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Food At Bus Terminals, Train Stations Found Below Safety Standards: Thailand


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Hate to say it but food safety is not taught here. I went to a certain school being advertised here and the Thai chef instructor knew absolutely nothing about food safety. Raw chicken with uncooked vegetables and the such. Well, when i pointed out the situation i got a big fat "Never mind", i quickly dropped after i discovered he did not know a slicing knife from a filet knife.

In Canada most places selling food will not employ anyone who has not taken a two day food safety course. It would cost little for the government to set up such courses throughout Thailand.

My biggest fear would be that even if all people working with food attended the training it could become like motorcycle helmets. They know it saves lives 'but just cant be bothered'. tit

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Hate to say it but food safety is not taught here. I went to a certain school being advertised here and the Thai chef instructor knew absolutely nothing about food safety. Raw chicken with uncooked vegetables and the such. Well, when i pointed out the situation i got a big fat "Never mind", i quickly dropped after i discovered he did not know a slicing knife from a filet knife.

In Canada most places selling food will not employ anyone who has not taken a two day food safety course. It would cost little for the government to set up such courses throughout Thailand.

My biggest fear would be that even if all people working with food attended the training it could become like motorcycle helmets. They know it saves lives 'but just cant be bothered'. tit

Same in the states, a HACCP certificate required plus hep test for all cooks and dish workers.
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Men who touch female revellers inappropriately or molest them will be arrested.

What about women who touch men?

Perhaps they might like to pass this idea to the Japanese airlines. Very common to see Japanese male passengers touch the legs of female flight attendants as they walk past.

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Strewth! I had salmonella poisoning once from some dodgy food in Mae Hong Song. I'm only slightly joking when I say that I felt so bad that dying was a preferable option.

Interesting... I got salmonella in MHS as well... but it was from a pizza place... took it to the guest house I was staying at and ate it. About 2-hours later, I'm blowing chunks out of both ends and feverish. Visiting the hospital in the morning was a of an adventure. My schedule had me planning to leave that morning. I had my car, but didn't even feel well enough to drive to the hospital. Took a tuktuk to the hospital. Had to wait for the hospital to open up... but at least the doc spoke English. Got the right antibiotics and was feeling well enough to drive home that afternoon.

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The Thai government is not perfect. But so far they did not approve medical drugs like the USA did that killed many people around the world. I did not hear that someone died because of the bad food at the bus terminals. But I read a lot about the other topic caused by the US government ;-)

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HACCP (Pronounced 'Hassup') is the standard protocol in the food industry for food hygiene control. HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. Now you might imagine that no one in Thailand knows anything about HACCP, and you'd be right. But, bizarrely, if you look carefully as you travel around you'll often see places like market stalls selling raw meat in warm open air conditions proudly displaying a 'HACCP Approved' sign.


Edited by Spalpeen
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Most of the comments do not give information on travel...as for me when I travel I buy food at 7-11, a Chinese eggs in sealed package where milk and yogurt is refrigerated, as for meals I have hot soup and bottled water. As for soap one can carry a couple small sealed Hotel packed soaps, once used, leave for next person..he will be grateful and possible that the staff may use it. As for picking up meals to take home, I steam or add to if soup boil again and add self purchased meats/vegetables. When eating at bus terminal, always see if there is boiled water beside the cutlery if not take cutlery to where the soups are made and have them dipped in boiling broth. The common way Thai sterilize there cutlery is to use the wrapped napkin with spoon in this action looks mildly around to see if anyone is watching his sterilization his spoon and fork. I posted the use of MMS http://www.themiraclemineralsupplement.com/ a solution you can transfer to a small plastic eye dropper for travel, add a couple drops before a meal in your bottled water..or after the meal...this will address any pathogens in your stomach.

Prevention and education for travelers..this is why WE have ThaiVisa. com informs us on current issues and in my case add Prevention measures to those who travel. Thanks for the read..comments appreciated. Mr. Ron

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A well known restaurant here recently had to change practices after they found their employees "recycling" the green tea they served for free to try and save a few Baht.

I routinely see street vendors putting back uneaten rice on plates back into the big pot when customers are done. Yuck!

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I'm not surprised. Has anyone seen WHERE they get the ice for drinks? It's the SAME ice they use to chill bottles of Coke and Pepsi! In any other country that would just be plain idiotic, but here in Thailand, ignorance is bliss.

