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Warning - Pattaya Now Has Alcohol Breath Testing In Daily Use


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Wow - sounds like quite an experience - and kudos to you for your honesty in relating it all here.

This type of random breath-testing has been a long time coming to Pattaya IMO and I for one think its a great idea. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen expats drinking in a bar and then leave under their own steam on a bike or in a car. And there's no excuse either as there are alternate modes of transport available.

Lets hope that this measure will bring down the road accident statistics.

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Yeah I saw that group of police the other day early hours of the morning. Looked like they meant business. I just hope its not another fashionable stage that police and local politicians like to go through just to look serious. I hope they make it stick and not let people just pay their way out of it.

I am sceptical, not of the theory or principle but of the practice. The idea is great and should be implemented more but I fear it wont be done properly and will be subject to corruption and treated as more opportunity for revenue.

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Speed cameras are already being used on the highway between Samut Sankran and the split where you can go to Phetchaburi and Hua Hin. I've not only seen them but about 4 months ago my wife's uncle got a letter from the police in that area indicating a B400 fine was to paid for traveling 120 kph. My wife had borrowed his car and was , indeed, photographed by one of the portable speed camera traps. We paid the fine via the post office and now when driving in that area I keep it below 115 kph. I can only imagine the amount of money the local police could make if they had these set up on the highways between Bangkok and Pattaya.

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Quite an ordeal.

I only drink at home, but these rubber boots, do they have a size eleven?

As to bribes, if the breatho units are new toys they probably have to generate some legitimate income for a while to cover the purchase costs..

Edited by necronx99
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Great warning post OP that should be taken very seriously by all of us that do or have in the past drunk and drove/rode.

I had a lucky escape a year or more ago where i was fortunate enough to be able to bribe my way out of the situation, but it taught me a lesson and i now do not drink and ride

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Yes, good report. i have to admit it paints a terrible picture of life after arrest here. A good deterrent, I would have thought.

Considering how cheap it is to get a m/c taxi to most parts of Pattaya, why drink and ride / drive ?

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Nice bit of writing. My SEO copywriter would be proud.

The problem is they only enforce this once or twice per year when the big guns comes down from Bangkok. The rest of the year, even if you can hardly stand, they cops will help you into your car and sent you on your way with a smile and "please drive careful". Consistency is needed.

It is also first time I've heard they don't take bribes. The previous occasions it seems you were guided to a table where you were told "pay 10,000 baht now or go to court". Expensive, but a way out. But that's again the selective enforcement that seems to be common here.

I think the treatment is outrageous and I'm sure not providing you a translation of the proceedings and what you sign is probably against a dozen international human rights conventions.

Do you have any idea what a taxi charge you to take you from downtown to the dark side? Not all of us live in downtown Pattaya.

Edited by WyattEarp
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wheww...thanks for the heads-up! Whereas it is possible to get a Baht bus in town to back home where I live, it is more or less impossible to get into town without your own ride. Around the darkside is no public transport whatsoever so no chance to go to a pub and get home unless you drive by yourself...

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Do you have any idea what a taxi charge you to take you from downtown to the dark side? Not all of us live in downtown Pattaya.

True, but any taxi is a cheaper then spending 19 Hours in a stinking Jail cell and paying 2000 +++ THB in fines.

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I'm curious as to the calibration record of the device and/or whether it can be abused for personal gain.

That is a good point and when I asked one of the guys picked up in Udon he explained he had only had a couple over a 2 hour period (and knowing the guy for some time can believe that) the last only being a couple of minutes before being stopped and blowing into the machine.

Back in Australia one has just had a drink he/she is told to stay put for 30 minutes or so then tested again (that was the case when I was last tested --- passed). This guy was charged on the reading he produced there and then and was not allowed another test when a proper result would have been achieved after a stabilizing period.

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Do you have any idea what a taxi charge you to take you from downtown to the dark side? Not all of us live in downtown Pattaya.

Motorcycle taxi from Leo's to SSCC at the Crocodile Farm Road Intersection 100 Baht.

The problem is not getting back. The problem is getting INTO town from the darkside.

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Nice bit of writing. My SEO copywriter would be proud.

