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All good suggestions, and I wish the OP the best.

I feel the CM community has offered its suggestions; let's expand the commentary to include all of Thailand.

Moved to the Health Body and Medicine forum, with a live link remaining on the Chiang Mai forum.


Anti-depressive medications have their place and are unavoidable for some people at some times. They can save lives. If you are at the point where suicidal thoughts are present, you definitely need to start therapy and possibly go on meds (therapist advise you on that).

The meds take some time to work and unfortunately people often put off going on them until they are at the point where they can't tolerate the wait. Don't make that mistake.


What does a "Chemical imbalance of the brain" actually mean? Is there a test for it?

It is important to actually do something and start to take control, rather than do nothing and remain a 'victim'. If you need support, there are people out there who can help. If you are living a toxifying lifestyle, go on a 7 day detox and use that as a springboard to break existing patterns and transform your lifestyle. A group setting suits some but not others. Some people prefer privacy or personalized programs. pm me if you want a recommendation.

Claims to lift depression have been made for large doses of Niacin (B3). Look it up.


strenuous exercise

eat a good meal

stay away from dairy and bread products

(a great thing about thialand)

mega-dose on proper vitamins and supplements especially the b's

be sure you are getting high quality protein (fish with essential oils)

look into things like ginseng that boost your energy gently

st john's wart etc there are so many supplements

100% chocolate, no sugar, maca, etc...

(caffeine will often cause a crash

alcohol and sleeping pills can make one emotionally crazy)

have extended sex

meditate and learn how to breath

study about Buddhism

go swimming take a shower or a bath, water is HEALING

music and dancing

watch or listen to something funny

watch 'what the bleep, down the rabbit hole' they talk about peptides

read a great or self help book

go to the movies

talk to strangers or friends even

help someone in worse shape then yourself



take NOTHING seriously or personally

try something you never did

go somewhere you have never been

learn about martial arts and the body/mind connection

find the nearest roller coaster

learn about positive self talk and affirmations, in fact start a list of your own affirmations

be sure to read it when you need it

try a day or so of sleep deprivation

go for a massage god dam_n it!

be thankful, become grateful, love yourself and others with no conditions

find a belief system that harbors NO DOUBTS

pray, ask god or the universe or your higher power for help

be patient

go feed some hungry street animals

adopt one or get a kitten, etc

if all else fails go searching for some special herbs

this list is by no means complete

it looks like some good souls have come out of the closet on this thread

acratillo if you are still out there i would like to connect


there is much wisdom from people on this thread

except perhaps the last two posts w00t.gif

i am especially impressed by those that subscribe to:

to each his own and each must find his own way and what is right for them

those are the kind of folks i would want in my corner

i am not so sure why they are the exception and not the rule

but that might make them even more special

in the mean time i keep finding more things to add to THE list should anyone be interested

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The st.johns wart sounds good. Where do I get this from in Chiang Mai. I'm in San sai if that has any bearing.

Available as a Blackmore's product from various pharmacies - I can't remember which part of CNX you are in. It's relatively expensive and if you end up taking it regularly then it's far cheaper to buy it online from one of the large USA-based vitamin/supplement web sites


This is a bit of a 'hit or miss' but,

a 3some can do wonders to depression,

but if you catch gonorrhea you'll end up even more depressed.


This is a bit of a 'hit or miss' but,

a 3some can do wonders to depression,

but if you catch gonorrhea you'll end up even more depressed.

Sex makes you even more depressed,. I'm sick to death of it and getting hounded for it. catch a plane,go to KL for a few days,cheap enough there,no damned girls forever chasing you,go buy new computer ,lot cheaper there,just a complete change for a few days

But then you aren't talking 3some,

you're talking doing the shit with one single girl, with which i holly agree.

It is a toss which one is more boring, trying to have sex with a single girl, or playing puter.


Sometimes Thailand as a whole can be depressing with the poverty and daily grind and BS here, whenever I feel stressed or p!ssed off I do meditate and think about nothiness at it works!!



i have a natural knack for stopping any thread dead in it's tracks without even trying rolleyes.gif

see yas

it is because you leave them all so speechless DJ tongue.png


I'm depressed.

The good part is my gf is a very good person, hard working, honest and caretaking.

The bad part is we had sex once every 2nd month on an average for 2 years, and now i'm so dishearted so i don't want at all any longer.

