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Racism Against Farangs


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Have you possibly done something - albeit inadvertently - which may have upset the locals?

I find the whole situation odder now as you live in On Nut which while not exactly a Westerner "hotbed", certainly isn't bereft of them.

I give you one example :

At a food counter in a food court:

The lady and older one, is going back and forth behind the counter.

I stand there ignored trying to make eye contact and smile

I try a "Sawadika"

No answer

After 5 minutes of being ignored the guy from the next counter, a friendly younger guy I just bought something a few minutes before, comes to my rescue and say : " I will serve you instead of her"

And he apologized about her behaviour, and take my order. she still did not look at me, it was as if I was transparent.

I said "maipenrai, I get it all the time" and thanked him profusely for his nice gesture.

I know she was being racist, I have never seen her before and nor did she.

The other friendly guy knew it too, that's why he was embarrassed about the situation, gesturing to me that her attitude was not right.

But that's the way it goes here.

I say the guy being extra nice balance out the horrible old lady, and makes it alright, but not always ... I mean sometimes there is no nicer person to come to my rescue ...

Rubbish.. If anything this lady was pretrified of trying to communicate in English.. I am starting to think you are judging people and as such being the racist one. An I live in the same neighbourhood as you. Never, never do I experience racisim. You my friend are perpertuating your own interpretation of it, and making it far far worst. I bet you I could pick you out of the croud at BigC Onnut or Lotus Soi 50. I bet you are making no effort to communicate with the locals on their level, but at the same time you think there shyness is racism. Again, take a look at yourself. Tell me this, why in h3ll would you live in Thailand without speaking a considerable amount of Thai. Do you seriously think a Thai living in your country is going to be able to judge locals behaviour without speaking the language of your country. So stop spilling so much hatred onto our hosts until you speak the local language with some fluency........

Denial is a powerful thing

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Learn Thai. If I were Thai, and the same farang kept coming round putting me through a game of charades just to order a meal or something, I'd avoid her too. I'd also take offense toward her unwillingness to learn the local language. It's called communication.

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It did not seem to worry the other guy

Denial is a powerful thing

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Have you possibly done something - albeit inadvertently - which may have upset the locals?

I find the whole situation odder now as you live in On Nut which while not exactly a Westerner "hotbed", certainly isn't bereft of them.

I give you one example :

At a food counter in a food court:

The lady and older one, is going back and forth behind the counter.

I stand there ignored trying to make eye contact and smile

I try a "Sawadika"

No answer

After 5 minutes of being ignored the guy from the next counter, a friendly younger guy I just bought something a few minutes before, comes to my rescue and say : " I will serve you instead of her"

And he apologized about her behaviour, and take my order. she still did not look at me, it was as if I was transparent.

I said "maipenrai, I get it all the time" and thanked him profusely for his nice gesture.

I know she was being racist, I have never seen her before and nor did she.

The other friendly guy knew it too, that's why he was embarrassed about the situation, gesturing to me that her attitude was not right.

But that's the way it goes here.

I say the guy being extra nice balance out the horrible old lady, and makes it alright, but not always ... I mean sometimes there is no nicer person to come to my rescue ...

Another thought would be that these ladies couldn't speak any English and just didn't want to be embarrassed. I speak minimal Thai, but enough to get things done on a day to day basis. Often you hear assistants asking for somebody to speak English. Maybe you actually heard that and didn't know. I can understand your view on this, but please remember that these people have no reason to be rude to you without provocation (it's a food court). They were probably just embarrassed, something which the Thais do at the drop of a hat.

I have had Thais with above average English skills spend months not speaking English with me because they were scared they would look stupid. The same reason why Thais don't ask questions in response to requests. You HAVE to tell them every detail about your order in a food court to avoid them having to ask you questions about your order. It is just how Thai education forms these people, underneath all the negative nurture is a, generally, beautiful nature.

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One of the strangest stories I've ever heard.

Nothing to do with poor or the uneducated folks.

Analyse yourself deeply and consciously and I am sure you will find the cause for the situation you are in.

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I always find it funny when foreigners who don't speak Thai very much seem to hear the word 'farang' bandied about in sinister tones by every Tom, Dick and Somchai when out and about on public transport or at the markets.

And here I am, pretty near fluent in the language and I've very rarely heard it.

I think a few more anti-paranoia drugs need to be distributed to some members of this board.

Please give me some drugs.. im sure its great as long as you don't inform super Charlem.

I am no where near fluent in the language but i can understand most things that are said. Speaking that is an other thing completely. I still foul up a lot. But i haven't met much racism either. Besides the land thing and other idiot rules. Some Thais are dicks and idiots, same as foreigners. One of my neighbors seems to be one of those Thais, army guy would never say a word to me. But he is not well liked by the other neighbors either so he is just a dick.

