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Dating Muslima


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The snipping OFF of the For* S*in is mandatory . As is going to prayer and not just on Fridays. Please also do not forget you must perform Hadj at least once in your lifetime. lol

you, Honourable Sir, would be entitled to be awarded the certificate "possesses a wealth of no bloody idea". but then you were only joking, isn't it? biggrin.png

Like the post Naamclap2.gif however I am only relaying what was told to me by the several hundred Saudi Arabian nationals (maybe thousands) that I worked with while I spent 11 years working in their lovely kingdom. Because of where we were I would say most of them were from Makah which I believe is a very important place in their religion.

All the westerners who went native on us (i.e. converted) for various reasons were obliged to get the snip.... I remember them hobbling around the compound after the act.giggle.gif . I am sending an email to my Imman friend for a definitive answer from a muslim scholar that attended the most prestigious muslim university in Riyadh. I hope he answers but after reading the email I think he will probably think I have beendrunk.gif lol

As for praying 5 times a day that was pretty compulsory also. With people even making sure they went....

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and does he consider the lower propensity of contracting HIV as an advantage?

I'd never heard of that until I did some Googling . . . a potential 60% reduction in the risks of contacting HIV by being circumcised???


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So if its such a horror, why are so many of us satisfied with our condition? Yes I know there are some obsessed men trying to get their foreskins back, but they are a tiny minority that care about that at all.


When did you have your circumcision? To be accurate you have to talk to men who had their foreskin intact and had already some years Sex and than did for whatever reason a circumcision. These men you can ask, if they like it now more with or without foreskin.

Edited by metisdead
Bold font removed.
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and does he consider the lower propensity of contracting HIV as an advantage?

I'd never heard of that until I did some Googling . . . a potential 60% reduction in the risks of contacting HIV by being circumcised???


Unless you can provide documentation the only nonsense seems to be your opinion. The 60% is well documented.

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I'm a devout Muslim, I pray 5 times a day, go to the mosque on Fridays, don't eat pork, don't drink, but, my wife is Buddhist and I have 2 doughters. My doughters are raised predominantly Muslim but are educated in other religions, they are free to make there own choice when they are 18 and leave my house, untill then i will profer they conduct themselfs as present.

But in saying that I will remove the sexual origins of anyone I catch having sex with them before that time. Muslim girls are people, they have personalitys and are individual as are there family's. Some (many) will want there doughters and sisters to marry Muslim men but some like myself and my family will be very content as long as there is a mutuel respect between both parties and there practiceis, my wife eats pork I don't and nor do my children but I will say I do not want any Buddhist pictures up in my house. I think you should probably start by meeting the family and see what your geting yourself into, what they expect or will tolerate from you, culturally that's how things start in Islamic family's and you will be respected for it by the family or told to go away in wich case it's best left alone anyway. If you just want a bit of fun, there are lots of other girls hear where things are much less complicated, I wouldn't recommend doing a runner because if that happend to my doughter I would hunt the man to the end of the world.

If you were as devout as you say you are they would have no choice when they were 18. They are muslim now and therefore can never revert back to anything. Fathers are duty bound to bring their kids up as muslims. This is just my understanding so do not get angry with me. If I am wrong explain why?

I never understood why men had to change to ISLAM to marry a lady but if a lady chooses to marry a muslim man she does not have to.

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So if its such a horror, why are so many of us satisfied with our condition? Yes I know there are some obsessed men trying to get their foreskins back, but they are a tiny minority that care about that at all.


When did you have your circumcision? To be accurate you have to talk to men who had their foreskin intact and had already some years Sex and than did for whatever reason a circumcision. These men you can ask, if they like it now more with or without foreskin.

It's obviously not the same situation in any imaginable way. I doubt I would consent to a snip as an adult but I'm happy the decision was made for me by my loving parents.

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So if its such a horror, why are so many of us satisfied with our condition? Yes I know there are some obsessed men trying to get their foreskins back, but they are a tiny minority that care about that at all.


