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Thailand Is The Worlds Brothel.. Too Funny.

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Erm.. If Thailand is the worlds brothel.. Where presumably men seek women.. Perhaps the interest is meeting that 'special girl'.. and ThaiVisa can market that and sell to it ??

I suppose if your desperately trying to deny the obvious connection you can.

I just found it superb accidental irony.

Nope. Still not getting it.

I found a very special Thai woman and married her.

Perhaps the reason people consider Thailand to be the world's brothel is that too many people think all Thai women are hookers. They're not. Get over it and stop giggling like a schoolboy with a boner.

Think you are the one to get over it and realise what Thailand really is.....in general....there are exceptions of course.

I had a giggle too....no boner but.

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What does meeting a Thai girl have to do with prostitution?

I don't understand.

As an individual event there may, and probably is not any connection at all.

In terms of the broader erxperience of the target audience of the advertisement (foreigners living in, planning to live in or visit/visiting Thailand) then there is a substantial connection which can be confirmed by a look around the areas of Thailand with high levels of foreigner occupation.

In terms of the Thai women, men and variations in between registering with agencies and dating websites that specialise in introducing Thais to foreigners for dating/relationships/marriage, then a caitionary note to any foreigner who uses that service along the lines that Thai prostitutes do use these services to contact foreigners might not go amiss - Regardless of the fact that thatight indeed be what the foreigner is looking for in the first place.

I must correct you GH there are no prostitutes in Thailand, its against the lure, but you might find Bar Girls are a pretty much all singing, all dancing close 2nd!

I have to confess I have never been in a brothel, perhaps some one can enlighten me it is it some form of soup kitchen with topless waitresses?


If I have been living in a brothel....is there anyone I can complain too ??

Well the manageress is up stairs but she a bit busy dealing with another complaint customerlicklips.gif

My wife is of Hi-So Japanese ancestry.

She says; she spits on the Hi-So Chinese and craps all over the native Thai girls.

I’ve warned her about this habit, but she will do it.

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My wife is of Hi-So Japanese ancestry.

She says; she spits on the Hi-So Chinese and craps all over the native Thai girls.

I’ve warned her about this habit, but she will do it.

Jappers innit ;)


Think you are the one to get over it and realise what Thailand really is.....in general....there are exceptions of course.

Yes, the exceptions are the vast majority.

Thailand's population: 60m ish?

Thailand's female population: 32m ish, a significant majority of whom would be under 40

Estimated number of prostitutes: 300,000? 500,000? I don't know.

Do the maths.


Benedix is a such bore. You can guarantee he will be in the first five posters to respond to any topic, always with his ultra-witty contrarian point of view. OP made a very funny topic. Thai Visa sends out "News Clippings" and they allow advertisements in those clippings. It seems like a very large percentage of advertisements are related to prostitution. I agree that the headline+ad was funny. Yet here is Benedix arguing with a fictitious villain (himself) about God knows what.

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will never end this stories, but no one willl noe that germany and switzerland have more whores per head in o/o of popullation!! funny

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Yeah and both those countries are such a source of mail order brides exporting women (in mismatched age / / education / wealth) marriages world wide..


Yeah and both those countries are such a source of mail order brides exporting women (in mismatched age / / education / wealth) marriages world wide..

I have never seen a "mail order bride".

Can someone give me a hint where I can find one? I mean, not in a Western magazine, but a real one?


Yeah and both those countries are such a source of mail order brides exporting women (in mismatched age / / education / wealth) marriages world wide..

I have never seen a "mail order bride".

Can someone give me a hint where I can find one? I mean, not in a Western magazine, but a real one?

In general any thai online dating site.. like the one in the OP, is a common modern day start.


Thailand women are not either hookers at the one extreme or rich hiso girls at the other. 90% of them are in the middle, busy earning a living, dating guys, falling in love, getting married and living perfectly normal lives.

Is that so unusual?

It will seem unusual to those who only hang around with hookers and don't have the ability to interact with "regular" women here or back home.

Thailand women are not either hookers at the one extreme or rich hiso girls at the other. 90% of them are in the middle, busy earning a living, dating guys, falling in love, getting married and living perfectly normal lives.

Is that so unusual?

It will seem unusual to those who only hang around with hookers and don't have the ability to interact with "regular" women here or back home.

Still so many seem to be missing the irony of the first post tho..

Thailand is seen as the worlds brothel (shock headline !!) and 'here meet a Thai girl online' as the first content line.

No irony there ??


The ones that dun get it are way too serious.....they concentrate on making sure people do not think their gf comes from the wrong side of the tracks.

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Benedix is a such bore. You can guarantee he will be in the first five posters to respond to any topic, always with his ultra-witty contrarian point of view. OP made a very funny topic. Thai Visa sends out "News Clippings" and they allow advertisements in those clippings. It seems like a very large percentage of advertisements are related to prostitution. I agree that the headline+ad was funny. Yet here is Benedix arguing with a fictitious villain (himself) about God knows what.