Some places will even charge you for the ice! It's a nice kick-in-the-balls. Me? I refuse ice and water at any place that isn't inside a major shopping centre.

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A well known restaurant here recently had to change practices after they found their employees "recycling" the green tea they served for free to try and save a few Baht.

I routinely see street vendors putting back uneaten rice on plates back into the big pot when customers are done. Yuck!

You're shitting us, right?

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Street food is part and parcel of the way of life here, but why there can't seem to be ANY improvement at all in the hygiene is beyond me. We have government departments for this, and for that, and budgets for this and for that, but when a really tangible problem occurs the answer is TIT. We are going to read the stories about how many people killed on the roads in the next week, and there is not ONE drivers ed video put on national TV ever. Putting a 30 second video about how to overtake, how to turn right and the such could be placed on prime time TV every night for a year for nothing and it would have a tangible effect.

Now tell me, they can't teach people to wash their hands, not use the fresh chicken chopping block for the salad and the such. TIT I guess.

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Call me paranoid, but I won't even buy cooked food from the markets anymore. There is absolutely no health control for food in Thailand. I have no idea under what conditions the food has been prepared or stored. It may well have been left out overnight in somebody's kitchen with the rats and cockroaches snacking on it before being dished up at the market. My Thai GF says that they also "pad out" some Thai dishes using tissue paper, but at least that won't kill you. There's also a tendency to use flavour enhancers like MSG in large quantities, not to mention liberal helpings of sugar and salt. Thai food healthy? Not in a million years.

Best to stick to hamburgers and french fries with all the trimmings.

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Hate to say it but food safety is not taught here. I went to a certain school being advertised here and the Thai chef instructor knew absolutely nothing about food safety. Raw chicken with uncooked vegetables and the such. Well, when i pointed out the situation i got a big fat "Never mind", i quickly dropped after i discovered he did not know a slicing knife from a filet knife.

In Canada most places selling food will not employ anyone who has not taken a two day food safety course. It would cost little for the government to set up such courses throughout Thailand.

My biggest fear would be that even if all people working with food attended the training it could become like motorcycle helmets. They know it saves lives 'but just cant be bothered'. tit

Ya in Canada my wife took that course and the next time we had a turkey she sterilized every thing in the kitchen learned that in her course. Didn't have to do it for chicken.

Just out of curiosity does any one know the life expectancy in Thailand as compared to The States, Canada and Great Briton?

I am talking about the life expectancy of the Thais in Thailand and the natives of the other countries.

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There's no chance of the police arresting anyone for shooting water at riders on motorcycles during Songcran, about three years ago on a very busy road, there were two children about 12 years old doing just that at me, supervised by a female adult, I stopped my bike and gave the adult hell and all I got was "solly solly".

Let me just say that if any Farang adult throws water at me in any shape or form, they will end up with a very sore face, so any of you stupid farangs who want to throw water at Farang strangers, make sure the person they try to throw water at is not six ft tall, dark hair, quite slim and very fit looking. You have been warned.

I haz water gun, coming through internet to get you! Nom Nom
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Let me just say that if any Farang adult throws water at me in any shape or form, they will end up with a very sore face, so any of you stupid farangs who want to throw water at Farang strangers, make sure the person they try to throw water at is not six ft tall, dark hair, quite slim and very fit looking. You have been warned.

Another keyboard warrior joins the ranks of the `Hard men`

Yes; if I knew the colour of his handbag I would be looking out for him with bucket at the ready.

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Let me just say that if any Farang adult throws water at me in any shape or form, they will end up with a very sore face, so any of you stupid farangs who want to throw water at Farang strangers, make sure the person they try to throw water at is not six ft tall, dark hair, quite slim and very fit looking. You have been warned.

Another keyboard warrior joins the ranks of the `Hard men`

I meant exactly what I said, but I am not a hardman, you wouldn't have to be to handle the farangs whose mentality is so poor that they get enjoyment from throwing water over farangs who make it obvious that they don't want to participate, if they do then thar's fair enough.
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Hate to say it but food safety is not taught here. I went to a certain school being advertised here and the Thai chef instructor knew absolutely nothing about food safety. Raw chicken with uncooked vegetables and the such. Well, when i pointed out the situation i got a big fat "Never mind", i quickly dropped after i discovered he did not know a slicing knife from a filet knife.

In Canada most places selling food will not employ anyone who has not taken a two day food safety course. It would cost little for the government to set up such courses throughout Thailand.

