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Did Thaksin Meet Insurgents? Yes He Did, Many Sources Say


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I find it rather difficult to understand there is no clamour for the arrest and trial of the people representing these 'insurgents'........no Utube videos being uploaded to display their violent acts, no photographs showing them heavily armed, no repeated cries for a 'crackdown'.......

Anybody understand why that is?

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Its not like Thaksin has never lied before. You cant believe anything that comes out of that mouth.

Any Muslim groups that have beef with him, have an excellent opportunity to take him out while abroad in Dubai. But no one has, and it makes you wonder why.

Khun T has a group of bodyguards to protect him and his 16yr old girlfriend while they wander the streets of Dubai and elsewhere.

First time i have heard that one ! maybe its just another example of DEM innuendo. We are seeing lots of that these days.

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Once one can raise their sights beyond this media din of anti-Thaksism, there is possibly another angle worth considering. It cannot be argued that Mr. T. represents the electoral majority in Thailand.....right?....Electoral results of the past, including as recently as last year with which he was closely associated, provide irrefutable evidence of it...... Mr. Abhisit does not have comparable credentials........................ Given those facts, and should these anti-Thaksin innuendoes regarding attempts to affect the Southern insurgency be correct.....What would be wrong with that? Just compare the validity of a Thaksin in such discussions compared to any other Thai politician, with perhaps the exception of Ms. Y, and one can understand the cogency of it all................ So when one looks beyond all the media noise and smoke, this is worth considering.........As for those who would suggest that the recent Bangkok bombings have a relationship to all of this, those would be the same people who would be expected to blame Thaksin for an earthquake in Timbuktu.

And was he or was he not responsible for the uprising by the Red Shirt Mob attack of the ASEAN meetings in Pattaya in 2009 or for the 2010 stranglehold and subsequent burning of Bangkok?

Red shirt lovers hate to see this stuff....actual proof that their rhetoric does nothing but prove that they support goons, thugs and terrorists

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The Nation has learned some details of the "meeting", in which Thaksin supposedly stopped short of apologising but expressed regret for some of the violent incidents carried out by authorities during his administration.

"Sorry, seems to be the hardest word".

I find it absolutely ridiculous how even in this context the idea of whether face is lost or gained is placed so high in the article. How does one express regret without saying "sorry"?

By stating "I was misinformed". By someone with higher authority then. Anyone heard the same excuse from the fugitive´s sister?

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Once one can raise their sights beyond this media din of anti-Thaksism, there is possibly another angle worth considering. It cannot be argued that Mr. T. represents the electoral majority in Thailand.....right?....Electoral results of the past, including as recently as last year with which he was closely associated, provide irrefutable evidence of it...... Mr. Abhisit does not have comparable credentials........................ Given those facts, and should these anti-Thaksin innuendoes regarding attempts to affect the Southern insurgency be correct.....What would be wrong with that? Just compare the validity of a Thaksin in such discussions compared to any other Thai politician, with perhaps the exception of Ms. Y, and one can understand the cogency of it all................ So when one looks beyond all the media noise and smoke, this is worth considering.........As for those who would suggest that the recent Bangkok bombings have a relationship to all of this, those would be the same people who would be expected to blame Thaksin for an earthquake in Timbuktu.

And was he or was he not responsible for the uprising by the Red Shirt Mob attack of the ASEAN meetings in Pattaya in 2009 or for the 2010 stranglehold and subsequent burning of Bangkok?

Red shirt lovers hate to see this stuff....actual proof that their rhetoric does nothing but prove that they support goons, thugs and terrorists

And this is the same lying clown who stated in an interview '"Red shirts? I dont know who they are, I dont know them"!!

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The red shirts have accepted elections and some politcal status, regretably some violence involved, but the insurgents have achieved nothing but death.......

No condemnation of the insurgents.....only Thaksin for meeting them (if he did)

Anybody? above 5000 deaths I believe......no comments? no comdemnation?..........not important to you?


Edited by 473geo
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Once one can raise their sights beyond this media din of anti-Thaksism, there is possibly another angle worth considering. It cannot be argued that Mr. T. represents the electoral majority in Thailand.....right?....Electoral results of the past, including as recently as last year with which he was closely associated, provide irrefutable evidence of it...... Mr. Abhisit does not have comparable credentials........................ Given those facts, and should these anti-Thaksin innuendoes regarding attempts to affect the Southern insurgency be correct.....What would be wrong with that? Just compare the validity of a Thaksin in such discussions compared to any other Thai politician, with perhaps the exception of Ms. Y, and one can understand the cogency of it all................ So when one looks beyond all the media noise and smoke, this is worth considering.........As for those who would suggest that the recent Bangkok bombings have a relationship to all of this, those would be the same people who would be expected to blame Thaksin for an earthquake in Timbuktu.


