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Good Advice Needed.


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I have got trouple whit my left leg the last month or so-it is swolloved up and turn red,nearly black at some spots.

No doubt that it is an infection-but have been at two hospitals and 3 or 4 private clinics-got drop whit antibiotics on hospital+ injections-nothings seams to cure it and they all disagree whit each other about medication.

I am now so worried about my leg, that I consider going back to denmark, and work it out there-but wood rather not do it, as I have nothing left there any more.

Any advice about threatment or a good doctor who know about such things-have been at Owerbrooke and the thai hospital+3 or 4 private clinics now-so very worried about it.

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Brian - this completely reminds me of a lady in Hong Kong I know that went through the same thing; infection, black spots, and untouched by antibiotics. Eventually the docs there realised that she had had a slight cut there and a fly had laid eggs in it. Did you have a cut / mosquito bite that you scratched? Anything there that might had had an open wound that something could have laid eggs into? Might be worth asking the doctor about this.

edit - by the way - this is highly dangerous for very obvious reasons and if you think there is the slightest chance you need to get it checked out - Antibiotics do not kill insect larvae.

Edited by Pseudolus
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Thank you very much for the information-I will get it chekked,as I think it came from a wound under my food-hard skin which cracked-actualy pretty much open-so what you tell me can be possiple.

But I phoned to my old doctor in denmark and asked her for an advice,and she gave me the name, of what kind of antibiotics they wood use.

So when I go to see him today I told him to give me that kind of medicine-and diddent know,why he laugh a bit-until I came home and chekked the medicine he gave me on the internet.

Then I understand-(that old fox)what he gave me-and what he gave me in first place-which two other doctors canceled-was exactely what my danish doctor described.

So my trust to his kvalifications went alot up today-think he is a clever old man, and been in buisness alot of years.

A thai man told me that he is specialist in old people-50+.

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If it doesn't get better, go to the big hospital in bkk. 2 years ago I had a fever and other things. I also got medicated, however I didn't feel better but worse and worse. So my wife took me to bkk and it turned out I had severe malaria from my trip to Uganda.

The care there is amazing. Worth the trip if you don't get better. Good luck.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Many things can be causing the swelling, reddness, and blackening of the skin on the legs and feet. It is very important to get it checked fully at a Hospital.

Needs a Full Work Up to include Blood Lab tests, ad possibly X RAYs and Ultrasound examination.

Problems with the leg and foot swelling and turning colours and changes in sensations (burning, itching, numbness, pins and needles, tingling, lack of feeling, or Hyper-Sensativity) can be from Circulation problems.

It could be Sugar problems like Diabetes, Blood Clots, narrowing or Blockage of the Blood Vessals, Arteries and Veigns.

Many times Sugar Diabetes problems are first noticed as a sore on a foot or leg that does not get better or get's worse. Need to have Blood Sugar levels checked.

Other problems of that type are Gaout, and other skin problems like insect bites or a local infection.

Important to get it completely checked. A Clinic can not do all the tests that may be required to find out the problem.

If no answer from a Doctor at a hospital here in Chiang Rai,then time to go to a better hospital in either Bangkok or Chiang Mai.

Take care of yourself and get this taken care of as soon as possible.

Edited by KimoMax
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I don’t want to scaremonger here Brian, but my own experiences tell me you should not waste any more time in Chiang Rai.

My hip was infected after a bike crash here in Chiang Rai which cost me my lower leg. I also broke my hip which required surgery. Afterwards it started to get better, then after a couple of weeks it started to get very painful and the scar wouldn’t heal there was about an inch section that wouldn’t close or dry up. Every doctor I saw at all three hospitals insisted that there was no infection to my hip joint only a minor problem under the surface of the skin, I think it is called over granulation. After hanging around here believing what I was told and getting more and more ill, after 12 weeks I dragged myself back to the UK. I was admitted to the hospital there and after running tests etc. I was informed that my hip/pelvis were so badly infected that the whole of the joint would have to be surgically removed. Furthermore, because of the extent of the infection reconstruction is now impossible.

With the best will in the world and in my personal opinion the Doctors here in Chiang Rai do not have the knowledge/expertise or the resources that are available in the big cities or better still your own country.

Don’t toy with this problem Brian, go and seek more professional advice.

Good Luck


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Yes,I remember your storie very well-and my friend down in CM-just died after infection which they could not cure-also in his leg.

I must admid that I am worried-but also a bit more come down,after I talked whit my own doctor in denmark and I could se that what she told me to get of medicine, was the very same as that old doctor gave me all the time-but other doctors at the hospitals and private clinics disagree and removed.

