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Do I Need A Return Flight From Thailand With A 60 Day Visa From Us

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Hello Im going to Thailand from the US and I am going to get a 60 day visa... Will I need a departure ticket from Thailand for that visa? Either it be the immigration department or the airlines...

I want to go for 60 days so I can take the time to shop for a language school in Bangkok then apply to the school and get permission from the Ministry of Education in Thailand...Then from there I will be in hopes to get my 1yr ED-Visa...

Im concerned about the airlines letting me on the plane with out a return flight even though I will have a 60 day visa..

If you have any experience with this please share or any suggestions please tell.

Im planing on going to "Thai Solutions" language school but worried about sending the tuition over seas from the US I would rather do in person...



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So I can get a one way trip to Bangkok and have no wories with the airlines if I have a 60 day visa...

When I go to get my 1yr ED visa in Thailand do I do the border run or do I have to go in person to the Thai embasy in Cambodia I forgot the name it might be Pom pen?

I know you have to check in and do the border run every 90 days. but that is a bus that goes to the border. and they handle everything for you at a casino....

Is that were I will have to go or actually enter the country and aply in person to the thai embasy.

Edited by keithet
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1. You may require an exit ticket by Consulate to issue visa but not by airline or immigration. And being American and applying there believe most Consulates will not require.

2. To change for language study you will most likely have to visit a Consulate outside Thailand to obtain the ED visa. Single entry.

3. Once in school you extend your stay every 90 days with school paperwork and normal TM.7 extension of stay application costing 1,900 baht. You do not cross any borders.

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If I were to just pay the one yr tuition for "Thai Solutions" language school and get my one year ed visa and act out of trust to send this company money over seas.

Has any one herd of any reviews from this school?

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Im just so confused on this whole topic it is hard to get a strait awnser on any web sites...I even chatted with the Thai embassy and they said I would have to check with the airlines....

As far as Thai Solutions Language school it is in some blogs that I read...There was some positive and a couple negatives...I think the negatives were just about noise level in the school...

Its like every link I get to ask my question...The awnser pases the buck on to another person...Like Airlines, Thai Embassy, or Thai immigration...

I just want to not waist money on any unnecessary things like a plane ticket or Tuition to a fraud school...

Im disabled and I thought this would be a good way to better my knowledge with schools and not be bored and broke in California LOL

I think Im just going to enrole in the school and get my one Yr Ed visa...

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I have gone many times with a one way ticket, both with and without a visa.

The one time I was questioned I just said I was touring and was going to take a train out ....

For a country with land borders the insistence on a flight is just silly.

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