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Yingluck To Miss Charter Debate For China, Japan


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The Government has allocated the cash and signed off on the deal with the supplier.

The supplier apparently may not be able to supply the 1,000,000. by the start of school.

What makes you think she is going for the sole purpose of seeing the supplier?

It's not rocket science, if they cant get the parts for the machines they are to supply as a lot of other countries cant get, due to the flooding and backlog of orders, the schools will just have to wait like everyone else.

The government hasn't signed off on the deal.

Govt delays deal-signing as deadline guarantee missed

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I simply despair at the foreigners who seem to think that the redshirts and their leaders are in some way good for this country. I really can only come to the conclusion that your wives or girlfriends look over your shoulder when you type and if you don't say that the sun shines out of Thaksins and Yinglucks <deleted> then they will refuse to give you a BJ for a year. I wish that the UK/US and European border control would insist on an IQ check for all of their nationals who leave their countries to come here. Even if they were to set the lower level at 70 (severe learning difficulties) we may get posters on here that could actually think about what they are actually saying. Some of the comments are breathtaking.

He's at it again saai.gif .

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Debate sensible... about things..... SOOOOO many promises have been screwed up by a posing dictatorial democratic government, instead of acknowledging the blunders like most of us, and shouting WHY, you and others are laughable with the hard line (they cannot do wrong attitude) all or near ALL election promises have been cancelled or delayed. With the P.M. missing for most of the debates -does not that alone ring some alarm bells ???? The failure by passing debatable talk is there glaring us in the face, is it lack of interest ??? is it that she is not informed well enough, ??? Please some of you posters realise what is fact-and what is not good for the national interest.

Perhaps there are those who are simply more relaxed about the government performance, and are willing to accept change and improvement is better taking place in Thai time than not at all

Others of course will bitch and moan.....I guess because they cannot find anything more constructive to do.....

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Seems to me this is part of a pattern for Yingluck of avoiding get her hands dirty directly in the obvious drive to bring back her brother. Plausible deniability and all that. Remember her campaign BS, not about helping ONE man? (As if.) Thaksin knows coming back will be a horror show and he wants to continue to use Yingluck. Don't be naive. It's all in the plan. Whether the plan works or not, who knows? Thaksin doesn't always win in his schemes, now does he?

Well whatever the shortfalls of Yingluck it shows a maturity to be aware, and not be drawn into situations that would damage her popularity. Sadly as mentioned earlier in the thread, Abhisit is left throwing air punches at a man who is not even in the country....and does not have the ability to adapt to the current situation....thus floundering along to another defeat at the next election..........

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When Yingluck supporters stoop as low as saying profoundly stupid things like business agreements (a dime a dozen) are of more importance than a country's own constitution then all hope of having a rational conversation is lost. That's rock bottom zealotry that can't be cured.

Some people drink the Kool Aid apparently some snort it, and seems that some go straight to the IV.

According to GK....... second reading....a third and more important later...why don't posters read the information provided....not important her ministers can cope..... do you not understand.......or do you not want to understand?

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It seems pretty obvious this creates an opportunity for Yingluck to be absent,when Constitution changes are being discussed, So now she has ducked out, yet again,she could claim no knowledge or personal interest in the changes,which would allow Big Brother,to return to Thailand,with no charges to answer!

The cunning and deceit is breathtaking.

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Are some of you people oblivious as to how legislation is debated in a parliament? The PM almost never ever introduces a Bill, nor leads the debate of a Bill. It is the responsibility of the Minister under whom the Bill applies to be the point man/woman. In this case, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit is responsible for the legislation. This legislation is in respect to some changes in the wording of the Charter. It is not a rewrite, nor is it a replacement. The Bill is in respect to an amendment of the Charter. And yet, some people are carrying on as if this is some sort of ground breaking new legislation. Please show me a parliamentary democracy where a sitting PM takes responsibility for this type of legislation or has an active part in its debate. All this hand wringing and chest beating, and yet no one has taken the time to look at the actual legislative process in Thailand. There is absolutely no need for a PM to be an active participant in the debate of this type of legislation. The PM was there for the important vote and that's all that mattered. A PM is not there to shepherd through legislation because that task is the responsibility of the implicated minister(s).

