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Dating Muslima


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Well we are completely in agreement about Saudi then and it's people, pity Mecca is there eh! We are also in agreement about the value of our daughters. It is a pity that Saudi men cannot treat their women with the respect they deserve. I would hope in the situation I described you would continue to welcome her and her husband and children into your home for as long as you live. Salaam.

Alhamdulillah (praise god/ I'm happy) to hear we have come to a mutual understanding.

Yes they will be welcome I'm my home and I would educate my grand kids in Islam, I would hope you would go the same route with your daughters.

Yes, it's a shame Mecca is in a place where the people of power behave in such a fashion, but I would say "rather it being a shame Mecca is there, it's a shame such people have manipulation over Mecca or anywhere.

wa alaykum salaam (piece and blessings to you.

“and I would educate my grand kids in Islam”

That says it all.

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Well we are completely in agreement about Saudi then and it's people, pity Mecca is there eh! We are also in agreement about the value of our daughters. It is a pity that Saudi men cannot treat their women with the respect they deserve. I would hope in the situation I described you would continue to welcome her and her husband and children into your home for as long as you live. Salaam.

Alhamdulillah (praise god/ I'm happy) to hear we have come to a mutual understanding.

Yes they will be welcome I'm my home and I would educate my grand kids in Islam, I would hope you would go the same route with your daughters.

Yes, it's a shame Mecca is in a place where the people of power behave in such a fashion, but I would say "rather it being a shame Mecca is there, it's a shame such people have manipulation over Mecca or anywhere.

wa alaykum salaam (piece and blessings to you.

“and I would educate my grand kids in Islam”

That says it all.

O, realy and what does it say?

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It is not a misinterpretation in the slightest. I have read the books, I didn't write them.

As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help. Koran 3:56

Yes it does say that, but that doesn't call for Muslims to put them to the sword, now I'm shore you and I can parts of the Quran, Hadiths, bible and the torah that say much wors than that. If you read the shrouding parts of the Quran it brings in slightly more into context. As it goes that is almost a direct translation of the bible that is written for the same period of time (it's been a while since I have read the bible but if I was not so tired I'm shore I could dig it out) they are the words of the doings of god not instructions off Muslims as Islam had not been around as of yet they where words of god to Jesus.

This is what extremists do, they pick parts of the Quran and the Hadith and Say "you see it's your duty as Muslims to kill the Muslims and thoughs who are Muslims who get killed will go to Jenna (heaven) they do not explain the sercomstances of the words, I could find about 109 such parts of the quran and then explain it.

I will be very surprised if you speak Arabic, in wich the Quran is written. Anyone hear who is bilingual will confirm that to translate a sentance of any length into another perfectly is impossible as every language is interlocked around there culture every one will translate thet sentance slightly diferent.

I'm far to tired to start a very complex conversation on a thred about somthing els that will be almost never ending.

Go to sleep fantastic5, there are enough people reading this with open minds to understand what you are saying, you have made a good impression.

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Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...........

For people of faith, it has always been the same battle.........to listen to the word of their Lord, they had to listen to men preaching the Word.

During the Dark Ages mysticism and the Latin language was used as tools of subordination of the Christian communities in Europe, people would sit in Church and not have a clue what was being said. The printing press allowed education to be taken out of the hands of the elite and given to the masses, once this grip on the Word was lost, the power of the Religious elite started to ebb.

Martin Luther in particular used pamphlets to spread the word of the Protest against Papal abuse........how is this connected to Islam?......in the same way that Rome dominated the Christian world for centuries through mystical control techniques and language, the various hadiths were written by Islamists who were fighting for control of the Word.

Some hadiths are contradictory, because they are corruptions of the Word to suit the political situation of the time, so by definition the isnads are also contradictory, as they were based upon corruptive teachings. ( isnads were explanations of the Word ).

We then had a series of sects build up in both the Christian and Islamic worlds as people strove for power, and for influence, and te bset way to do this was to proclaim that only they had the true interpretation of the Lord, or messenger.

