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Resistant Malaria Spreads Rapidly To Thai-Myanmar Border


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Very worrying, I tend to think of Thailand asked malaria free. The geography is also a concern. How did this form of malaria transit from Cambodia to the east of Thailand and Burma in the West? Via what route? Does this mean the central belt of Thailand is now infected? Or did it not transit at all and all malarial strains are simply mutating into a resistant form which being resistant may spread across previously uninfected areas?

Maybe just infected people transit?

Koh Payam, a beautiful island is also infected......


Do you have any further info on how it's affecting Ko Payam, Have been there many times and have friends on the island

No not real, 2 years ago I was there and a guy told he got it, but his friend pointed out, that he always smoke marihuana in the jungle with the Myarmanese (spelling) labor and than sleep somewhere in the jungle where the mosquito feed on him.

On the clinic there they had a ready simple test.

My guide book also told that there might be Malaria.

I wouldn't be so sure if that guy told the true as he was a bit of an idiot.

People from Myanmar come and go. And the Sea Gypsies village doesn't look too good.

I didn't hear anything from anyone else there.

My opinion: Some rare cases are happening, but not many.....But still scary.

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Very worrying, I tend to think of Thailand asked malaria free. The geography is also a concern. How did this form of malaria transit from Cambodia to the east of Thailand and Burma in the West? Via what route? Does this mean the central belt of Thailand is now infected? Or did it not transit at all and all malarial strains are simply mutating into a resistant form which being resistant may spread across previously uninfected areas?

Mosquito´s do not travel far, so it must be infected people and animals who spread the disease.

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Very worrying, I tend to think of Thailand asked malaria free. The geography is also a concern. How did this form of malaria transit from Cambodia to the east of Thailand and Burma in the West? Via what route? Does this mean the central belt of Thailand is now infected? Or did it not transit at all and all malarial strains are simply mutating into a resistant form which being resistant may spread across previously uninfected areas?

i think the 15 days at land crossings, was too much for the mosquitoes to deal with, so they kept in Laos and then Burma.

I think that Dengue is carried by different mosquitoes the Aedes, and mainly strike during the day.

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Polluted areas like cities are free from malaria.

Something to do with diesel fumes.

Never thought that diesel fumes could be good for you.

Yes it is the sought after areas like jungle and islands where the tourist is at risk.

Local people seem to have developed an immunity

since they are exposed to mosquitoes from birth.

Something to do with their red blood cells acquiring a marker

which the white blood cells can see and destroy if infected.

A double marker is called sycle celled anemia, common in Africa,

and is also fatal.

I caught Falciparum Malaria on the island of Koh Mac about 25 years ago.

The Australian government hospital in Perth saved my life.

The main problem used to be diagnosis.

Since it is a disease of the red blood cells the symptoms can be anything.

The only reliable test is for the infected blood cells to be seen in a blood sample

and even then they hide and come out only from time to time.

Crafty little buggers aren't they?

I have an Australian friend in Koh Kong Cambodia who was recently infected and nearly died.

Koh Mac and Koh Kut, in Thailand, and Koh Kong, very near but in Cambodia, seem to be hot spots.

I am told that you can only get it once after which if you do not die

you will develop an immunity similar to local people.

The best cure was Quinine which for some reason the doctors are reluctant

to prescribe. Most Falciparum Malaria is resistant to most of the drugs you

have ever heard of. Larium is a drug of last resort but being widely available

over the counter in Pailin Cambodia, previously famous for the Khmer Rouge,

is now famous for spreading resistant strains of Falciparum Malaria.

Edited by jobsworth
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Very worrying, I tend to think of Thailand asked malaria free. The geography is also a concern. How did this form of malaria transit from Cambodia to the east of Thailand and Burma in the West? Via what route? Does this mean the central belt of Thailand is now infected? Or did it not transit at all and all malarial strains are simply mutating into a resistant form which being resistant may spread across previously uninfected areas?