I expect the next tantrum will arise when some TVFers fail to understand the role of a party whip. Seriously, some of you should take the time to learn about how a parliament enacts and debates legislation before complaining about the imagined transgressions of a PM.

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Seems to me this is part of a pattern for Yingluck of avoiding get her hands dirty directly in the obvious drive to bring back her brother. Plausible deniability and all that. Remember her campaign BS, not about helping ONE man? (As if.) Thaksin knows coming back will be a horror show and he wants to continue to use Yingluck. Don't be naive. It's all in the plan. Whether the plan works or not, who knows? Thaksin doesn't always win in his schemes, now does he?

Well whatever the shortfalls of Yingluck it shows a maturity to be aware, and not be drawn into situations that would damage her popularity. Sadly as mentioned earlier in the thread, Abhisit is left throwing air punches at a man who is not even in the country....and does not have the ability to adapt to the current situation....thus floundering along to another defeat at the next election..........

OMG, do you seriously think she is the "brains" behind these smart looking cynical strategic decisions?
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Debated to death or pushed through ?

The Amendments have been discussed for months and some changes made. The vote(s) were taken. What do you expect them to do? Just table the legislation and sit there because you do not approve? The legislation has followed standard procedures for the enactment of legislation. If you disagree with how this Bill is being processed, then I expect you must object to the process that accompanied every other piece of legislation in the past two years since the procedure followed here is the same.

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It becomes more and more obvious why she was awarded the Order of the White Elephant (special class)

His Majesty the King has bestowed the Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant on Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. Do you have a problem with that? If your comment is a round about way of mocking the PM by ridiculing the decoration you demonstrate a profound ignorance. This is a prestigious award and few woman in Thailand earned it. When you ridicule this award you ridicule those people that were given this prestigious recognition. I suggest you look up who some of the holders are and then you apologize. It is not given out just for fun.

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Sorry but last time I checked Chai Chidchob, Supachai Jaisamut and Sonthi Boonyaratglin are not the Prime minister. While it is disappointing that they either did not vote or attend, to compare as it as the same as the PM is something only a "knuckle dragger" could do.

I suggest you take an introductory course to Thailand's political system. It seems to me that you don't understand how legislation is enacted in Thailand.

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I don't think that most of those who are critical of Yingluck on this thread are really interested in this debate, rather they are hoping that the Prime Minister can be humiliated in some way, at least in their eyes, and are frustrated that she does not not offer herself up for said humiliation!

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Seems to me this is part of a pattern for Yingluck of avoiding get her hands dirty directly in the obvious drive to bring back her brother. Plausible deniability and all that. Remember her campaign BS, not about helping ONE man? (As if.) Thaksin knows coming back will be a horror show and he wants to continue to use Yingluck. Don't be naive. It's all in the plan. Whether the plan works or not, who knows? Thaksin doesn't always win in his schemes, now does he?

Well whatever the shortfalls of Yingluck it shows a maturity to be aware, and not be drawn into situations that would damage her popularity. Sadly as mentioned earlier in the thread, Abhisit is left throwing air punches at a man who is not even in the country....and does not have the ability to adapt to the current situation....thus floundering along to another defeat at the next election..........

OMG, do you seriously think she is the "brains" behind these smart looking cynical strategic decisions?

Ask your friends, there are varying critical descriptions you can adopt relating to comments on Yingluck.....and if you did, why would you be insisting it is crucial she attend? ......bit of mystery really is it not Jing?...........unless she is more influential than some posters here acknowledge?

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What makes you think she is going for the sole purpose of seeing the supplier?

slow down, I never said anything even remotely like that.

As for the rest, this was an issue that was begun when she began office. If they don't deliver on their pledge to have a million (actually their original pledge was 11 million, but nevermind that) tablet computers on the first day of school the responsibility will be entirely on its shoulders.