He gave me the medicine and an injection whit antibiotics, and told me to come back and chek in 5 days.and it looks like it helps-my leg is not so swolloved up and red any more, and less pain this evening.

I also learned that I misunderstood something,when I thought that excorcise wood be great to me-but he told me-rest rest and rest,while this going on-get your leg up as much as possiple and rest.

I think he is a good doctor, and he also practice at hospital in Bangkok.He is old-think around 60-65 and looks like he got alot of experience-always alot of thai people in the clinic,which told me that they belive at his knowledge.

But for sure-if I got any thoughts,telling me that this is no good-I will go to denmark,even I am not sure about how clever it wood be to fly whit a leg like this one.

Once again-thanks to all of you for advice-I will keep you informed about what happends-if it goes as I hope,maby some one wood like to get the adress at this clinic, for the future.

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Brian, I think it may be very important to sort out quickly. If you are still entitled to free treatment in Denmark it could be well worth going back for it if it is possible. I do not know what your accomodation would be there though so the cost of that may rule it out.

It may be diabetis or it may be a lot of other things.

I would suggest at least a trip to Chiangmai to sort it out. It may be best to check it out at SriPat andif the costs would be too high there go to SuanDork. SuanDork has excellent doctors and they do not overcharge us, I am more than happy with the two times I stayed there.l

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WOW ! Brian still does not get the SERIOUSNESS of getting his leg problem sorted out Quickly.

His health and possibly life and limbs may be in jeopardy for mulling this thing around here on the Forum and on the phone with a Doctor that has not seen him, nor done any tests or examinations to make a Diagnosis.

GO to a hospital and Get a Full exam and Daignosis.

If not in Chiang Rai, then Chiang Mai or Bangkok..........

At a Good Hospital

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Kimo Max!

Once again one of those people who judge other people whitout any knowledge about the hole storie.

And I dont entend to tell the hole storie-just that I have been in Chiang Mai and found out what it is and started a threatment.

Is it never crossed yor mind that people have different background and different opportunities here in life.?

And as long it is so,people wood need to make different kind of choises.

I am fare away from rich, and since I in the past have a medical historie, which wood make it impossiple to pay an insurranse-I diddent have one-so there fore I need to make other choise then you wood do-I think-but that dont means that I am totaly crazy and dont care about my life-just that I need to make other choise then those who have an insurranse.

So think a litle,before you judge other people.

I am back home and it is better whit my leg now-after alot of antibiotics in drop and now as tablet-but 2 days-35000 baht,which is alot of monye for us-but we will handle this to.

Have a nice day all of you.

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In fairness to KimoMax in this case I think he was just trying to let you know that it was important to do something. It had got above the local clinic or health centre stage and needed a hospital of some kind.

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You are right Harry,but anyway it is fun to se that all they needed at the hospital in Chiang Mai-they have here as well-blood test,urin test and a very heavy and long ultrasound scanning-and they knew all about it.

Looks for me like the local hospitals have dragging me around-giving me medicine and let me pay-whitout doing what was needed-first owerbrook and then the thai hospital-must have been a special surprice for a young doctor at owerbrooke-was there in the evening and he just gave me some medicine,which I wood not accept and went to the thai hospital-next morning,it was the same doctor who was at owerbrooke,the day before-so he looked a bit at me.

So for my part-next time I need it,I will go right on to Chiang Mai and save alot of monye and spekulations.

It is a clean monye machine in this town-except from the thai hospital,which always have giving us a good and fair play-but failed this time to.

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I have a lot of respect for the Chiangrai Government hospital within the limits of their resources but not so much for the others. As you know I have chronic conditions and a limited amount of resources. 30000 would strain me too.

My plan is stabilize here and if more than one night transfer to Suan Dork. Fortunately Chiangrai Public Hospital has an excellent COPD doctor for regular maintenance treatment and advice. I think care wise SuanDork has looked after me well at reasonable prices although SriPat is good for quick and accurate diagnoses if no inpatient treatment is needed.

Good to know you are getting things sorted out.

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I went to Lanna hospital in Chiang Mai and it was same procedure as in denmark-no doubt about they knew what to do.

It is not so fancy as the 4 star hospitals in CM but 1600 pr. day for a single room whit tv and so-and allowed 4 pers. to slepp there and came whit matresses to-so I think,anyway-good threatment and value for the monye.

Just that they nearly all speak english, and I got a clear message what was wrong and what to do about it,was a release to me-and all way through, feel that they was proffesional to their job-and knowing that they got all equipment that they would need and more to-they got it all-CT scanner,MR scanner..name it.

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Kimo Max!

Once again one of those people who judge other people whitout any knowledge about the hole storie.

And I dont entend to tell the hole storie-

Looks to me like KimoMax does not deserved to be scolded.