We now have innumerable branches of Christianity, and innumerable Islamic sects, all contesting with each other, ( Sunni, Shi'ite and hundreds more at least ), all because of the weakness of man, the need for man to feel powerful.

People of Faith need to find their own way to their Lord, and Islam along with Christianity are religions that teach peace and tolerance. Muslims are peaceful people, who are being tarred by a terrorist brush, and that is tragic.

Fantastic5 may have phrased it wrongly, but the subtext of what he is saying is that Islamic extremists no more represent Islam as the IRA represented Catholicism. I agree with that.

It is also a matter of regret that the Wahhibi teachings are to the fore in Saudi Arabia at the moment, this is an 18th century interpretation of the Word and should be recognized as such. Wahhibism is the work of man, not of the Lord.

If you dig deeper, you will find in both faiths there has been a lot of corruption by man, the true believers can see beyond that and have faith in the true Word.

Thank you, this is one of the best things I have read.

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Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...........

For people of faith, it has always been the same battle.........to listen to the word of their Lord, they had to listen to men preaching the Word.

During the Dark Ages mysticism and the Latin language was used as tools of subordination of the Christian communities in Europe, people would sit in Church and not have a clue what was being said. The printing press allowed education to be taken out of the hands of the elite and given to the masses, once this grip on the Word was lost, the power of the Religious elite started to ebb.

Martin Luther in particular used pamphlets to spread the word of the Protest against Papal abuse........how is this connected to Islam?......in the same way that Rome dominated the Christian world for centuries through mystical control techniques and language, the various hadiths were written by Islamists who were fighting for control of the Word.

Some hadiths are contradictory, because they are corruptions of the Word to suit the political situation of the time, so by definition the isnads are also contradictory, as they were based upon corruptive teachings. ( isnads were explanations of the Word ).

We then had a series of sects build up in both the Christian and Islamic worlds as people strove for power, and for influence, and te bset way to do this was to proclaim that only they had the true interpretation of the Lord, or messenger.

We now have innumerable branches of Christianity, and innumerable Islamic sects, all contesting with each other, ( Sunni, Shi'ite and hundreds more at least ), all because of the weakness of man, the need for man to feel powerful.

People of Faith need to find their own way to their Lord, and Islam along with Christianity are religions that teach peace and tolerance. Muslims are peaceful people, who are being tarred by a terrorist brush, and that is tragic.

Fantastic5 may have phrased it wrongly, but the subtext of what he is saying is that Islamic extremists no more represent Islam as the IRA represented Catholicism. I agree with that.

It is also a matter of regret that the Wahhibi teachings are to the fore in Saudi Arabia at the moment, this is an 18th century interpretation of the Word and should be recognized as such. Wahhibism is the work of man, not of the Lord.

If you dig deeper, you will find in both faiths there has been a lot of corruption by man, the true believers can see beyond that and have faith in the true Word.

Thank you, this is one of the best things I have read.

You will find that amongst the members of Thaivisa there are many highly educated and open minded people, at times we go to war with each other but below that there is a Well of Goodwill.

You are a good addition to the Well.

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Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...........

For people of faith, it has always been the same battle.........to listen to the word of their Lord, they had to listen to men preaching the Word.

During the Dark Ages mysticism and the Latin language was used as tools of subordination of the Christian communities in Europe, people would sit in Church and not have a clue what was being said. The printing press allowed education to be taken out of the hands of the elite and given to the masses, once this grip on the Word was lost, the power of the Religious elite started to ebb.

Martin Luther in particular used pamphlets to spread the word of the Protest against Papal abuse........how is this connected to Islam?......in the same way that Rome dominated the Christian world for centuries through mystical control techniques and language, the various hadiths were written by Islamists who were fighting for control of the Word.

Some hadiths are contradictory, because they are corruptions of the Word to suit the political situation of the time, so by definition the isnads are also contradictory, as they were based upon corruptive teachings. ( isnads were explanations of the Word ).

We then had a series of sects build up in both the Christian and Islamic worlds as people strove for power, and for influence, and te bset way to do this was to proclaim that only they had the true interpretation of the Lord, or messenger.