The problem is they only enforce this once or twice per year when the big guns comes down from Bangkok. The rest of the year, even if you can hardly stand, they cops will help you into your car and sent you on your way with a smile and "please drive careful". Consistency is needed.

It is also first time I've heard they don't take bribes. The previous occasions it seems you were guided to a table where you were told "pay 10,000 baht now or go to court". Expensive, but a way out. But that's again the selective enforcement that seems to be common here.

I think the treatment is outrageous and I'm sure not providing you a translation of the proceedings and what you sign is probably against a dozen international human rights conventions.

Do you have any idea what a taxi charge you to take you from downtown to the dark side? Not all of us live in downtown Pattaya.

1) My understanding is that this is a change in local enforcement and may not be a one off. I've lived in Central Pattaya for 5 years and am a weekend regular to Walking St and the vicinity. My "stupidity" was based on 5 years of never having seen any form of alcohol testing done. There is a new police chief who has been shaking things up in town - and I believe this is his initiative. He also took specific interest in our cases and was present on Saturday night and involved directly in deciding if we were going to be let out. He specifically wanted all the guilty farang's to also be reviewed by immigration to try and find visa violations. This is more thorough than I would normally expect and seems to be aimed at getting statistics up - not getting cash for letting people off. Not sure how long it will last but it is a clear change in local policing policy in the short term.

2) There was definitely no interest in "money", and only interest in due process and getting it all done officially for the record books. I (along with most of the other farangs) had access to cash, that would have been clear to the police and was shown to them on occasion, but there was no interest. My Thai helpers also made inquiries as to what options were available, and apart from small sums being paid to get access to me and bring me water/food - there was no invitation or opportunity to buy your way out.

I have access to 2 well known local lawyers, unfortunately being 6am on the day after Songkran, neither were in Pattaya or taking calls. I believe it might have been different had they been available - not special treatment, but the ability to get bail, to ask for some delay and then pleading a case. But I couldn't get either of them, a bit like trying to get your lawyer on Christmas day.

3) The conditions are poor, the lack of communication and access to lawyers was worse. There is even a very old sign up on the inside of the watch house in english explaining you get a phone call ... but that was not offered. There was no mention of rights, there was no ability to exercise or enforce rights (hence I think it would have been better if I could have got hold of a lawyer). We were processed in their own time, and as the Thai nationals were. While it was poor treatment - everything was done equally to the Thai offenders - no better or worse treatment other than being held to check for Visa violations.

4) Motorbike taxi is 40 baht each way for me to near BigC Extra on Pattaya Klang ... one of the other farangs lived out Siam Country Club road and said if he caught a motorbike taxi it was 200 baht each way ... hence he road his bike.

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I'm curious as to the calibration record of the device and/or whether it can be abused for personal gain.

That is a good point and when I asked one of the guys picked up in Udon he explained he had only had a couple over a 2 hour period (and knowing the guy for some time can believe that) the last only being a couple of minutes before being stopped and blowing into the machine.

Back in Australia one has just had a drink he/she is told to stay put for 30 minutes or so then tested again (that was the case when I was last tested --- passed). This guy was charged on the reading he produced there and then and was not allowed another test when a proper result would have been achieved after a stabilizing period.

I don't think Thai law is that sophisticated in terms of stabilizing period as per Australia (I'm an Aussie), but in due course I'll be discussing options are processes with my Thai lawyer so that I'm better prepared in future. I'll post any information I get. There was a farang who blew prior to me and was under the limit and walked - so they were letting people off who didn't blow over the limit without fuss.

I got the impression that "no correspondence will be entered into" and that the first reading, was the reading and sufficient evidence of guilt.

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Do you have any idea what a taxi charge you to take you from downtown to the dark side? Not all of us live in downtown Pattaya.

Motorcycle taxi from Leo's to SSCC at the Crocodile Farm Road Intersection 100 Baht.

The problem is not getting back. The problem is getting INTO town from the darkside.

I have never had a problem though I have occasionally had to walk 5 mins down Nernplabwan before I found one. My wife who, being Thai, refuses to walk anywhere has the number of one of the local motorcycle taxi guys who picks her up or sends someone else for her.

I normally pay 100 baht into town of an evening and 200 baht back in the small hours.

Edited by Orac
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