When did you have your circumcision? To be accurate you have to talk to men who had their foreskin intact and had already some years Sex and than did for whatever reason a circumcision. These men you can ask, if they like it now more with or without foreskin.

It's obviously not the same situation in any imaginable way. I doubt I would consent to a snip as an adult but I'm happy the decision was made for me by my loving parents.

My pal got over excited one night in bed with the wife and did some serious damage to himself...........he had to get circumcised as there was too much going on, he said that there was three weeks of mortal agony after the operation, and it took him 6 weeks to work up the courage to jump on again.

He said it was too sensitive for a while then he got used to it, he now reckons it's a bit better without, but he says there is no way he would endure the three weeks of pain voluntarily for the little bit of improvement.

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I am not religious, but each to their own. To be religious is to make a commitment based on a belief and faith system. To convert to a religion simply because you love someone makes a mockery of their whole belief system. Think carefully about what you are all saying when you say, 'well I will just convert religion'. The undertones are incredibly serious and you make a mockery of her, her family and everyone involved every time you go to the mosque to pray. What's going on? sudden;y their is a God and Mohammed was right because you love a girl? Your entire life is spent living a lie.

is it really any different than the men who go through the Buddhist routine for their wives/gfs?

I have declined to have any religious activity with my companion and my wishes are respected. My position is just that I view all this business of praying before idols and leaving offerings to not be for me. I was shocked when I was berated for not having a Christmas tree, whereas the precious one put one up in her apartment. I asked her if she even understood the significance and the answer was no. MMkay. Won't eat beef either. Buddhist, muslim, all Thais look the same naked in bed anyway.

The missus here is a devout Buddhist, but she also likes to attend Mass on Christmas Day.

And she stopped eating beef and drinking alcohol.

And like most Thais she also likes Hindu and animistic rituals.

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I'm a devout Muslim, I pray 5 times a day, go to the mosque on Fridays, don't eat pork, don't drink, but, my wife is Buddhist and I have 2 doughters. My doughters are raised predominantly Muslim but are educated in other religions, they are free to make there own choice when they are 18 and leave my house, untill then i will profer they conduct themselfs as present.

But in saying that I will remove the sexual origins of anyone I catch having sex with them before that time. Muslim girls are people, they have personalitys and are individual as are there family's. Some (many) will want there doughters and sisters to marry Muslim men but some like myself and my family will be very content as long as there is a mutuel respect between both parties and there practiceis, my wife eats pork I don't and nor do my children but I will say I do not want any Buddhist pictures up in my house. I think you should probably start by meeting the family and see what your geting yourself into, what they expect or will tolerate from you, culturally that's how things start in Islamic family's and you will be respected for it by the family or told to go away in wich case it's best left alone anyway. If you just want a bit of fun, there are lots of other girls hear where things are much less complicated, I wouldn't recommend doing a runner because if that happend to my doughter I would hunt the man to the end of the world.

If you were as devout as you say you are they would have no choice when they were 18. They are muslim now and therefore can never revert back to anything. Fathers are duty bound to bring their kids up as muslims. This is just my understanding so do not get angry with me. If I am wrong explain why?

I never understood why men had to change to ISLAM to marry a lady but if a lady chooses to marry a muslim man she does not have to.

For me to explain Islam in detail would take more time than I have. There are some things that are tought that contradict each others in every religion I have studied!

It is every males duty to protect Islamic femails inspecialy family and even more so doughters. When you practis Islam, you are making it none that you follow a code of ethics, so it can be assumed that when you pass a doughter to a Muslim man you are handing her over to a man of known ethics and braking these ethics as a Muslim come with very heavy punishments, a non Muslim are not bound to these ethics or practices and may not have even known or have been bought up them.

All this take the shahadah (statement of faith) and all is a good Muslim is counter Islamic. You can't be a law abiding Muslim if you don't know what your practising!

Know one should be forced to declare the self a Muslim without believing in the heart with know believe your knot a Muslim even if you where once. Imam (faith and belief) is what makes a person a Muslim not nesaseraly a good one but without that you nothing but a fake and thet is not worth anything, even if you do all that is said to do.