We now have innumerable branches of Christianity, and innumerable Islamic sects, all contesting with each other, ( Sunni, Shi'ite and hundreds more at least ), all because of the weakness of man, the need for man to feel powerful.

People of Faith need to find their own way to their Lord, and Islam along with Christianity are religions that teach peace and tolerance. Muslims are peaceful people, who are being tarred by a terrorist brush, and that is tragic.

Fantastic5 may have phrased it wrongly, but the subtext of what he is saying is that Islamic extremists no more represent Islam as the IRA represented Catholicism. I agree with that.

It is also a matter of regret that the Wahhibi teachings are to the fore in Saudi Arabia at the moment, this is an 18th century interpretation of the Word and should be recognized as such. Wahhibism is the work of man, not of the Lord.

If you dig deeper, you will find in both faiths there has been a lot of corruption by man, the true believers can see beyond that and have faith in the true Word.

Thank you, this is one of the best things I have read.

You will find that amongst the members of Thaivisa there are many highly educated and open minded people, at times we go to war with each other but below that there is a Well of Goodwill.

You are a good addition to the Well.

yes, a firm grasp of the obvious is impressive if you happen to lack one.

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Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...........

For people of faith, it has always been the same battle.........to listen to the word of their Lord, they had to listen to men preaching the Word.

During the Dark Ages mysticism and the Latin language was used as tools of subordination of the Christian communities in Europe, people would sit in Church and not have a clue what was being said. The printing press allowed education to be taken out of the hands of the elite and given to the masses, once this grip on the Word was lost, the power of the Religious elite started to ebb.

Martin Luther in particular used pamphlets to spread the word of the Protest against Papal abuse........how is this connected to Islam?......in the same way that Rome dominated the Christian world for centuries through mystical control techniques and language, the various hadiths were written by Islamists who were fighting for control of the Word.

Some hadiths are contradictory, because they are corruptions of the Word to suit the political situation of the time, so by definition the isnads are also contradictory, as they were based upon corruptive teachings. ( isnads were explanations of the Word ).

We then had a series of sects build up in both the Christian and Islamic worlds as people strove for power, and for influence, and te bset way to do this was to proclaim that only they had the true interpretation of the Lord, or messenger.

We now have innumerable branches of Christianity, and innumerable Islamic sects, all contesting with each other, ( Sunni, Shi'ite and hundreds more at least ), all because of the weakness of man, the need for man to feel powerful.

People of Faith need to find their own way to their Lord, and Islam along with Christianity are religions that teach peace and tolerance. Muslims are peaceful people, who are being tarred by a terrorist brush, and that is tragic.

Fantastic5 may have phrased it wrongly, but the subtext of what he is saying is that Islamic extremists no more represent Islam as the IRA represented Catholicism. I agree with that.

It is also a matter of regret that the Wahhibi teachings are to the fore in Saudi Arabia at the moment, this is an 18th century interpretation of the Word and should be recognized as such. Wahhibism is the work of man, not of the Lord.

If you dig deeper, you will find in both faiths there has been a lot of corruption by man, the true believers can see beyond that and have faith in the true Word.

Thank you, this is one of the best things I have read.

You will find that amongst the members of Thaivisa there are many highly educated and open minded people, at times we go to war with each other but below that there is a Well of Goodwill.

You are a good addition to the Well.

yes, a firm grasp of the obvious is impressive if you happen to lack one.


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Remember, Islam is not a religion in the way Western ppl see Christianty. It is a way of life. When I was in the Middle East, I developed the metaphor: "Islam is the warp, its followers are the weft." By that I mean if you tug on the warp (of the carpet that is an Islamic society), the entire weft moves. So it is with Islam. I haven't seen this level of society-wide, ideology-based response in Western, Christian-based religions. It's not so much about the religion as it is about all things related to interpretation of the religion in the day-to-day life of a Muslim. So if you are prepared for that, go ahead. As a Western person, I couldn't handle it - I guess I was brought up to be too independently minded. Perhaps why I married a Buddhist Thai lady - which has worked out well, btw.

