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Stickman'S April Fools Contribution.


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Everybody knows about Thai Visa's odd sense of April fools humor but it appears Stickman has joined the tasteless trend. Below is Stick's contribution to The April fools parade.


"It would seem that Thailand is about to join its neighbours in making a greater effort to protect its women who work in the sector of the commercial sex industry which targets foreign men. Two new regulations soon to be implemented will change the foreign sector of Thailand's commercial sex industry forever."

"The first regulation is the Foreign Service Worker's Card."

"The second new regulation which, will also be put in place early in second half of the year, requires hotels to register sex workers accompanying a foreign customer to his hotel."

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Yes, and I fell for it; sending him two messages, e.g. congratulating him! And I also realised how dependent one is on mobile phones; mine isn't working right now, so I didn't remember the date when reading his column...

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cant stand the man or his column, but very well done. very well done indeed.

Ya, you have to give the guy credit. Anyone who has the balls to insult his main market (Old guys coming to Thailand for sex) has big brass ones. Not real bright, of course. Actually verging on retarded, but big brass ones. I imagine his middle aged polyester, poaching teaching buddies will have a laugh at it.

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"It would seem that Thailand is about to join its neighbours in making a greater effort to protect its women who work in the sector of the commercial sex industry which targets foreign men. Two new regulations soon to be implemented will change the foreign sector of Thailand's commercial sex industry forever."

"The first regulation is the Foreign Service Worker's Card."

"The second new regulation which, will also be put in place early in second half of the year, requires hotels to register sex workers accompanying a foreign customer to his hotel."

Surprised he didn't add a third:

"Compulsory quality control to be carried out on condoms. Inflate to maximum and prove steady pressure for 40 minutes before deflating for use".

Warning: do not carry in inflated state on the sky train from pickup point to final destination. Spend the 40 minutes discussing "noodle farms" with the registered sex worker in the hotel room.

Edited by chrisinth
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cant stand the man or his column, but very well done. very well done indeed.

Ya, you have to give the guy credit. Anyone who has the balls to insult his main market (Old guys coming to Thailand for sex) has big brass ones. Not real bright, of course. Actually verging on retarded, but big brass ones. I imagine his middle aged polyester, poaching teaching buddies will have a laugh at it.

They have likely already filled the application forms out in triplicate ......................

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I like his articles and down to earth attitude, most of what he writes is factual and for some here I would say hard to swallow as it's so close to the truth sometimes plus no opportunity to rant back with utter nonesense that many do on TV

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cant stand the man or his column, but very well done. very well done indeed.

Ya, you have to give the guy credit. Anyone who has the balls to insult his main market (Old guys coming to Thailand for sex) has big brass ones. Not real bright, of course. Actually verging on retarded, but big brass ones. I imagine his middle aged polyester, poaching teaching buddies will have a laugh at it.

Live and Let Live.

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There is more to the column and more to the man. Also he writes a lot more if you read well. If you don't read good enough you only read what you want to read.. Everybody has the right to do so...

Please write a lot more so we can read well.

Well actually ... please do not.

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For those who read it; Stickman admitted his April Fools Joke on his website. He does not realize how easy it is to read past the exterior fluff and notice the contempt he has for his readers and main customer base.

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Is his eyesore of a web design, with the white text on black background etc., part of the April fools joke?

People have been commenting on that for 10 years. He thinks it is good design. Of course that does fly in the face of every printer since Gutenberg, that was 1450 I think.

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He does not realize how easy it is to read past the exterior fluff and notice the contempt he has for his readers and main customer base.

For one who shows so much "contempt" he don't half spend a lot of time in Tilac bar raving about #34's tits...

So do you mean he is not showing contempt or he is or he should spend more time in the Tilac bar. Sorry I don't get what you are trying to say.

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I also wrote him about the article not knowing that it was a joke. Which is particularly retarded when only 10 minutes prior I had been duped by a buddy on FB with another April Fool's joke. Doh!!!

