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Thailand Really Likes Old Western Guys


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To get back on topic ( and I hope we can continue the discussion on consumerism in another thread) - The test of wether or not Thailand likes old western guys - or their money, is simple enough.

Be an old western guy in Thailand and run out of money.

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It wasn't a nightmare, just an average North American marriage

For me, they are one and the same.

As Thailand becomes more prosperous, I just sincerely doubt we will be seeing as many threads with older gentleman making the same positive comments about how they are treated and revered.

Just as an aside. Have you ever considered that affection, connectedness, camaraderie, gratitude, loyalty and even love seem to be human traits largely disappearing in the west but still found here in the east ?

The long-term trend is for these differences to disappear over time as prosperity grows. Urban communities change faster/sooner than rural ones.

I doubt you will find many that buy into the idea the increase in consumerism in Thailand was invented, created, driven and implemented by a group of Thai elites.........your attempt to blame the buyers rather than the slick product marketers and manufacturers is rather crude......consumerism is projected as 'normal' and even arrives alongside neatly packaged readily available finance deals.....the mechanism of consumerism is creating demand.....a demand which is relatively dormant until the possibilities are presented and marketed

Modern global capitalism got its start in the west, but for a very long time now has had its own internal development engine within those countries that haven't completely cut themselves off from the rest of the world.

Consumer culture is very much created and promoted - very skillfully too - locally without much help from outside. It's true that global brands dominate the high end, but if you dig a little you'll see that a lot of the profits are retained by local elites that have plugged into the franchises.

If the UK/Europe/America hadn't created the global capitalist economy, the same historical forces would have seen it arise just as naturally, and only a little later out of China, Japan Korea etc.

If humans only existed on the African continent, it would have emerged from there too eventually, just a matter of time.

It's just the next phase of human evolution we need to learn from and work through to develop a humane and sustainable way of living in the world - or kill ourselves off over the next few generations.

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To get back on topic ( and I hope we can continue the discussion on consumerism in another thread) - The test of wether or not Thailand likes old western guys - or their money, is simple enough.

Be an old western guy in Thailand and run out of money.

Depends on how and with whom you've built your relationships here.

If you have made a genuine place for yourself in the community and continue to contribute in significant non-economic ways, you will find your Thai friends and family continue to be very respectful and supportive, even after the gold-digging bitch has left for greener pastures.

My ex-mother-in-law sends big bags of rice up to Bangkok on a regular basis with whoever's coming this way, and the FIL swears he will kill my ex if she ever sets foot in the house again he's so angry at her for leaving me.

My neighbors give us hand-me-downs, both clothes and toys, and the last time a cop tried to harass me for tutoring out of my house a delegation of neighbors went down to the local station to set the chief straight.

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To get back on topic ( and I hope we can continue the discussion on consumerism in another thread) - The test of wether or not Thailand likes old western guys - or their money, is simple enough.

Be an old western guy in Thailand and run out of money.

Depends on how and with whom you've built your relationships here.

If you have made a genuine place for yourself in the community and continue to contribute in significant non-economic ways, you will find your Thai friends and family continue to be very respectful and supportive, even after the gold-digging bitch has left for greener pastures.

My ex-mother-in-law sends big bags of rice up to Bangkok on a regular basis with whoever's coming this way, and the FIL swears he will kill my ex if she ever sets foot in the house again he's so angry at her for leaving me.

My neighbors give us hand-me-downs, both clothes and toys, and the last time a cop tried to harass me for tutoring out of my house a delegation of neighbors went down to the local station to set the chief straight.

Nice answer. My nieces and nephews used to receive financial help from me when they had emergency problems; nowadays, I am the one who is skint and they go out of their way to make sure that I don't want for anything. Great kids and I'm proud of them.

Thai friends and neighbours haven't a clue as to my finances but have remained friends for years.

When my sister was here a few years ago she was deeply impressed as to how respectful the young were to her, even strangers in the street, compared to back home where young kids could be very insulting and intolerant of the elderly.

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To get back on topic ( and I hope we can continue the discussion on consumerism in another thread) - The test of wether or not Thailand likes old western guys - or their money, is simple enough.

Be an old western guy in Thailand and run out of money.

After 153 replies you have not addressed anything in the OP. So I will write it again.

I am reminded reading threads here how much I like Thailand, why and how utterly clueless some people posting on Thai Visa are.

Once you get out of places like Bangkok and Phuket and into the real Thailand it becomes quite obvious just how much Thai people like old Western guys.