Edited by FlightRisk
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Ask her if she's willing to convert to Christianity. If she says no then forget it. Why should the man be the one to make sacrifices?

I disagree - Why should any of them have to sacrifice anything? Isn't accepting one as they are the right idea ?

I refuse to force my wife to believe the same things I do. I expect myself to listen to her opinions so that I understand them, I expect nothing less of her when considering my opinions. Understanding does not require change, it simply requires tolerance for what in most cases are minor differences.

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Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...........

For people of faith, it has always been the same battle.........to listen to the word of their Lord, they had to listen to men preaching the Word.

During the Dark Ages mysticism and the Latin language was used as tools of subordination of the Christian communities in Europe, people would sit in Church and not have a clue what was being said. The printing press allowed education to be taken out of the hands of the elite and given to the masses, once this grip on the Word was lost, the power of the Religious elite started to ebb.

Martin Luther in particular used pamphlets to spread the word of the Protest against Papal abuse........how is this connected to Islam?......in the same way that Rome dominated the Christian world for centuries through mystical control techniques and language, the various hadiths were written by Islamists who were fighting for control of the Word.

Some hadiths are contradictory, because they are corruptions of the Word to suit the political situation of the time, so by definition the isnads are also contradictory, as they were based upon corruptive teachings. ( isnads were explanations of the Word ).

We then had a series of sects build up in both the Christian and Islamic worlds as people strove for power, and for influence, and te bset way to do this was to proclaim that only they had the true interpretation of the Lord, or messenger.

We now have innumerable branches of Christianity, and innumerable Islamic sects, all contesting with each other, ( Sunni, Shi'ite and hundreds more at least ), all because of the weakness of man, the need for man to feel powerful.

People of Faith need to find their own way to their Lord, and Islam along with Christianity are religions that teach peace and tolerance. Muslims are peaceful people, who are being tarred by a terrorist brush, and that is tragic.

Fantastic5 may have phrased it wrongly, but the subtext of what he is saying is that Islamic extremists no more represent Islam as the IRA represented Catholicism. I agree with that.

It is also a matter of regret that the Wahhibi teachings are to the fore in Saudi Arabia at the moment, this is an 18th century interpretation of the Word and should be recognized as such. Wahhibism is the work of man, not of the Lord.

If you dig deeper, you will find in both faiths there has been a lot of corruption by man, the true believers can see beyond that and have faith in the true Word.

I cannot figure out why you only go back as far as the dark ages, the entire myth is based on power from the start.

Both Islam and Christianity are pplagiarizedfrom the OT which itself is a death cult. If the OP wishes to chance his arm on not having to be involved with it then it is his choice to make. I don't care and have no right to care what people believe, if someone wants to believe that they are a chicken sandwich then so be it. Just don't tell me I have to believe it too or that something held on personal faith can be taught as true to my children. UUnfortunately this is not going to happen for the very very simple reason that this is how religion propagates How else would it propagate given that it a statement of personal faith? Religion can't use reason to spread because it is a faith and faith by definition is belief without reason.

I'm from the UK,

At the risk of starting a fight, the Dark Ages are recognized as such as the as the education and enlightenment brought by the Romans dissipated after they left the Island during the fall of the Roman Empire. Prior to the Dark Ages the native aristocracy where being taught and trained by the Romans, after they left the Church effectively became the only source of learning and the Church kept the power of learning to themselves as a way of controlling the population.

There was no better way to terrify someone than to tell them they would be excommunicated and spend eternity in hell huh?.......you would get them dancing to your tune then.

So it is recognized that the Dark Ages for many reasons were a low point in the rights of the British populace.

Now at the risk of being cheeky, I can easily go into a 500,000 word thesis on the history of the UK and the European nations, in fact to hell with it, the world, but it's TV we are on, we need to trim the answers. I get into enough trouble as it is.

