Thailand, obviously religious, wandering through Nana plaza and being shocked by all the sex trade going on there - even though if you've been here long enough you know that the vast majority of the girls there is there by their own choosing, and would actively resist being "rescued". And even though sex tourism is only a very small fraction of sex work in Thailand.

I think that's not just misinformed yet helpful, it's terrible, because it dilutes and distracts from actual problems like the one in the article: A 14 year old abducted - everything about that disgusts me, from the ****** taking little girls, to the sick bastards who (apparently?) pay for that.

Good job Thai police! I honestly think that as useless as they generally are, the BiB does take a genuine interest in child trafficking. Thai policemen are just people too, after all. They have kids, and they probably want to get the bastards just as much as the rest of us. A chance to play hero - all good with me.

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Another situation warranting the death penalty. No Ifs No Buts. Kidnapping deserves death!

So no if or but then the father who had "kidnapped" his daughter (out of legal custody of her mother) and was found living overseas with her. He should be executed. And if an Afghan mother kidnaps her children to take them to another country to escape the father who wanted them genitally mutilated? - Kill her too - execute her, like you said "No ifs, no buts".

Your idea of "no ifs, no buts" goes a long way. Maybe you should stop seeing the world as black & white and realise you have issues and personal bias just like everyone else on the planet. Trying to impose blanket rules without exception just because its "simple" does not work.

Furthermore killing someone is a far more heinous crime than kidnapping and forced prostitution, murder is more heinous than rape as well; yet here you you propose a more severe punishment than the actual crime.

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Good work for answering their phone? Bad work for letting pimps bring her across the border in the first place.
Exactly. Kidnapped girls do t get acrOSS international borders without help. They were Probably headed to a police owned brothel.

Since when does the police guard the borders? That would be new....

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Great story. Good work to all involved and especialy to the brave young girl to escape and inform the police. Great work Thai police !!! Keep it up and let's save more innocent children.

good to see they can do something apart from take 100 baht from people of motorcycles

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What the hell, they are now kidnapping foreign kids to do prostituition in Thailand. The culprits responsible should be found and hang in public! And also aren't there enough lazy locals who want fast money and are doing these jobs already, why kidnap foreign kids?

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A post containing veiled speculation of the King has been removed as well as replies to that post:

2) Not to express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban.

Offensive and contentious posts and replies have been removed. Flame posts have been removed.

This topic is not about Thailand's Sex Workers don't want to be rescued, that is a topic already running, discussion of that topic here would be off topic.

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Good news story. The parents must have been absolutely distraught with worry about thier baby, I would have been climbing the walls. A young girl rescued from the being abused by sex tourists. Can't wait for all the comments about how human trafficking is a myth and the girls go into prostitution of thier own free will.

don't think any farang ever would see her,those kind of girls are for thais only
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Good news story. The parents must have been absolutely distraught with worry about thier baby, I would have been climbing the walls. A young girl rescued from the being abused by sex tourists. Can't wait for all the comments about how human trafficking is a myth and the girls go into prostitution of thier own free will.

Where did you read about her going to be "abused by sex tourists"?...I would think for sure certainly not of the farang variety. If you think somehow think that this girl was destined for some soi in Pattaya, then you are totally misguided.... and I'll make a start at the comments you can't wait for...... "one swallow does not make a summer".......and whoever said that human trafficking is a myth? It can be argued that in many cases it can be a good thing, but certainly not that it is a myth...... ask any of the millions of Shan people working in Thailand if human trafficking is all bad... if you were in receiving end of life in Burma, then you would not see human trafficking in quite the same way.

Edited by SPIKECM
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Yeah, good job by the BKK Police. What about the immigration border police? What about them?

Maybe, just maybe, a shed load are on the payrolls of traffickers? Bad job by the police, in that case!

My first question when reading, was also asked by the Malaysian authorities, "How the hell did she get in, without paperwork?"

OK, smuggled. It's still a poor job by the border police!

However, glad she and her co-captured are safe.


