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Bus Crash Photo With Body Parts


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In Thailand, it's mangled flesh that sells. In the UK, it's WAGS, messy divorces, cheating partners, and inebriated louts that make the news. In Thailand, those people in the photos are dead. In the UK, those people in the photos are alive. Did those dead and live people ever asked to be photographed? No. The paparazzis in both cases are at fault. The newspapers and tabloids that print those photos are also at fault. Paparazzi and print media respect nobody.

They wouldnt exist if idiots didnt buy the trash that they print

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"Noble Thai culture"

You don't think that some people might say the same about certain facets of Western culture?

The fact is, if you can't learn to accept or at least tolerate cultural differences you should never leave home. I'm sure you'd say the same thing to a foreigner who came to your country only to whinge about how uncivilized it was.

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Pornography is censored but blood and guts all over the front page of newspapers for anyone to see is fine! Logic?

I am very perplexed too..And i consider poor taste to put bloody pictures on the main page, but, if there's a logic in that, it may deter somebody to drive or ride carelessly...

I heard that if you are caught speeding over the limit in some part of the US, they bring you to the local Police Station and they let you watch some horrific footage from road accidents.. True or not ?

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Pornography is censored but blood and guts all over the front page of newspapers for anyone to see is fine! Logic?

I am very perplexed too..And i consider poor taste to put bloody pictures on the main page, but, if there's a logic in that, it may deter somebody to drive or ride carelessly...

I heard that if you are caught speeding over the limit in some part of the US, they bring you to the local Police Station and they let you watch some horrific footage from road accidents.. True or not ?

Fair point

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the GUY is just a kid who helped his "rescue" father during the holidays

and he is happy that he found a little brain.

I've just send this picture to my stepdaughter explaining to her what will happen

to her brain when she continues driving around without fastening the seatbelt.

I hope it is more educating than the crash test dummies videos on youtube I've sent

her before.

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I have a Thai friend who is a paramedic for the ambulance service and on his facebook he has pictures of dead bodies. Some of them have no face as they've turned up and the poor victim has had his face blown in by a gun or something. Some of the pictures people are posing with the dead bodies and there are always loads of people about. It freaks me out slightly and I ask him why he thinks it's ok to show that on Facebook and he says "It's just a body." so yeah, I guess it's just a Thai culture thing.

Kinda weird though I will admit.

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Pornography is censored but blood and guts all over the front page of newspapers for anyone to see is fine! Logic?

I am very perplexed too..And i consider poor taste to put bloody pictures on the main page, but, if there's a logic in that, it may deter somebody to drive or ride carelessly...

I heard that if you are caught speeding over the limit in some part of the US, they bring you to the local Police Station and they let you watch some horrific footage from road accidents.. True or not ?

Before I got my license in the states, when I was going through driver's training, they made us watch the movie "Red Asphalt". Should have been quite sobering to a 15 year old kid, but sadly the Hollywood indoctrination gave the whole experience more of an entertainment aspect.

Anyone who says gory Hollywood movies don't desensitize you to real life educational documentaries is being disingenuous. You may logically know that one is real and one is not, but your brain processes the images in exactly the same way. It is hard to be sobered by pictures of real life crashes after having been exposed to Saw IV.

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You see far worse in the newspapers

Not all that long ago a certain newspaper published a photo of a friend of mine who was found dead in his apartment. Bad taste, and I hope his poor old mum never had to see it.

Give me page 3 every day of the week....

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and he says "It's just a body." so yeah, I guess it's just a Thai culture thing.

Unfortunately, the 'it's just a body' syndrome is applied in situations where foreigners or non-Buddhists are involved, such as the OneTwoGo air crash in Phuket a few years ago. I've seen the video footage of the manner in which many of these bodies were treated by the 'scavengers' and it is not nice.

Thai rescue workers who deal with foreigners need to learn about other cultures and religions, and how that religion or culture treats the body with respect and dignity. If the religion of the deceased is not known, then the body should be treated with utmost respect, not displayed in pieces akin to a butcher's shop. Once it's confirmed that the deceased was Buddhist, then they can start doing hi-5s and posing for fun photos with the giblets


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Many years ago, a Lauda Air plane crashed in Thailand. Shortly afterwards, a book was published showing pictures of all the bits of bodies found after the crash. Ghoulish? Yes, to us, but clearly not to Thais. Just a difference in outlook.