I can educate and guide my daughters to my best ability, but I can't make them believe, that is there choice and if they chose not to live by it when they have reached age, have left my home and pocket, that is there choice and forcing them to abide by somthing that is not in the heart, then I have failed all my dutys to god and as a father.

If that answers your question, exerlent if not then get back to me.

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Your answer does not satisfy me, You had never Sex uncircumcised.


Your friends view gives some light, but I would like to have bigger audience posting about their knowledge about both styles.

Not only one man, but more men.

=To be accurate you have to talk to men who had their foreskin intact and had already some years Sex and than did for whatever reason a circumcision. These men you can ask, if they like it now more with or without foreskin. =

I think -007- gave up on us already

Or, he is tired,

did anybody notice his birthday? 24.12.1910 ! And still want to marry! clap2.gif

Edited by metisdead
Bold font removed, stop posting using bold fonts.
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I'm a devout Muslim, I pray 5 times a day, go to the mosque on Fridays, don't eat pork, don't drink, but, my wife is Buddhist and I have 2 doughters. My doughters are raised predominantly Muslim but are educated in other religions, they are free to make there own choice when they are 18 and leave my house, untill then i will profer they conduct themselfs as present.

But in saying that I will remove the sexual origins of anyone I catch having sex with them before that time. Muslim girls are people, they have personalitys and are individual as are there family's. Some (many) will want there doughters and sisters to marry Muslim men but some like myself and my family will be very content as long as there is a mutuel respect between both parties and there practiceis, my wife eats pork I don't and nor do my children but I will say I do not want any Buddhist pictures up in my house. I think you should probably start by meeting the family and see what your geting yourself into, what they expect or will tolerate from you, culturally that's how things start in Islamic family's and you will be respected for it by the family or told to go away in wich case it's best left alone anyway. If you just want a bit of fun, there are lots of other girls hear where things are much less complicated, I wouldn't recommend doing a runner because if that happend to my doughter I would hunt the man to the end of the world.

If you were as devout as you say you are they would have no choice when they were 18. They are muslim now and therefore can never revert back to anything. Fathers are duty bound to bring their kids up as muslims. This is just my understanding so do not get angry with me. If I am wrong explain why?

I never understood why men had to change to ISLAM to marry a lady but if a lady chooses to marry a muslim man she does not have to.

For me to explain Islam in detail would take more time than I have. There are some things that are tought that contradict each others in every religion I have studied!

It is every males duty to protect Islamic femails inspecialy family and even more so doughters. When you practis Islam, you are making it none that you follow a code of ethics, so it can be assumed that when you pass a doughter to a Muslim man you are handing her over to a man of known ethics and braking these ethics as a Muslim come with very heavy punishments, a non Muslim are not bound to these ethics or practices and may not have even known or have been bought up them.

All this take the shahadah (statement of faith) and all is a good Muslim is counter Islamic. You can't be a law abiding Muslim if you don't know what your practising!

Know one should be forced to declare the self a Muslim without believing in the heart with know believe your knot a Muslim even if you where once. Imam (faith and belief) is what makes a person a Muslim not nesaseraly a good one but without that you nothing but a fake and thet is not worth anything, even if you do all that is said to do.

I can educate and guide my daughters to my best ability, but I can't make them believe, that is there choice and if they chose not to live by it when they have reached age, have left my home and pocket, that is there choice and forcing them to abide by somthing that is not in the heart, then I have failed all my dutys to god and as a father.

If that answers your question, exerlent if not then get back to me.

So at age 18-20 if your daughters meet a Christian man and marry him and convert to christianity to do so, therefore they commit apostasy, what are you going to do according to your code of ethics?

I have seen the code of ethics in Saudi when at the weekend the bridge over to Bahrain is full of Saudis who all go over there to get completely drunk and go with prostitutes. At the end of the weekend they drive back and pretend to be good. Thousands of them. But I digress, we are talking about Thai Muslims. So back to my question, what would you do if faced with the dichotomy above?

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Two thoughts...