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This is the system, get use to it or.....

Exactly. Back in the US a Thai once asked me how to get somewhere on the public transport. My response was "if you were rich enough to get here from thailand, then you are rich enough to take a taxi." I then pointed to the cab stand, smiled and walked away.cowboy.gif

Wouldn't it of been hilarious if the guy pulled a gun and blew your head off for being such a tosser.

Then you are in agreement with the op that Thais who respond in kind are complete tossers as well, right?

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Just read the post #11 by Kilgore Trout.

He is one of the rarest 'Trouts' who could state the truth openly and fearlessly. clap2.gif .

There is no reason to bash Thailand about racism - it exists in every nook & corner in this world.

It just hurts one hell of a lot when it happens to oneself - but feels 'good' for some people to dish it out to others!

Yes!!! This is the system of THIS WORLD. It existed for 100's of years and will exist for 100's more! get use to it or...


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Have you possibly done something - albeit inadvertently - which may have upset the locals?

I find the whole situation odder now as you live in On Nut which while not exactly a Westerner "hotbed", certainly isn't bereft of them.

I give you one example :

At a food counter in a food court:

The lady and older one, is going back and forth behind the counter.

I stand there ignored trying to make eye contact and smile

I try a "Sawadika"

No answer

After 5 minutes of being ignored the guy from the next counter, a friendly younger guy I just bought something a few minutes before, comes to my rescue and say : " I will serve you instead of her"

And he apologized about her behaviour, and take my order. she still did not look at me, it was as if I was transparent.

I said "maipenrai, I get it all the time" and thanked him profusely for his nice gesture.

I know she was being racist, I have never seen her before and nor did she.

The other friendly guy knew it too, that's why he was embarrassed about the situation, gesturing to me that her attitude was not right.

But that's the way it goes here.

I say the guy being extra nice balance out the horrible old lady, and makes it alright, but not always ... I mean sometimes there is no nicer person to come to my rescue ...

Rubbish.. If anything this lady was pretrified of trying to communicate in English.. I am starting to think you are judging people and as such being the racist one. An I live in the same neighbourhood as you. Never, never do I experience racisim. You my friend are perpertuating your own interpretation of it, and making it far far worst. I bet you I could pick you out of the croud at BigC Onnut or Lotus Soi 50. I bet you are making no effort to communicate with the locals on their level, but at the same time you think there shyness is racism. Again, take a look at yourself. Tell me this, why in h3ll would you live in Thailand without speaking a considerable amount of Thai. Do you seriously think a Thai living in your country is going to be able to judge locals behaviour without speaking the language of your country. So stop spilling so much hatred onto our hosts until you speak the local language with some fluency........

Denial is a powerful thing

Your biggest gripe is "institutional racism". The little there is, well deal with it, it's a pooftenth of most countries you will get to live in. Over pricing is not racism, it is made on economic pretentions that people from certain regions can pay more, double pricing is not racist. As for small vendors charging more for one than another, again , none racist, up to the intelligence of the idiotic negotiator, speak Thai, know what everyone gets, don't speak Thai, don't complain,,,, you just plain stupid not to understand that....... 10 to JJJJ --- 0 to aneliane.. You don't speak Thai, so don't complain or go home.

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. Some Thais are dicks and idiots, same as foreigners.

In a nutshell. One of my wife's staff had a husband who was a cop. A walking, talking Thai cliche of a cop. Surly, drank to destruction, liked to play the cards and wasn't adverse when he was pissed up to walking half naked in his soi and waving his 9mm about threatening to kill somebody. My wife had a staff party where spouses were invited and I heard through the grapevine that he wasn't coming because the 'farang" was going to be there and he didn't like farangs. Was it a case of deep seated institutional racism? No. He was just a fully fledged <deleted>.

I'm an early riser and quite often go to the 7-11 to get my morning coffee at 5 am. Many times there are gangs of lads hanging around outside on their souped up mopeds. I'm either ignored or get a "you, you, hello" ting outside much to the merriment of their pals.

I imagine back home the possible scenario of an asian lad walking into a mini mart in the early hours and a gang of chavs are sitting outside. I wonder if they'd be so sociable.

Edited by mca
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. Some Thais are dicks and idiots, same as foreigners.

In a nutshell. One of my wife's staff had a husband who was a cop. A walking, talking Thai cliche of a cop. Surly, drank to destruction, liked to play the cards and wasn't adverse when he was pissed up to walking half naked in his soi and waving his 9mm about threatening to kill somebody. My wife had a staff party where spouses were invited and I heard through the grapevine that he wasn't coming because the 'farang" was going to be there and he didn't like farangs. Was it a case of deep seated institutional racism? No. He was just a fully fledged <deleted>.

well saidclap2.gif

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Thailand is unique in that perspective that it never been colonized, so no one ever teached the Thais that they are a subordinate culture, thats why they think that they are superior.