An American friend of mine had breast reduction surgery. Her adopted Thai daughter insisted on seeing the bits removed. Mind you, she couldn't face a meal for two days afterwards!

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I've given up trying to understand farang logic. They make some of the goriest, most horrific and perverse horror movies in the world (Saw, The Human Centipede, et al), but go ape-shit at the first sign of real blood.

TIF (This is Farangdom).

...and your point is?


The people in Cowboy & Indian - flice get up after the director calls "Cut!"...

What has that got to do with REAL people, dieing REAL deaths and the way to respect them?

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I have a Thai friend who is a paramedic for the ambulance service and on his facebook he has pictures of dead bodies. Some of them have no face as they've turned up and the poor victim has had his face blown in by a gun or something. Some of the pictures people are posing with the dead bodies and there are always loads of people about. It freaks me out slightly and I ask him why he thinks it's ok to show that on Facebook and he says "It's just a body." so yeah, I guess it's just a Thai culture thing.

Kinda weird though I will admit.


I saw the same kind of thing following one of the farang murders reported on Thaivisa recently. There was a video posted up on Youtube by one of the Thai rescue volunteers at the scene. The video took the form of a photo slideshow of the rescue volunteer set to pop music, in various poses with the murder victim as he lay dead in his room, caked in blood and with rigor mortis already set in. huh.png

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I've given up trying to understand farang logic. They make some of the goriest, most horrific and perverse horror movies in the world (Saw, The Human Centipede, et al), but go ape-shit at the first sign of real blood.

TIF (This is Farangdom).

...and your point is?


The people in Cowboy & Indian - flice get up after the director calls "Cut!"...

What has that got to do with REAL people, dieing REAL deaths and the way to respect them?

The point is Westerners like gore, too. They just can't take it when it's real.

It's a cultural difference. To Thais a dead body is just a pile of meat that remains after the soul has departed, while farangs see it as something more sacred -- something that deserves "respect". To Thais, the soul is the important thing.

There are plenty of things Westerners do that Thais think of as abhorrent as well -- not sending money home to mom and dad once you start earning it, not keeping granny at home instead of packing her off to a "retirement community", etc. etc.

To get superior or upset because you think your ways are better than someone else's is the basest form of ethnocentricity.

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It's a coping mechanism. There are no counselling services provided for these first responders. Day after day, year after year of arriving on scene, they deal with horrific events.. The senses dull, you get nightmares, night sweats, you suffer from stress and its little acts like this that help deal with it. It is unethical and wrong to do this, but in the absence of proper training, a code of ethics and a professional group that responds it will occur. One would not expect to see this with an EMT or Paramedic in Australia etc., but sometimes it happens. The authorities respond accordingly, but they also reach out to help the person. No one helps the Thai 1st responders. Go to enough of these events "naked" and you too will eventually succumb.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Nmt, I dont think anyone has said farangs are superior, they are just saying they dont get it........just like Thai's dont get packing granny off to the retirement home. This thread is about differences.

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Thai's have great respect for their dead - they have spirit houses etc. I just read on another thread about a woman who had a dream about her dead friend and went to a cemetry in Thailand and found her dead friends unclaimed remains. Other news was outcry over KFC Thailand from trying to profit from a Tsunami. I guess there are aspects of many cultures that seem to contraction themselves. I can think of quite a few examples from England.

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A couple of months back i was at the scene of a taxi crash. Samui Rescue pulled 4 bodies out of the wreckage and laid them out almost at my feet then placed a blue tarp over them. A few mins later someone removed it so that everybody could have a look and take pics. No one seemed concerned.

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The other thing I find very strange is the number of persons loitering - paper and pencil in hand - writing numbers - to inspire them on what lottery ticket to buy next time round. I have seen this kind of thing sooooo many times.

really how is that done? The numbers of the car with accident can't be a lucky number, or?