Plasmodium falciparum is transmitted by mosquito, not people. A mosquito has to bite a person with Malaria and then bite you. Humans can not get Malaria from other humans. You should read up on this as you clearly don't have a clue and Plasmodium falciparum kills in 4 to 6 days and it is painful. I personnaly know several people that have had it. Please pull your head out of the sand.

Are you saying people with malaria are immediately immobile? I see nothing wrong with that post except that we cannot know the answer. Malaria can travel in humans and mosquitoes I would say. True, new cases must have been bitten by a mosquito that has bitten an infected human – or some other mammal that has it in his blood? You are right there cannot be any other way than a bite, but the infected human could have flown in a plane further than a mosquito without a ticket. The spraying of insecticide in planes coming from that direction should also be started immediately.

Four to six days is very fast, I did not realise it was so lethal. It could take that long to know what disease a person has?

This is not entirely a joke, - but is gin not any use now?

One person I know got off his plane from Africa and went straight to the hospital in Canada. That was the first day of his 9 day stay in the hospital. It was a 30 hour plane ride with the layover in Paris for him. This is no joke. If you don't believe me then look it up. Everyone you know needs to know. This is just like being aware of Dengue Fever

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Very worrying, I tend to think of Thailand asked malaria free. The geography is also a concern. How did this form of malaria transit from Cambodia to the east of Thailand and Burma in the West? Via what route? Does this mean the central belt of Thailand is now infected? Or did it not transit at all and all malarial strains are simply mutating into a resistant form which being resistant may spread across previously uninfected areas?

Maybe just infected people transit?

Koh Payam, a beautiful island is also infected......


Do you have any further info on how it's affecting Ko Payam, Have been there many times and have friends on the island

No not real, 2 years ago I was there and a guy told he got it, but his friend pointed out, that he always smoke marihuana in the jungle with the Myarmanese (spelling) labor and than sleep somewhere in the jungle where the mosquito feed on him.

On the clinic there they had a ready simple test.

My guide book also told that there might be Malaria.

I wouldn't be so sure if that guy told the true as he was a bit of an idiot.

People from Myanmar come and go. And the Sea Gypsies village doesn't look too good.

I didn't hear anything from anyone else there.

My opinion: Some rare cases are happening, but not many.....But still scary.

I hope you are not one of the "Rare Cases".

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Come to Miracle Thailand where you can be clubbed by security guards in Bangkok, kidnapped by fake police and scammed at every corner in Pattaya, beaten up by the TukTuk mafia in Phuket, killed in Chiang Mai from the over use of pesticides in the hotel, murdered by the police in Pai, killed by a mini van on any road in the country, and catch drug resistant malaria, HIV, bird flu, and swine flu. And if you're really lucky, you'll be murdered violently and the police will rule it a suicide even thought your arms were tied behind your back and your head was found a kilometer away.

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Plasmodium falciparum is preventable with Larium tablets once a week, There is a daily tablet that you can get outside of Asia. They stopped making it here when the counterfits would not work. Some antibiotics give daily protection as well, but you should check which one.

I know this because I work in Africa and the company compells us to take something and then urine tests us to make sure we comply. Plasmodium falciparum is deadly and starts with flu symptoms. See a doctor, don't wait.

It's Lariam tablets, "

Protect against mosquito bites. Medicines do not always completely prevent your

catching malaria from mosquito bites. So protect yourself very well against

mosquitoes. Cover your skin with long sleeves and long pants, and use mosquito

repellent and bed nets while in malaria areas. If you are out in the bush, you may

want to pre-wash your clothes with permethrin. This is a mosquito repellent that may

be effective for weeks after use. Ask your prescriber for other ways to protect


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Sometimes you have to sleep in the jungle, it's the way the NPs are set up. Some islands do not have much of a mossy problem - others, pretty serious.

Certainly, mainland jungle parks are a huge worry, esp with this report.

thats right, i dont need to see everything.....

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I think that Dengue is carried by different mosquitoes the Aedes, and mainly strike during the day.

