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Comming To Thailand What Sort Of Protection I Need To Bring.


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Getting married so I don't need the condoms for myself anymore.

If she is a teacher why are so fixated with what will happen in Bangla Road.

Please refer to this thread about not needing condoms and see how much it could cost you! This is happening in Australia now.


Edited by maprao
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I think some people are thinking it is stranger that I want to marry a thai girl than that I want to protect my phone with a condom.

BTW she does not like girls who become prostitutes and thats why I worry about bang la. I'm thinking of staying towards the beach end only and not going past the Aussie bar. I plan to only move to thailand if I am old and don't need to work. Yes We will end up having kids as she has got that already planned. She will move here we will be married and she won't leave me because i'm old as i'm only two years older than her.

I know she wants me because I am a nice guy and have a good job and she is very very clucky. She does not like to party but wants to go out for 1 night only to celibrate.

I have been to bangla maybe 7 times so know what it is like.

Edited by althemighty
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I'm pretty convinced it's a troll, too. But very sorry for him if not.

Mods .. before you close him down ... maybe not a troll.

Before I made my first reply, I checked his posts out, dates, contents etc ...

Seems a lot of work for this one troll post.

But you seen this a thousand times more then me.

But maybe I just want to believe in people ... just saying.

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why take her to patong, you could take her to a more thai orientated resort area, where she, if a non p4p girl, would probably feel far more comfortable.

for a non p4p girl to walk down bangla, with a farang, it is not exactly a life long ambition for most, some moron offering ping pong show tickets etc, most traditional women, would be horrified.

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I'm pretty convinced it's a troll, too. But very sorry for him if not.

Mods .. before you close him down ... maybe not a troll.

Before I made my first reply, I checked his posts out, dates, contents etc ...

Seems a lot of work for this one troll post.

But you seen this a thousand times more then me.

But maybe I just want to believe in people ... just saying.

i did jury service and could not believe the folk that said ''we'' should give him another chance (forget the judge). cowboy.gif

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well good luck best protection is to properly understand your a forang and seen as a cash cow and im happily married here for 71+ years with 2 lovely children and Thia wife

Youll need a lot of luck not to be one of victims but best of luck it can work for a few and if you have genuinely found a good Thai lady who loves you for yourself and you have sorted out all issues totally regarding any level of support for your brides family and rest then you wont need any other protection

However even asking this question seem s to indicate you could be a lamb to sluaghter

I sincerely hope it works for you and it can and I advise either trust 100% your wife and ignore all sceptics or if you dont or should not Be very very carefu

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well good luck best protection is to properly understand your a forang and seen as a cash cow and im happily married here for 71+ years with 2 lovely children and Thia wife

Youll need a lot of luck not to be one of victims but best of luck it can work for a few and if you have genuinely found a good Thai lady who loves you for yourself and you have sorted out all issues totally regarding any level of support for your brides family and rest then you wont need any other protection

However even asking this question seem s to indicate you could be a lamb to sluaghter

I sincerely hope it works for you and it can and I advise either trust 100% your wife and ignore all sceptics or if you dont or should not Be very very carefu

well good luck best protection is to properly understand your a forang and seen as a cash cow and im happily married here for 71+ years with 2 lovely children and Thia wife

Youll need a lot of luck not to be one of victims but best of luck it can work for a few and if you have genuinely found a good Thai lady who loves you for yourself and you have sorted out all issues totally regarding any level of support for your brides family and rest then you wont need any other protection

However even asking this question seem s to indicate you could be a lamb to sluaghter

I sincerely hope it works for you and it can and I advise either trust 100% your wife and ignore all sceptics or if you dont or should not Be very very carefu

CORRCETION HAPPILY MARIED 17 YEARS although at trying times it seems 71 years but id not swap my life here for anything

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Well wanted to take my phone with me so I can get photo's. I think with family they will not throw water when i am holding my phone to take picture. Will people on bangla road use common sense and not throw water at me when i'm taking a picture with my phone?

Is this a joke for April 1? Bangla Road + songkran = drunken asshol_e gathering.

Edited by geriatrickid
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I think some people are thinking it is stranger that I want to marry a thai girl than that I want to protect my phone with a condom.

BTW she does not like girls who become prostitutes and thats why I worry about bang la. I'm thinking of staying towards the beach end only and not going past the Aussie bar. I plan to only move to thailand if I am old and don't need to work. Yes We will end up having kids as she has got that already planned. She will move here we will be married and she won't leave me because i'm old as i'm only two years older than her.

I know she wants me because I am a nice guy and have a good job and she is very very clucky. She does not like to party but wants to go out for 1 night only to celibrate.

I have been to bangla maybe 7 times so know what it is like.

I think some people are thinking it is stranger that I want to marry a thai girl than that I want to protect my phone with a condom.

BTW she does not like girls who become prostitutes and thats why I worry about bang la. I'm thinking of staying towards the beach end only and not going past the Aussie bar. I plan to only move to thailand if I am old and don't need to work. Yes We will end up having kids as she has got that already planned. She will move here we will be married and she won't leave me because i'm old as i'm only two years older than her.

I know she wants me because I am a nice guy and have a good job and she is very very clucky. She does not like to party but wants to go out for 1 night only to celibrate.

I have been to bangla maybe 7 times so know what it is like.

surely April fool does not count if its not April first and in my childhood had to be morning. In fact any other time the one trying to fool is the fool. So your either a fool for posting this not on April 1st or if by some chance its at all genuine a fool. If your a troll I guess my logic is not correct and the fool who tries to fool a fool is a fool himself.