1. People's experiences with this may indeed be very different depending on the Muslim woman involved is a central Thai type as opposed to a southern or other country Muslim.... Sometimes posters above have described their Muslim woman experiences, without indicating whether the lady was Thai or other... I suspect at least the central Thai Muslims might be a bit more relaxed about things on average.

2. I remember when I was still looking around, seeing a fair number of Thai women's profiles on some of the major Thai dating websites that listed their religion as Muslim. Now surely, they weren't posting on those websites expecting to find a Muslim relationship, since the male members there tend not to be Muslim much at all. So it always made me wonder, knowing about such things as have been posted above, why would a "Muslim" Thai woman be looking for a relationship there?

They could have been looking for Pakistani.

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I'm a devout Muslim, I pray 5 times a day, go to the mosque on Fridays, don't eat pork, don't drink, but, my wife is Buddhist and I have 2 doughters. My doughters are raised predominantly Muslim but are educated in other religions, they are free to make there own choice when they are 18 and leave my house, untill then i will profer they conduct themselfs as present.

But in saying that I will remove the sexual origins of anyone I catch having sex with them before that time. Muslim girls are people, they have personalitys and are individual as are there family's. Some (many) will want there doughters and sisters to marry Muslim men but some like myself and my family will be very content as long as there is a mutuel respect between both parties and there practiceis, my wife eats pork I don't and nor do my children but I will say I do not want any Buddhist pictures up in my house. I think you should probably start by meeting the family and see what your geting yourself into, what they expect or will tolerate from you, culturally that's how things start in Islamic family's and you will be respected for it by the family or told to go away in wich case it's best left alone anyway. If you just want a bit of fun, there are lots of other girls hear where things are much less complicated, I wouldn't recommend doing a runner because if that happend to my doughter I would hunt the man to the end of the world.

If you were as devout as you say you are they would have no choice when they were 18. They are muslim now and therefore can never revert back to anything. Fathers are duty bound to bring their kids up as muslims. This is just my understanding so do not get angry with me. If I am wrong explain why?

I never understood why men had to change to ISLAM to marry a lady but if a lady chooses to marry a muslim man she does not have to.

For me to explain Islam in detail would take more time than I have. There are some things that are tought that contradict each others in every religion I have studied!

It is every males duty to protect Islamic femails inspecialy family and even more so doughters. When you practis Islam, you are making it none that you follow a code of ethics, so it can be assumed that when you pass a doughter to a Muslim man you are handing her over to a man of known ethics and braking these ethics as a Muslim come with very heavy punishments, a non Muslim are not bound to these ethics or practices and may not have even known or have been bought up them.

All this take the shahadah (statement of faith) and all is a good Muslim is counter Islamic. You can't be a law abiding Muslim if you don't know what your practising!

Know one should be forced to declare the self a Muslim without believing in the heart with know believe your knot a Muslim even if you where once. Imam (faith and belief) is what makes a person a Muslim not nesaseraly a good one but without that you nothing but a fake and thet is not worth anything, even if you do all that is said to do.

I can educate and guide my daughters to my best ability, but I can't make them believe, that is there choice and if they chose not to live by it when they have reached age, have left my home and pocket, that is there choice and forcing them to abide by somthing that is not in the heart, then I have failed all my dutys to god and as a father.

If that answers your question, exerlent if not then get back to me.

So at age 18-20 if your daughters meet a Christian man and marry him and convert to christianity to do so, therefore they commit apostasy, what are you going to do according to your code of ethics?

I have seen the code of ethics in Saudi when at the weekend the bridge over to Bahrain is full of Saudis who all go over there to get completely drunk and go with prostitutes. At the end of the weekend they drive back and pretend to be good. Thousands of them. But I digress, we are talking about Thai Muslims. So back to my question, what would you do if faced with the dichotomy above?

Lol, I knew someone and why not you would bring some corrupt bunch of rich hypercritical dangerious Muslims.

That's not there ethics, that's them taking advantage of a corrupt fake Islamic state where poor people get punished by fake bunch of puppets that pretend to run a Islamic state state do they can continue to line there pockets with the people's wealth.