More and more every year old Western guys come to Thailand to retire and take advantage of the positive attitude and deference that age is shown in Asia in general and Thailand specifically.

I can go out to eat and party with three generations every day if I want with no one thinking it unusual.

Mom and Pop, grandmother and grandfather and the teenage kids regularly eat out together and go to concerts of artists both current and old fashioned. The kids like both genres of music and dancing.

No one thinks it odd if I dance with granny (80 years) and dek lek (5 years old) and my GF (30 years old), frankly all the females like to dance. Age never is a consideration.

In the West families don't party or dine together on a regular basis any more. In Thailand except for the Sh** holes where Western influence is becoming more pervasive like Bangkok and Phuket families still act like families.

Tomorrow I am going to the beach with the whole family and dinner and a concert after dinner. The ages range from 2 to 75 and everyone will have a good time and take photos and post them on face book. The teens won't be ashamed of dancing with the old Farang. I might even play the guitar on stage a bit.

It is changing. You only have to look at the Big Smoke (Bangkok) or the Big Joke (Phuket) to see the future. But for now life in the hinterlands is good and still respectful to us old codgers with one foot in the coffin.

Guest house it is obvious that an old guy or anyone else with no cash and no family is not going to win popularity contests anywhere. Is it news to you I am talking about old guys with a bit of cash. Of course I am. What I am saying is if you have a bit of cash an old guy will have a better time in Thailand than anywhere else with the same amount of cash. Wake up and smell the roses. I did a long time ago. Quit trying to make old guys feel bad. Does it make you feel better? Of course old guys have more fun, and women and life in Thailand for the same bucks that would buy only loneliness and depression in the West.

Edited by kerryk
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To get back on topic ( and I hope we can continue the discussion on consumerism in another thread) - The test of wether or not Thailand likes old western guys - or their money, is simple enough.

Be an old western guy in Thailand and run out of money.

After 153 replies you have not addressed anything in the OP. So I will write it again.

To be fair I think only 6 or 7 of the replies in this thread are my own. Not 153 replies.

But actually I did address your OP, I asked you who paid the bill for the night out and partying, you tell me you'd not lie to me and that it wasn't you - I take you at your word.

My other posts have addressed the absurdity of someone extolling the virtues of life in Thailand while holding up UK MP expenses fraud as unacceptable corruption.

Then we had Manarak complaining laws had been enacted back home against wife beating - well pity the woman he lives with.

And you've had a guess at what my relationships might be might have been - and have been reminded of my advice on the subject of loved ones on TV.

But thanks for paying attention to what I have said.

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My other posts have addressed the absurdity of someone extolling the virtues of life in Thailand while holding up UK MP expenses fraud as unacceptable corruption.

Nobody said that, I believe it was 'lack of morals', something UK MPs pretend to have while stealing my money.

As for Thai MPs, not my business, not my money, I don't pay tax in Thailand so they don't steal from me.

I will say it again.

I love Thailand, nobody here steals my money.

Is that easy enough for you to understand?

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Nobody said that, I believe it was 'lack of morals', something UK MPs pretend to have while stealing my money.

As for Thai MPs, not my business, not my money, I don't pay tax in Thailand so they don't steal from me.

I will say it again.

I love Thailand, nobody here steals my money.

Is that easy enough for you to understand?

I'm absolutely certain that you do pay taxes in Thailand - unless you don't buy any goods services, fuel, alcohol..... And a significant part of those taxes taken out of your wallet are stolen.

But maybe you don't understand purchase tax and excise duty as taxes.

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But maybe you don't understand purchase tax and excise duty as taxes.

You know what I mean, stop being deliberately difficult.

Forgive me I understood you object to politicians stealing your money. Like I say, if a handful of MPs in the UK are caught fiddling their expenses bothers you (note prosecutions and jail time handed out), the rampant abuse of power and corruption here in Thailand must be a concern - unless of course you have the old saffron tinted sunglasses on or are selectively blind to reality.

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I maintain that I believe that this feature of Thai society is primarily a result of where Thailand currently is socio-economically and that there is some good potential for it to change as Thailand 'modernizes' and becomes more prosperous.

Taken from a paper on the role of modernity and increased wealth on changing values and priorities in Japanese families ... It's a long paper, so I've taken the time to highlight an interesting section below.

