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Triple Or Double Entry Tourist Visa (American)

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I have already used 2 triple entry tourist visa's...both I applied for both in the US without problem and the Thai embassy Los Angeles was very helpful.

However, these are back to back, and I am wondering if they will give me a 3rd triple entry as this time I'll be applying outside the US.

I am looking at going to the Thai Embassy in either Laos, Burma, or Cambodia...even the Philippines... any suggestions?

Thank you!

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I suspect your chance is close to zero for three entry at any of those locations with your history.

Unless you are really just staying a short period of time on each entry and visiting other countries between visits.

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Yeah, I'm concerned I'll only get a 30day...

My triple entry tourist visa allowed me 60days 3 entry...it was great...but now I'm thinking the only way is back to the states for new passport and triple entry visa...

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Yeah that's what I was worried about...perhaps only a 30day from Thai Embassy in Laos if thats where I go.

I may need to return to the US and get a new passport and new triple entry.

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Yeah that's what I was worried about...perhaps only a 30day from Thai Embassy in Laos if thats where I go.

I may need to return to the US and get a new passport and new triple entry.

You won't get 30 days from the consulate, you will either get a Tourist Visa for 60 days, or have to do a visa exempt entry, which is 15 days by land entry or 30 days if entering by air.

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Your age figures prominently in the visa issuance policy. If you are under fifty, with no visible means of support, forget multiple entries in Asia. If you are in fact financially independent, bank your funds in-country.

No problemo.

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Your age figures prominently in the visa issuance policy. If you are under fifty, with no visible means of support, forget multiple entries in Asia. If you are in fact financially independent, bank your funds in-country.

No problemo.

Where is this coming from? Are you basing this on any actual reports?

Which embassy wants proof of in-country financial independence?

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It's unfortunate that so many take the illegal approach... I however, am not though I appreciate your info/advice. New visa because I'm almost out of pages...and a new one would not reflect the double triple entries I have... I would send my current one in for a new one... that's not illegal, I've checked.

Whether you choose to believe or not really isnt an issue for me... but I am doing things legally hence my coming to this site for advice/suggestions rather than just pay the right people... I am actually trying to learn to read/write/speak Thai...my point is I'm here for good, legal reasons...

Back to the topic, if anyone has constructive ideas on how I might best go about lengthening my stay in Thailand please let me know... I am under 50 and American... I cannot work...

If your suggestion is 'go to such and such border and apply for double entry' fine... 'go back to the states and get a new passport/visa' fine...

Once again, I am not looking for illegal assistance nor attempting anything illegal...like most I've met, I'm simply trying to do all I can to operate within the boundaries that are set in place...which as you know, and I'm slowly learning, is not always easy...

Thank you in advance...

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If you can afford some travelling, than you can mixing one or double entry Tourist visa with 30 day airport visa exempt entries and 15 days land border visa exempt entries.

Double Tourist visa should be possible in Vientiane and Savannaketh-Laos, read here on Thai Visa that is the best option from your mentioned Embassies, Consular sections.

Maybe make first one or two Visa exemption entries, so you have no back to back Tourist Visas. If you can afford the travelling.

A Education Visa-Study Thai, not so hard-some take it not serious, want only the Visa, would also be another way to stay legally a year and more.

Marry a Thai Lady, or father Thai child than you can stay also more easy. giggle.gif

Or, go to Cambodia and stay there, in the moment still much more easy the Visa possibilities!

Edited by ALFREDO
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