They've had months and months and months and months to get "their baby" ready.


Yes and they had months and months and months of floods that have effected all manufacturers in the world. demand and supply can't be met.

Then why not months and months ago start preparing for the delay and realign the start date?

Since the floods, they've done the exact opposite and harped on and on about how the first day of school is still on for the inauguration of the program and how more and more computers will be included in the program.

There's also been more waffling on issues completely unrelated to the floods than Waffle House has waffles. This has accounted for delay after delay.

This whole scheme has been pathetically mismanaged from the start.... a lot like the floods were.

The 10 or so threads on the topic are a testament to its ineptitude.


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Everything we know we have learned from G.Kid, the instant expert on all subjects, the authority on all things related to Thailand.

and China, too.

Hes a legend in his own lunchtime

None of you can rebut my statements so you instead offer childish comments. Is it my fault you people are clueless on how a Bill is enacted in Thailand? Is it so difficult to go and educate yourself?

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What makes you think she is going for the sole purpose of seeing the supplier?

slow down, I never said anything even remotely like that.

As for the rest, this was an issue that was begun when she began office. If they don't deliver on their pledge to have a million (actually their original pledge was 11 million, but nevermind that) tablet computers on the first day of school the responsibility will be entirely on its shoulders.

They've had months and months and months and months to get "their baby" ready.


Yes and they had months and months and months of floods that have effected all manufacturers in the world. demand and supply can't be met.

Then why not months and months ago start preparing for the delay and realign the start date?

Since the floods, they've done the exact opposite and harped on and on about how the first day of school is still on for the inauguration of the program and how more and more computers will be included in the program.

There's also been more waffling on issues completely unrelated to the floods than Waffle House has waffles. This has accounted for delay after delay.

This whole scheme has been pathetically mismanaged from the start.... a lot like the floods were.

The 10 or so threads on the topic are a testament to its ineptitude.


Why the concern.....were you an advocate/supporter for the distribution of the tablet computer?.........I hope so...... otherwise your concern would come across as a little insincere and more about government bashing don't you think?

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What makes you think she is going for the sole purpose of seeing the supplier?

slow down, I never said anything even remotely like that.

As for the rest, this was an issue that was begun when she began office. If they don't deliver on their pledge to have a million (actually their original pledge was 11 million, but nevermind that) tablet computers on the first day of school the responsibility will be entirely on its shoulders.

They've had months and months and months and months to get "their baby" ready.


Yes and they had months and months and months of floods that have effected all manufacturers in the world. demand and supply can't be met.

Then why not months and months ago start preparing for the delay and realign the start date?

Since the floods, they've done the exact opposite and harped on and on about how the first day of school is still on for the inauguration of the program and how more and more computers will be included in the program.

There's also been more waffling on issues completely unrelated to the floods than Waffle House has waffles. This has accounted for delay after delay.

This whole scheme has been pathetically mismanaged from the start.... a lot like the floods were.

The 10 or so threads on the topic are a testament to its ineptitude.


Well best you add your comments to those threads then because this thread has nothing to do with tablet computers, it is about a charter debate.
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Debate sensible... about things..... SOOOOO many promises have been screwed up by a posing dictatorial democratic government, instead of acknowledging the blunders like most of us, and shouting WHY, you and others are laughable with the hard line (they cannot do wrong attitude) all or near ALL election promises have been cancelled or delayed.  With the P.M. missing for most of the debates -does not that alone ring some alarm bells ???? The failure by passing debatable talk is there glaring us in the face, is it lack of interest  ??? is it that she is not informed well enough, ??? Please some of you posters realise what is fact-and what is not good for the national interest.

Perhaps there are those who are simply more relaxed about the government performance, and are willing to accept change and improvement is better taking place in Thai time than not at all

Others of course will bitch and moan.....I guess because they cannot find anything more constructive to do.....