Yep, they are most active at sunrise and sunset (including after it's just gone dark). My wife just went through Dengue (progressed to hemorrhagic) fever she caught on Koh Lipe this year. 2 misdiagnosis on the island (nurse - Chikungunya

and then a visiting Dr - stomach bug) meant she went through a rough ride until a simple blood test at a clinic on the mainland in Satun told the true story. Pretty spooky when the Dr said get to the hospital in Hat Yai ASAP! Also scary is if you get it again, it'll be worse. "If" we go back we'll be using the 95% DEET spray they sell at Swampy. I'm not sure I want to see her go through anything like that again though...

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Eat lots of Vegemite or Marmite on your toast this will keep them away

I think its something to do with the Vitamin B in it

Oh & its Yummy too

I tried in Austria, because I was told it helps some immigrants to eat garlic, to eat big amounts of garlic. It helps (in Europe, not tested in thailand), but the amounts are huge, basically you eat garlic all the time and you don't have friends anymore.

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Come to Miracle Thailand where you can be clubbed by security guards in Bangkok, kidnapped by fake police and scammed at every corner in Pattaya, beaten up by the TukTuk mafia in Phuket, killed in Chiang Mai from the over use of pesticides in the hotel, murdered by the police in Pai, killed by a mini van on any road in the country, and catch drug resistant malaria, HIV, bird flu, and swine flu. And if you're really lucky, you'll be murdered violently and the police will rule it a suicide even thought your arms were tied behind your back and your head was found a kilometer away.

Whops does this means that Thai PM targets tourism revenue to reach Bt2 trillion in 5 years risks going down the drainage?

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Plasmodium falciparum is preventable with Larium tablets once a week, There is a daily tablet that you can get outside of Asia. They stopped making it here when the counterfits would not work. Some antibiotics give daily protection as well, but you should check which one.

I know this because I work in Africa and the company compells us to take something and then urine tests us to make sure we comply. Plasmodium falciparum is deadly and starts with flu symptoms. See a doctor, don't wait.


Roche, the drug company, claims that Lariam causes serious psychiatric side effects in only one in 10,000 people. But Dr. Paul Clarke, an infectious disease specialist and the medical director of a large network of travel clinics in Great Britain, organized his own study, after he and other British doctors saw problems with much greater frequency.

<p>Lariam made me suicidal (didn't do any actual att

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Last year I saw a man with malaria waiting to see a doctor in Chumphon hospital, he was in obvious discomfort, delerious and vomiting clear mucus, if that was the common malaria I would not want to be infected with this new variety.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

How many readers have had malaria? Well FYI I have had it on my return from West Africa 1996, got bitten while at airport awaiting my return, as luck had been favorable I developed the full disease on my return...I went to hospital and local Dr. puzzled as all the signs did not comply with normal disease found in Canada. A specialist look at my case..he was specialized in "Foreign Disease" yes I had Malaria. I was given treatment and recovered. FYI I can not give blood for 10yrs as I had to complete the donor quiz before giving, having had malaria.

I would like to share this information concerning Malaria... http://www.themiracl...supplement.com/

Miracle Mineral Supplement interview with “Mr. MMS” Jim Humble!

If you prefer to rather listen to the interview:

According to Jim Humble, it all started…

In mid 1996, deep within the mining jungles of South America, a United States scientist, named Jim Humble, made an almost accidental discovery…

An alternative discovery that would supposedly change the course of human health history forever?

Jim said, it started with malaria…

Caused by a protozoan parasite, this disease kills over one million people every year.

According to Jim Humble, after more than 75,000 documented successful treatments of this disease (see his book for more information), many of which took effect in less than 4 hours, it was discovered to have similar effects on diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi and proteins.

In the summer of 2007, this man stepped out of the shadows to make this information and natural solution freely available to all humanity. He believes the long-term availability of this substance (called “miracle mineral supplement” or shortly “mms”) may soon be heavily controlled by “the powers that be”.

