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Its Not Racism, Its Tribalism,


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We have already started to build larger effective units (US, EU etc.) that we finally can merge together to one

global unit.

If the EU has achieved nothing more than preventing another war from breaking out in Europe then it has done its job. I was at dinner with some Thai business people last night and they were saying that the ASEAN community will kick into a new level in 3 years time, and they expect far more competition in the labour market in Thailand, with an influx of foreign workers. One of them said " Good for my business, but bad for our young kids because they are too lazy ".

I do reckon these pan-continental organizations are forces for good though. The US should think radically and contemplate asking Mexico to be the 52nd state, ( Puerto Rico will likely become the 51st state after a plebiscite scheduled later this year ). The boost that would bring to the economy with the free movement of cheap labour would be astounding. The problem with that is that the white tribe in the US fear being overwhelmed by the Hispanic tribe, even though it is already a demographic certainty. The day of the white tribe being in power is coming to an end.

Interesting comment but I have to agree, I find the Thais very lazy in general.

Quite simply I am reporting as heard.......it appears that even the Thais know that they are not up to the competition, at the moment. On the other hand necessity is a hard task master.

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"The Irish pray on their knees, the Scots prey on their neighbors"

Is tha as far as tribalism goes or just the fact that history taints to the point that people have forgotten the message itself?

I havent heard that one before but sounds about right to me biggrin.png

The victorious tribe always writes the history.

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The horse has already bolted maxme, the high birthrate Catholic Hispanics are outbreeding the White Protestants, so now we can add even more labels to divide into tribal camps.

What does it matter on the day that the first Hispanic US president is elected? Will it not be a validation that the social inclusion experiment worked? Or will the White Tribe fear it?

Does it not matter merely that said president is an outstanding American? Just as many other Hispanics are outstanding Americans, or will the thousands of years of tribal profiling cause a resentment that cannot be undone?


What is an American?

What is an Hispanic?

What is a Scot?

What is a European?

Can go on and on and on.

Somehow it is convenient to talk/write about some collective entity which does not exist.

The history of America, Scotland etc.

The reality of Jock Mac, who was a Scot.

So is it realy tribalism?

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The horse has already bolted maxme, the high birthrate Catholic Hispanics are outbreeding the White Protestants, so now we can add even more labels to divide into tribal camps.

What does it matter on the day that the first Hispanic US president is elected? Will it not be a validation that the social inclusion experiment worked? Or will the White Tribe fear it?

Does it not matter merely that said president is an outstanding American? Just as many other Hispanics are outstanding Americans, or will the thousands of years of tribal profiling cause a resentment that cannot be undone?


What is an American?

What is an Hispanic?

What is a Scot?

What is a European?

Can go on and on and on.

Somehow it is convenient to talk/write about some collective entity which does not exist.

The history of America, Scotland etc.

The reality of Jock Mac, who was a Scot.

So is it realy tribalism?

I suppose we could divert this arguement either into etymology, or qualification rules for international rugby league, but for once, perhaps we could make a bona fide effort to maintain the topic? - just to prove that we can?

Like racism, there is no need for there to be a real definitive difference between the different groups of people; it is enough that race exists in people's minds, regardless of whether it exists in biological science. Race may be something from social sciences rather than biological sciences, and saying that there is no biological justification is like complaining about offside in American Football. (I take racism, rather than tribalism, because the issues are more clear-cut). Theblether's point is that we establish tribes in order to discriminate because of an apparent need to have discriminate between 'them' and 'us', and we may use perceived nationality, or religion, or football affiliations, or whatever.

At the school I went to, we did not care about the grandparent rule that the International Rugby Board applies; you got a kicking based solely on accent.


'So this fella shines a torch in the car - "Any catholics in this car?"


"Just checking; you cannae tell, they look mair and mair like us a' the time"

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We have already started to build larger effective units (US, EU etc.) that we finally can merge together to one

global unit.