If my doughter doesn't have faith after 20 years of me bringing her up with what believe to be the practic and believes of god under Islam, I'm not likly to be able to convince her after. I can only give her a moment of my time to make shore she is doing it for the right reasons and vet the future husband to make shore his intentions are well and he will treat the most precious thing in my life with the respect she deserves.

If the future husband can't show me that, then there will be no marriage.

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To The Op!!

We have established that you will most likely have to convert to Islam, grow a beard the width of your hand, live in mortal fear of her brothers cutting your gonads off, and have to have your willie chopped.

Are you still going on the date?????


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If you were as devout as you say you are they would have no choice when they were 18. They are muslim now and therefore can never revert back to anything. Fathers are duty bound to bring their kids up as muslims. This is just my understanding so do not get angry with me. If I am wrong explain why?

I never understood why men had to change to ISLAM to marry a lady but if a lady chooses to marry a muslim man she does not have to.

For me to explain Islam in detail would take more time than I have. There are some things that are tought that contradict each others in every religion I have studied!

It is every males duty to protect Islamic femails inspecialy family and even more so doughters. When you practis Islam, you are making it none that you follow a code of ethics, so it can be assumed that when you pass a doughter to a Muslim man you are handing her over to a man of known ethics and braking these ethics as a Muslim come with very heavy punishments, a non Muslim are not bound to these ethics or practices and may not have even known or have been bought up them.

All this take the shahadah (statement of faith) and all is a good Muslim is counter Islamic. You can't be a law abiding Muslim if you don't know what your practising!

Know one should be forced to declare the self a Muslim without believing in the heart with know believe your knot a Muslim even if you where once. Imam (faith and belief) is what makes a person a Muslim not nesaseraly a good one but without that you nothing but a fake and thet is not worth anything, even if you do all that is said to do.

I can educate and guide my daughters to my best ability, but I can't make them believe, that is there choice and if they chose not to live by it when they have reached age, have left my home and pocket, that is there choice and forcing them to abide by somthing that is not in the heart, then I have failed all my dutys to god and as a father.

If that answers your question, exerlent if not then get back to me.

So at age 18-20 if your daughters meet a Christian man and marry him and convert to christianity to do so, therefore they commit apostasy, what are you going to do according to your code of ethics?

I have seen the code of ethics in Saudi when at the weekend the bridge over to Bahrain is full of Saudis who all go over there to get completely drunk and go with prostitutes. At the end of the weekend they drive back and pretend to be good. Thousands of them. But I digress, we are talking about Thai Muslims. So back to my question, what would you do if faced with the dichotomy above?

Lol, I knew someone and why not you would bring some corrupt bunch of rich hypercritical dangerious Muslims.

That's not there ethics, that's them taking advantage of a corrupt fake Islamic state where poor people get punished by fake bunch of puppets that pretend to run a Islamic state state do they can continue to line there pockets with the people's wealth.

If my doughter doesn't have faith after 20 years of me bringing her up with what believe to be the practic and believes of god under Islam, I'm not likly to be able to convince her after. I can only give her a moment of my time to make shore she is doing it for the right reasons and vet the future husband to make shore his intentions are well and he will treat the most precious thing in my life with the respect she deserves.

If the future husband can't show me that, then there will be no marriage.

Well we are completely in agreement about Saudi then and it's people, pity Mecca is there eh! We are also in agreement about the value of our daughters. It is a pity that Saudi men cannot treat their women with the respect they deserve. I would hope in the situation I described you would continue to welcome her and her husband and children into your home for as long as you live. Salaam.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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If things turn serious, is the any logical reason why she couldn't follow your faith?

If a mutually respectful relationship is expected to develop then compromise should exist from both sides.

In a world free of hypocrisy neither partner should be expected to compromise their beleifs.

I have only ever seen this forced change in faith be expected in one direction, why not the other way round. Why couldn't a muslim woman switch to Christianity? But, why would she have to? You and your family would be fair to her right?

This is not a One-way street, practice a fair life with equality of freedoms, and also expect that of the treatment you receive.