I was merely pointing out the obvious, "Change-you said, my point is what change ???? I am relaxed but have not seen any creditable performance yet in 8 months. you also said improvement--again tell me what advantages have been gained by Thai people. I ask you and anyone backing the (no faults government) to give me examples, I would love to believe, and I am being honest. People have different opinions here and there, BUT to stick by the titanic PTP makes MOST people wonder. I value your opinion BUT please take the blinkers off sometimes.

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Everything we know we have learned from G.Kid, the instant expert on all subjects, the authority on all things related to Thailand.

and China, too.

Hes a legend in his own lunchtime

None of you can rebut my statements so you instead offer childish comments. Is it my fault you people are clueless on how a Bill is enacted in Thailand? Is it so difficult to go and educate yourself?

The reality GK, is that the PTP were elected with the understanding that Yingluck is the leader and as such would lead the government. That means Yingluck should take the fore and lead the discussions and actions of her government. If she wants to continue to shirk this position and run away overseas, (maybe its a family trait) then she should resign her position and become the minister for foriegn affairs.

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A large number of posts have been deleted. These include off-topic posts, posts that are disrespectful to the Monarchy, posts which are baiting and inflammatory. Replies to these posts have also been deleted. This is not about the tablet computers.

Stay on topic.

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Debated to death or pushed through ?

The Amendments have been discussed for months and some changes made. The vote(s) were taken. What do you expect them to do? Just table the legislation and sit there because you do not approve? The legislation has followed standard procedures for the enactment of legislation. If you disagree with how this Bill is being processed, then I expect you must object to the process that accompanied every other piece of legislation in the past two years since the procedure followed here is the same.

Dear G'kid, with you from England and me from the Netherlands, this seems an idiotic discussion. wai.gif

Hopefully not too late:

Edit: Add: I'm referring to established parliamentary and democratic procedures in our countries of birth

or in the words of Dept. PM and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit ":There is no need for the government to hold dialogue with people who still disagree with key elements of the national reconciliation plan as it has been endorsed by Parliament"

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and China, too.

Hes a legend in his own lunchtime

None of you can rebut my statements so you instead offer childish comments. Is it my fault you people are clueless on how a Bill is enacted in Thailand? Is it so difficult to go and educate yourself?

The reality GK, is that the PTP were elected with the understanding that Yingluck is the leader and as such would lead the government. That means Yingluck should take the fore and lead the discussions and actions of her government. If she wants to continue to shirk this position and run away overseas, (maybe its a family trait) then she should resign her position and become the minister for foriegn affairs.


The whole thing is similar to Obama sending Biden to do the State of the Union Speech! It just would not happen. Can you imagine a constitutional change taking place in the USA without the leadership of the President of the US,

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The reality GK, is that the PTP were elected with the understanding that Yingluck is the leader and as such would lead the government. That means Yingluck should take the fore and lead the discussions and actions of her government. If she wants to continue to shirk this position and run away overseas, (maybe its a family trait) then she should resign her position and become the minister for foriegn affairs.

NO. I explained it here. Please read and then criticize if you wish.


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begin removed


It has already been stated in this thread, the absence of Yingluck is of no real importance, to many of the posters it is the act of complaint they are seeking........rather says it all

Sorry to break in like this without even having been invited, but ...

The 'has been stated ... absence ... no real importance" really says it all:

- to state is sufficient

- the PM has more important things to do than merely being in parliament, being elected by other MPs to be PM, to be the 'primus inter pares'.

Never mind, we can reach her 24/7/365 if really need be smile.png

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begin removed


It has already been stated in this thread, the absence of Yingluck is of no real importance, to many of the posters it is the act of complaint they are seeking........rather says it all

Sorry to break in like this without even having been invited, but ...

The 'has been stated ... absence ... no real importance" really says it all:

- to state is sufficient

- the PM has more important things to do than merely being in parliament, being elected by other MPs to be PM, to be the 'primus inter pares'.

Never mind, we can reach her 24/7/365 if really need be smile.png

I correct blinkered...in some cases totally blindfolded......did you per chance skip through the thread.....or read every post?.

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