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Bringing motorcyclists to a friendly halt and dousing them is fair dues. Not worth complaining in a situation like that, you just have to plonk a big muggy grin on your face and accept it.

However, getting ambushed full pelt in the face whilst underway is spiteful and out of order in my opinion, especially at that time of night. You'd have been well within your rights to dish out a few back handers.

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......then she said....." Hello, I am Nye, I am Ladyboy ".

I think I would have sussed it out myself to be fair drunk.gif

Did she flutter her eyebrows....and twist back n forth on her heels while giggling ??


I think it getting out hand, it should be restricted to lunchtime to about 6pm before the sun goes down, it should never thrown at people on motorcycles or push bikes. The tourists are the worst as they dont understand what its all about. Bars encourage people to use the bar with vats of water fro use, jst so long as they take some money.

It must have been pretty bad if you lost your rag old chum!


Good to have you back on the Board Blether, its been mighty quiet without theejap.gif

My pleasure.....I had to take a sabbatical to get some work done, the disadvantage of being self employed is that I only have myself to blame if the work doesn't get done violin.gif

@exeter.........yup it was a real assault out of the blue so I did lose it. I met a bar owner friend last night that witnessed it and he said the 6 guys slinked away with their tail between their legs after I left because everybody else in the area started shouting at them too, theblether started a revolution!!!

@heavy drinker.......that's disgraceful behaviour annoyed.gif I recommend that you devise a suitable punishment such as knuckling his head or maybe even giving him a wedgie.


This morning coming back from my wife's shop 2 km away on the scooter I got a quick cold shower from the kids up the road.

I suppose the oldest would have been 10 and they did wave me down to almost a stop so there was no problem.

Little swines but payback time will come even if I have to steal my son's squirt gun and get them.

I may even go up mob handed with my son as well.


Throwing water at anyone on a fast moving motorbike is playing with fire, even on a slow moving one there is potential for danger. Surely there are better ways to play water sports than just aiming at people on motorbikes but it seems to be the thing now. I've seen a few people get knocked off in past songkran celebrations and one woman had to be taken to hospital.


I do agree that 12:45 am is a ridiculous time to be throwing water, but this is very common i.e. starting Songkran festivities the night before.

Maybe you should have chosen alternative means of transportation, being well aware of the risks?


I would of paid the ladyboys to pin the idiots down and give them a surprise with a water gun. ohmy.png

They wouldn't do it again and it would make you smile everytime you saw someone walking funny.

This is a great idea. Walk up to the ladyboys, ask for short-time. When they get interested say "Look, it's only 5 minutes, you don't have to go anywhere, its B100 per person and where's your biggest ladyboy friend?". Put B500 down, get out the camera phone and say "It's a Thai tradition".

theblether It would have been far better had you been wearing your kilt and have been charging them whilst swearing in broad Glaswegian. As an Englishman I would have known to RUN!


I would of paid the ladyboys to pin the idiots down and give them a surprise with a water gun. ohmy.png

They wouldn't do it again and it would make you smile everytime you saw someone walking funny.

This is a great idea. Walk up to the ladyboys, ask for short-time. When they get interested say "Look, it's only 5 minutes, you don't have to go anywhere, its B100 per person and where's your biggest ladyboy friend?". Put B500 down, get out the camera phone and say "It's a Thai tradition".

theblether It would have been far better had you been wearing your kilt and have been charging them whilst swearing in broad Glaswegian. As an Englishman I would have known to RUN!

No no.....you know what happened the last time I wore a kilt in Chiang Mai.......it was reported here in this topic crying.gif



Second fallout from Songkran:

I had a shower this morning, as I do every day.The water poured over me as I soaped and cleaned; nothing remarkable.

I did not take a bottle of liquor into the shower with me, neither did I have music at full volume; perhaps I am missing some basic pleasure!

Well everyone around here knows I hate Songkran, have lived here for years and don't take any BS about it being a traditional celebration. It might have been many years ago, now as all can see it it is the same as hoolaganism, when the youths are let free to do what they please. I stay at home, miserable old sod that I am,only venture to the corner shop where all know not to mess.

Today a dreadful thing happened, my niece with a few drunks in tow came by to the shop for more beer. I was sitting enjoying a beer myself. Then they threw water at me. No big deal you might say, but my niece has known for at least ten years I abhor disrespect.Her father would not tolerate having water thrown at him, neither would her grandfather, my father in law.So now the fun water wars has become an issue.