Slightly different: when My wife and I married I was asked if I will become Buddhust, I replied no, I not Buddhist, I'm not Thai, while I respect the belief and culture of others, I also expect that same respect to apply to mine.

When asked about future children, I replied that there are great aspects but also failings in the religion and attitudes of both our countries and cultures, I expect to give our future children the benefits of both....

One possible reason that she might be unwilling to convert is that perhaps apostasy is a crime punishable by death under Shariah law in some countries, I believe. As usual, not a topic I am so interested in that I will spend five minutes looking it up, but those that have an interest might.

Islam places no restrictions on the religous beliefs of non-believers, but is quite strict on the religous freedoms of believers


Religious belief on non-believers?

Both the Koran and Hadith call for non Muslims to be put to the sword, it's quite specific on that.

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What's a fairy person? Not familiar with that sect.

While I think all boy babies should be clipped,passifier.gif no questions asked, they'll never remember the day of pain, I generally agree that children should not be indoctrinated into religious dogma.

Rather I feel they should be taught a liberal education, theories of religions, theories of non-belief, cultural history, etc. and allowed to make their own decisions when they grew up, similar to sexual orientation.

However, on ethnic identity, that is different than religious dogma, and I think that is real and that is rich.

Google Joshua and ask his mum if he should have been clipped! They nicked an artery, he died very soon after, she remembers the pain every day. And............there are many more many died, many many missing the top of the glans (yeah, more sensitive sex eh). Seems you are happy with giving people a choice for everything apart from Male Genital Mutilation. Stick a hook and weights through it when you are 18 if you want Jingthing, but until then, leave them as God made them eh!

The Fairy sect is somewhere between the Mormons and Scientologists.

Yes, Jingthing often has strange principles.

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If things turn serious, is the any logical reason why she couldn't follow your faith?

If a mutually respectful relationship is expected to develop then compromise should exist from both sides.

In a world free of hypocrisy neither partner should be expected to compromise their beleifs.

I have only ever seen this forced change in faith be expected in one direction, why not the other way round. Why couldn't a muslim woman switch to Christianity? But, why would she have to? You and your family would be fair to her right?

This is not a One-way street, practice a fair life with equality of freedoms, and also expect that of the treatment you receive.

Slightly different: when My wife and I married I was asked if I will become Buddhust, I replied no, I not Buddhist, I'm not Thai, while I respect the belief and culture of others, I also expect that same respect to apply to mine.

When asked about future children, I replied that there are great aspects but also failings in the religion and attitudes of both our countries and cultures, I expect to give our future children the benefits of both....

One possible reason that she might be unwilling to convert is that perhaps apostasy is a crime punishable by death under Shariah law in some countries, I believe. As usual, not a topic I am so interested in that I will spend five minutes looking it up, but those that have an interest might.

Islam places no restrictions on the religous beliefs of non-believers, but is quite strict on the religous freedoms of believers


Religious belief on non-believers?

Both the Koran and Hadith call for non Muslims to be put to the sword, it's quite specific on that.

This is a massive misinterpretation first my people that try to encourage and vet potential uneducated extremists, but this is really a conversation for another thred on another day!

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If things turn serious, is the any logical reason why she couldn't follow your faith?

If a mutually respectful relationship is expected to develop then compromise should exist from both sides.

In a world free of hypocrisy neither partner should be expected to compromise their beleifs.

I have only ever seen this forced change in faith be expected in one direction, why not the other way round. Why couldn't a muslim woman switch to Christianity? But, why would she have to? You and your family would be fair to her right?

This is not a One-way street, practice a fair life with equality of freedoms, and also expect that of the treatment you receive.

Slightly different: when My wife and I married I was asked if I will become Buddhust, I replied no, I not Buddhist, I'm not Thai, while I respect the belief and culture of others, I also expect that same respect to apply to mine.

When asked about future children, I replied that there are great aspects but also failings in the religion and attitudes of both our countries and cultures, I expect to give our future children the benefits of both....