While I appreciate your insightful dissection of my posting style - thanks for the feedback by the way - could you elaborate on your claim that a very large percentage of advertisements on Thaivisa relate to prostitution.

Also, could you explain the links between a dating site and prostitution? I'm struggling to see the link, but perhaps your experiences are different to mine. I'd hope so, anyway.

I think george might be interested to know also.


Still so many seem to be missing the irony of the first post tho..

Thailand is seen as the worlds brothel (shock headline !!) and 'here meet a Thai girl online' as the first content line.

No irony there ??

No. Had the ad been for Superstar A-gogo or a high end Thai massage establishment it would have been ironic.

It was for a dating site.

Where is the irony?


Still so many seem to be missing the irony of the first post tho..

Thailand is seen as the worlds brothel (shock headline !!) and 'here meet a Thai girl online' as the first content line.

No irony there ??

No. Had the ad been for Superstar A-gogo or a high end Thai massage establishment it would have been ironic.

It was for a dating site.

Where is the irony?

I live in a bubble too...what colour is yours ??


I was under the impression that all these "Meet Thai Women/ 24 Hour Thai Bride" dating websites that are geared directly towards foreign men are a tiny step up from an escort service.

Benedix is a such bore. You can guarantee he will be in the first five posters to respond to any topic, always with his ultra-witty contrarian point of view. OP made a very funny topic. Thai Visa sends out "News Clippings" and they allow advertisements in those clippings. It seems like a very large percentage of advertisements are related to prostitution. I agree that the headline+ad was funny. Yet here is Benedix arguing with a fictitious villain (himself) about God knows what.

While I appreciate your insightful dissection of my posting style - thanks for the feedback by the way - could you elaborate on your claim that a very large percentage of advertisements on Thaivisa relate to prostitution.

Also, could you explain the links between a dating site and prostitution? I'm struggling to see the link, but perhaps your experiences are different to mine. I'd hope so, anyway.

I think george might be interested to know also.


I have led a sheltered life and this topic has been an eye opener for me as well as most revealing, I hope some you can help me out here.

How do I spot a Brothel? Would the sign say "open all hours" a bit like 7-11 without the sweeties? What does "Massage P.P. mean is a this secret code for internal massages perhaps? Do Brothels have wheel chair access? Is it mandatery to wear a "dirty old raincoat" when venturing into dimly lit areas of towns, cities or indeed villages which seem to be frequented by large numbers of scantilly clad females? How do I find out where the naughty bits of town are?

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Think you are the one to get over it and realise what Thailand really is.....in general....there are exceptions of course.

Yes, the exceptions are the vast majority.

Thailand's population: 60m ish?

Thailand's female population: 32m ish, a significant majority of whom would be under 40

Estimated number of prostitutes: 300,000? 500,000? I don't know.

Do the maths.

Interesting post for a numbers an myself: Facts: Population about 67mio, of which female c. 34mio, and c.24mio females between 15-64.

With a few assumptions:

- Nationally of the c.24mio females above say half or c.12mio would be in the 18-43 range which would be the most likely age range to look at for the subject of prostitution. (12m/ 67m is around 18%)

- 300k to 500k = 2.5% to 4%

- as the industry is a rather grey one in Thailand as to where it starts and ends, I reckon you could be up to 1mio having been involved in the sex industry at some point in time, including occasional participants and this would be around 8%+

- Obviously disproves people who think that "all time women are prostitutes".

- On the other hand these are quite high percentages

Where I think it becomes more pronounced is in the areas foreigners spend most of their time. As an example even at province level: Bangkok has say c.10mio people. If 25% were in the female 18-43 range (nationally its around 18% as above, but would be expected to be higher for the capital). That's 2.5 mio females aged 18-43. I wouldn't be surprised if there are around 250k sex industry participants at some time of their lives in Bangkok, as it's the highest income area and capital. The numbers start to become more pronounced at say 10%.

If someone then starts pinning this down to districts like Sukhumvit, Silom, Rachada which are areas most foreigners are familiar with then those percentages will increase again, and a number of 1 in 10 of the ladies you meet in that "eligible" age bracket is feasibly exceeded. These are also highly visible and in your face, and one simply has to walk down the street.

If someone applied the same assumptions to Pattaya, it's not hard to see where the reputation comes from.

Of course a sensible person as Bendix suggests would also flip round the numbers and the concentration up country would be much lower. To say that Silom, Sukhumvit, Pattaya are representative of Thailand just shows lack of knowledge of the country, but it's also not difficult to see where the song "One Night in Bangkok" comes from or phrases like the "world's brothel" and the stereotypes people on a 2 week holiday see

BTW Thought OPs post was funny. Seems to be happening more and more the way ads creep into websites, emails etc, with some definite humour for people who have a sense.



I was under the impression that all these "Meet Thai Women/ 24 Hour Thai Bride" dating websites that are geared directly towards foreign men are a tiny step up from an escort service.

Now you've really upset a lot of happily married men. rolleyes.gif

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