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I'm from the UK,

At the risk of starting a fight, the Dark Ages are recognized as such as the as the education and enlightenment brought by the Romans dissipated after they left the Island during the fall of the Roman Empire. Prior to the Dark Ages the native aristocracy where being taught and trained by the Romans, after they left the Church effectively became the only source of learning and the Church kept the power of learning to themselves as a way of controlling the population.

There was no better way to terrify someone than to tell them they would be excommunicated and spend eternity in hell huh?.......you would get them dancing to your tune then.

So it is recognized that the Dark Ages for many reasons were a low point in the rights of the British populace.

Now at the risk of being cheeky, I can easily go into a 500,000 word thesis on the history of the UK and the European nations, in fact to hell with it, the world, but it's TV we are on, we need to trim the answers. I get into enough trouble as it is.

If you trim too much you are left with simply assertions. Real information comes in the 'why', not the 'what'.

I'm aware of that

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I've missed the last 7 pages of this thread and I'm too bone-idle to traipse back through and read them.

On this last page what I do see is evidence to fit my beliefs: Most people are reasonable with a few posters who's special opinions appear aimed at proving the development humanity is forever arrested while they remain in the gene-pool.

I've worked throughout Indonesia, Malaysia and the Middle East (plus many other nations), along the way I have developed many relationships with folk I've felt highly comfortable with. However, this thread has opened up questions which in my innocence of an ideal world I thought could otherwise simply be solved by goodness.

If I consider my muslim friends, how many could I say would accept it if my daughter or son, married their son or daughter and refused to convert to Islam? I wonder.

There is perhaps a potential for greater understanding and shared experience which falls fowl to difference. When we concentrate on our differences our similarities are shamefully overlooked. Unfortunately I fear my logic requires social rock climbing skills sufficient to ascend the simplest of situations...

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I'm from the UK,

At the risk of starting a fight, the Dark Ages are recognized as such as the as the education and enlightenment brought by the Romans dissipated after they left the Island during the fall of the Roman Empire. Prior to the Dark Ages the native aristocracy where being taught and trained by the Romans, after they left the Church effectively became the only source of learning and the Church kept the power of learning to themselves as a way of controlling the population.

There was no better way to terrify someone than to tell them they would be excommunicated and spend eternity in hell huh?.......you would get them dancing to your tune then.

So it is recognized that the Dark Ages for many reasons were a low point in the rights of the British populace.

Now at the risk of being cheeky, I can easily go into a 500,000 word thesis on the history of the UK and the European nations, in fact to hell with it, the world, but it's TV we are on, we need to trim the answers. I get into enough trouble as it is.

If you trim too much you are left with simply assertions. Real information comes in the 'why', not the 'what'.

I'm aware of that

I apologize, it was more for other readers.

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I'm from the UK, At the risk of starting a fight, the Dark Ages are recognized as such as the as the education and enlightenment brought by the Romans dissipated after they left the Island during the fall of the Roman Empire. Prior to the Dark Ages the native aristocracy where being taught and trained by the Romans, after they left the Church effectively became the only source of learning and the Church kept the power of learning to themselves as a way of controlling the population. There was no better way to terrify someone than to tell them they would be excommunicated and spend eternity in hell huh?.......you would get them dancing to your tune then. So it is recognized that the Dark Ages for many reasons were a low point in the rights of the British populace. Now at the risk of being cheeky, I can easily go into a 500,000 word thesis on the history of the UK and the European nations, in fact to hell with it, the world, but it's TV we are on, we need to trim the answers. I get into enough trouble as it is.
If you trim too much you are left with simply assertions. Real information comes in the 'why', not the 'what'.
I'm aware of that

If you sat a few people in the same room I'm sure they could all find common ground on which to agree.

If you sat many in the same room I'm sure they could argue black from blue until the cows came home.

If you sat many TV members in the same room I'm sure they couldn't agree on what a cow is !!!!