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What will it take for the usual suspects to agree that Big T is a self-serving megomaniac, does he have to personally shoot someone in public. Nah they would believe his denial

It was a "fake" Thaksin.


or maybe suckered by an april fool?

Probably reposting a previously deleted post.

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It's well worth considering that Mr Abhisit doesn't have cronies buy his votes all the way from Korat to Nong Khai also.

The number of votes for Thaksin may well have out-weighed those of Abhisit, but when one considers the true validity of 'unbought' villagers' votes, then in a fair duel Mr Abhisit would win hands down, in any true and unbent voting environment.


perhaps you need to check your facts a little bit more, I live in the South and vote buying by the democrats was rife during the last election, people been offered 1000 baht to sway their decicion toward a democrat 'X'. Although the Nation wants you to believe that the current government are the vote buyers, it is simply not true, I have seen it with my own eyes. They are all at it trust me.

And consider the 530 blocks of land that the Dems, Mr Suthep gave to people in the south. These were supposed to go to poor farming families, but somehow "accidentially" 9 went to very rich southern families ???

Have a re-read of Post # 20.

Then a re-read of thread title:

Did Thaksin Meet Insurgents? Yes He Did, Many Sources Say

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I find it rather difficult to understand there is no clamour for the arrest and trial of the people representing these 'insurgents'........no Utube videos being uploaded to display their violent acts, no photographs showing them heavily armed, no repeated cries for a 'crackdown'.......

Anybody understand why that is?

Maybe they recall a time when the problem was "solved" and the comical circus that turned out to be.

I see that it was covered in the thread,

Southern Insurgents Announce Ceasefire

Chetta claims insurgents will end operations

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Once one can raise their sights beyond this media din of anti-Thaksism, there is possibly another angle worth considering. It cannot be argued that Mr. T. represents the electoral majority in Thailand.....right?....Electoral results of the past, including as recently as last year with which he was closely associated, provide irrefutable evidence of it...... Mr. Abhisit does not have comparable credentials........................ Given those facts, and should these anti-Thaksin innuendoes regarding attempts to affect the Southern insurgency be correct.....What would be wrong with that? Just compare the validity of a Thaksin in such discussions compared to any other Thai politician, with perhaps the exception of Ms. Y, and one can understand the cogency of it all................ So when one looks beyond all the media noise and smoke, this is worth considering.........As for those who would suggest that the recent Bangkok bombings have a relationship to all of this, those would be the same people who would be expected to blame Thaksin for an earthquake in Timbuktu.

Keepin clinging to those bought and sold votes, along with the uneducated folks who voted for pork prices not to increase. If thats what you can relate to, it certainly makes a statement.

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The Nation has learned some details of the "meeting", in which Thaksin supposedly stopped short of apologising but expressed regret for some of the violent incidents carried out by authorities during his administration.

"Sorry, seems to be the hardest word".

I find it absolutely ridiculous how even in this context the idea of whether face is lost or gained is placed so high in the article. How does one express regret without saying "sorry"?

By stating "I was misinformed". By someone with higher authority then. Anyone heard the same excuse from the fugitive´s sister?

She's more "uninformed" about everything except fashion and posing as a show pony.

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I find it rather difficult to understand there is no clamour for the arrest and trial of the people representing these 'insurgents'........no Utube videos being uploaded to display their violent acts, no photographs showing them heavily armed, no repeated cries for a 'crackdown'.......

Anybody understand why that is?

Maybe they recall a time when the problem was "solved" and the comical circus that turned out to be.

I see that it was covered in the thread,

Southern Insurgents Announce Ceasefire

Chetta claims insurgents will end operations


Pierrot from the same thread

"You sound so happy !!!

Insurgents will still beat up teachers to death and behead monks but, God preserve, the PPP and Thaksin won't be able to take advantage of the situation"

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What will it take for the usual suspects to agree that Big T is a self-serving megomaniac, does he have to personally shoot someone in public. Nah they would believe his denial

It was a "fake" Thaksin.


or maybe suckered by an april fool?

