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An Ethical Dilemma: I Would Appreciate Some Advice


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If I am paying for a bar girl, I have no problem paying for consensual services....

However, I just watched a documentary that was depicting Cambodian indentured servants, and I have no desire to make some person miserable by contributing to their plight.

That said: Are the ladies of BKK getting muscled from pimps, or is it okay to play "fun" and walk away with mutual benefits?

I'm expecting some snide remarks, but for those of you in the know, please share your input.

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OP, good question. Yes we all have seen documentaries of terribly poor young girls either sold or taken into slavery. Yes under those circumstances abiding in a P4P tryst is over the line . However as it pertains to Pattaya/ Bangkok/ Phuket I know a few of the bargirls very well in fact went out with one for a few years.


1) They are there to earn money and free to go home whenever they wish

2) They have their own passport / ID card in their possession different from some of the smuggled girls as above

3) Some of them earn a small fortune.. one lady we know is deaf but does very good business so much so that her daughter has a new ipad and she has a new car and just bought a house out Buriram way.

Im not saying you shouldn't have thoughts about this and certainly understand where your thinking is but as it pertains to Pattaya/ Bangkok girls working I would say that if you take from a recognised club or site or place then they have a better life than allot of equivalents upcountry.

To me the dividing line is contingent on two questions

a) Is this girl here of her own choosing and

B) Is she free to leave or go home at her own will

If answer is yes to both then ethically as far as your topic goes you are covered.

Of course there will be those around who will claim that paying for sexual favours breaches their ethics... key word is " their" and they are entitled to their opinion and stance.

So if you want to take a girl out for some rumpy pumpy.. go for it old son...


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The pimps are the bar owners and usually the only threats they will make to the girls are no wages if no bar fines or not meeting lady drink quotas.

If the girl is free to leave the bar with customers then I would be 99.9% certain that she is not any sort of slave.

If however you are taken to a place with a heavy on the door, pick a girl and do the business on the premises, then I wouldn't be so sure. I've never seen such a place but I'm sure that they exist, especially for clientelle that like a very young companion.

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If the girl is free to leave the bar with customers then I would be 99.9% certain that she is not any sort of slave.

If however you are taken to a place with a heavy on the door, pick a girl and do the business on the premises, then I wouldn't be so sure. I've never seen such a place but I'm sure that they exist, especially for clientelle that like a very young companion.

Agreed. The Thai men's brothels with indentured girls were all over the place 20 years ago, but far and few between these days.

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