** Like I've been saying, reasons for everything. Thais are no better or worse than anyone else. We humans generally fall victim (and benefit from) similar challenges all over the world. And, again, you cannot 'cherry-pick' the features you want in a society. With certain challenges of modernity come certain sacrifices. My guess is that the same will be true in Thailand to whatever extent. **

Your excerpt from the Japanese article was rather long, but I did get the gist of it. I'm familiar with what's going on in Japan and it ain't pretty. Aside from the economic problems, Japanese society is undergoing major changes. Many Japanese women are refusing to get married and live the lame life of homemaker while their men are out cavorting nightly. Modern Japanese women can make their own money and don't need a man to complete their life. Hence the low birthrate and the imminent shortage of workers in coming years. That's your modern society, good or bad, your call.

But to your points, well it's certainly true that many Thai women are after farangs for economic security. I would think most farangs would know this. If a women can barely speak your language and you can't speak her's, then there are other reasons why you're together. And if Thai women were to start making their own money and actually have choices, then of course, the dating dynamics would change significantly. The farang guy, as well as the Thai guy, would have to bring more to the table (read something more than just money). This is not something that we have to predict years into the future--just look today at attractive Thai women from good families or those with their own money. Who are they dating/marrying? It would probably be someone similar to themselves, i.e., education, wealth, language, culture, interests, etc., and someone they can actually connect with on all levels. Farangs, young and old, are not at the top of their list.

Lastly, your comment (boldface) is what I've been trying to say all along. But do you actually believe this? I genuinely do.

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To get back on topic ( and I hope we can continue the discussion on consumerism in another thread) - The test of wether or not Thailand likes old western guys - or their money, is simple enough.

Be an old western guy in Thailand and run out of money.

To be fair, if you were an old western guy and living IN THE WEST with no money, how would you fare in the dating scene?

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But to your points, well it's certainly true that many Thai women are after farangs for economic security. I would think most farangs would know this. If a women can barely speak your language and you can't speak her's, then there are other reasons why you're together. And if Thai women were to start making their own money and actually have choices, then of course, the dating dynamics would change significantly. The farang guy, as well as the Thai guy, would have to bring more to the table (read something more than just money). This is not something that we have to predict years into the future--just look today at attractive Thai women from good families or those with their own money. Who are they dating/marrying? It would probably be someone similar to themselves, i.e., education, wealth, language, culture, interests, etc., and someone they can actually connect with on all levels. Farangs, young and old, are not at the top of their list.

You said a mouthful there. I actually feel sorry for many of the very attractive women in the upper middle class of Thailand. They actually have difficulty meeting the right man. The average Thai guy making 6,000 to 10,000 baht a month is well below their standards, and there are not enough wealthy men of their age bracket that have living standards at their level. I personally know of at least 5 stunningly beautiful, upper class Thai women who are in their mid to late twenties and don't have any male prospects on their horizon. I could fall in love with any of them if I was anywhere near their age bracket, but I ain't. They are lovely, educated women that any man would be proud to have as a girl friend or wife. Thailand has too wide a gap between the wealthy and the poor. There really isn't much of a middle class when it comes to wages.

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To get back on topic ( and I hope we can continue the discussion on consumerism in another thread) - The test of wether or not Thailand likes old western guys - or their money, is simple enough.

Be an old western guy in Thailand and run out of money.

To be fair, if you were an old western guy and living IN THE WEST with no money, how would you fare in the dating scene?

I tried to point that out to Guest House. The OP assumes certain things like a man should have a head and penis and money. I have noticed in any society those three things are usually assumed. But apparently not by Guest House when talking about older gentlemen in Thailand. I think it is the Thai Visa, "Old guys with harems" are a bad thing, so lets make fun of them because we are still married, problem .

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Here's a bit of input from a young guy's perspective,

I'm 24 years old and my friend here that I hang out with most days is 54 years old. He's married to a nice Thai lady for 11 years now.(We live in Korat)

When we go out(not bars, shoping, market, gym etc) girls my age will often smile and flirt/converse with him, he gets a kick out of it and slaps me on the back and says im too young for these ladies haha.

From our conversations and input from thai ladies beying aged in Thailand is a sign of respect and security. Also being a bit older they feall the man is more aprochable and being here for longer knows the culture and how to speak much more then I do, thus having a better rappore with the Thai's.

According to his wife and lady friends being younger here(and from what I've seen myself) its quite a challenge. Problem a is since im on of the few men my age around here women find it intimidating to talk to me and are extremly shy and don't know what I think of them and assume things while talking to a more experienced gentleman is easier. Problem(for me) b age is status here, even though my friend and I dress similarly and I make good money the aged one automatically gets the status and security title while I'm looked at like a baby.