Probably reposting a previously deleted post.

Well you can always report it...................

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According to the democrats there is a picture of him with the insurgents on the PULO Website. Except, there isn't. Apparently someone we can't mention because he's not part of this discussion has proof that Thaksin has met with insurgents but it won't be published, only for private viewing, apparently.

The PULO is not anymore in the big picture. It has been overrun by movements that have a much harder line and that strike and leave few clues. Even the Thai military are at a loss. Before they knew the militants, they had flags, they had bases, they made communiques. Movements like the PULO had separatist goals and wanted to establish a southern Malay-speaking nation.

Now the Thai military doesn't know who the militants are.They are faceless hard liners, very religious, without nationalist goals, and very murderous. Since they don't care about a southern non-Thai nation, they don't mind leaving the place totally scorched. Taksin is used to buy everything but he cannot buy the current Southern militants. You cannot buy fanatics who have a very narrow goal.

PULO may or may not be part of the big picture anymore. However this topic is about the allegations made by the democrats that Thaksin had met and was photographed with the PULO Leader. Strangely enough these allegations have not been proved despite anything you may read on this forum. So your statement about what Thaksin can or cannot buy is a moot point.

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It was a "fake" Thaksin.

or maybe suckered by an april fool?

Probably reposting a previously deleted post.

Well you can always report it...................

Why would I do that?

It just makes more work to those you already over-work.


Edited by Buchholz
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One may be excuse to wonder if the topic (aka OP) is really

Did Thaksin meet Insurgents? Yes he did, many sources say

That he did was confirmed by a member of the Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre's Advisory Council in this morning's other paper.

Chaiyong Maneerungsakul said the meeting was in Malaysia on March 18.


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I have seldom seen the identity of Southern insurgents specific to organizational affiliation in the media. It is not that this hasn't happened, it is just that I have never seen it. But here it is done liberally, suspiciously so, as it certainly serves to advance the agenda of anti-Thaksism by alleged association. I question that it is a sincere concern about such alleged fraternity, as opposed to a "get Thaksin' agenda.

Which is almost as boring as the "apologise for Thaksin" agenda. Why people feel the need to apologise for this criminal is a mystery to me.

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I have seldom seen the identity of Southern insurgents specific to organizational affiliation in the media. It is not that this hasn't happened, it is just that I have never seen it. But here it is done liberally, suspiciously so, as it certainly serves to advance the agenda of anti-Thaksism by alleged association. I question that it is a sincere concern about such alleged fraternity, as opposed to a "get Thaksin' agenda.

Which is almost as boring as the "apologise for Thaksin" agenda. Why people feel the need to apologise for this criminal is a mystery to me.

Apparently some do it for the "celebrity" status it gives them among the Red Shirt bubble they inserted themselves in.

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One may be excuse to wonder if the topic (aka OP) is really

Did Thaksin meet Insurgents? Yes he did, many sources say

That he did was confirmed by a member of the Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre's Advisory Council in this morning's other paper.

Chaiyong Maneerungsakul said the meeting was in Malaysia on March 18.


Some background:

The Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre's Advisory Council (SBPAC) was disbanded by Thaksin in 2002, partly to chip away at the democrats traditional stronghold. Thaksin had allies in the form of 6 muslim Wadah faction MP's who were part of his coalition as members of the New Aspiration Party.

The democrats were desperate that the NAP didn't erode their southern muslim support. Not coincidentally the spectre of 9/11, the Bali bombing and the invasion of Iraq, emerged in the South as outbreaks of violence on the borders. The democrats preyed on this saying that the Thaksin government couldn't keep them safe, harped on about the "dictatorship" of Thaksin and generally portayed Thaksin as the problem in the south. Chaiyong Maneerungsakul was an advisor to the SBPAC during the time it was disbanded.

The SBPAC was reinstated suprise, suprise by Abhisit when he was back in power.

Chaiyong Maneerungsakul admits he was the one who gave the "intelligence" reports to the Chinese language newspaper in Malaysia and the other paper observes that the story was picked up by many observers, particularly social networking sites.................

edit to add:

Chaiyong Maneerungsakul had also previously warned, January 2011 that the Barisan Nasional Resolusi-Coordinate were really the ones to watch and the government could be defeated if the problems in the south were not solved in the next ten years.

Edited by phiphidon
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