I want a better life/go back to my life, but the messed up thing is she dont have anything or anyone in this rotten world, so i have to set up security for her before i carry on. Life is so bad so i'm hoping i will die every time i have a nap so she can take my stuff and be safe. I will need to invest more in her business to ensure her economy is waterproof, but that will tie me up in this pointless depressing apathetic life probably a year before she can pay everything like rent with some margin.

Boring shit from hell, but she came with a small bag of clothes and 100k in debt when she walked away from her bf, house and car, trusting that i wouldnt abandon her. There is absolutely no hope we will ever have a functional sexlife, and i hope we won't even try because i'm just too dishearted.


I'm depressed.

The good part is my gf is a very good person, hard working, honest and caretaking.

The bad part is we had sex once every 2nd month on an average for 2 years, and now i'm so dishearted so i don't want at all any longer.

I want a better life/go back to my life, but the messed up thing is she dont have anything or anyone in this rotten world, so i have to set up security for her before i carry on. Life is so bad so i'm hoping i will die every time i have a nap so she can take my stuff and be safe. I will need to invest more in her business to ensure her economy is waterproof, but that will tie me up in this pointless depressing apathetic life probably a year before she can pay everything like rent with some margin.

Boring shit from hell, but she came with a small bag of clothes and 100k in debt when she walked away from her bf, house and car, trusting that i wouldnt abandon her. There is absolutely no hope we will ever have a functional sexlife, and i hope we won't even try because i'm just too dishearted.

One of the "catch-22"s of depression is that it impairs one's ability to think clearly and thus to find solutions to the problems that set it off in the first place.

There are almost certainly solutions/approaches to your dilemma that haven't occurred to you. Please get some counselling at one of the places listed in the pinned thread, it will help you greatly to be able to talk things through with an objective listener, and you'll find your way out of both the impasse with your gf and your depression.

You may also need medication, but let the counselor advise on that.

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had acute depressions myself starting September last year. Went immediately to see a psycho therapist in Pattaya and doing much better now. Still, it ain't over yet.


The st.johns wart sounds good. Where do I get this from in Chiang Mai. I'm in San sai if that has any bearing.

Available as a Blackmore's product from various pharmacies - I can't remember which part of CNX you are in. It's relatively expensive and if you end up taking it regularly then it's far cheaper to buy it online from one of the large USA-based vitamin/supplement web sites

Oh dear. Just re-read this thread and noticed what is possibly my most spectacularly unobservant post ever blink.png Too much hot sun that day ... anyway try the pharmacy that is within the old produce market at Ruamchok Meechai. If not there then next stop would be the two pharmacies in the adjacent new market complex. One other comment on St Johns Wort (with reference to the poster who took 6/day - which is a lot), they are sold in varying dosages so check the label. I think the Blackmore's ones are not particularly strong. Buy online from I-herb who have various brands and at far lower price that LOS


Assuming death doesn't occur soon enough, & i wont go to therapy, she has an unusual high dignity, i dont want to leave her unsafe, but also prefer death over this shit. What is better:

suggesting i get another 2nd wife or say good luck with your life i'm outa here, knowing she's screwed.? I dont want to hurt her but also dont want to carry on with life as is, my ex didnt mind being 2nd wife, and my current said she didnt mind, but that only lasted a few weeks.

My options are: die so my current gf get my stuff, move to Cambodia & start all over -gf screwed, pick up where i left with my ex -gf screwed, carry on with this in hope of death, carry on with this but adding my ex. I have gotten the impression a few times that my current wanted to suggest i pick up with my ex, for sex i presume, since she havnt got the slightest interest whatsoever.


Again, I can only repeat that you should see a professional counselor. There is no way you are going to reach a good decision with your mind and emotions as they are. You need to clear your head a bit and talk things through with a professional. There are more options than you are able to perceive now.



Dude not to worry bro. You have a ton of great things to be happy for but right now I know things suck. I'm not going to BS YOU life sucks it really does but life is also so fuc_kING AWSOME!! I'm not going to tell you how to live your life or what you should do with it BUT give it a little more time OK? FIRST: go see a doctor and tell him how you feel and ASK home to please give you some medicine to help you get through these hard times. SECOND: no matter what your religion is go to a BUDDA temple and check your self in for a few weeks. Try to zen your self and get in touch with your mind and body. It will also help if a monk there can speak your native language.

Dude my life really suck sometime and I've seen and been through some of the WORST SHIT a human can endure. I've even tasted metal but gave it a second chance.

Open your heart, mind and sole to your loved ones.

Your Friend,


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