Overall I would have to agree with the OP statement, just add respectfull old western man. Most of my friends here are40-60 and have alot of fun with them and learn alot which is great. Like the OP stated age for social events doesn't matter here and I think thats great.


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Here's a bit of input from a young guy's perspective,

I'm 24 years old and my friend here that I hang out with most days is 54 years old. He's married to a nice Thai lady for 11 years now.(We live in Korat)

When we go out(not bars, shoping, market, gym etc) girls my age will often smile and flirt/converse with him, he gets a kick out of it and slaps me on the back and says im too young for these ladies haha.

From our conversations and input from thai ladies beying aged in Thailand is a sign of respect and security. Also being a bit older they feall the man is more aprochable and being here for longer knows the culture and how to speak much more then I do, thus having a better rappore with the Thai's.

According to his wife and lady friends being younger here(and from what I've seen myself) its quite a challenge. Problem a is since im on of the few men my age around here women find it intimidating to talk to me and are extremly shy and don't know what I think of them and assume things while talking to a more experienced gentleman is easier. Problem(for me) b age is status here, even though my friend and I dress similarly and I make good money the aged one automatically gets the status and security title while I'm looked at like a baby.

Overall I would have to agree with the OP statement, just add respectfull old western man. Most of my friends here are40-60 and have alot of fun with them and learn alot which is great. Like the OP stated age for social events doesn't matter here and I think thats great.


Nice to hear. I was thinking of moving to Korat. A lot of new industry going there as a result of the floods and the medical care is good from what I have heard.

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Ericg, I think it is actually a confidence thing. With many men who have been in Thailand for a while they get to a point where they feel like they own the world. They just enjoy life, and smile and talk with anyone, and with a feeling of confidence. That is very attractive to many Thai (and foreign) women.When you are friendly, but don't seem to care, it is like a magnet to many women. It is subtle, but it's obvous to women. I'm 72 and it still happens to me all the time.

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To get back on topic ( and I hope we can continue the discussion on consumerism in another thread) - The test of wether or not Thailand likes old western guys - or their money, is simple enough.

Be an old western guy in Thailand and run out of money.

To be fair, if you were an old western guy and living IN THE WEST with no money, how would you fare in the dating scene?

I tried to point that out to Guest House. The OP assumes certain things like a man should have a head and penis and money. I have noticed in any society those three things are usually assumed. But apparently not by Guest House when talking about older gentlemen in Thailand. I think it is the Thai Visa, "Old guys with harems" are a bad thing, so lets make fun of them because we are still married, problem .

Money is usually a part of the equation in the mating ritual. In Thailand, older farangs are "assumed" to have it. It seems that Thai gals have assumed the same with younger farangs but are finding out that this is not the case. Wonder how this will pan out going forward...

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Kerryk - Yes Korat is great, best descision I've made in my life was moving here. For health care service from what I've seen is very good. In bangkok hospital they assign you someone to translate everything for you and are extremly polite. A few others are good too, although if you need prescriptions theres a main supplier pharmacy and most things I've picked up is half the cost at the pharmacy then hospital.

Business is definatly booming here, lots of investors from Bangkok poping up. Overall life here is great, its quiet, the people are extremly nice, cheap to live and great food not to mention the sea of beautifull women! Only difficult thing is most people don't speak any english but it makes it more fun in one sence and I'm learning Thai quick.

IanForbes - Agreed the confidence thing plays a big role, when I first got here it was intimidating as I couldn't communicate and didn't know the culture. Now I'm learning and its getting easier :) I'm glad your having a blast at 72, gives me something to look forward too! I've noticed alot from the older guys that have been here for a long time they have a great sence of humour and know how to use it in Thai which seems to go a looonggg way with the locals.


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But to your points, well it's certainly true that many Thai women are after farangs for economic security. I would think most farangs would know this. If a women can barely speak your language and you can't speak her's, then there are other reasons why you're together. And if Thai women were to start making their own money and actually have choices, then of course, the dating dynamics would change significantly. The farang guy, as well as the Thai guy, would have to bring more to the table (read something more than just money). This is not something that we have to predict years into the future--just look today at attractive Thai women from good families or those with their own money.

I would also like to point out that many Thai women are seriously into the 'skin lightening' game. We white men have a role to play in this game.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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To be fair, if you were an old western guy and living IN THE WEST with no money, how would you fare in the dating scene?