I am an old man, not a tourist seeking silly water fights; I stay away from it, but as a farang I am a target.

So silly to destroy a trust!


If something like this destroys trust between you and a family member, there's something silly going on, all right.... and the water thing here, towards older, higher status people, *IS* often a sign of respect...


If something like this destroys trust between you and a family member, there's something silly going on, all right.... and the water thing here, towards older, higher status people, *IS* often a sign of respect...

No , not a family problem, my niece did not throw the water.It is an assumption that farangs like having water thrown at them. Check the press today; picture of farang enjoying playing juvenile games. The message is out there and nothing can change it. I know my niece will be contrite, her drunken friends will have no idea.

Farangs like water thrown at them; why , because that is the message sent out!


and the water thing here, towards older, higher status people, *IS* often a sign of respect...

In much the same way as when I was in the six form, sports day meant we could give the teachers a good kicking on the football field.

edit//used a bad word/not that bad/but


I love Songkran, but also agree with TheBlether; good response.

Also more generally speaking, the Farang-Idiot Tsunami hitting Thailand is now a serious threat to life as we know it.


I'm with you Blether dude. I would have done the same thing, if not more. Even newbie farangs have a clue that freakin 12:45 in the AM is not couth. This is above and beyond. The offending morons should be appropriately reprimanded, by physical means if possible.


I'm with you Blether dude. I would have done the same thing, if not more. Even newbie farangs have a clue that freakin 12:45 in the AM is not couth. This is above and beyond. The offending morons should be appropriately reprimanded, by physical means if possible.

Reprimanding physically makes an already very bad and nasty thing turn even worse. I can just about deal with Farangs being clueless in do's and dont's regarding the festival, but Farangs having a fight is definitely worse.


I'm with you Blether dude. I would have done the same thing, if not more. Even newbie farangs have a clue that freakin 12:45 in the AM is not couth. This is above and beyond. The offending morons should be appropriately reprimanded, by physical means if possible.

Reprimanding physically makes an already very bad and nasty thing turn even worse. I can just about deal with Farangs being clueless in do's and dont's regarding the festival, but Farangs having a fight is definitely worse.

Sorry, got caught up in the heat of the moment. Just imagining what I would do if I was doused that time of the night/early morning. So very rude and uncool.


I witnessed a big fat drunk farang peeing into a water bucket yesterday while laughing his head off! Putting ice in your water is ok, but you have to draw the line at this!

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I was having a great Songkran here in BKK until we got to Silom road, it was blocked off to traffic for revellers to party. However, the road was lined with venors, both sides and down thw middle only allowing 1.5 lanes each way for the tens of thousands of revellers to move and very few avenues of escape from the road. Also there wasnt any visable crowd control, so people were moving in both directions creating a choke point in the middle where people were being crushed and were screaming. We got caught there, it was a very distressing time, people were pushing from behind and from the front, if you fell or lost your footing you could have been easily crushed underfoot. To add to this large crowds were exiting the BTS adding to the multitude. The missus was having trouble breathing in the crush so I barged my way to the side into the ranks of the vendor who were behind their large ice and water baths and motorbikes, trying to push us back into the crush. They were saying "can not, can not no room mister", I replies F you and continued barging until we got into their safe haven and could breathe. There we stayed for about an hour til the crowd thinned out enough to start moving in one direction. What a horror show.


I'm with you Blether dude. I would have done the same thing, if not more. Even newbie farangs have a clue that freakin 12:45 in the AM is not couth. This is above and beyond. The offending morons should be appropriately reprimanded, by physical means if possible.

Reprimanding physically makes an already very bad and nasty thing turn even worse. I can just about deal with Farangs being clueless in do's and dont's regarding the festival, but Farangs having a fight is definitely worse.

Sorry, got caught up in the heat of the moment. Just imagining what I would do if I was doused that time of the night/early morning. So very rude and uncool.

I think all expats and regular visitors such as myself know that the first law of survival here is " Don't fight in Thailand ".

However we are all members of the human race and it certainly was uncool to say the least. I don't regret pulling these guys up......I met a bar owner the other night that witnessed it and he was highly amused, he pointed out it was 6 against 1 but with me being a big Glasgwegian guy in full throttle it would have been a fair fight.

