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Suspicious Coke & Pepsi Bottles


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It was reported today at about 1:00pm: 2 large bottles of coke zero arm in arm with 1 large bottle of pepsi max were seen heading into a karaoke club along Soi Siam Country Club. Neither of the suspects were seen to have caps on and a foul smell of Sang Som was said to have been coming from the bottle of pepsi max who seemed quite intoxicated at the time.

The report was made to the local Thai Cola Police and after investigating the strange occurance the 2 bottles of Coke Zero were found to be members of a local Thai Pop club operating under a larger society known only as "Fanta Dang"

It was further found that the bottle of pepsi max was indeed under age and had not yet developed carbonation. The 2 Coke bottles were later detained and charged with "indecent acts with a non-carbonated soft drink." The 2 suspects were later seen being consumed at the Banglamung police station were police were said to be saying things like "ewwwwwww" and even "gross" and yes that was said in English.

If anyone sees bottles of either pepsi max or coke zero acting suspicious please report it to your local bartender and make sure these evil drinks are detained !!!!!!

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