Nobody is disputing why old western guys really like Thailand. It is the contention that Thailand and Thai women really like old western guys that is at question.

Remove the Old Western Guy's money from the equation and I doubt that the vast majority would get so much as a 'Han-Sum-Mun' greating from any Thai woman, let alone a date.

The age, language and culture gap can be bridged of course but to suggest that that gap is not an issue and that finacial imperratives are not playing a part is utter nonsense.

And before responding to that keep in mind "The most dangerous lies you will ever hear are the lies you tell yourself'.

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But to your points, well it's certainly true that many Thai women are after farangs for economic security. I would think most farangs would know this. If a women can barely speak your language and you can't speak her's, then there are other reasons why you're together. And if Thai women were to start making their own money and actually have choices, then of course, the dating dynamics would change significantly. The farang guy, as well as the Thai guy, would have to bring more to the table (read something more than just money). This is not something that we have to predict years into the future--just look today at attractive Thai women from good families or those with their own money.

I would also like to point out that many Thai women are seriously into the 'skin lightening' game. We white men have a role to play in this game.

Not sure what you mean. There are Thais that prefer whiter skin because it makes them look more Korean/Chinese/Japanese, i.e., hi-so. Don't think farang really factors.

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I would also like to point out that many Thai women are seriously into the 'skin lightening' game. We white men have a role to play in this game.

I'd love to hear what part white men have in this explained in more detail.

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To be fair, if you were an old western guy and living IN THE WEST with no money, how would you fare in the dating scene?


Nobody is disputing why old western guys really like Thailand. It is the contention that Thailand and Thai women really like old western guys that is at question.

Remove the Old Western Guy's money from the equation and I doubt that the vast majority would get so much as a 'Han-Sum-Mun' greating from any Thai woman, let alone a date.

The age, language and culture gap can be bridged of course but to suggest that that gap is not an issue and that finacial imperratives are not playing a part is utter nonsense.

And before responding to that keep in mind "The most dangerous lies you will ever hear are the lies you tell yourself'.

I think you're preaching to the choir. As I've mentioned before, Thais assume that older farang men have money and that is certainly a part of the appeal.

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But to your points, well it's certainly true that many Thai women are after farangs for economic security. I would think most farangs would know this. If a women can barely speak your language and you can't speak her's, then there are other reasons why you're together. And if Thai women were to start making their own money and actually have choices, then of course, the dating dynamics would change significantly. The farang guy, as well as the Thai guy, would have to bring more to the table (read something more than just money). This is not something that we have to predict years into the future--just look today at attractive Thai women from good families or those with their own money.

I would also like to point out that many Thai women are seriously into the 'skin lightening' game. We white men have a role to play in this game.

Not sure what you mean. There are Thais that prefer whiter skin because it makes them look more Korean/Chinese/Japanese, i.e., hi-so. Don't think farang really factors.

Half-white babies look very good to Thais, look at the adverts on the Tv.

Look at the half-white actors and pop stars.

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But to your points, well it's certainly true that many Thai women are after farangs for economic security. I would think most farangs would know this. If a women can barely speak your language and you can't speak her's, then there are other reasons why you're together. And if Thai women were to start making their own money and actually have choices, then of course, the dating dynamics would change significantly. The farang guy, as well as the Thai guy, would have to bring more to the table (read something more than just money). This is not something that we have to predict years into the future--just look today at attractive Thai women from good families or those with their own money.

I would also like to point out that many Thai women are seriously into the 'skin lightening' game. We white men have a role to play in this game.

Not sure what you mean. There are Thais that prefer whiter skin because it makes them look more Korean/Chinese/Japanese, i.e., hi-so. Don't think farang really factors.

Half-white babies look very good to Thais, look at the adverts on the Tv.

Look at the half-white actors and pop stars.

Aaah, I see. That wasn't entirely clear in your previous post.

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To get back on topic ( and I hope we can continue the discussion on consumerism in another thread) - The test of wether or not Thailand likes old western guys - or their money, is simple enough.

Be an old western guy in Thailand and run out of money.

After 153 replies you have not addressed anything in the OP. So I will write it again.

To be fair I think only 6 or 7 of the replies in this thread are my own. Not 153 replies.

But actually I did address your OP, I asked you who paid the bill for the night out and partying, you tell me you'd not lie to me and that it wasn't you - I take you at your word.

