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Debit Card Signature


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My wife has gone shopping on two occasions at Big C Xtra on Centre Rd and Frendship on South Rd.

She paid the grocery bill with my Debit card on the 3 occasions, me thinking she had paid by cash.

She gave me 3 debit card receipts to check when we got home? I asked her how they accepted the card without my signature. She told me she signed it herself, thinking that it was OK to do so. I said how did you forge my signature. She said, she signed her own name and they accepted it there.

So they obviously don't turn the debit card over and check the signature.

I told her she was lucky and to never do it again, because if she was caught by security here or in OZ, they would hand her over to the Police. She would be arrested and be ringing me from the police station. That it was illegal to sign the card.

I must admit this is the first time she has used a debit or credit card, she had no idea it was illegal. My fault not educating her.

However, the staff at these shopping centres should also be trained in how to handle debit/credit cards. It is obvious they dont turn the card over and check the signature.

Just a warning guy's and gal's.

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I use a US credit card (Capital One) at Friendship and so long as the cashier gets the approval from the electronic machine that verifies the card there is never a question

I think your concern about the Thai Police getting involved is a little over the top and just how many cashiers here in Thailand can even read English letters, no less, signatures

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Why does your wife carry your personal Debit card? Should it not be in your wallet? I'm from Toronto and NOBODY there ever checks the signature strip but I see it usually being checked here in Thailand. Maybe Thailand is not so backward as we all think.

Edited by Whyowhy
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I think it is pretty well known that losing a debit card in Thailand is the same as losing cash because you can make all sorts of purchases without a pin or ID. Whyowhy, I don't know how long it has been since you were in Toronto but now most places require you enter a pin for either debit or credit card purchases with the new chipped cards.

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I use my Debit Card regularly, Thai issued one that says "Privileged Member" on it.

In most places they never check the signature, but for high value purchases they are usually more thorough and I have often been asked for ID.

But Previous BM is absolutely right, lose that and you lose a lot of money.. I have not done this myself yet but I think having two accounts is a good idea, One with the lump in (without Debit Card) and one with a smaller float amount (with debit card).. it is so easy to move money between accounts now at ATM's or on your mobile.

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I was told to put "CHECK ID" on the signature line of the card. In the US, 98% of the time, they ask for my ID. A few times they didn't check.

Here, I've only had them check for very large purchases. Never at places like Makro, Tesco, etc.

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I use a US credit card (Capital One) at Friendship and so long as the cashier gets the approval from the electronic machine that verifies the card there is never a question

I think your concern about the Thai Police getting involved is a little over the top and just how many cashiers here in Thailand can even read English letters, no less, signatures

Why does your wife carry your personal Debit card? Should it not be in your wallet? I'm from Toronto and NOBODY there ever checks the signature strip but I see it usually being checked here in Thailand. Maybe Thailand is not so backward as we all think.

+1. a couple of times out of 1000 ive seen the signature check done. you really have to treat your thai credit/debit cards like cash.

with some foreign debit cards, you can afford to be careless because the consumer protection laws force the banks to investigate/side with the consumer, especially when fraud is involved. a lot of that has to do with how credit works, esp in usa. if the consumer isnt confident about using credit, it doesnt work.

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Are we discussing overseas debit cards or Thai Please ?

I was under the impression that you had to use a card reader for a U.K. one as in my case.

Without the card reader of which you have to input a personal code and receive data and are requested to respond further, you are unable to use the card for any sort of transactions be they cash or payment of goods and any further processing in cancelled.

I always thought all countries have these security prodeedures in place for debit cards ????

Regarding ATM,s you have to input your personal pin to withdraw cash and unless someone has access to it, again it cannot be used.

Any observations appreciated.

marshbags unsure.png


Always use the ATM,s inside the banks for an extra security precaution and do not write your pin down and do not trust anyone / a third party.

IMHO of course

Edited by marshbags
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The Debit Card I was referring to is a Bangkok Bank Card. She had to sign the debit receipt when she used my card and she signed her name in english not my name.

My point is the Thai staff know it has to be signed, but they dont obviously care who's signature is on the back. She never even looked at the signature on the back of the card.

YES my wife does carry my wallett with her when we go out together and it has Cash, Debit and Credit Card's in it, along with her own Debit and Cerdit cards in her handbag. Too bulky in my pocket.

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Who believes that bank cards with signature are safe? Only electronic code is safe, and signature doesn't engage in many countries (easy to be refunded by the bank, signature is not a valid proof).

Is this why when ever you receive a card from any bank in the world, they say to immediately sign your name on the space provided on the rear of the card and to destroy your old card?

If they are not safe why do they ask you to do it. I can guarantee you. If you signed the back of a card in Australia in another name you would be detained by security until Police came to arrest you.

Further it is the signature on the back of the card and the signature you do in front of the cashier that they are to compare, NOT the spelling in english on the front of the card.

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Who believes that bank cards with signature are safe? Only electronic code is safe, and signature doesn't engage in many countries (easy to be refunded by the bank, signature is not a valid proof).

Is this why when ever you receive a card from any bank in the world, they say to immediately sign your name on the space provided on the rear of the card and to destroy your old card?

If they are not safe why do they ask you to do it. I can guarantee you. If you signed the back of a card in Australia in another name you would be detained by security until Police came to arrest you.

Further it is the signature on the back of the card and the signature you do in front of the cashier that they are to compare, NOT the spelling in english on the front of the card.

Because people like you believe ?

Same situation with airport security...

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Who believes that bank cards with signature are safe? Only electronic code is safe, and signature doesn't engage in many countries (easy to be refunded by the bank, signature is not a valid proof).

I have never signed mine but have been asked to in the U.K. by my local branch cashiers when I use it there,

I say I use it in Thailand for cash requests at the banks and do not want to encourage people to copy my signature.

They never challenge this and up to now have always allowed me to leave it blank.

Likewise at my local Bangkok bank and they just check my corresponding I.D. with my passport.

I will never use it elswhere and this goes back many years.

marshbags thumbsup.gif

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Who believes that bank cards with signature are safe? Only electronic code is safe, and signature doesn't engage in many countries (easy to be refunded by the bank, signature is not a valid proof).

Is this why when ever you receive a card from any bank in the world, they say to immediately sign your name on the space provided on the rear of the card and to destroy your old card?

If they are not safe why do they ask you to do it. I can guarantee you. If you signed the back of a card in Australia in another name you would be detained by security until Police came to arrest you.

Further it is the signature on the back of the card and the signature you do in front of the cashier that they are to compare, NOT the spelling in english on the front of the card.

Because people like you believe ?

Same situation with airport security...

Sheet, I hope I find your unsigned cards one day. Guarantee they would soon have a signature on the back to match the name on the front.

Are you trying to say they don't check your passport at the airport, or what?

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Are we discussing overseas debit cards or Thai Please ?

I was under the impression that you had to use a card reader for a U.K. one as in my case.

Without the card reader of which you have to input a personal code and receive data and are requested to respond further, you are unable to use the card for any sort of transactions be they cash or payment of goods and any further processing in cancelled.

I always thought all countries have these security prodeedures in place for debit cards ????

Regarding ATM,s you have to input your personal pin to withdraw cash and unless someone has access to it, again it cannot be used.

Any observations appreciated.

marshbags unsure.png


Always use the ATM,s inside the banks for an extra security precaution and do not write your pin down and do not trust anyone / a third party.

IMHO of course

The card reader PIN input requirement can be overridden and a signature used instead.

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