My biggest fear would be that even if all people working with food attended the training it could become like motorcycle helmets. They know it saves lives 'but just cant be bothered'. tit

Ya in Canada my wife took that course and the next time we had a turkey she sterilized every thing in the kitchen learned that in her course. Didn't have to do it for chicken.

Just out of curiosity does any one know the life expectancy in Thailand as compared to The States, Canada and Great Briton?

I am talking about the life expectancy of the Thais in Thailand and the natives of the other countries.

Tell her to take course again! Chicken is a contaminant and is one of the main culprits in salmonella poisoning! Should be using the yellow cutting board, red board for red meats, green board for veggies and the such. I wonder how many people die here from food borne illnesses?
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Let me just say that if any Farang adult throws water at me in any shape or form, they will end up with a very sore face, so any of you stupid farangs who want to throw water at Farang strangers, make sure the person they try to throw water at is not six ft tall, dark hair, quite slim and very fit looking. You have been warned.

Another keyboard warrior joins the ranks of the `Hard men`

Yes; if I knew the colour of his handbag I would be looking out for him with bucket at the ready.

Trainman. You sure don't value your health, and Thai hospitals can be expensive.
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I guess no one here remembers, or saw, reports on all the food issues in the last few years in the U.S. Lots of Salmonella, E. Coli, Lysteria, etc. contamination in the food. And mad cow issues (spongiform encephalopathy).

Oh, but they conduct food handling courses! And have food inspection!

And you think its bad here? You should travel through Africa. And don't eat raw vegetable salad anywhere in South America.

BTW - having travelled for a few years through So. America and Africa, the middle east - I'm not afraid of the food stalls here in Thailand. Sort of like letting a kid eat dirt - builds up the immune system. LOL

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Hate to say it but food safety is not taught here. I went to a certain school being advertised here and the Thai chef instructor knew absolutely nothing about food safety. Raw chicken with uncooked vegetables and the such. Well, when i pointed out the situation i got a big fat "Never mind", i quickly dropped after i discovered he did not know a slicing knife from a filet knife.

In Canada most places selling food will not employ anyone who has not taken a two day food safety course. It would cost little for the government to set up such courses throughout Thailand.

My biggest fear would be that even if all people working with food attended the training it could become like motorcycle helmets. They know it saves lives 'but just cant be bothered'. tit

Ya in Canada my wife took that course and the next time we had a turkey she sterilized every thing in the kitchen learned that in her course. Didn't have to do it for chicken.

Just out of curiosity does any one know the life expectancy in Thailand as compared to The States, Canada and Great Briton?

I am talking about the life expectancy of the Thais in Thailand and the natives of the other countries.

UK 79.4 USA 78.3 Thailand 70.6 . It does depend on how you work the figures but here is a good place to start.


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A well known restaurant here recently had to change practices after they found their employees "recycling" the green tea they served for free to try and save a few Baht.

I routinely see street vendors putting back uneaten rice on plates back into the big pot when customers are done. Yuck!

You're shitting us, right?

unfortunately, no. I'm trying to find it, but I only heard about it from the wife as it was reported on Thai TV.

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Citing a survey on food hygiene as part of a ministry campaign to ensure food safety during the fourday Songkran holiday, he said 32 out of 81 samples showed Ecoli contamination, six contained the staphylococcus aureus bacteria, four showed salmonella and one had vibrio parahaemolyticus.

Sad is that it's not just over Songkran. People in India are never using their left hand to eat food for understandable reasons.

How do people in Thailand clean their hands after using a toilet? I'm afraid most of them just don't do it.

I don't think that kids at school learn anything regarding cleanliness and hygiene, as most of their educators don't know much about it.

Of course tablets would analyse the bacteria and send an electroshock to the user.

He called on consumers to always purchase ice or drinking water packaged in containers with a Food and Drugs Administration stamp of safety. He also urged consumers to only use straws with plastic covers. The survey was conducted at three key bus terminals and a major train stations.

Well, there's ice in plastic bags, but I've never seen a stamp from Food and Drugs Administration.

Most people here buy their water in a 20 liter container, guess it's better if we never know what's really inside beside water.

But could ordinary people really afford to buy clean water for 10 times more money?

The Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in a wound would cause infections, where only some of the top hospitals in Thailand would even know how to deal with it..... jap.gif

Edited by sirchai
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