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I'm from the UK, At the risk of starting a fight, the Dark Ages are recognized as such as the as the education and enlightenment brought by the Romans dissipated after they left the Island during the fall of the Roman Empire. Prior to the Dark Ages the native aristocracy where being taught and trained by the Romans, after they left the Church effectively became the only source of learning and the Church kept the power of learning to themselves as a way of controlling the population. There was no better way to terrify someone than to tell them they would be excommunicated and spend eternity in hell huh?.......you would get them dancing to your tune then. So it is recognized that the Dark Ages for many reasons were a low point in the rights of the British populace. Now at the risk of being cheeky, I can easily go into a 500,000 word thesis on the history of the UK and the European nations, in fact to hell with it, the world, but it's TV we are on, we need to trim the answers. I get into enough trouble as it is.
If you trim too much you are left with simply assertions. Real information comes in the 'why', not the 'what'.
I'm aware of that

If you sat a few people in the same room I'm sure they could all find common ground on which to agree.

If you sat many in the same room I'm sure they could argue black from blue until the cows came home.

If you sat many TV members in the same room I'm sure they couldn't agree on what a cow is !!!!

@notmyself, my apologies too, it's just the way the forum flows sometimes wai.gif

@richard +1

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They all had a common thread at their base.

All facets of the same untruth.

laugh.png I was thinking more along the lines of treat others well as you would also like to be treated.

You know the basics wink.png

Another plagiarism by the Abrahamic religions. Comes from the Analects of Confucius.

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I'm a devout Muslim, I pray 5 times a day, go to the mosque on Fridays, don't eat pork, don't drink, but, my wife is Buddhist and I have 2 doughters. My doughters are raised predominantly Muslim but are educated in other religions, they are free to make there own choice when they are 18 and leave my house, untill then i will profer they conduct themselfs as present.

But in saying that I will remove the sexual origins of anyone I catch having sex with them before that time. Muslim girls are people, they have personalitys and are individual as are there family's. Some (many) will want there doughters and sisters to marry Muslim men but some like myself and my family will be very content as long as there is a mutuel respect between both parties and there practiceis, my wife eats pork I don't and nor do my children but I will say I do not want any Buddhist pictures up in my house. I think you should probably start by meeting the family and see what your geting yourself into, what they expect or will tolerate from you, culturally that's how things start in Islamic family's and you will be respected for it by the family or told to go away in wich case it's best left alone anyway. If you just want a bit of fun, there are lots of other girls hear where things are much less complicated, I wouldn't recommend doing a runner because if that happend to my doughter I would hunt the man to the end of the world.

If you were as devout as you say you are they would have no choice when they were 18. They are muslim now and therefore can never revert back to anything. Fathers are duty bound to bring their kids up as muslims. This is just my understanding so do not get angry with me. If I am wrong explain why?

I never understood why men had to change to ISLAM to marry a lady but if a lady chooses to marry a muslim man she does not have to.

I am married to a Thai Muslim female and if a male of her family wishes to marry a Budhist women she must convert to Islam. This has happened a few times, I attended the weddings. I do not know if this varies from family to family or region in Thailand.

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I never understood why men had to change to ISLAM to marry a lady but if a lady chooses to marry a muslim man she does not have to.

Are you sure? My (Muslim) wife has many sisters, some of whom have married Buddhist men. They have all had to convert to Islam. And the other way round: I have many female friends who have also married Muslims and also had to convert. It seems as if sex is irrelevant but Islam is the deciding factor! As someone mentioned in an excellent post above: it's not so much about the religion itself but more about how it is interwoven into the way of life. So even if you are just paying lip-service to the religion when you convert, it is more important that you are subscribing to their way of life. At least this is the way it has been for me and I live happily with my wife's family in their Muslim village.

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They all had a common thread at their base.

All facets of the same untruth.

laugh.png I was thinking more along the lines of treat others well as you would also like to be treated.

You know the basics wink.png

Another plagiarism by the Abrahamic religions. Comes from the Analects of Confucius.

Plagiarism? You are joking, aren't you?