My other posts have addressed the absurdity of someone extolling the virtues of life in Thailand while holding up UK MP expenses fraud as unacceptable corruption.

Then we had Manarak complaining laws had been enacted back home against wife beating - well pity the woman he lives with.

And you've had a guess at what my relationships might be might have been - and have been reminded of my advice on the subject of loved ones on TV.

But thanks for paying attention to what I have said.

I went to a Thai birthday party last night for a couple of Thai guys I know at a karaoke last night. One was 33 and the other in his early 20s.

Not only did I not pay for anything, I was fed and I had a bottle of Sang Som to myself. A couple of girls made sure that ice and soda was always there for me and another kept my plate full.

My family was there and kids ranged from 4 up to teenagers, There were parents, young 20s lads and everybody had a good time.

I don't dance any more as I have wornout knees and a cranky back and I also managed to escape before the microphone came my way.

I don't mind singing in a karaoke but to reach my potential I needed a bit more Sang Som but I rode my motorbike there and back and riding a bike in the rain having drunk too much is not a thing I do.

My mate next door took our kids home around 9.15 and I sneaked quietly away about 30 minutes later.

My wife was driven home in the truck by a non drinker and got in around midnight having had a great time.

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Oh and a warm welcome to our new member Ericg, a young man who seemingly speaks with a maturity beyond his years - a great couple if first posts and so right on topic too.

Its good to have young people amongst us, I hope he sticks around so we can learn more of his young man's adventures an young man's perspective. We need more of such things.

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According to his wife and lady friends being younger here(and from what I've seen myself) its quite a challenge. Problem a is since im on of the few men my age around here women find it intimidating to talk to me and are extremly shy and don't know what I think of them and assume things while talking to a more experienced gentleman is easier. Problem(for me) b age is status here, even though my friend and I dress similarly and I make good money the aged one automatically gets the status and security title while I'm looked at like a baby.

In your case assuming you're reasonable looking, don't even worry about the money and status - just dive right into learning the language well enough to be able charm them, they love word-play, jokes and puns. IMO avoid the ones with any English, unless you're in upper-middle+ educated circles, best for me is the intelligent but ignorant fresh off the rice farm.

And sure they'll be dumbstruck by your attention, but don't let that stop you, you take the lead and they will follow. You might even find a keeper!

I would also like to point out that many Thai women are seriously into the 'skin lightening' game. We white men have a role to play in this game.

I'd love to hear what part white men have in this explained in more detail.

Half-white babies look very good to Thais, look at the adverts on the Tv.

Look at the half-white actors and pop stars.

Ah I thought you meant that extra-powerful whitening cream my teelacs have frantically been extracting from me as fast as I can produce it. I've got them all convinced the best facials are delivered fresh from the cow!

(I can hear all the "Eeeewwww"s from here 8-)

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Oh and a warm welcome to our new member Ericg, a young man who seemingly speaks with a maturity beyond his years - a great couple if first posts and so right on topic too.

Its good to have young people amongst us, I hope he sticks around so we can learn more of his young man's adventures an young man's perspective. We need more of such things.

Thanks for the warm welcome, I'll certainly be posting more :)

I think the poster has confused genuine goodwill wilt the basic Thai woman's need to procure a sucker to support her and her boyfriend .

I see very very little goodwill, but then again as a female, I'm not considered a mark. I find female bank workers are the worst, they seem to think I need to dress better or something I guess- just as snotty as can be,.

I'd have to disagree with this. Admittedly I'm still "wet behind the ears" when it comes to Thailand and not an authority on Thai women I've seen plenty of good hearted women around that money isn't motive. The one friend I spoke of earlier his wife is multi millionaire Thai women and she's with my friend because he's a great guy, very "Jai Dee". Another good friend(I've know for most of my life) of mine that recomended me to come to Korat has been married for over 20 years with his Thai wife, 3 great kids and IMO perfect example of a good familly. Now of course there's plenty of women gold digging but to catogarize Thai women seeking elder gentlemen or any man in that light is unjust.

I think it depends were one spends his time too. I went to Pattaya for vacation a few times and it was crazy and the % of women that fit your description is poblably a lot higher. Same if one hangs out in go go bars all day then problably find that sort of girl. Hangning out in normal places on a regular basis and mingling with like minded individuals I think most would eventually find a nice genuine Thai lady.

Time will tell for myself :)


Don't like tooting my own horn but I work out regularly and take good care of my appearence so don't think looks will hold me back. Thanks for tips! :)

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