You didn't tell the whole story. KM drew some logical, albeit incorrect (?), conclusions. He doesn't seem to be "judging" you. Looks to be like he is trying to help.

Up to you.happy.png

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Yes, the 3 last sentence make sence-but this:

WOW ! Brian still does not get the SERIOUSNESS of getting his leg problem sorted out Quickly.

His health and possibly life and limbs may be in jeopardy for mulling this thing around here on the Forum and on the phone with a Doctor that has not seen him, nor done any tests or examinations to make a Diagnosis.

First of all-my doctor in denmark got pictures of my leg and what I told her-and she have known me alot of years, and there fore know alot about my condition in general-so in my position at the time,I think it was NOT about fooling around to talk to her-and as you can se abowe,she came up whit the same medicine as the doctor in Chiang Rai,who have looked at my leg several times.

And if it is fooling around, to ask a question in here,when you dont know what to do-ok. then I fooled around.

What I was pointing out was,that we all are different, and have different opportunities in life-and there fore made different choise in life...and that if a person made another choise then me-it is, in my opinion not wrong or foolish-he maby have

other, better or less opportunities then I have.

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I think you have missed the point of both posts (Kimo's and mine). KM gave some good advice. With a retort like yours you run the risk if getting less help/advice in the future.

You have thrown some tantrums (imo) in the past. You even threatened to leave this forum at least once. Think about it.

Maybe there are poor communications because of language barriers. But the onus is on you to really understand a post before calling someone out.

As I said before, "up to you".

I'm done.

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The Final Diagnosis and Treatment of BM's condition was at a Hospital equiped to do tests.

After Blood, Urine, and extensive Ultrasound in-person Examination. Then A Correct Diagnosis and Treatment (per BM).

Sorry if BM took such offence to my suggestion to go and get a Full Range of Tests done to Properly Diagnose and Treat his problem.

He asked for help. I gave some sound suggestions, but BM kept going back to Clinics and talking about experienced Old House Doctors even after he was told by me and a few other replies how serious his problem could be if not properly taken care of.

BM's personal Doctor who knows about his medical history is important in the full equasion and diagnosis. But As a Consulting Doctor. the examinations and tests must be done in person. Not from Thousands of Kilometers away and with a picture.

When BM did finally go to a appropriate Hospital who did do the proper tests (as I had suggested earlier), the condition was Diagnosed and Treated.

Money should be the lest of BM's worries when Life and Limb are in potential Jeopardy.

Of course, no one wants to over pay, and I never suggested anything of the sort.

Sorry BM feels the need to chastize me for giving him proper guidence to resolve the medical problem.

In the End, BM got the problem taken care of by doing exactly as I had suggested in the First Place

My reply to BM had nothing to do with money, only to Alert BM to the potential seriousness of his problem.

BM asked for Good Advice, and I gave good advice to BM, but BM thought I was full of it and judging him.

Up to You, but glad you got your problem taken care of properly.

enough for me too ... I'm Done

Edited by KimoMax
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KimoMax...If you had read his original post you will find he went two hospitals. They were Overbrook and Chiang Rai general.....

Maybe Overbrook is not the answer..

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I read BM's OP and all the rest about Overbook, Chiang Rai Govt Hospital, and 3 local Doctors and or Clinics.

Since the leg foot problem had been going on about a month and he had already sought medical care, I pointed out it was needless to continue that course. As did other posters to his request for help.

A full Medical Work Up with Labs etc was required because obviously, previous treatments were not effective.

What it took, even according to BM was Blood work, Urinalysis, and an extensive Ultrasound. At Lanna Hospital in Chiang Mai they knew what to Diagnose after the tests. All this was available in Chiang Rai, but the tests were not done for whatever reason. Whether it was BM's insistance to keep costs minimum, or Lazy Medical Staff at the Hospital.

According to BM's posts, the same Doctor saw him at Chiang Rai hospital after seeing him a day or so before at Overbook for the same thing.

My point was that BM needed to be assertive and ask for a full work up, not just a cursory examination.

If BM thinks I was being rude or insensative, then that is his opinion.

Here is a condensed quote from my first reply

Many things can be causing the swelling, reddness, and blackening of the skin on the legs and feet. It is very important to get it checked fully at a Hospital.

Needs a Full Work Up to include Blood Lab tests, ad possibly X RAYs and Ultrasound examination.

Important to get it completely checked. A Clinic can not do all the tests that may be required to find out the problem.

If no answer from a Doctor at a hospital here in Chiang Rai, then time to go to a better hospital in either Bangkok or Chiang Mai.

Take care of yourself and get this taken care of as soon as possible.

Edited by KimoMax
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