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Second Farang In The Family


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there is a cousin who comes from more modest means, but financially and intellectually who appears to have a farang "boyfriend" every now and then. My wife in general is very subconscious.

I find this strangely hilarious, and would love to find out what it means.

His wife is very subconscious. He had her fitted with sonar.

She uses it to spot the cousins farang bf's

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there is a cousin who comes from more modest means, but financially and intellectually who appears to have a farang "boyfriend" every now and then. My wife in general is very subconscious.

I find this strangely hilarious, and would love to find out what it means.

His wife is very subconscious. He had her fitted with sonar.

She uses it to spot the cousins farang bf's

Is that passive or active sonar? Oh nevermind....

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you better hope and pray that that you are richer than the other guy

if he arrives and starts throwing millions around and buying houses for parents ,you will be relegated

as a stingy <deleted>

if you have two farangs in a thai family ,it will be impossible not to compare them against each other

Playing one against the other,is a dream come true for them.

One of them has got to be the Kineow farang

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Personally I would be very happy to stand back and let another farang into the family. If the whole relationship is based on material assets, just by observing hopefully will give you some time for your get out clause.

You are not marrying the family, nor the friends, nor the village, I would have that irritating perpetual smile on my face knowing full well there will be only one looser and that wouldnt be me.giggle.gif

Depending upon the family's living standard, actually, you are marrying the entire family.

This is the case with many of the SEA countries.

The highest earner in the family (including distant relatives) will often be the social welfare office.

It is expected.

My very very exotic Thai wife cheesy.gif and I are of the same opinion that we are not married to the family. An Issan (non hi so) family who have never expected anything from us and neither do they get it on a regular basis. This was an arrangement we made well before we married and we have stuck to the agreement.

We have young children who need educating etc and have our own expenses. They managed before I came on the scene and I dont see myself as a walking ATM.

Hmmm, what is so funny about your very very exotic Thai wife? Might it be because she is both excotic and Thai?


My wife also made it clear that handouts should not be expected. The regular help the nearest of course (as mentione 100s of times here).

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She probably hoped for ur clone to step foward. U should take that as a compliment. When some girls that were hitting on me found out that I was already taken, they asked if I had a brother or a friend that was single. Some interpret that if u are good guy then ur immediate friends and relatives must be the same. Hoping to get someone as close to u as they can.


Awwwww you 're taken already, really ? Do you have a brother? A twin? a cousin ?

Please that's one of the oldest tricks in the book to flatter a man.

Somebody pass me the pucke bucket please sick.gif

Edited by aneliane
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I was the second expat in the family

Family with 3 daughters. Oldest was a school teacher. Married a man from America. No sinsod no big house

middle daughter married a thai farmer

youngest was an exective assistant for one of Thailands largest companies for 7 years and married me, No sinsod, no big house, no monthly payment to the family

But it is nice a family parties to have another there to talk with some times or have some of the attentions so I have less.

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Personally I would be very happy to stand back and let another farang into the family. If the whole relationship is based on material assets, just by observing hopefully will give you some time for your get out clause.

You are not marrying the family, nor the friends, nor the village, I would have that irritating perpetual smile on my face knowing full well there will be only one looser and that wouldnt be me.giggle.gif

Depending upon the family's living standard, actually, you are marrying the entire family.

This is the case with many of the SEA countries.

The highest earner in the family (including distant relatives) will often be the social welfare office.

It is expected.

My very very exotic Thai wife cheesy.gif and I are of the same opinion that we are not married to the family. An Issan (non hi so) family who have never expected anything from us and neither do they get it on a regular basis. This was an arrangement we made well before we married and we have stuck to the agreement.

We have young children who need educating etc and have our own expenses. They managed before I came on the scene and I dont see myself as a walking ATM.

Hmmm, what is so funny about your very very exotic Thai wife? Might it be because she is both excotic and Thai?


My wife also made it clear that handouts should not be expected. The regular help the nearest of course (as mentione 100s of times here).

My "exotic" remark, is very much tongue in cheek due to another poster always commencing his posts "my exotic Thai/Chinese wife), dont worry about itsmile.png .

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My "exotic" remark, is very much tongue in cheek due to another poster always commencing his posts "my exotic Thai/Chinese wife), dont worry about itsmile.png .


well now..me being the second Farang in the family, a poor one at that ...and married to a beautiful exotic part China girl of course..tertiary education in rubber cutting and smiling...

My BIL is now back in Germany with SIL ..he is younger than her and a pediatric doc., his father and brothers are fricking corporate lawyers...