Did you really write that?

Could you explain:

1) Who the people doing the teaching should be?

2) And precisely why you think the Thais are a subordinate culture?

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I dont mingle with too many thais and i cant soeak thai,thats the way i like to keep it.most farangs as you call them who speak thai fluently almost always turn out to be <deleted>.much love.talk to me.

Totally disagree!

My old man has lived in Thailand for a good many years. He doesnt speak Thai, this should be one of the prerequisites of living in your host country.

I remember in the Uk being at school with numerous ethnic minorities and it was the kids who were the translators for their parents... very unhealthy for all concerned.

I can speak reasonably good Thai but havent ventured to the written word as yet, but it stands me in good stead in dealing with the day to day aspects in your general life.

Yes you might well class me as an arsehol_e but a whole new world opened up to me on learning the language.

I will always be the "foreigner" I realise that but expanding your mind and being classed as an arsehol_e is a new one on me.

Funny old world!

well in my experience the people who have lived here a long time and speak fluent thai have been <deleted> sorry to say but its true infact the longer farangs live here they will change mabye change more to the thai way.Are thais <deleted>? i dont know as i dont mingle with many..Talk to me

Have you ever considered the population who are married to Thais./bringing up children with dual nationality/languages?

How can you communicate without languages being involved?

I have met many a "farang" who cant speak Thai and they can qualify for the arsehol_e of the century certificate!

I certainly dont think that a farang adapting to their host country's way of life is ridiculous at all. This is part and parcel of living overseas and immersing yourself into the local community.

I certainly dont actively search out farangs for company but those I come across live very productive simple lives without much of the superiority that some farangs are guilty of. Now I have spoken to you OK!jap.gif

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I dont mingle with too many thais and i cant soeak thai,thats the way i like to keep it.most farangs as you call them who speak thai fluently almost always turn out to be <deleted>.much love.talk to me.

and you have the gall to call me stuck up, when you have arbitrarily dismissed mixing with both thais and those who speak thai?

As for you not speaking Thai . . well done. An admirable achievement.

Now, could you tell us when you're going to learn English?

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Thailand is unique in that perspective that it never been colonized, so no one ever teached the Thais that they are a subordinate culture, thats why they think that they are superior.

Did you really write that?

Could you explain:

1) Who the people doing the teaching should be?

2) And precisely why you think the Thais are a subordinate culture?

you sound stuck up do you speak fluent thai as your coming off as a right tw.t.

I speak pretty good Thai - not fluent of course.

But what does my Thai language skills have to do with anything, particularly my challening mackie to explain why he thinks Thais have suffered by them not having the good fortune to be taught that they are a subordinate culture [sic].

yes i was thinking that you spoke good thai.Your one of these guys who sticks up for thais in every situation arent you beacuse you have a thai wife?

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Hi daftpunker - post #199

What sort of an a**hole are you?

Your own country of birth is not good enough for you to live in...

You come and live in Thailand and the Thais aren't good enough for you to 'mingle' with...

Their language is not up to your 'standards'...

The 'Thai Way' is not good enough...

Ooooooh... you seems to be of a 'unique' type!

I guess with this type of specimen more 'fun' could be expected in the future!

Hell... anyone surprised why 'farangs' are given this treatment?


Edited by ravip
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yes i was thinking that you spoke good thai.Your one of these guys who sticks up for thais in every situation arent you beacuse you have a thai wife?

No offence pal, I only debate with people who can articulate their viewpoints well and demonstrate that they have some wit and intelligence about them.

You have neither.

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You are quoting me there Roblok lol. No if Thai speakers are considered to be <deleted> then I will gladly wear the medal!

I am agreeing with you .. your views are similar. i replied to daft punker. My Thai is still not good enough so im just half an asshol_e.

It certainly helped my life a lot being able to speak a bit of Thai and talking with the locals. Most are nice people (the ones outside the tourist area's)

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Hi daftpunker - post #199

What sort of an a**hole are you?

Your own country of birth is not good enough for you to live in...

You come and live in Thailand and the Thais aren't good enough for you to 'mingle' with...

Their language is not up to your 'standards'...

The 'Thai Way' is not good enough...

Ooooooh... you seems to be of a 'unique' type!

I guess with this type of specimen more 'fun' could be expected in the future!

Hell... anyone surprised why 'farangs' are given this treatment?


i dont live here i just come here for holidays.And what i have observed i have written on here.
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I always find it funny when foreigners who don't speak Thai very much seem to hear the word 'farang' bandied about in sinister tones by every Tom, Dick and Somchai when out and about on public transport or at the markets.