If the EU has achieved nothing more than preventing another war from breaking out in Europe then it has done its job.

Definitely something important, but I thought Yugoslavia was in Europe? Anyway, the EU is a nightmare for many reasons - if you're just a poor, working citizen in the UK.

I do reckon these pan-continental organizations are forces for good though.

It depends on one's point of view. Personally, I believe that corporate globalism is the reason for many of the 'ills' in our world.

The US should think radically and contemplate asking Mexico to be the 52nd state, ( Puerto Rico will likely become the 51st state after a plebiscite scheduled later this year ). The boost that would bring to the economy with the free movement of cheap labour would be astounding. The problem with that is that the white tribe in the US fear being overwhelmed by the Hispanic tribe, even though it is already a demographic certainty. The day of the white tribe being in power is coming to an end.

I could (obviously) be wrong, but I suspect that many lower-paid Americans will not greet the entrance of "cheap labour" with joy as they know it will end up reducing their own wages.

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Like your reply St cowboy.

How about familyisn, nepotism, oh dear Mr T again!cheesy.gif

Beatification. That's a bit papist, isn't it?

Thaksin's a papist? That's why his eyes are so close together. And there was me wondering why he was so ugly in spite of being HiSo SinoThai. His grandad was an Irish navvy digging canals explains it all.
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We have already started to build larger effective units (US, EU etc.) that we finally can merge together to one

global unit.

If the EU has achieved nothing more than preventing another war from breaking out in Europe then it has done its job.

Definitely something important, but I thought Yugoslavia was in Europe? Anyway, the EU is a nightmare for many reasons - if you're just a poor, working citizen in the UK.

I do reckon these pan-continental organizations are forces for good though.

It depends on one's point of view. Personally, I believe that corporate globalism is the reason for many of the 'ills' in our world.

The US should think radically and contemplate asking Mexico to be the 52nd state, ( Puerto Rico will likely become the 51st state after a plebiscite scheduled later this year ). The boost that would bring to the economy with the free movement of cheap labour would be astounding. The problem with that is that the white tribe in the US fear being overwhelmed by the Hispanic tribe, even though it is already a demographic certainty. The day of the white tribe being in power is coming to an end.

I could (obviously) be wrong, but I suspect that many lower-paid Americans will not greet the entrance of "cheap labour" with joy as they know it will end up reducing their own wages.

Point one......Yugoslavia was not in the EU and it was the EU core countries led by NATO that put an end to the war. Feel free to point me in the direction of two EU members that have clashed in armed conflict since being admitted to the EU???Point 2.....This is not global capitalization at play, this is social inclusion at play, countries opening borders and removing false barriers and prejudices. It's not the same thing.Point 3.....I agree, however on the other hand an upsurge in economic activity will benefit everyone in the North Americas.

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The horse has already bolted maxme, the high birthrate Catholic Hispanics are outbreeding the White Protestants, so now we can add even more labels to divide into tribal camps.

What does it matter on the day that the first Hispanic US president is elected? Will it not be a validation that the social inclusion experiment worked? Or will the White Tribe fear it?

Does it not matter merely that said president is an outstanding American? Just as many other Hispanics are outstanding Americans, or will the thousands of years of tribal profiling cause a resentment that cannot be undone?


What is an American?

What is an Hispanic?

What is a Scot?

What is a European?

Can go on and on and on.

Somehow it is convenient to talk/write about some collective entity which does not exist.

The history of America, Scotland etc.

The reality of Jock Mac, who was a Scot.

So is it realy tribalism?

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If you belive that nothing should be done about the hughe unbalance in use of resources in the world which causes numerous conflicts I guess it's fine as it is if your born into the right group.

If not, I assume that the consequence will be that some have to pay the price to improve other economies. This is what happening within Europe today, thus some people think it is a bad idea.

For me globalisation is the fair and necessary way and Thailand is among the winners.

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