One possible reason that she might be unwilling to convert is that perhaps apostasy is a crime punishable by death under Shariah law in some countries, I believe. As usual, not a topic I am so interested in that I will spend five minutes looking it up, but those that have an interest might.

Islam places no restrictions on the religous beliefs of non-believers, but is quite strict on the religous freedoms of believers


Religious belief on non-believers?

Both the Koran and Hadith call for non Muslims to be put to the sword, it's quite specific on that.

This is a massive misinterpretation first my people that try to encourage and vet potential uneducated extremists, but this is really a conversation for another thred on another day!

So if your daughter was in the situation I described, would you then welcome her, her husband and her children into your home if she committed apostasy and converted to christianity to suit her husbands religious needs?

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Lol, I knew someone and why not you would bring some corrupt bunch of rich hypercritical dangerious Muslims.

That's not there ethics, that's them taking advantage of a corrupt fake Islamic state where poor people get punished by fake bunch of puppets that pretend to run a Islamic state state do they can continue to line there pockets with the people's wealth.

If my doughter doesn't have faith after 20 years of me bringing her up with what believe to be the practic and believes of god under Islam, I'm not likly to be able to convince her after. I can only give her a moment of my time to make shore she is doing it for the right reasons and vet the future husband to make shore his intentions are well and he will treat the most precious thing in my life with the respect she deserves.

If the future husband can't show me that, then there will be no marriage.

At the age of 20 (+) any person has the right to make their own choices. To offer advice to a person is one thing but to tell that person what they can or cannot do is another. Perhaps you daughter doesn't want to be a slave or does not accept to being owned, if that is the case then I applaud her.

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Well we are completely in agreement about Saudi then and it's people, pity Mecca is there eh! We are also in agreement about the value of our daughters. It is a pity that Saudi men cannot treat their women with the respect they deserve. I would hope in the situation I described you would continue to welcome her and her husband and children into your home for as long as you live. Salaam.

Alhamdulillah (praise god/ I'm happy) to hear we have come to a mutual understanding.

Yes they will be welcome I'm my home and I would educate my grand kids in Islam, I would hope you would go the same route with your daughters.

Yes, it's a shame Mecca is in a place where the people of power behave in such a fashion, but I would say "rather it being a shame Mecca is there, it's a shame such people have manipulation over Mecca or anywhere.

wa alaykum salaam (piece and blessings to you.

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Well we are completely in agreement about Saudi then and it's people, pity Mecca is there eh! We are also in agreement about the value of our daughters. It is a pity that Saudi men cannot treat their women with the respect they deserve. I would hope in the situation I described you would continue to welcome her and her husband and children into your home for as long as you live. Salaam.

Alhamdulillah (praise god/ I'm happy) to hear we have come to a mutual understanding.

Yes they will be welcome I'm my home and I would educate my grand kids in Islam, I would hope you would go the same route with your daughters.

Yes, it's a shame Mecca is in a place where the people of power behave in such a fashion, but I would say "rather it being a shame Mecca is there, it's a shame such people have manipulation over Mecca or anywhere.

wa alaykum salaam (piece and blessings to you.

and peace be upon you too

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The night before I was to have a triple heart bypass, my wife pleaded with me to accept Jesus as my savior.

She knew that I did not believe all that BS about Jesus but wanted me to cover all the bases just in case

something went wrong in the OR. My comment to her was that if Jesus was as great as everybody claimed

he would know I was only bullshitting him.

To the OP, you sound like a young fella who is thinking with the wrong head.

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@Gentleman Jim.

As I have said before "I don't think any one should change there religion to suit there spouses needs or desires weather it be Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Scientology or Hinduism.

You follow the religion that pulls you/drives you by the heart, other ways your living a lie, I don't support that no matter who they are. If a man comes to me and I think he will make a good husband to my daughter and my daughter and the said man after getting to know each other believe they ant to marry, I will educate him as best as I can about Islam if he decides he wants or takes a love lo Islam, Alhamdulillah, I will be most grateful and rejoice-full, if not then I will praise god that my very dear daughter has found a good understanding husband. I will expect the same from him and his family.

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