When we pass an accident, my wife will take note of the vehicles number plate.

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Nmt, I dont think anyone has said farangs are superior, they are just saying they dont get it........just like Thai's dont get packing granny off to the retirement home. This thread is about differences.

Some posts did contain superior indignation.


...but I am sick of 2 things:

a) the "things are not better where you come from"- card

and the

b ) "we are in Thailand so accept every <Snip!> bullsh@t Thais are doing as part of their wonderfull culture"- card!

If they want to frolic around with the bodyparts of their own family- members, I couldn't care less.

But these are strangers (partly...at least! ...sorry, couldn't resist!) and if you are not able to make a difference between these two things or between a human bodypart and rack of lamb-racks...hell, I am indignated! Superior or inferior!

Edited by metisdead
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Nmt, I dont think anyone has said farangs are superior, they are just saying they dont get it........just like Thai's dont get packing granny off to the retirement home. This thread is about differences.

Some posts did contain superior indignation.


...but I am sick of 2 things:

a) the "things are not better where you come from"- card

and the

b ) "we are in Thailand so accept every <Snip!> bullsh@t Thais are doing as part of their wonderfull culture"- card!

If they want to frolic around with the bodyparts of their own family- members, I couldn't care less.

But these are strangers (partly...at least! ...sorry, couldn't resist!) and if you are not able to make a difference between these two things or between a human bodypart and rack of lamb-racks...hell, I am indignated! Superior or inferior!

You sound like a very angry person. Another abhorrent part of Western culture: blowing an artery at things that ultimately make zero difference to anything.

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Nmt, I dont think anyone has said farangs are superior, they are just saying they dont get it........just like Thai's dont get packing granny off to the retirement home. This thread is about differences.

Some posts did contain superior indignation.


...but I am sick of 2 things:

a) the "things are not better where you come from"- card

and the

b ) "we are in Thailand so accept every <Snip!> bullsh@t Thais are doing as part of their wonderfull culture"- card!

If they want to frolic around with the bodyparts of their own family- members, I couldn't care less.

But these are strangers (partly...at least! ...sorry, couldn't resist!) and if you are not able to make a difference between these two things or between a human bodypart and rack of lamb-racks...hell, I am indignated! Superior or inferior!

You sound like a very angry person. Another abhorrent part of Western culture: blowing an artery at things that ultimately make zero difference to anything.

Yes, Zen- Master...I bow to your emotional and spiritual superiority!

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Couple of years back I spoke often with a twenty-something Thai girl who worked in a restaurant. Sweet, smart and wouldn't kill a fly. Months passed and one day I saw her at the internet shop.

She had dozens of emails, each with photos of body parts. Accidents, war, homicides, suicide by shotgun to the head, surgery. I was a paramedic. I've seen it all. It's not something you should seek out. If you do, you need help.

She said it was "cool" and that it was a large "club" of people in Thailand who sent each other new photos every day. She spent a lot of time looking at them.

Sick. I never ate in that restaurant again. If you know anything about the Jefferey Dahmer case, and the manner in which he disposed of some of the body parts in the food factory where he worked, you'd know why.

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Nmt, I dont think anyone has said farangs are superior, they are just saying they dont get it........just like Thai's dont get packing granny off to the retirement home. This thread is about differences.

Some posts did contain superior indignation.


...but I am sick of 2 things:

a) the "things are not better where you come from"- card

and the

b ) "we are in Thailand so accept every f@cking bullsh@t Thais are doing as part of their wonderfull culture"- card!

If they want to frolic around with the bodyparts of their own family- members, I couldn't care less.

But these are strangers (partly...at least! ...sorry, couldn't resist!) and if you are not able to make a difference between these two things or between a human bodypart and rack of lamb-racks...hell, I am indignated! Superior or inferior!

You sound like a very angry person. Another abhorrent part of Western culture: blowing an artery at things that ultimately make zero difference to anything.

cheesy.gif , You were doing exactly that yesterday when you found out l am a TP volunteer. Pot & Kettle eh. cheesy.gif

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