I can assure that at Sadao border crossing, you could drive a minibus full of young girls through the Thai side without having your passport checked. The procedure is park your vehicle, walk to gate, receive stamp, and then drive through. There is no vehicle check.

Things seem considerably tighter on the Malaysian side.

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Good news story. The parents must have been absolutely distraught with worry about thier baby, I would have been climbing the walls. A young girl rescued from the being abused by sex tourists. Can't wait for all the comments about how human trafficking is a myth and the girls go into prostitution of thier own free will.

Whatever makes you think a precurement like this must be for sex tourists? Or is it the thousands of establishments that exist in just about every city & town in the Kingdom, dedicated to serving the HUGE domestic / local market (which have absolutely nothing to do with sex tourism) aren't really there & don't exist? Sex tourism is just the small tip of a far larger iceberg, with the domestic market for locals being the vast mass below the waves!

It's been estimated that only 5 % of all female and male prostitutes in Thailand cater to 'farang', leaving a modest 95% that cater to local Thais...

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somebody stopped paying the tea money and someone else felt he had no choice than to do something he was paid for

Can we get a "Don't Like", "Dimwit", "Go Away" or similar button, to go along with the "Like This" button?

Edited by Awk
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the underlying point is, it does not matter if the girls were for the farang or thai market, they were trafficked for a market.

if you have been to a thai orientated brothel full of thirteen to fifteen year old girls, the brothel protected by the BIB, you can see what a dirty trade it is.

westerners prowling the streets of pattaya or elsewhere, looking for young trade, are no different to thais using these same services.

No, I have never been to one. What does it look like?

Edited by kerryk
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the underlying point is, it does not matter if the girls were for the farang or thai market, they were trafficked for a market.

if you have been to a thai orientated brothel full of thirteen to fifteen year old girls, the brothel protected by the BIB, you can see what a dirty trade it is.

westerners prowling the streets of pattaya or elsewhere, looking for young trade, are no different to thais using these same services.

No, I have never been to one. What does it look like?

very depressing, and disturbing, and places best avoided, a farang i had met decided to show one, to me, needless to say, i left quickly and never spoke to him again

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in a previous career, i worked around paedophiles, blether is so right, they love the shadows and their networks, they spend their jail time networking.

one of the worst traits is, most never believe they have committed a crime, i sat in court once and heard one say that his five year old grandaughter had been behaving in a sexually provocative way, before the 4 years of abuse started.

i dont know if government agencies would share the information about peds they are looking for but it would be great if they did.

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Another situation warranting the death penalty. No Ifs No Buts. Kidnapping deserves death!

There are those of us here and many highly respected NGOs who oppose the death penalty. If for example somebody staged a kidnapping in order to get a person hung or shot, then that is irrevocable if the truth came out after the execution was carried out. Many innocent people have been executed throughout the world and throughout history. So 100% NO to the death penalty - it should not be part of any civilised thinking.

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Cops hope to fix puzzle after questioning kidnap victim

Police have yet to ascertain the details of the circumstances leading to the disappearance of 15-yearold Nazatul Fardiana Mohd Izwan from her home in Section 8, Shah Alam, to Bangkok, Thailand, on Jan 30. Investigators are also seeking answers about who could be behind the "kidnapping" and what could had transpired during the 42 days she was reported missing.

On March 12, Nazatul contacted her mother, Norazura Roski, 37, saying that she, with two Myanmar girls and three boys all aged between 14 and 17 years, were rescued by Thai police at the Hua Lampong train station in Bangkok. Shah Alam police chief ACP Zahedi Ayob said at a press conference yesterday police were puzzled by the incident. "We want to know what actually happened and our hope is to interview the victim once she is fit," he said.

"When my officers went to see her yesterday, Nazatul claimed to have lost her memory of the incident." Zahedi said the five Myanmar children are also in the country and under the UNHCR's observation. Nazatul is currently warded at University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) for observation.



Malay Mail - 3 hours ago


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