I reality they were just needing told to stop, we can't act like policemen here but it's possibly also incumbent upon us to point to people that they are out of order. The vast majority of people are thankful if told in the correct way, they just don't know any better.The way it turned out in my case was that they backed off and took the telling, without any further damage done, however we know what the consequences could have been if a Thai had been blasted, especially some of the bad boys that are going about that area at that time of the morning with a drink in them.

Methinks I did them a favour.


I witnessed a big fat drunk farang peeing into a water bucket yesterday while laughing his head off! Putting ice in your water is ok, but you have to draw the line at this!

I witnessed a big fat drunk farang peeing into a water bucket yesterday while laughing his head off! Putting ice in your water is ok, but you have to draw the line at this!

I am very glad i didn't witness it..I could have seen myself emptying the bucket on himbah.gif

It seems we had a happy party on Koh Chang main road yesterday..except the ambulances running full time...


Lucky they didnt decide to get mean blether, but i do know where you are coming from. Ive lost my temper here in only three occasions..which isnt too bad considering the time ive been here. Im just not one to lose it normally.

The first time was with three tourists riding motorbikes. They aimed for me as i was using the zebra crossing, speeding up and beeping their horns, laughing like hyenas as they drove past me. Little did they know i was crossing to get on my bike, so i high tailed it after them and gave them a blasting of their life when i caught up at traffic lights. Two girls and a guy. The girl closest to me ended up in tears. Good!! 3rd time was to a group of young tourists at Spicy (dont ask me what i was doin at Spicy...dunno how i ended up there myself..it was one of two occasions ive been there). There was an older lady in our company, and they were getting rude about her..photos and dumb poses etc. Went up and had a "quiet word"..and they promptly left...lol. Third time was last Songkran, a farang guy kept squirting a whisky filled gun into my ear. Asked him two times to stop. He didnt, and the third time i broke his gun.

Im probably one of the calmest people most people know, but if im pushed, or i see something truly out of line, im no pussycat!

Well done for standing up to what you considered bad behaviour, but just be careful..some real nutters about, dont want to lose one of the silliest funniest thaivisa members tongue.png

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I witnessed a big fat drunk farang peeing into a water bucket yesterday while laughing his head off! Putting ice in your water is ok, but you have to draw the line at this!

I take it this was not in Pattaya.


If something like this destroys trust between you and a family member, there's something silly going on, all right.... and the water thing here, towards older, higher status people, *IS* often a sign of respect...

As anticipated my niece has since aplogised and I pointed out it was her drunken friends who were really at fault, so in True Thai fashion we are reconciled.

One thing I need to clarify is that I was near my house in a quiet soi which comes to a dead end a hundred metres from where I was sitting. It is not on the pick up truck, motor cyclist idiots route and the only reason that truck came down was for them to pick up my step son.

I hope the message has got across.

On the whole around here those who are unfamilier with me realise I am not into their water fights as I make it quite clear. The indiscretion was due to the drunks thinking that as relatives of mine were on the truck I would act like a moronic farang and love getting soaked.

This is my main gripe, the media always push the myth that all farangs love this barstadised festival.As can be seen by numerous comments on TV, this is not the case. Of the people who work with me almost all leave Thailand for more enjoyable destinations at Songkran/Easter holidays.


My neighbors have been blasting music over loudspeakers outside their house from 9am until 11pm since yesterday. It is so loud, that Even if I put on my over-ear headphones on to watch t.v. I can still feel the bass shaking everything in my house.

Last night I went out to buy some grocery snacks from 7/11 at midnight, and people were still riding around in trucks trying to soak me with ice water.

I went out yesterday midday and had some Songkran fun, but now I'm starting to get a little pissed off...

Am I just being miserable, or do some people just take it too far???


I don't think the OP over reacted at all. I think you showed restraint not kicking the crap out of the guy. But as the next poster wrote, then it would be a 6-on-1 fight, and you gotta weigh those odds as well. I think I would have gone to the nearest cop, bunged him and his buddies 2K and had the water-shooting idiots locked up for the night. lol

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Last year I was drenched by a crowd of idiots throwing buckets of water which they were refilling from a large water butt. As this was the third time that day I snapped, grabbed the nearest one and deposited him head first in the water butt. As I walked away, the rest of the group after a moments stunned silence burst into laughter.

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