Do let us know or maybe a book could be opened Id put 1000 baht your trying an April fool or a troll but then you did catch be so well done

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In Thailand you won't find condoms big enough to fit over a cell phone. Even the largest size Thai ones barely fit me. I have a waterproof camera so the water doesn't affect it. But, I would be more worried about infection from polluted water. I would leave your camera phone back in your place of residence. I leave Thailand intentionally BEFORE Songkran. It it only lasted 2 days it would be fun... like Loi Krathong, but it often goes on for 10 days or more and that is lunacy.

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I think the OP wanted advice on how to keep his phone and passport dry, not a lecture on a relationship with a Thai lady.

I keep my phone in two snaplock bags, seperate to my money which is in another two snaplock bags... because the money is in and out of your pocket all day, buying drinks, and you don't want to be opening and closing the bag with your phone all day...

You can also buy alegedly waterproof bag things that tie around your neck from vendors on the street (and maybe supermarkets)... but I would still keep the phone inside a baggy inside one of them to be sure...

Best protection is to get the cheapest phone you can and carry that... I have killed an old Nokia every Songkran, wouldn't risk a real phone...

Holding the phone out is definately going to make you a target... I especially like blasting cigarettes from smokers mouths (although that is frought with danger, cigarettes being only slight less treasured than phones)...

I probably wouldn't take a good girl to Bangla unless she suggested it... up to you tho...

Hope it helps,



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I am getting married twice. First April 9 so I can apply for spouse visa. Then again in december for the formal wedding. We will be already be married but that is when the party will be and the dowry given.

You are getting married once. April 9th sounds like that is when you register the marriage. There is no ceremony only signing legal papers and getting the certificate. In December it will the ceremony and following reception.

The two parts are completely separate and you can do one or the other or both at anytime.

Two ziplock bags are the best way to protedt the phone.


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Well wanted to take my phone with me so I can get photo's. I think with family they will not throw water when i am holding my phone to take picture. Will people on bangla road use common sense and not throw water at me when i'm taking a picture with my phone?

Are you serious? People on Bangla will take great care to soak any expensive electronic gear that they spot. And, while we're about it, Thais are just as "bad" when it comes to soaking as farangs.

To the OP, a phone is not a vital peice of equipment- leave it behind in your room.

As said before, take a copy of your passport in a zip lock bag.


PS I'm stocking up on food, drink, DVDs, and staying indoors till it's all over. Bah humbug!

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I think some people are thinking it is stranger that I want to marry a thai girl than that I want to protect my phone with a condom.

BTW she does not like girls who become prostitutes and thats why I worry about bang la. I'm thinking of staying towards the beach end only and not going past the Aussie bar. I plan to only move to thailand if I am old and don't need to work. Yes We will end up having kids as she has got that already planned. She will move here we will be married and she won't leave me because i'm old as i'm only two years older than her.

I know she wants me because I am a nice guy and have a good job and she is very very clucky. She does not like to party but wants to go out for 1 night only to celibrate.

I have been to bangla maybe 7 times so know what it is like.

This is definitely getting into troll territory, but just in case it's not, someone needs to do some research, fast!

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Why do people with s"I"gh phones always insist on saying its a Sighphone,

Do they go around also saying my Toshiba Fridge, my Moulinex vacuum my Chinese Thai wife mk2.................? I just wondered??

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No I am not a troll. I am really getting married on the 9th. Reason for phuket is because she wanted an island because it is hot and weather was not good to go to pai where we had first planned. Chose phuket because it has direct flight back to ubon. Currently plan is to have nice dinner and restraunt and maybe a show or a movie at night on 9th. We do plan to go out 1 day in phuket to celibrate and want to do songkran. Is there a place in phuket that is good to party and does not have the wrong type of crowd?

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No I am not a troll. I am really getting married on the 9th. Reason for phuket is because she wanted an island because it is hot and weather was not good to go to pai where we had first planned. Chose phuket because it has direct flight back to ubon. Currently plan is to have nice dinner and restraunt and maybe a show or a movie at night on 9th. We do plan to go out 1 day in phuket to celibrate and want to do songkran. Is there a place in phuket that is good to party and does not have the wrong type of crowd?

I vote for troll.

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"We do plan to go out 1 day in phuket to celibrate and want to do songkran. Is there a place in phuket that is good to party and does not have the wrong type of crowd?"

What is the wrong crowd? Than stay away of Patong, Karon, Kata Nois crowds.

Hidden inside a 5 Star Hotel maybe. Everywhere else during Song Khran, you are prey.

Join in and forget your mobile or camera at home! Or stay in your upper class Hotel and look out of the balcon or window.

Or better go to Kao Lak, when you not want to mix with the "wrong crowd"


"TROLL" I think you are right, that questions? giggle.gif

Edited by ALFREDO
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The ziplock bags are the way to go.

The busier the area the greater the change that some twit will make a grab for your GF's / Wife's breasts (this has occured twice in the past with my Sister and an Ex GF) - My wife and I will stay away from the Crazy areas much for this reason and the hectic insane nature of the 'games' which I hope many others enjoy but are not for us.

We will however partake in some less extreme Songkran activities in the quieter areas - Phone well and truly zip-locked up !! There are also these water tight bags / packs (aqua pack?) that can be purchased at the camping/trekking style shops in the malls.

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I think bang la won't be that bad. Think you guys are trolling me. I am staying at the mercure but don't want a boring celibration at the hotel. I don't mid getting a little wet. I just needed protection.

So leave the phone behind. Surely you can survive without being "on call" for a while. Then you don't have to worry about it.

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