....never had any issues with him although he did get upset when I told him to put his pet hamsters in the back of the truck not inside...unfortunately they all died from the heat on our road trip.....funny watching him holding one in front of the aircon vent trying to revive it..everyone in the truck was pissing themselves ..he got really upset with me. ? That inimitable German sense of humour I guess.......

Anyways, seems most posters would agree that one does marry the family and it's associated obligations..true to a point, guess it's about how you manage it and the expectations. ....most of my obligations seem to be fixing,fitting and building stuff...sure, a few dollars or purchase of bits and bobs for the MIL is par for the course (SIL sends money too) but seem to remember last western MIL ( a nice lady ) cost me a hell of a lot more........bah.gif

....about opinions of villagers and other rellies......quite frankly Scarlet....coffee1.gif

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While there are the concerns about material comparisons being made by the family, from my own point of view I'd be more worried about whether I'd end up having to spend a fair bit of time with a complete moron.

If the sister lives close by, it could totally disrupt your comfortable daily routine and they'd expect you to become bosom buddies. Definitely some careful vetting required!

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She probably hoped for ur clone to step foward. U should take that as a compliment. When some girls that were hitting on me found out that I was already taken, they asked if I had a brother or a friend that was single. Some interpret that if u are good guy then ur immediate friends and relatives must be the same. Hoping to get someone as close to u as they can.


Awwwww you 're taken already, really ? Do you have a brother? A twin? a cousin ?

Please that's one of the oldest tricks in the book to flatter a man.

Somebody pass me the pucke bucket please sick.gif

Its always funny seeing those guys falling for those things. They are always handsome (at least that is what the girls say) Even though they are balding 20kg overweight and with poor personal hygene.

They seem to be so happy with the flattering they forget that many of the girls don't care about how a foreigner looks because they all think they are rich and this is their way out.

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She probably hoped for ur clone to step foward. U should take that as a compliment. When some girls that were hitting on me found out that I was already taken, they asked if I had a brother or a friend that was single. Some interpret that if u are good guy then ur immediate friends and relatives must be the same. Hoping to get someone as close to u as they can.


Awwwww you 're taken already, really ? Do you have a brother? A twin? a cousin ?

Please that's one of the oldest tricks in the book to flatter a man.

Somebody pass me the pucke bucket please sick.gif

Yet no one steps foward to ask you out. Wonder if it's because your personality or your looks :)

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She probably hoped for ur clone to step foward. U should take that as a compliment. When some girls that were hitting on me found out that I was already taken, they asked if I had a brother or a friend that was single. Some interpret that if u are good guy then ur immediate friends and relatives must be the same. Hoping to get someone as close to u as they can.


Awwwww you 're taken already, really ? Do you have a brother? A twin? a cousin ?

Please that's one of the oldest tricks in the book to flatter a man.

Somebody pass me the pucke bucket please sick.gif

Its always funny seeing those guys falling for those things. They are always handsome (at least that is what the girls say) Even though they are balding 20kg overweight and with poor personal hygene.

They seem to be so happy with the flattering they forget that many of the girls don't care about how a foreigner looks because they all think they are rich and this is their way out.

Assuming that Thais are not individuals and money seekers... Hmm, you are not related to the xenophobic and lonely french woman are you?

20 kg overweight ,poor personal hygiene and bald. That's alright bud, there are cures for those sort of things. If you need a personal coach to help you with those disadvantages... I'm here to help next time you are ready to go fishing ;)

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She probably hoped for ur clone to step foward. U should take that as a compliment. When some girls that were hitting on me found out that I was already taken, they asked if I had a brother or a friend that was single. Some interpret that if u are good guy then ur immediate friends and relatives must be the same. Hoping to get someone as close to u as they can.


Awwwww you 're taken already, really ? Do you have a brother? A twin? a cousin ?

Please that's one of the oldest tricks in the book to flatter a man.

Somebody pass me the pucke bucket please sick.gif

Its always funny seeing those guys falling for those things. They are always handsome (at least that is what the girls say) Even though they are balding 20kg overweight and with poor personal hygene.

They seem to be so happy with the flattering they forget that many of the girls don't care about how a foreigner looks because they all think they are rich and this is their way out.

Assuming that Thais are not individuals and money seekers... Hmm, you are not related to the xenophobic and lonely french woman are you?

20 kg overweight ,poor personal hygiene and bald. That's alright bud, there are cures for those sort of things. If you need a personal coach to help you with those disadvantages... I'm here to help next time you are ready to go fishing wink.png

You teach me how to fish and i teach you how to understand what people have written is that deal. P.s. Look in the fishing forum for a change.


Edited by robblok
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