I trust this information will benefit you and your family...Mr. Ron

FYI I have brought this mixture in dry form from Canada and use it on a regular basis, prevention is best way, like taking a multivitamin daily.

A supplier here in Thailand can be posted on request.

I only heard positive reports about MMS from people I know who used it. It also improves other illnesses and doesn't compromise your health as all allopathic anti-malaria pills do.

I would like to know the address where one can get the stuff in Thailand. It is supposed to be very cheap as it is based on a common household disinfectant IIRC. I've been in Thailand for about 8 months total until now (always in the winter) but would like to be sure to stay healthy the next time around. I will stay close to Chumphon, too - not that I've heard about malaria happening there ...

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Ahh... MMS Aka Medicinal Compound...

Here's a story, a little bit gory,

A little bit happy, a little bit sad,

Of Lily the Pink and her medicinal compound,

And how it slowly drove her to the bad.

Meet Ebenezer, thought he was Julius Caesar.

So they put him in a home.

And then they gave him medicinal compound,

And now he's Emporer of Rome.

We'll drink a drink a drink

To Lily the pink the pink the pink

The savior of [the savior of] the human race.

She invented medicinal compound.

Most efficacious in every case.

Meet Johnny Hammer had a t-t-terrible s-s-stammer.

He could b-barely say a word.

So they gave him medicinal compound,

And now he's seen, but never heard.

And Freddie Clinger, the opera singer,

Who could break glasses with his voice they said.

So on his tonsils he rubbed medicinal compound,

And now they break glasses over his head.

And Mr. Frears, who had sticky out ears.

And it made him awful shy.

So they gave him medicinal compound,

And now he's learning how to fly.

And Uncle Paul, he was very small. He

Was the shortest man in town.

So on his body he rubbed medicinal compound,

And now he's six foot, but it's underground.

Lily died and went up to heaven.

Oh, the church bells they did ring.

She took with her medicinal compound.

Hark the herald angels sing.

Edited by Jdietz
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I wonder if global warming has anything to do with it. Changes in weather pattern, rain, humidity, etc?

Tourists and residents should be prepared though.

95% DEET repellent, take prophylactics such as 100mg Doxycycline daily ( good for up to about four months continuous use) staying, staying covered and protected at sunrise and sunset when the malaria mosquito is most active and pack a malaria and / or dengue rapid test kit if traveling to areas with poor or questionable medical services, long distance between quality testing facilities, or where language is a problem - which it is for many tourists .

This website offers Rapid medical test kits for travelers for $25 for a malaria and dengue test kit package which they say picks up 99.6% of all positive cases (Sensitivity) and 99.7% accurate at returning false positives (Specificity).

A friend of mine caught cerebral malaria a few years ago in Indonesia and died even after they flew him to Singapore.

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Resistance to artemisinin as extracted chemical could only evolve because it was the "western-medicine" method of extracting just that chemical, plus some other chemicals. If the people in Thailand, Burma etc. would have taken Artemisia tea resistance would not have deveoloped. Millions of people dring this tea worldwide and no resistance comes up. This is due to the fact that there are at least 10 antimalarial ingredients in the tea - plus many more. Artemisia annua was used by the Chinese for more than 2000 years against fever-diseases and is known since the 70ies for being efficient against Malaria. Unfortunately the western scholastic medicine in their run for profit and patents have not reckognized the simple method of just making the tea, rather extracted that one ingredient "artemisinin" and made tablets out of it. Until now it seems that nobody in Thailand forum knows that this plant Artemisia annua can be grown in the country on farmers fields, harvested and dried, and the tea can easily be used as treatment (!!!) for tropical or celebral Malaria, the deadly variety.

I have started to do this in Ethiopia and by now the plant has spread all over that country. And once farmers know the benefit of that medicinal plant, they will grow it. Of course there are dangers and pitfalls to be watched but there is lots of information around. Anamed, a small organisation in Germany has been working in this field for many years now.

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