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Deep Face Peeling


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I've been looking for a deep face peeling with phenol. can't find a doctor, hospital or clinic who does that. some hospitals say they used to do it but not anymore.

does anyone know about it and where it could be done here in bangkok? or maybe somewhere else in thailand? and if so, how was the treatment? pain,healing time. costs etc.

Thank you for any information

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Very hard to find this (and also laser ablation) in Thailand as not at all popular with Thais.

Even if you do find a doc willing to do it I would wonder how much experience they'd have had.

You may do better to do this back home if possible.

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No, but a lot of them do fillers.

If what you are trying to avoid is a facelift, fillers can do wonders. Current thinking is that the face does not so much sag as deflate.

Limited range of fillers available in Thailand though and tend to be short-acting ones.

Personally i get mine in US and in Cambodia, the latter from a very good doc who trained in and imports from Europe.

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No, but a lot of them do fillers.

If what you are trying to avoid is a facelift, fillers can do wonders. Current thinking is that the face does not so much sag as deflate.

Limited range of fillers available in Thailand though and tend to be short-acting ones.

Personally i get mine in US and in Cambodia, the latter from a very good doc who trained in and imports from Europe.

I would be interested to do it in Cambodia. Can you recommend a doctor. Also what is the costs?

I would appreciate greatly the info.


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Dr. Reasay Sreng

#322A St 271

I have PM's you his tel and email

Cost for fillers depends entirely on how much is used as the drug itself is the biggest part of the cost. He does botox also if that is appropriate and this likewise costs by the unit.

It is not inexpensive, these drugs are costly and imported. Depending on your face probably somewhere in the range of $500 - $1,000.

And this will need to be repeated as it is not permanent. Botox (if you get that) lasts 3-06 months, fillers depending on type can be up to a year.

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