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90 Day Reporting, Who'S Right Who'S Wrong?

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We decided to go to Krabi on the spur of the moment 2 days before I should have done my 90 day reporting. I wrote to you guys at thai visa for advice and the general feeling was... no problem.

I should have reported to CH.W. on the 5th of April but we arrived back on the 7th. This morning, (9 april,) I went to my agent who takes my passport on my behalf. She told me that I would have to pay the maximum fine of 5k as the rules have changed,but she would talk to them and maybe only pay 1k. CH.W. was closed on the 6/7/8/9 april so my passport will go tomorrow.

Who's right, who's wrong? I feel like I'm being ripped off but maybe it's just paranoia.

Any ideas?

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You are being ripped off as you can always report up to 7 days after the due date without a fine and 5000 baht is never asked for just being late (only extreme attitude and refusal to pay would get that).

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There have been several topics about this subject and the general consensus is that even if you're several weeks late, the most they ask is 2000 baht, unless you cop a 'tude. Once Hubby was over 60 days late, dressed neatly, smiled a lot, profusely apologized -- 2000 baht. The maximum fine is 5000 baht, but it's rarely requested.

I'd question why you want to continue to use this agent in the future, especially when it's easy to do 90 day reports by mail. But, you do have to send in the forms and copies about 10 days in advance of the due date. No late reporting by mail.

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Once Hubby was over 60 days late, dressed neatly, smiled a lot, profusely apologized -- 2000 baht. T

I was several years late reporting, 2000 Baht. This was many years ago when the 90 day reporting was not being enforced even though it was on the books.

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When your agent brings back your passport and tells you what the fine was, ask him for a receipt from immigration and observe his reaction! It might be very amusing.

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I was 12 days over on 90 day reporting, and immediately fined 3,000 Baht, with that fact written into my Passport. Key is you can report 7 days either side of exact date at any immigration office.

Strange....have been late or more than one occassion over the years, paid the fine but nothing was ever stamped in the PP...being late for a report has nothing to do with your "visa" status

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Such a different story to what I was told when giving my passport to the agent.

Thank you all for your advice.

The agent doesn't charge me for this service as it's included in their charge for getting me a yearly retirement visa.

P.S. I did try to report when in Krabi but they refused to accept.

Best wishes


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Such a different story to what I was told when giving my passport to the agent.

Thank you all for your advice.

The agent doesn't charge me for this service as it's included in their charge for getting me a yearly retirement visa.

P.S. I did try to report when in Krabi but they refused to accept.

Best wishes


Being told you are in for a possible fine of 5k and maybe the agent getting it reduced to 1k is another sort of payment IMHO.

Do you really need this agents services, I,d be looking for another one and possibly one recommended by our membership, that,s if you cannot do the visits yourself which is my recommendation.



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I was 12 days over on 90 day reporting, and immediately fined 3,000 Baht, with that fact written into my Passport. Key is you can report 7 days either side of exact date at any immigration office.

It is altogether 21 days, 14 days prior, and 7 days after the 90 days expiry date.

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If you are 15 days early, i assume the new 90 day period starts from the day that you report. If you are late 7 days, does the new period start from the day that you report or is it back dated to the original date?

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If you are 15 days early, i assume the new 90 day period starts from the day that you report. If you are late 7 days, does the new period start from the day that you report or is it back dated to the original date?

The period starts with the day that you make the report. Its day one (1) and next report is due on day 90.

So you can stretch or cut the period accordingly by using the grace period.

If you are always exactly on date, you have 89 day cycle. Funny Thai arithmetics.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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P.S. I did try to report when in Krabi but they refused to accept.

How very strange !!

Not at all.

You are supposed to report to the Immigration Office that deals with the area you live.

Also the one that issued the Extension.

I only quote from a letter I received from Thai immigration which I believe to be correct, maybe they have moved the goal posts again dunno.:)

it says :- Confirmation address 90 days etc.

* Where to inform ? Any Immigration office in Thailand.

* How to inform ?

1. You may at the department by yourself.

2. You mat assignany personto inform the department on your behalf.

3.You may inform the department through a registered mail.

Re:- Tak immigration office Tel No :- 0-5556-3000.

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