And here I am, pretty near fluent in the language and I've very rarely heard it.

I think a few more anti-paranoia drugs need to be distributed to some members of this board.

Please give me some drugs.. im sure its great as long as you don't inform super Charlem.

I am no where near fluent in the language but i can understand most things that are said. Speaking that is an other thing completely. I still foul up a lot. But i haven't met much racism either. Besides the land thing and other idiot rules. Some Thais are dicks and idiots, same as foreigners. One of my neighbors seems to be one of those Thais, army guy would never say a word to me. But he is not well liked by the other neighbors either so he is just a dick.

Yep, funny, still, how we hear the newbies judging the Thais as a whole..It must be paranoia, really..

Like everywhere there are many different types of people, and everyone is an individual.

Even if you go to the local temple, every monk is different, hence the Buddhist proverb : 1000 monks, 1000 religions.

Everyone is different, and the racists are a minority IMO, in every country.

Now, if the OP keeps rambling, about " The Thais ", i wonder who is the racist....

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. Some Thais are dicks and idiots, same as foreigners.

In a nutshell. One of my wife's staff had a husband who was a cop. A walking, talking Thai cliche of a cop. Surly, drank to destruction, liked to play the cards and wasn't adverse when he was pissed up to walking half naked in his soi and waving his 9mm about threatening to kill  somebody. My wife had a staff party where spouses were invited and I heard through the grapevine that he wasn't coming because the 'farang" was going to be there and he didn't like farangs. Was it a case of deep seated institutional racism? No. He was just a fully fledged <deleted>.

well saidclap2.gif

Remind me again why the Polis are so detested in this country?

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You are quoting me there Roblok lol. No if Thai speakers are considered to be <deleted> then I will gladly wear the medal!

I am agreeing with you .. your views are similar. i replied to daft punker. My Thai is still not good enough so im just half an asshol_e.

It certainly helped my life a lot being able to speak a bit of Thai and talking with the locals. Most are nice people (the ones outside the tourist area's)

Thks Rob, and you are quite correct, the appreciation from the local people is so there for your to see when you attempt their language!

I was going to say to have a blether ( but he is asleep!) with the locals, sharing a joke, laughter, invitations to family gatherings enhances my stay in Thailand tenfold.

Unfortunately the loutish mentality that daftpunker is displaying can act against us foreigners in so many ways (being tarred with the same brush).

Integration is the key word when you are planning a life overseas, it doesnt matter whether its Thailand or Spain!

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Hi daftpunker - post #199

What sort of an a**hole are you?

Your own country of birth is not good enough for you to live in...

You come and live in Thailand and the Thais aren't good enough for you to 'mingle' with...

Their language is not up to your 'standards'...

The 'Thai Way' is not good enough...

Ooooooh... you seems to be of a 'unique' type!

I guess with this type of specimen more 'fun' could be expected in the future!

Hell... anyone surprised why 'farangs' are given this treatment?


i dont live here i just come here for holidays.And what i have observed i have written on here.

There are occasions when I see holiday makers overseas that really shouldnt be let out Blackpool. Seeing you are always mingling with Farangs, then your observation of the Thai culture is nil.

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Hi daftpunker - post #199

What sort of an a**hole are you?

Your own country of birth is not good enough for you to live in...

You come and live in Thailand and the Thais aren't good enough for you to 'mingle' with...

Their language is not up to your 'standards'...

The 'Thai Way' is not good enough...

Ooooooh... you seems to be of a 'unique' type!

I guess with this type of specimen more 'fun' could be expected in the future!

Hell... anyone surprised why 'farangs' are given this treatment?


i dont live here i just come here for holidays.And what i have observed i have written on here.

There are occasions when I see holiday makers overseas that really shouldnt be let out Blackpool. Seeing you are always mingling with Farangs, then your observation of the Thai culture is nil.

well youyr wrong there arent you i think i know more culture than you im not from blackpool either na na na hey hey goodbye.

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Racism in Thailand? Not in my experience. I am the only white face for miles where we live and I have never experienced any racism against me, far from it in fact.

Can't say the same for the minorities in my country though.

And before any of you lot start about me being a Thai lover, yes, I am, Thai wife, Thai in laws who are extremely good to my wife and I and do a hell of a lot for me when I am working away when they have more than enough to do themselves, especially the brother in law who isn't related to either of us by blood and is always helping us do something with a smile.

Of course living there I speak Thai and couldn't possibly imagine the feeling of isolation there is I didn't. The only negative reactions I have ever had here were from other foreigners, both times with drunken A holes and both times dealt with acordingly. If you are happy sitting in a bar going through the old "Where you come from" conversations time after time that's fine, but some of the in depth conversations you can have with girls who work in bars or security guards are great, looking down on them is totally ridiculous.

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