As for Stickman, I have never met him, but I like his weekly column. It's always well written, and typically has some cool local info. It's not the best design in the world, as you can only read a few columns before the black background starts to make your eyes sore, but I like the content. Try googling just about any Asian-woman related topic for Thailand or the Philippines, and a Stickman article is likely to show in the first page of results.

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I'm saying maybe he should take a peek in the mirror...

I doubt he lives in Thailand anymore. But your idea is a good one.

Wow, you're bashing Stickman here and in another thread, that's a hell of a resentment you got going on! I'm curious as to why?

Note: Asking Kerry, not Heavy Drinker.

Edited by GrahamF
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I'm saying maybe he should take a peek in the mirror...

I doubt he lives in Thailand anymore. But your idea is a good one.

Wow, you're bashing Stickman here and in another thread, that's a hell of a resentment you got going on! I'm curious as to why?

Note: Asking Kerry, not Heavy Drinker.

Actually I am a friend. You know, any PR is good pr.

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"Thai Visa's odd sense of April fools humor" and "tasteless trend" ? huh.png

Ever get the feeling that some nationalities have no sense of fun, take life (even here in LOS !) too seriously, or are simply jealous of this proud and ancient British tradition ? rolleyes.gif

And they can't even spell 'humour' right ! ohmy.png

You've gotta laugh ! cool.png

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"Thai Visa's odd sense of April fools humor" and "tasteless trend" ? huh.png

Ever get the feeling that some nationalities have no sense of fun, take life (even here in LOS !) too seriously, or are simply jealous of this proud and ancient British tradition ? rolleyes.gif

And they can't even spell 'humour' right ! ohmy.png

You've gotta laugh ! cool.png

It is not the humor or lack of humor. It is the constant targeting of old single males in Thailand.

I know some people find it offensive that old single males in Thailand have young beautiful women by day and night but I feel that organizations that are composed of mostly old single men or at least are a very substantial part of their readership and market and source of wealth would treat the goose that laid the golden egg a little better.

See what I am saying? If I was going to do a practical joke how many years in a row would the old codgers, coffin dodgers be the but of my prank?

Every year? Every issue of my news letter. Every morality tale have the old guys come out losers?

How long does it take an intelligent person to realize that working expats are becoming a scarce commodity in Thailand and retired sex pats are going strong?

Just from a marketing point of view who do you want polyester suited football hooligans trying to learn how to punctuate an English sentence over a bottle of cheap rice wine or a retired auto worker hosting 10 ladies from the boom boom beer bar at the Hilton lunch buffet?

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One day a year is hardly "constant targeting".

Most April Fools jokes are not against single males in particular, but against the ridiculousness of life in-general, and they attempt to poke fun by making-up a spoof-story which seems (if only for a few moments) somehow more real than reality itself.

If any old single males feel unfairly put-upon by April Fools Day jokes in any one newsletter or website, which I don't agree they should be, then they can surely vote with their feet ?

Rather than laugh along with the rest of us ! rolleyes.gif

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One day a year is hardly "constant targeting".

Most April Fools jokes are not against single males in particular, but against the ridiculousness of life in-general, and they attempt to poke fun by making-up a spoof-story which seems (if only for a few moments) somehow more real than reality itself.

If any old single males feel unfairly put-upon by April Fools Day jokes in any one newsletter or website, which I don't agree they should be, then they can surely vote with their feet ?

Rather than laugh along with the rest of us ! rolleyes.gif

If you will notice I did not target April Fools jokes in general. I was quite specific.

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Ricardo, I think Kerry K's point is that "Stickman" has done a total About Face and is somewhat biting th hand that feeds him if you will.

He has gone from being a bar-hopping whoremonger who initially settled in Thailand to be with the whores, to being someone almost in denial at his own past...all in 10 short years.

During this time he amassed (and allegedly has made a lot of money via) a loyal readership, mainly from the whoremongering community, who he now writes about with ill concealed contempt, (in spite of seeming to spend an inordinate amount of time in Tilac Bar and other similar places).

Apologies to Kerry K if I'm wrong but that's how I read his sometimes minimalist posts.

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