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There are so many guys near where I live that continue to fall in to this trap. They all end up separated and/or divorced. The reasons are simple. If your relationship gets that serious you want to marry then you will have to/pretend convert to Islam. Once you have children the problems will start. About the age of two or three the wife's parents will insist on a strong muslim upbringing for their Grandchild. You may be living away from the Grandparents home area, but your wife WILL up and leave with your child, back to her parental home. There are many broken hearted men I know and when I hear another is about to embark on the same course of action I just say why? I have not known a relationship in Thailand between a muslim girl/non muslim man end any differently. If you have a baby girl she will be a valuable 'asset' to the family, new blood, whitish skin, worthy of a good dowry. I am not being racist or bigoted, these are just the facts from many many thai men I know that fell in love with a muslim woman. All will be great and well until you have children and they reach toddler age. Your wife may even love you very much but when her parents say 'come home and bring the child', thats it, and you will get NO visiting rights.

By the way, don't be fooled by the no sex before marriage thing. Young Muslim women are just as curious about sex as any other young woman, but don't get caught, her brothers will have your gonads.

So...you have been warned. Good luck.

Sound advice

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According to the OP´s profile, he is already more than 100 years old.

As you will have to try everything at least once in your life, one of the few thing he now has left to try, is to become a muslim. So just go for it OP!

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if eventually you have to marry, convert her to the religion of your choice before marrying her (except M'sia)

only if she is mainstream and non religious, and her belief in your worthy companionship is stronger than the religious belief

Does not work... Muslims CAN NOT convert from the Islamic believe point of view. There is no way out of being a muslima.

I know a Muslim woman who married a Buddhist down in Naratiwat. She converted to Buddhism. True, her family has mostly cast her out, but even in the region with all the sectarian violence, she has not been threatened. A few of her family members have even secretly come over to visit her children.

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I know a Muslim woman who married a Buddhist down in Naratiwat. She converted to Buddhism. True, her family has mostly cast her out, but even in the region with all the sectarian violence, she has not been threatened. A few of her family members have even secretly come over to visit her children.

Hard life for this woman. I hope her husband is good to her and realizes how much she has sacrificed

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I have dated quite a few Muslim girls, here, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Let me tell you - they are not as innocent as you think. A few were out and out sex maniacs, 1 was a virgin (aged 30) but we soon sorted that out.

Start out respectful to win her trust, after a week or two in every case in my experience, it has been anything goes. All will be strictly hidden from the family, if you want to go on holiday together she will have to lie to them. Some are OK with this, others not.

Meeting the family is a huge deal, and means she is very serious.

Most of the Muslim girls I have dated stuck to only 2 Islamic laws, no pork and praying about 20 times a day. The rest of it is 'up to you'!

Have been in the same position as you and agree, they are no differant sexually from anyone else. What you need to assertain is will you have to convert and get the snip ( ouch (

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I'm from the UK,

At the risk of starting a fight, the Dark Ages are recognized as such as the as the education and enlightenment brought by the Romans dissipated after they left the Island during the fall of the Roman Empire. Prior to the Dark Ages the native aristocracy where being taught and trained by the Romans, after they left the Church effectively became the only source of learning and the Church kept the power of learning to themselves as a way of controlling the population.

There was no better way to terrify someone than to tell them they would be excommunicated and spend eternity in hell huh?.......you would get them dancing to your tune then.

So it is recognized that the Dark Ages for many reasons were a low point in the rights of the British populace.

Now at the risk of being cheeky, I can easily go into a 500,000 word thesis on the history of the UK and the European nations, in fact to hell with it, the world, but it's TV we are on, we need to trim the answers. I get into enough trouble as it is.

I did not realize the dark ages were exclusive to the UK.

Edited by nocturn
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TV is the last place on earth I would post 'relationship' or 'advice' type questions lol

Fair enough, but I live in Thailand, and I needed specific advice/recommendations as for Westerners dating Thai Muslimas. I could easily have gotten, say, advice from compatriates in my home country dating Caucasian Muslimas, whose families came from the opposite part of the Muslim world, but it probably wouldn't have had much significance for my situation in the Big Mango.

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According to the OP´s profile, he is already more than 100 years old.

As you will have to try everything at least once in your life, one of the few thing he now has left to try, is to become a muslim. So just go for it OP!

Don't believe everyting on the internet!!

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