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I was asked a few days ago to come to a school near my home and help with the childrens pronunciation . Its a group of thai teachers that tutor kids in english . No money envolved on my part . I said no, that I could not because it might be considered working and I would not want to get crossways with immmigration . Can someone give me some advice I would really enjoy doing it . Can you get anything from immigration that will allow you to volunteer your time ???


I gave free English lessons for rural kids in a wat nextdoor.

in the end it was a frenzy, and "unfortuatly" more and more "middle class" children were brought by their parents (free) and the rural kids did't show up anymore.

In NK I never heard any problem with the immigration praying on volunteers.

It all depends in how we present ourselfs i guess..........as in your case i (and the children) enjoyed the part play part serious lessons, no money strings attached and supervised by the abbot.

hidden agenda's are reported, i am sure of that.

any english teaching college (and there are a lot in NK) won't allow any foreigner to step on their turf.

what would anyone else with a business like that do?


In reality probably nothing would happen, technically you are breaking the law. Like so many things in Thailand it really depends who you have to face on the day and what they want to do about it, what you have to say etc wont matter one bit.

Personally I would do it right and don't take a chance that someone reports you or gets pissed at you.

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Volunteering requires a work permit from the labour office. Not that difficult to get, unless you are in Thailand on an extension of stay based on retirement.


Yes thats my thoughts as well .. Im here on a marrage visa , I know how people are it would only take one phone call and Id be in a heep ....


No problem getting a work permit on an extension of stay based on marriage. If it is a real school/government school it should not be a problem, if it is a company it might be different as people normally do not volunteer for a company/commercial enterprise.


If it's a government school, then they should be able to arrange a WP for someone with a marriage extension. Also, frankly, you probably won't be hassled at a government school even without a WP/ They'll just say they're "working on it" and everything will be OK. If it's a private school, that charges the students -- or a school run by a NGO -- well, then, that might be a different situation.


Yes thats my thoughts as well .. Im here on a marrage visa , I know how people are it would only take one phone call and Id be in a heep ....

So your married to a Thai lady, and here on a visa. Would you reallly risk your visa / your conduit to being together with your wife?

Why not try get it all legal.


Thanks and no I would not risk my standings or even one day of my freedom . Thats why I am asking ...... It is a private school that does charge the students , my contention now is if they can't get me some type of work permit to volunteer my time. I will pass on it . Too much to risk . I have heard of people being fined as much as 40,000 baht for just jamming with other musicians in a local bar here so No I believe I will pass . Though in my eyes harmless, one phone call by a jelous farrang or school and I could be in a big jam it appears

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